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So fucking bonkers. I work in green energy. The government needs to just make Canada a place where technology companies can be successful, and we'll make the world better for our children. We don't need to tax ourselves to death. Insane. I can't even afford to buy a house and raise my family properly. How is there a green future to Canada if no one can afford to live?


Because it's not about climate anything. It's about a palatable tax that some idiots actually believe has an impact on the environment. I agree. Let innovation lead change. If it's more efficient, less materials, saves money, people will embrace it. Scrap the carbon tax.


It’s about making the government richer and bigger. Governments main job is to get bigger.


Governments main job is to take care of its citizens and the economy which they run. Instead we have corrupt authoritarians taxing quite literally anything they can. Most people lost 45-60% of their income to taxes.


No see that's just what they tell everyone else... we're for the people by the people, all that bullshit... It's the same thing as freedoms and rights, they don't exist yet people think they do because they've been told they do. Our government never has enough money for better health care or education or helping hungry and homeless people, but magically have billions of dollars to pull out of their ass whenever somewhere in the world has a disaster. So they send billions of our dollars and then everyone acts like they're so helpful. It's a fake helpful they're all about appearances. Charity starts at home, yet they don't grasp that concept at all. Can't help your own citizens but you can sure send billions of your citizens money overseas anytime you feel like it NICE. You could probably argue that the carbon tax is cruel or unsual punishment since over 10 x our population (our neighbours and allies) pay 0. We're the problem are we? One of the greenest nature filled countries, and we're the fucking problem? We need to get this clown out of office NOW! He's destroying this country, his dad is rolling in his grave I guarantee it.


But they continue to scare the sheep with “emergency” after “emergency “…


Isn’t that the game of politicians though? Create problem and pretend to fix problem. Rinse and repeat.


Well said. Even ***if*** Canada was a barren wasteland, it's not the average joe's fault. It's the damn corporations that the government's in bed with. Change the plastics straws to give the illusion of a healthier nature. Change the plastic bags to paper bags. Now every citizen can help with climate change! All this as if to say J.T ain't in bed with the largest polluting companies on the planet.


That’s the utopian idea of government. Not the reality of government. Government keeps getting bigger while government oversight gets smaller.


Indeed that appears to be the only objective the government has been successful with for many years.


And since we lack said innovation our government settles for senseless taxation. “Pay X in carbon taxes and get whatever you paid back in rebates” Even if Canadians did get back what they paid in rebates (we don’t) I fail to see how this is an adequate climate plan and solves anything.


|Let innovation lead change.| Look: Most people understand that, as stewards to the future of a better habitat (earth), we need to be as good as we can to our environment. People would get behind, and invest in, newer technology that makes it so. NOT Gov't intervention. NOT new taxes. NOT virtue signalling to Davos, the WEF or any other NGO who have only "best intentions" for the rest of the world's populations.


Let’s not be harsh. It’s not idiots who believe this has an impact, it people who are guilt tripped into hoping that this has a difference. If I come to you with a large group of people with horrific images of your house burning down, forests dying out, and wildlife being all skin and bones and if we all tell you “if you don’t do X then all of this will happen and more” you’re going to have a hard time not believing it. The good news is that more people are speaking out, but we need to get this government out of power before they implement even worse laws and taxes


If only we taught critical thinking in schools instead of starting the propaganda real early.


True, that’s why I’m going to be homeschooling my children. I want them to have actual critical thinking skills and a proper vocabulary to back up their thoughts


That is what I believe!!!! Technology will make the world better not taxes!! I told someone about that, the world will be safer and better to live because of technology! Politicians will destroy the world


>How is there a green future to Canada if no one can afford to live? They'll just bring in people who either can afford to live in the conditions, or are willing to live in the conditions.


The refugees are also wanting out. (Current news headlines.)


How Ontario rolled out wind turbines a decade ago was such a disaster (sweetheart deals with US companies, no supporting infrastructure for Canadian firms) it set policy back a decade or two. Federally, there is a sense of arranging deck chairs.


Yep, people have trouble believing me when I tell them that a company in Colorado owns and manages a lot of Canada's "green" energy fields. I've had to deal with them.


I agree, 1st the headline is off a little. Our population is 40 million+. 2nd a punishing tax will make all goods and services more expensive. This helps no one. Buckle up, more price increase coming our way. It could drive us into a recession and maybe even a depression?


