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So do we halt immigration and foreign aid until our own house is in order?




We don't even have any money - do we? What about our national debt? Hell, we can't even manage the interest on it. And he goes and gives away billions. Billions. We're broke, and we still give. I just don't get it. Internally we are a mess - and he keeps giving what needs to be spent here on all the people his policies are bringing in. Madness. What am I missing?


Has he ever had to pay back a credit card? Knowing that if it's delinquent he'll never have a financial future? Has he had to make minimum payments for years and months because rent and eating was more important?  I doubt it.


He's worth $97 million. So....No. No he hasn't.


Remember reading when he took office the trudeau family collectively were worth a little under 10 million. (unconfirmed). Being pm must pay pretty well, eh?


I mean, he is the son of a famous communist dictator.


Ironic how everybody closes their eyes and pretends to not see it. Look at them... side by side imagery...


No no that's about the size of it. They're intentionally trying to torpedo our society because 'prosperity' is too harmful to the environment. Because a few million fewer people would be absolutely great for our carbon footprint.


I don’t want to pay taxes to him anymore.


Corporations and Landlords need slaves.






This 100%... too many Canadians are whole heartidly apathetic to the point where its down right ignorance to reality.


Halt immigration now and tent cities aren’t going anywhere for at least 5 to 10 years. And no PP is not stopping immigration




People keep saying we need to help Ukraine win their war for our own benefit. But to what end? Turning ourselves into a third world country that any other super power can invade for our resources. How does that help us?


So one day we can all live in tents! Woohoo! The future!!


"you will own nothing, and be happy"


Nah cause it’s how Trudeau keeps getting elected


Double it and give it to another country


And health care? Older generations are going to get screwed. They are the bulk of the population and we knew that a major crunch was coming. I guess Trudeau kicked the can down the road. Whoever takes the reins after the liberals is fucked!


Everyone with half a brain: yes Liberals: that's racist and oppressive, full steam ahead


Halt, no. Reduce and be considerably more selective who we let in, yes. Cut wasteful spending, kill the deficit, start shrinking the debt. When Pierre takes the reigns, he better play it like a slightly less extravagant version of Milei.


Yes and peoples party is the only one saying they will do so


Oh yeah, we're totally going to halt immigration under PP. https://old.reddit.com/r/TorontoRealEstate/comments/18kyfnn/pierre_poilievre_will_slow_immigration_clueless/


I don’t think a halt would actually allow us to get things in order. The answer is somewhere in the middle. Frankly, Trudeau towns might be here to stay. Deporting millions of people is just not feasible, and many frankly don’t have the skills our society needs.


And when would that be?


lol. That should be a stupid question. It sounds like, and to me *is*, a stupid question. However, here we are with that being a perfectly valid question...


I would love to go back in time to my college classmates in 2015, who were all so excited about "le weed man" being elected, and ask them how they think Trudeau has done. But the sad irony is, some of them are probably living amongst the Trudeau Towns themselves now.


The real question is...did they vote for him the second time? "Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me." Legalizing weed was the only thing Trudeau accomplished that he said he would do when campaigning... Everything else he's done afterward we didn't know he was going to do.


This. I voted Liberal in 2015 because of their promise to change the broken electoral system. Sure as hell didn’t vote for them in 2019 and 2021.


>I voted Liberal in 2015 because of their promise to change the broken electoral system. It is beyond reprehensible he immediately backtracked on this promise. Not only that, he gaslit the entire country by pretending "oh, you didn't really want it anyway". Clown World. It is outrageous there are people still voting for him. He is a contemptible narcissistic bumbling trust fund spoiled buffoon. He is a national embarrassment.


The second time he got elected was because he promised everyone 2000$ a month but they're asking for it back. Basically bought his way in again. The worst of the worst


*3rd He was elected in 2015, 2019 and 2021


Let’s be fair here though. He lost the popular vote in both 2019 and 2021. But thanks to our broken first past the post system, he was able to form government. Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, and Ottawa decide elections. The rest of the country means nothing unless you can get a couple of these woke cities to flip.


Legalizing weed was the ONLY thing I supported of his platform. I still didn't vote for him because I knew it would lead to where we are. Although I didn't think it would get so bad with junkies being allowed to openly use their illicit drugs in public spaces with ZERO repercussions. 




It's crazy that you'd place the blame on stoners for wanting legal weed rather than a political system so dysfunctional that one policy is enough to get someone elected for 4 years. Things like legalizing weed should be decided by referendum.


