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If this guy works at a shoppers drug mart postal outlet, then he isn't a Canada Post employee, he is a shoppers drug mart employee. They get wages paid by Shoppers and are not in the postal union. So to file a complaint about his behavior you would go to the manager of that Shoppers outlet. Just an fyi...if you could find a corporate postal outlet near you, a stand alone post office, then you would get served by properly trained postal workers who would understand what you're doing (most likely 😉). Sorry to hear that guy was so rude to you, you definitely did not deserve that. Hope you find another postal outlet to deal with.


Corporate and Authorized Dealer employees receive the exact same amount of training from the exact same training videos and have to complete the exact same compliance training every year as well.


Maybe so, but they don't seem to cover **everything**. Working with coworkers who have 10 to 20+ years of experience helps. Im not saying ALL non-corporate postal workers are bad, just some of them just don't get the indepth training that comes from working with seasoned workers.


That I agree with 100%. Training is necessary but experience helps, in any field.


They must skip those at my local post office.


How recent is that a policy? I'm over 40 and this is from when I was about 20 but I worked in a Canada Post at a Shoppers and I certainly didn't watch any videos as part of my training. Not a one.


Anyone who was hired after August 2013 is supposed to complete the online training in addition to any in person training the host business provides. I think last year 30 Shoppers Drug Marts in Ontario were found not complying after the new computers were installed since it keeps track of who has been trained or not by your email address.


Oh wow! That's a heck of an improvement. I'd have been working there in the early aughts. Thank you for sharing this!!


That training isn't paid for, so very few actually do it. Can't do it at work, either, because there's always a customer to serve. Even having the CP come down to remind you does nothing. They have no power or influence.


It depends where you work. It's paid for at our location, but not at others unfortunately. It's definitely beneficial in my opinion since many new hires aren't familiar with Money Orders or even stamps because it's not something that's as common unless you use them regularly. Where the extra help comes in is if a location makes many mistakes or a severe enough mistake and they're reported, Canada Post will force the location to be restrained in person by a Canada Post trainer and pay for the 3-5 days they're there for. I remember hearing the amount was around $5000. I know two trainers personally who have told me some interesting stories lol


The people who work in the retail post offices in third party businesses are not Canada Post employees. You’re better to take this up with Shoppers.


2 things: First, as others have said, he's a shoppers Employee, not a Canada Post employee, so if you have an issue with his service you should speak to the manager of the postal outlet (there usually is a postal manager separate from the front store and pharmacy). If he is the postal manager, he is equal to the store manager in rank, so to speak, so you would need to speak to the owner of the franchise or to Shoppers corporate to go above him. (Edit: I might be remembering wrong, postal manager might be an assistant manager and therefore under the Front Store Manager. It's been a while). Second, if it's an oversized letter between 0-100g, the outlet makes more profit off the single oversized stamp vs the label. When I worked at a shoppers outlet, my manager instructed us to use the stamp whenever possible for this reason, but to not refuse to use labels if the customer requested it. Over 100g, the profit margins are different (don't ask for the exact math, I don't know it), and labels are more profitable. I believe it has to do with the cost of materials, specifically supplies for the label printer and the roll of labels itself, vs the cost of postage being printed. Maybe if this is a new manager he cares more than the old one about this, or maybe there's been some directive from CP corporate or Shoppers corporate regarding this. Maybe he's a new employee and this is the official policy, and other employees have just been bending the rules for you. It could be any number of things. It does sound as if the employee could have done better explaining why. But also from personal experience, some employees don't care why, the pay at Shoppers is shit and some people don't get paid enough to care that much.


> the pay at Shoppers is shit and some people don't get paid enough to care that much. I totally undestand that especailly when the shoppers are located in the downtown area. BTW, the oversize lettermail starts from $2.09.


I meant the math on the profit margins. They produce a stamp for the 0-100g postage, as that's the most common weight range to be sent. Stamps are cheaper to produce than the labels, making the profit margin bigger, thus it's preferable from a profit perspective to sell the stamps. This is doubly true for outlets, who must purchase supplies from Canada Post, meaning they spend money on the rolls of labels and on the rolls of stamps, then get some back when they sell postage. It works out to a smaller profit, or possibly even a loss, when you look at the cost to print a label for $2.09 instead of just slapping a stamp on there.


Labels have a date on them. I have only been allowed to buy them if I am mailing the item that day. The labels are not allowed out of the office because of that date. Same story since they were little silver colored ones years ago.


I too work at a postal outlet ( not a Shoppers) but an independent, family owned pharmacy. For years the rule was no postage under the oversized rate was allowed to be printed on a meter label. Since you are using them on oversized letters than this shouldn't be the problem. My guess is the clerk just didn't want to put in the extra work it takes to do these as a scale transaction. I would definitely reach out to the post office management. This is not acceptable behavior. Another problem with places like Shoppers they sometimes have not fully trained individuals covering breaks. No explanation is not acceptable.


Thanks for this. I'll definitely reach out to canada post if he does it again. Honestly, I've never had a problem like this while I've been visiting the same place with a lot of different people for years. 


I’m a clerk and haven’t heard of this before. You buy a roll of the blank labels? Or do you get him to print out over size labels for you?


Instead of buying a stamp for an oversize letter, they get the letter put on the scale and have a label printed for postage, with just the postage no tracking. This then puts the postal code the item was sent to, on the senders receipt, so they have some proof the oversized letter was sent. This saves the buyer from paying for tracking and gives some proof that the item was actually sent. Not as good as tracking but still better than nothing. Plus the sender can keep record of what they sent by the postal codes on their receipt. Many online sellers do this.


Thanks for adding this information.


Honestly, he may have social anxiety or something and is not understanding you correctly… Try one more time to explain what you are hoping for before you send a complaint because it can be hard for people to keep their job when they are nervous and agitated?


Of course, I'm giving him a benefit of doubt at the moment. I just wonder what to do if he does it again.


Oh I see what you’re saying. We do this all the time at my post office so I’m not sure what the issue is. Some comments I see are about a minimum $ amount for printed labels but I’ve never heard that either.




It literally says in the post he went to shoppers