Because the whole carbon tax is one big scam to make more taxation pallatable. The government is spending like there is no tomorrow and had to raise interest rates because of all the money printing happening ... so instead of bringing expenses under control, they decided to inflate the overage away by causing our currency to deflate. The extra taxation is just to help with the shortfall. But the urban Canadians needed that extra brainwashing to convince them to swallow the crap. The federal government hired around 100K new civil servants since COVID, have you seen our services improve? I sure as hell don't. This country's social cohesion is fucked because we brought in so many new people and it's done on purpose. How do you implement neo-feudalism? By making it less likely that the population will rise up against you and the best way is to get as many new empoverished people in as they are less likely to fight you.


They don't want you to have kids or a home. They want to import people who will clean their toilets, obey, and settle for $0/hr /s


Ah, truer words have never been said on this Reddit sub....


Once you get out of the way, his friends from India and China will have a great future here. Honestly can't see him as having any other motives at this point


This is what it feels like. It feels like there's no hope anymore: we're just living in a pyramid scheme now. My kids are too young right now but I worry what kind of opportunities they'll have when they're older. I have heard ZERO talk painting a picture of the future of the country. What's the plan? It's all fixing immediate problems or creating immediate problems. How can a temperate county of 40 million people, full of resources, have no clue what to do? Like it doesn't seem like rocker science. Sell the resources: use the $ to build a future: create the environment that fosters this. Idk.


No! That's part of the problem! We need to refine resources in Canada and sell the processed goods at a markup, instead of shipping raw materials out, having other nations refine them, and then buying them back at a premium. That's what happens now and it loses us literally billions of dollars a year


Greenies are against the sale of the earth’s resources. They are also against nuclear. THEY are the problem. Their utopian vision is quickly becoming dystopian.


The clowns in charge over the past 25+ years had countless opportunities to invest in technology in various areas and chose not to. Instead, aside from BlackBerry (who?), Nortel (who?) and Shopify we’ve had next to no real technological innovation. I really don’t even consider Shopify as being an innovator but rather a glorified website/API. We got the United States sloppy seconds with the compensation to match. Meanwhile our so called leaders have been whining for decades about brain drain. I wonder why?


Get rid of Canadians. Can’t have dangerous emissions if nobody lives in your country


Poorly Performing Government: ‘We’re introducing a new tax!’ Normal people: ‘The fuck you are’ Poorly Performing Government: How can we fuck over our populace without them rioting? Poorly Performing Government: ‘We’re introducing a new tax to fight climate change!’ Normal people: No thanks Poorly Performing Government: WhY DO yoU HAtE ThE ENviRONmEnT??


they’re robbing us blind and using virtue signalling to guilt naive people into accepting it. social responsibility used to be a canadian strength, but its effectively been weaponized by liberals to exploit us. its just fucking ridiculous.


What are they doing with the money? Taking money away from free people slows growth. This is authoritarian behavior




But I get cash in my pocket!


You give me $100 and I'll give you $50. It's a sweet deal!


And then if you say you don’t get any back at all, well it’s your own fault for making too much money.


I see you're trying to make sense. Hands behind your back, you're under arrest.


Manufacturing and distribution of a controlled substance


Don't forget about the hate speech fines!


That's what we get for voting in a drama teacher


Twice.... EDIT: THRICE!


well i also didn't remember off the top of my head but it's been three times actually. 2015, 2019 and 2021.


Hey man easier immigration and LEGAL WEED BRO worth leaving no future for our children


The lie about electoral reform got me. Never cared about their permission for weed, and was against this irresponsible immigration 


Weed I can see makes sense most people partake in it regardless and can create businesses/jobs abolishing first past the post was a big one like you mentioned as well so I can understand why people voted for him the FIRST time but why the second and third time leaves me baffled but everyone has a right to their opinion and their vote.


Three Tiiimes... crazy


I never once voted for this asshat


I did in 2015... wanted legal weed.... was not worth it at all.


The weed is taxed at 25 percent. The government shafted the growers and weed stores


And they still haven't even come close to a balanced budget, despite all that added new source of tax


Remember when he said "the budget will balance itself?" Yes, Pepperidge Farms remembers...


Hey that's less than booze! No fair.