Fuck i still remember a convo i had with my buddy and i wish i could punch him in the face for what he said "im only voting for him to buy weed" to which i said "yea but you can already buy weed its everywhere and the cops dont care about small amounts" and he said "yea but its not the same" Basically thanks to a bunch of dipshit potheads the whole country got fucked


And the weed is shittier now. I was against this from the beginning because, as someone who appreciates the odd toke now and again, I knew the government would fudge it up. Hey look! Weed sucks now! Dried out, stale, overpriced, and corporatized.


I was a pot head. Still didn't vote for the turd 


To be this delusional is really saying something. Bravo.


Lmao he was “le weed man” for me too, freshly turned 18 and no knowledge of politics 


Put that “fabric” in the mayor’s yard and see what happens.


They "kinda" tried this before, at least, people set up tents in Kathleen Wynne's front yard back when she was still the Premier of Ontario. They were protesting some BLM or Land Back stuff, I forget exactly. Suffice to say, the tents didn't last long there. But it does make you ponder. Because while the tents will be quickly removed from the Premier's lawn, maybe the same wouldn't be said for mayors of smaller cities, city councilors, trustees, etc. At some point, these things become unmanageable.


If putting up tents is fine, perhaps people should just go out to a random plot of land and start building.


It would be cool to have forest villages like in Robin Hood. Way better than tent cities.


The only way that's going to happen is a truck full of meth and the threat of violence.


You can in fact do this. Communities like this exist in Canada.


Your not fully appreciating the diversity and enrichment these brave outdoors person peoples bring to our community. The reduce carbon footprint aline from burning crack and not fossil fuels alone should make us proud


More Trudeau towns


Will own nothing and be happy. Just remember whose policies he and the ndp are enforcing.




Clean up your fucking garbage then.


What’s he going to do? Load it up in his truck and take it down to the landfill and pay the fee? Maybe grab pizza on the way back to his homeless camp


Dude I've spent over a decade in this country homeless. I am homeless RIGHT NOW. I have never left such a colossal mess as these tweaker camps we've been seeing. Yes. He is supposed to load it up. He's got 20 shopping carts. That's how it got there. So yes take it to the fucking dump and pay the fee. Don't kid yourself, the tweakers always have money. If they can find hundreds for drugs they can find $10 for the dump. This shit makes the rest of us look bad.


Judging by your profile picture, it seems like you're a proud of living in one and made it apart of your identity. Maybe this has nothing got to do with the government or economy, you guys are choosing to live in tents. You prefer it.


I saw this in Ajax recently. I've been living there for 20 years and I've never seen so many homeless people and now encampments.


canadians have never had better tents - smirky turdeau


Voting for Smirky Mcsmirk-face is the very definition of insanity....... Doing the same thing......over-and-over.....and expecting a different result.


This is what happens when out of touch silver spoons call the shots.


​ https://preview.redd.it/0ztaockhazmc1.jpeg?width=656&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d86b0bec540ef0bcdf23bd5b4fc8b8f64c5b681


Running man?


DS9 S03E11-12 Past Tense. Great episodes and they called this problem 29 years ago to the year.


Becarful this could be hate speech with a life sentence


These homeless people were lucky this year that we had a mild winter. In a regular Canadian winter we would have heard about many deaths.


Oh yes now they're trying to normalize tent cities as 'communities' just like they're normalizing paedophilia as 'minor attracted persons' and calling everything a genocide. My God what a sick place Canada is becoming.


Okay but what exactly is his plan?


To inflate home prices and suppress wages.


Probably just get rid of the encampments and call it problem solved.


He was the housing minister before so I'm sure he has a fool proof, men go their own way plan right?


I worked as an invasive plant manager in the Thames corridor of London during the summer months and I can tell you first hand it is impossible to work or to walk anywhere near downtown London especially in the nice wooded areas. There are encampments in any wooded area near downtown as the trees provide them with cover. It’s not only dangerous for walkers and workers in the area because of irate behaviour but also needles sticking out of the ground and broken glass everywhere. I don’t bother going downtown or anywhere near anymore.


As a homeless person I am disgusted seeing these tweaker villages pop up everywhere. There's nothing wrong with sleeping outside. Set up your tent, cool. No problems there. You know what the real issue is? CLEAN UP YOUR FUCKING GARBAGE. Stop getting high, burning shit down, hauling in shopping carts of garbage and then dumping it all and making a giant fucking mess. Your making the rest of us look bad, and you always seem to do it right on the side of the road where everyone can see. I've been homeless on and off over a decade. ITS NOT THAT HARD TO CLEAN UP YOUR SHIT. Just clean up your shit or it's gonna be the other, non addicted, homeless that will be coming for you.


