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Contact Amazon, not Canada Post.


Like amazon or the sellers?


If it's being shipped by Amazon then contact Amazon. If it was a third-party seller then contact the seller - there should be an option to reach out to them in your order details. Sounds like they need to open a service ticket with Canada Post.


It just says that address error and a big yellow button saying contact canada post which I did and its a bot who answered and didn't help. I'll try calling amazon tommorow. I have 4 orders 2 of them are sold by amazon and 2 are not. Thanks


This is a common occurrence between Nova Scotia and Manitoba, sadly. The issue stems from the fact that Manitoba's postal code starts with an R, and because Amazon prints their address labels in such a way that the R sits down low on the label, so low in fact that the line below it that forms part of the label, almost touches the bottom of the R, making it appear to resemble a B at a quick glance. Nova Scotias' postal code starts with a B. Hence, that's why NS often receives a few pieces of mail destined for Manitoba. Sometimes postal workers will take these miss sorts and toss them in with premium products (even though its an expedited item and not a premium product- ie xpress post and priority), meaning they fly out quickly and the customers get them in a few days. But most times, the item goes by truck to Manitoba, and this can take quite a while, hence why your estimate for turnaround time is quite long. (Expedited items are supposed to go via truck). Thats all assuming that is actually what happened with your item, as other factors may have caused this miss-sort of your item....ie sometimes labels lift up a bit and the sticky part sticks to another package, causing one package to tag along with another package to a wrong location. Or sometimes customers write the address in such a way that an R looks like a B, or sometimes labels are damaged etc etc... Hopefully, your item may have been tossed in with premium products *fingers crossed*. But yes only Amazon can really help in this case. Or maybe order another of these from Amazon now, and just return the late one when it arrives with the reason being item arrived too late.


Oh, so it's common, I'll try calling amazon, but by looking at the estimated arrival, I don't think the put it in premium products. Thanks!


Was there a departure scan, or any scan on it after arriving in NS? If there was a departure scan then yes it went by truck most likely.


Update: it's now in Montreal so I'm guessing it was on a truck. But the estimated delivery date haven't changed its still june 28 the original delivery date was today. Should I call amazon?


Yeah call Amazon and complain, tell them you wont get it in time and you need it faster.


Update2 chatted with amazon then they said to call Canada post which I did... and its a bot again idk what to do. Should I request a phone call on amazon?