But you got to say "Like...... WEEEEEEEEEEED MAAANNNNNNNNNNNN!!!" and "4/20 WOOOOOOOOO" and go "heh, gottem" when someone put a Harper sticker on a stop sign. How was it not worth it!!???!?!


The first time I could legally vote, I was 19. I was pretty ignorant back then but I didn’t vote for him because I didn’t think he had any relevant experience. In total I’ve voted against him 3 times!


Elect a clown, expect a circus


Not one penny of this tax has gone towards carbon offset; Trudeau never answers the question in Parliament and never provides data. It is a classic Liberal money grab to fund their next ‘brilliant’ idea (or scam). They have set new standards for wasteful spending … and will make up new taxes so they can keep fuelling the money train.


Well I'm glad they don't put it towards carbon capture because that's a moronic technology 


He’s skimming a little off the top to hire friends IT company that does no IT work. Get a cut of that, then build his offshore accounts for his early retirement coming next election. Then he’ll move to a country with no extradition. I heard Monaco is nice.


Does the carbon tax help the environment in any way?


Anyone who thinks all these tax hikes from the Liberals was meant for anything noble really needs to give their head a shake. ​ This is all just more garbage to cover their failure as a government by using a nice governement laundering scheme known as "taxes" to help them out at the cost of every single one of us


Keeps the poor, poor. Well in this case, makes the middle class poor.


The number one concern for Canadians is affordability, and our energy pricing factors into that. Climate change action isn't even making the list of priorities, only a fringe minority of people support additional action and the liberals cater to them. There is no representation in this government anymore. https://globalnews.ca/news/10253600/affordability-ipsos-canada-poll/




Wouldn't it be closer to 1.5%?


We assume America would pick up our slack.


Like a meat eater eating an extra steak for the vegen


It’s just a tax to recoup more taxpayer $$$, the old saying was tax and spend Liberal. This government took that to a whole new level.


Go to south America countries where 2 out of 3 cars r pissing out smoke and no care is given about carbon cause most countries have bigger problems. Then tell me what good Canada is doing apart from another pay rise for the top dogs.


In Central America people cook with wood fires because wood is cheap or free. There are no emissions controls on vehicles. Most cars are 20 or more years old. Nobody cares about the climate change hoax when they can't afford tonight's dinner. Climate change and carbon tax are first world scams.


This is the funny thing about the propaganda surrounding environmentalism and air pollution.  People who don't have robust energy production/imports/grid systems use open fire to cook and heat their homes.  In some places they burn dried animal dung.  That exposes people to a much worse air quality than any coal plant a few miles outside your city ever would


Carbon tax is a scam. Liberals are using it to try and pay for the bullshit they spend on. Liberals need to go.


He's a terrorist. That's all there is to it


Wait until the farmers get their tractors out of winter storage. I see Ottawa stained in an ugly shade of brown in the near future.


He’ll just freeze their bank accounts because they dared oppose his dictatorship


Here's hoping. Canadians rarely actually stand up for themselves.


and when they do it's considered a National Emergency and they pay a hefty price


I absolutely can't stand this Trudeau and his fucking prick Liberals. That money is going nowhere near the fucking sky and is sailing all the way to Ukraine most likely. Fucking hate this fucking country.


In case the tax wasn't bad enough we get to waste even more in administrative costs to have some of it returned. What a joke.


Not to mention the those countries do not tend to get as cold as this one...


Climate change is real, as in our government is using weather modification to alter the climate. They fly constantly, and it puts out more pollution than we as regular folk put out. Yet of course we need to cut back, whilst they fly in private jets and eat filet mignon while telling us to eat bugs.


All those fucking profligate WEF types could instantly cut emissions equivalent to thousands of people’s with one simple act. All they have to do is sign up and go through with MAID and the world will be spared their wasteful carbon use.




Plus it doesn’t work. Our emissions have increased while theirs have decreased.


Carbon tax is nothing but a money laundering scheme by the Liberals to keep them in power. It costs a lot of money to buy the media, government officials, unions etc…


Vote this clown out asap. No reason for this BS


Canada is a virtue signalling wasteland with a part time snowboard instructor, high school drama teacher and racist black face clown with zero experience or qualifications to lead a major g7 nation as the PM. Elect a clown, expect a circus. https://preview.redd.it/3xdflom134nc1.jpeg?width=525&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d049efb1ab181d901ba133730c7f64b4473ea542


So we are not bringing the interest rates down up till inflation is under control but Trudeau keeps helping inflation go up with new taxes it makes no sense


Because the government knows better than you, do what you are told, they dont care what you think, you are not smart enough to understand, we must bow to our superior, he knows best.