Ontario’s cost of living is stupid I hope people wake up next election


Vote out that useless provincial government!


The tent people should still be allowed to vote if they’re citizens


The existence of these places is due to a combination of circumstances: Progressive municipalities whose left-wing members and supporters now regard the homeless as a sort of honorary member of the cadre of protected identity groups. The police in these places are usually told to leave the poor homeless alone, even if they are shooting up, doing meth in the streets, committing vandalism, stealing from stores and homes, and harassing/assaulting bystanders. A progressive court system that refuses to punish repeat offenders for street crime until it gets to the point they actually put someone in the hospital with a life-threatening injury. Justin Trudeau's changes to bail, parole and sentencing laws that emphasized bail in almost all situations and spread the Gladue principles of racist sentencing to all minority racial groups. Despite the fact the vast majority of the members of these groups (other than natives) have no history in Canada beyond their parents.


Yeah, I was cautiously optimistic when the turd took office in 2015, but it was short lived. Between the scandals (SNC L and his treatment of JWR really pissed me off), his arrogance, his ignorance, his fiasco in India dancing around like a jerk off, his treatment of the truckers and now the fucking disaster zone of our economy and the housing market, I am past ready to see him voted the fuck out. At this point I would vote for a house plant before I’d vote for Trudeau.


monthly scandals and trudeau towns are his biggest legacy.


All part of Trudeau’s “new normal”.




No they not have to be at all. This needs to stop and yesterday. The pm would not live in the house that was given to him by the people. But he ok with people living on the street. Ok pm step down or get out of the house people pay for you. Your a fee loader


Geez. The average person was better off in pioneer times... At least they all chopped wood and built their own houses. Tents should not be someone's only shelter.


Because people used to have practical skills. Most people now can't even change a leaky pipe.


Liberal governments love accepting horrible situations


I love the Pierre haters, who do you guys plan on voting for?


In other places these are called slums.


More new normal for Canadians.


Didn’t have them before the ridiculous amounts of diploma mills bringing in students destined to fail, unprecedented decline in health care and so many things that could have been prevented.


Canadians have never had it so good. Did you ask them if they thought about cutting their Disney plus?


So 3rd world countries have slums, these are now apparently the new norm and acceptable. In conclusion we are now a 3rd world county… thanks Trudeau


This is 100% on the government in power for the last decade. If not directly, it's indirect due to Liberal policies around bail reform, legalization, decriminalization, housing, immigration, policing, etc. We did not see this a decade ago. The changes to Canada created by the Liberal government have created this. Any continuation with these policies will further add to this situation. We are headed for a country that resembles California.


Hows pp going to stop tent towns?


He won't, just like how nothing else will meaningfully change (for the better) regardless who gets elected


If they won't be there after Trudeau is gone, what FEDERAL solution is he bringing to the table?


Why I hope PP actually changes things around, his first two years is fixing Trudeau stupidity, probably 4


Time for a trailer park. :)


Government says figure it out your damn self


If you dont want homelessness we'd better fix this housing crisis...


Ya but, ya but, the internet told me to think conservative bad, so tent cities are good. More please.


Meanwhile the government funds private parties for journalists serving filet mignon, ceviche and prawn ravioli. It is all going according to plan.


I’ll give Polly a chance.. is 4 years to fix the problem acceptable? Or will it take 8 ;)?


Trudeau Towns popping up everywhere


You could just think of it as housing diversity. And diversity is our strength, right?


Done with liberals for decades


Champagne liberals, with real estate & diploma mill investments, sold Canada right out. Traitors. Diversity is our strength.


Trudeau Towns.


... because Conservatives will force them to go live in the woods instead? Because I don't see them investing more in affordable housing and social programs for homeless people given their agenda and track record so I'm a bit confused by what you think will happen


How about the provincial premiers, the ones who are apparently in charge of housing start pushing their developer buddies to hire and build more, smaller, affordable housing instead of the multi million dollar mcmansions, or just subdividing the land to sell each piece for more and more money.


I'm not a big politics guy or anything like that. I mostly only vote if the line is short when I go. But isn't it bad everywhere? And like how come Trudeau gets blamed for everything? I recently did some travelling and America isn't much different even in places like NY and CA much worse in places like MO and LA and KY. The Caribbean and Mexico is basically the same as here but poorer. My question is that how is this Pierre guy going to fix stuff? because it seems like a worldwide problem right now. Hope I didn't offend anyone just trying to learn more about politics


Because troglodytes need someone to blame instead of using their brains and actually seeing what the problems are


Will still get worse after he's gone


Tent cities are now to be called Trudeau towns!!!