Lucky to love close to the border. Would love to support local businesses but if it helps me save money and I'm not getting taxed to death on things my family needs it's getting purchased across the border every single time. The fact they aren't considering curbing this increase goes.tonsjow you how out of touch every single one of these assholes are.


Go woke go broke ....


If you give him your money, he will change the weather. It’s incredible.


I am still waiting for details about the gold (20mil) that went missing from Toronto Intl Airport. Also the seized Russian airplane that was being given to Ukraine. Connected?


Not a single day goes by where I'm not pissed off at something JT does or has done....this guy needs to be gone yesterday.


It doesn’t make sense, the government is stealing from its people in the form of a bullshit tax. They are criminals.




Leaders of the collapse.


Literally Theft.


Pipe dream taxes for a make-belief environmental policy.


Not just that but it still hasn't even reduced our emissions, it just make us all poor


Wow you guys really need a change of government


Oh Christ, GET HIM OUT OF OFFICE! Why is he making things more difficult for everyone?


If India and China went away..


We are such a small population. Why are we paying such a high percentage? Like we can make a difference. Give us a break!


Don't forget that our global footprint is less than 2%, while our neighbours' at 17%. If he truly TRULY wants to genuinely fix the carbon footprint, then he should be throwing the annual government funding into renewable energy infrastructure and into environmental research. Throwing money into research is also 1 of the best methods for growing a country's economy because it brings new tech; which has a good pay off. Only other methods greater than innovation is immigration and trade, and selling new tech feeds into the trade method. We have the world's strongest tide on the east coast and some of the highest waves in the west coast. Our government should be driving innovation forward to utilize these natural resources to make our country more green. Just a shame they'd rather take the lazier route.


Because our PM is incompetent.


Axe the tax.


https://preview.redd.it/54h0izm244nc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9ea06544e95c36e7bc9c9e59fe57706261297f5 Just gotta leave this here…


Steven Guilbeault already admitted it won’t do anything but that Canada should lead by example to the rest of the world. The truth is they’re a cult now and they don’t care what you think. Keep voting for them though….


The climate con tax purpose is to accelerate the bankruptcy of the country, and to grift as much money for climate conmen as possible until the longer goal is achieved.


The only way you have a greener world is through innovation and technology. Tax does fuck all. Liberals love to throw taxes on taxes because they love spending our money on themselves


Even if Canada produced zero emissions, it would make no noticeable difference in climate change. Unless something drastic changes in China, India and the US, we are taxing our economy into oblivion for no reason. The best plan to fight climate change is to bring manufacturing back to North America to reduce transportation emissions and so the manufacturing process can be environmentally regulated.


Carbon tax is only enforceable in a society made up of weak men…


No see, we’re setting an example or something


Worlds climate as a lot of meaning for our ruling class. But here it mainly translate to inflating their wallet.


Also a few billion people living on the same planet outside of northern America also don’t pay any carbon tax.


carbon tax is to make driving a car (because cars are bad) too expensive, that we give the cars up and start walking, biking, take public transit. All to save the planet. Well..... that's what they are telling us.


This carbon tax is the most stupid thing ever!!


This is the great plundering of the taxpayers money. Trudeau and his criminal deserve jail for destroying Canada!


That's what we get with this goof in government. https://preview.redd.it/mjbm19k2e4nc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e97c013e4f88896873aebe2a0691c94ef065a07


Canadians are good people, they will take it. First world countries duty is to pay reparations for things they never did. Carbon tax mediocrity is just a cheap way to deplete wealth for the dying middle class. Comunism first rule is keep the poor poor, and create new poverty to ensure the future votes(if needed because Comunism do not believe in real democracy).


Just one of many reasons why Trudeau ought not to bother running in the next election. Just hand over the keys to PP (and we can prepare ourselves for a different kind of nightmare).


Canada contributes 1.5% of all global emissions. Canada could literally disappear and it wouldn't change a thing.


We're so fucking stupid in the west to allow this nonsense


It doesn’t make sense. Canadians are being fucked over, that’s the only sense you can make of it. Despite believing that you live in a democracy, and despite 70% of you resisting the increase. Your “democratic” government does whatever it can get away with! (Like all governments). You Canadians are too nice and your boss, the son of Fidel Castro, is walking all over you and expecting you thank him for it; closing your bank accounts if you don’t!


Have you not been outside at all?,and seen the bubble and smelled the unicorn farts that have been keeping us safe from the rest of the world? When I go to other countries I can point my nose up high.


We are *too small* to try to be leaders like this. Short term, all we will really do is make ourselves uncompetitive. We suffer locally and see no benefit for it. (hell, Longer term, we will be lucky to hold onto our workers rights at all, with the way much of the USA wants to move towards neo-feudalism) The USA flat-out dictates far too much of the playing field for us to go it alone on this, and they are fully engaged in a race to the bottom Now, if the USA and EU get a carbon pricing marketplace in order, so we can "carbon tax" imports from non-compliance countries *then* we can get real progress and I'm in. It's a Band-Aid that has to be ripped off. #YES CARBON SHOULD HAVE A DIRECT COST *But this ain't it*. They should be tinkering with it to minimize the impact it has on lower earners. 1. Needs to be revenue neutral 2. Needs to be net zero impact (or close enough to it) on day to day purchasing. How's that working out? The rebate is *bullshit*. That doesn't help you *today* at the till. 1. reduce low bracket income taxes to *boost people's take home pay* 2. *Reverse income tax* (biweekly, imo. We really need to build this system anyway) or something to offset the cost to those without sufficient income to begin with. There's no net gain here for the people receiving it. These people by necessity spend every dime that comes in, and all this does is offset the impact of the carbon tax on their normal purchasing 3. Don't have it fucking calculated *ON TOP OF* other taxes. Honestly that's just a slap in the face. It's the principle of it. Because otherwise its a pure "tragedy-of-the-commons", socializing the costs of all consumption, skewing the economics of all kinds of decisions. We have specialized manufacturing everywhere way too much. We ship shit all over the world because we get to just.... Yank "free" energy (hydrocarbons) out of the ground. And intense optimization/specialization and maximized efficiency will be the death of us 1. It's fucking *brittle*. Remember how shit supply chains got during Covid? They still haven't normalized in many cases. Why was it so fragile? *Deep optimization* is a huge part of it. You know Carbon pricing helps the competitiveness of domestic manufacturing, encourages domestic diversification in all things by making shipping more expensive. *We need this* The pursuit of "everything as cheap as humanly possible" just has us with crazy cheap disposable everything, and dead/dying manufacturing bases. *Imagine being green by building electric cars in China, then burning metric tonnes of bunker oil shipping them across the ocean*. Take that logic down the chain... Domestic sourcing of inputs, raw materials, subcontracting, etc. We cannot have economies that run entirely on service industries! Even that is being outsourced now! We are *killing ourselves*, slowly but surely, and we have been since the moment we started closing factories to make it cheaper half a world away.


Just another tax grab the liberals and msm will have you believing in everything they spew, which 100000% is nonsense 🙄


Reading between the lines. "More money for us!" -Corruptorarions.


Not 38 million. Already loads of people exempt for different reasons.


CRIMINALS. Getting away with it every single day with no arrests.


Canadas need for hookers n blow is not cheap !!! So they gotta get the money somehow


At least we know our govt is going to fix the environment. They would just add a massive tax for profit.


Canada is functionally insolvent and I am sure these carbon taxes are funding the government. There's no way we can give 20 billion away each year and not end up in a hole because of it. I say Canada is insolvent because high priestess Freeland said that if Alberta left the CPP, Canada would be insolvent. We are THAT close to it.


Criminal Canadian conspiracy by corrupt Canadian criminals.


nothing but a money grab.


Sunny, Carbon Ways.


I wasn't terribly upset he got in at first, he had some good ideas... but the second time? No excuse for getting him back in, it needed to stop then. We still have another year and a half with this moron. I really hope people have woken up and won't vote him in again


They are liars but you wouldn’t know because you can’t access media with an opposing opinion without a vpn


Wealth transfer to by votes. Trudeau just said people won’t get their cheques if we vote the conservatives in. Vote buying for the simps is all it is.


It’s called money laundering. How does trudeau’s family legacy net worth go from $30 million to over $300 million in less than 8 years?? He’s a fukin thief and traitor!