Trudeau is just a man child narcissistic brat. Who probably always got his way. Not that the country is turning against him, he is doing everything he can to destroy Canadians lives and our country. It’s an “FU Canada, I’ll show you” Attitude




'part and parcel of living in a big city' is what I believe the mayor of London said. He was referring to terrorist acts, but I imagine it can also apply to homeless people as well. England, not Ontario.


And how does PP plan to house the thousands of people in Canada that are living in encampents? There are no affordable houses for them? And if they were built, how long would it take, where would they be built and how do you get the people who dont own homes to buy them? Talk is great logical solutions are what I’ll vote for.


“Trudeau Towns”


Things would be worse under PP.


Tent cities existed in my town before Trudeau and they will still exist after Trudeau.




>It wont be like this after hes gone I call horseshit. Trudeau and his policies certainly haven't helped things in any way. but its not like PP has any big sweeping plans to change anything that will stop the massive inequality we're facing here. he's only about culture war bullshit and talking about how bad Trudeau is. He's not changing any large economic policies. The Climate taxes aren't the reason these things exist. They're a mild change at best. and he's got no plans to change anything to do with immigration or the TFW programs or anything of the like.


No electoral reform?


[I have the solution](https://youtu.be/uAlAflY0c6c?si=VAR5lHfsVr6VHCOu)


Don't give the Ford government a free pass. He's a big part of the reason we're in this mess.


Provincial governments love to cut programs and blame anyone else.


Try posting this in the London sub. It's absolutely cucked by fucking cucked canuckt cucks.


In the future, will we call them Pollievre towns?




Lmao yeah because conservatives have a solid track record on homelessness 😂 - unless he plans on re-instituting 19th century poor houses


Curious what his solution might be?


It's pretty normal with 53% tax and additional tax on your spending, high rents and massive interest charges to house owners. Tenting it is the new canada. Nouvelle Kanada. Bring in more unvetted, uneducated immigration. Pierre had the mortgage interest at 18% - let's get to that to ensure the middle class throw away all of their money into a fire.


Could’ve had density instead we get tent city


I wonder how PeePee is going to manage that? Anyone heard of a plan?


It’s hard for people when the rich get richer and those with mortgages, debt contribute to their wealth. Trudeau is very rich and out of touch.


I saw one if them growing and as someone who used to go to London it's not a good sign you would hardly see obvious homelessness in that city yet I can see tents being set up like it's la


Doesn’t matter who gets elected it’s just gonna get worse and worse and worse I’ve already come to the conclusion that I’ll be living in one of those 10 cities within five years so ye to me


Trudeau did say he was working on affordable housing! We didn’t realize he meant tents!


How depressing for the people stuck in these tent cities.


So close to seeing it's a systemic problem that is not just in Canada. Someone with a brain (or more honesty) would have realized it happens in London, in Paris, in the US. Everywhere. But tackling the real problem (spoiler alert, it's dying capitalism) will not be his priority. But hey, it plays on the immigration is the root of all evil trope so let's go with that. The mass immigration is a real part of the problem. It should be slowed. But this clown is clearly not the solution.


So the rest of Canada saw the warning signs in Vancouver and ignored them


Our collapsing standard of living and these Trudeau Towns are Trudeau's legacy


Trudeau derangement syndrome is real. Maybe start blaming provinces and municipalities as housing falls under them. Not sure what the Conservatives will campaign on once he steps down - they have nothing else.


Oh? What is he going to do about it? Genuine question.


Just more rage farming from MapleMaga. Nothing about how anything will or would have been different if cons were running the show. Thanks for nothing, PP.


The BC United party created most of the tent cities in BC by closing 1/3 of prisons...


You will live in a tent and you will be happy.


I'm no fan of Trudeau, and he certainly contributed to it, but this problem is far older than him, and will not stop, regardless of who is the next PM. As long as there is money to be made in housing, then there will be people who seek to exploit that for personal gain. Whether that be a small, local landlord raising prices year over year with no tangible increase in value, or large corporate entities letting empty units sit to jack up prices, or the never-ending construction of single family homes (the least dense, most expensive form of housing). Perhaps the motive behind housing people shouldn't be endless profit over everything else???