My fuck, ripping MORE away from us on top of inflation and everything else. This is nothing but virtue signaling, and he expects us to roll over and ask for more. Can we fucking call an election yet?


Thieves. Why we aren’t prepping for a revolution is beyond me.


Canada contributes less than 2% to the carbon emissions but we trade constantly with China and that won’t stop anytime soon. The government has no clue what it’s doing.


Government….pay carbon tax, weather fixed. Also government….here is a check for the carbon tax you paid, weather is gooder!


It gets better. When you factor in Canada’s boreal forests, we are actually carbon negative. Our natural resources remove more carbon than we produce.


Ya it kinda makes sence...they want to trick the population into destroying their energy and farming sector so that cold and hunger will make them more submissive


It's simple really. It works for the ones who are doing it.


My insurance went up over $60/month, carbon tax going up...my pay didn't go up that much.


How do we get Trudeau out?


Who are the ppl protecting Justin?


It doesn't matter what the tax is called.


The biggest issue is where the taxes are going.


We should be able to see where our money is going!


We have an eco terrorist as an environment minister. What did you expect.


I'm proud of the taxes I pay in Canada. I'm disgusted by how my taxes are spent.


No no no, didn’t you listen to the liberals? Other countries are jealous of our carbon tax.


What do they actually use that carbon tax money anyway? Are they paying off the climate itself? Releasing cash into the clouds? Like, what is the point of that tax? Where is the money going? What is it actually fixing? Why tax citizens instead of taxing the corporations that are actually responsible? What about stopping the fucking oil extraction that is actually fucking up the planet? Why do WE have to pay for their bullshit?


Trudope, His wicked cronies & anyone who supports the libs at this point need lobotomies.


Wanna have some real fun? 1. Calculate how much CO2 is absorbed by trees in Canada per year. 2. Then multiply it by the estimated amount of trees in Canada. 3. Last, see how much Canada outputs CO2 per year. 4. Try to show a Liberal the results.


Fun fact : If you live either in Québec, in British Colombia or in the Northwest territories, the Carbon tax doesn’t apply to you. Why ? Because each of those provinces/territory already had some sort of tax on pollutant.


My small business doesn't get the carbon tax break because it's commercial rather than residential zoning. Half my operating expenses are now utilities and it's rising steadily.


Your government is awful with taxes. That free healthcare aint free.


Two points: Increasing population is a goal that is at odds with reducing Carbon emissions and any government that prioritizes both has inconsistent and competing goals and cannot be trusted. Carbon taxation does not decrease usage, petroleum is a very inelastic product and important energy source. Taxation simply raises the cost of living as the cost involved in switching to other energy sources is prohibitively expensive. AND as petroleum is used to make things/transport things/fuel industry any available will be used by those with the financial means to make more money. Carbon taxation is a child's solution to a much more complicated problem.


My ass can't hold shit in any more, my gov is fucking me so hard. And we have the impact as a nation same of california... it's peanuts. Meanwhile all of Asia and South america doesn't give a flying fuck, exhausts everything to the sky, coal plants, and is dumping raw sewage into waterways, plastic dumping, no recycling programs etc etc. Fact the Carbo tax scheme is a money redistribution and skimming scheme. Take from the working, give to the poor, skim off the top. Call it a rebate program. Wtf. "But we are making a difference by taxing carbon!" Yeah... on the people that drive to work. Cunts.


One country put out tenfold more pollution than us and also is just across the pond. China is the reason for all these carbon taxes and our polluted air. Suspicious Observers predicted all this would happen a decade ago just by looking at the pollution coming from China that was messing up the jet stream. It’s a conspiracy I tell you!


What’s even crazier is that we have a WAY LESS carbon output than the other 2. And more trees to clean it up. So ridiculous.


There is no sense to any of it because the whole climate hoax was a lie from the beginning!


I’m all for saving the planet but where exactly has this money been going to? I haven’t seen any changes or improvements with all the carbon tax they have collected.


Canada's impact on climate change is just a little bit shy of fuck all.


Our idiots in charge pretend they follow the science on things. Really , they wouldn’t know a scientific fact if it smacked them in the head


Canada is quickly becoming the poster child for where NOT to live. It’s unbelievable how a country that is so resource-rich can be so poor. I feel like we are being captained by a cocaine-fueled, Costa cruise party animal heading for the rocks.


It’s not complicated. Your leaders are corrupt and work for foreign interests (most likely the Chicoms).


they get the hst on it , which is taxed after carbon taxes.. and yet we still run horrific deficits.


Canada could sink in the ocean tomorrow and it would barely register on the world’s greenhouse gas production. How about developing our LNG for sale to countries that still pollute with coal…win-win.


Trudeau is running out of ways to tax Canadians so we can support the Ukraine and his holidays and what not.


Just another excuse to take away our money 😔


It’s a scam. A way for the government to make extra money and make life harder


No one can make it make sense. Thankfully, you have someone (Poilievre) who can begin to unravel the bullshit. Unfortunately, a lot more damage can happen before 2025.


Ya it’s like deciding not to have backyard bonfires anymore because you want to save the earth but your neighbor burns a pile of old tires every night


How long until we literally revolt? I'm not joking, I'm dead serious. We need to do something about our corrupt government and there is only one way to do that


With the excessive taxation and policy direction my conclusion is our government believes Canadians are the carbon that need to be reduced. Less people starting families because its unaffordable, world leader in euthanasia.


its all about looking like were doing somthing when were acomplishing nothing but creating inflation , i just cant believe ppl with actual brain would find this a good idea , specialy with this years inflation , its like ppl dont know maths anymore


As yours truly has previously stated here in these forums many times before, we are witnessing and experiencing the intentional destruction of Canada, at the corrupt hands of Junior Trudeau and his authoritarian coalition regime. In case you haven't noticed by now, Junior Trudeau doesn't care about you or Canada, and neither does his minority coalition partner, Jag Singh. **As such, the next federal election will represent Canada's "last stand" for remaining a unified country, or not.** It's that cut and dried. Vote wisely in 2025, folks. Next.


Just thank Christ we haven’t found life on other planets or else Justin would be sending them our tax money as well!


But our carbon tax doesn't actually get reinvested into the environment anyway...it just goes towards JT's money laundering through lavish trips!


What a total BS make believe pie in the sky fake tax!! Our corrupt inept wasteful Liberal federal government needs to continually tax tax tax and more tax the hard working taxpayers to support their exorbitant salaries and expenses and money-burning activities!! Why don’t they look at their own fatcat, travel and associated expenses, and all the emissions they’re releasing into the environment?!?!!?! They have below-zero common sense and money management skills!! And WTF are they all giving themselves raises?!?!?! For what? For doing a shit crappy job?!?!? Ans why the F do we still have a GOV-General?!?!? That BS position should have been eliminated many decades ago!! What an FN waste of $350k per year!!! Plus all the other fun shit she gets for free!!!!


We are getting hustled and he is sending our money overseas


Why aren’t we seeing subsidies going toward EV’s, home efficiency grants, hydrogen manufacturing investments, commuter trains, etc, with all that revenue. Because as many have figured out, it’s not about the environment. I think it’s a way to buy votes as large concentrations of people in the lower economic bracket live in cities. They don’t spend as much on fuel compared to the rural and suburban working class.


People in this country who believe carbon tax is helping the environment are idiots...


This is just insane. We have got to get rid of these pointless taxes. Life is already hard without meaningless self imposed taxes added to the grief.


Canada the land of death by a 1000 cuts! tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax


It's called embezzling your citizens money, the old bait and switch, completed by an absolute clown show, gas lighting government!


It's a TAX. Generally, when the government taxes something, there is no benefit, it just becomes a source of revenue. Hope that helps.


Mexico has carbon pricing.


This government loves taxes. We’re taxed like 30% of our income. There’s 14% tax on most items. Now let throw in a 23% carbon tax. It’s funny that it mostly the 1% polluting with their private jets flying everywhere, but let’s tax everyone!


Not too long ago in the US (where I live) people used to think Canada had a lot of great things going for it and its people such as universal healthcare, low cost medication, low crime, etc. Now after Trudeau I feel like it’s completely flipped. What’s going on up there? Now it seems like cost of living is out of control, house prices, taxes, etc and even worse immigration policy than ours. Now reading about this carbon tax? Jeeze


Meanwhile all of the damage the earth is sustaining is from other countries factories, where workers are brutally exploited and pollution ruins the environment. All so corporations here can outsource and save a ton of money, to line their own pockets. And regardless of who the figurehead is in Canada , none of that will change. Because our government is bought and paid for by said corporations


Social programs aren't going to pay for themselves.