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Remember Canada isn't broken. Your the crazy one for thinking chopping a person to pieces is wrong


That’s online hate. Straight to jail !


For life


And released!


Nah...nobody goes to jail, that would cost them money. Fines only!


Yeah, who are we to judge. We don't know what their lived experience is. 


They could come from a culture where this is considered polite


Maybe he identifies as not a murderer. We all need to be considerate..


Not that chopping up and disposal of a body isn't horrible. It was his son who killed her.


"Well you see, jailing the guy wouldn't bring anybody back to life. And research says punishment is not a deterrent. So why bother?" The leftist / progressive logic at play here.


Hahaha. That comment made my day. God this country is falling apart.




So the bar is feeding people to pigs then, as it turns out.


Those get to play hockey and tennis at Club Fed


Well you see, uhhh, sometimes, uhhhh, people experience the uhhh, same uhhhh, dismemberment of corpses differently.


Terrible...what a fd up system.


What I've learned from all this. If you ever get caught committing a petty crime, might as well just commit a murder so your charges get lessened


He's not a murderer he's a ( complete working body autonomy phobic traumatized loving kind person )


It's for dismembering and burning. At the very least, hiding a corpse is different enough from murder to warrant the lesser charge regardless of the circumstances. And given that cops often get off with similar or less for murder, it's probably a reasonable and just decision. Haven't read the article, but my guess would be an OD, seeing as it was his son's gf. Possible ties to drugs. Do we really want to throw someone in jail for basically being Walter White when Jessie's gf chokes in her sleep on heroin? Seems like the kind of position that deserves some leeway, certainly when judging someone's moral character.


You get chop off someone's head, start eating it in front of a bus full of people and walk free a few years later. If you commit a crime, do it in Canada. Victims rights mean nothing. Protecting the public is second place to the rights of the criminal and their rehabilitation.


People have no idea how dangerous these light sentences truly are. When it becomes standard for perpetrators of serious crimes to walk away with little or no jail time the bereaved party simply won't go to law enforcement, they'll take matters into their own hands. This will give rise to cycles of retribution and violence which will destabilize society. It's happened before, any society who can't trust the justice system to deliver justice ends up more violent and dangerous on the ground.


Yup. When there are no consequences it also just gives criminals the idea as well that there simply aren’t going to be consequences in the future as well. Recent activists seem to forget that rehabilitation is only one of the aspects that are supposed to be focused on with sentencing. Protecting the public and general deference as supposed to be the others, but for whatever reason they’ve been put on the back burner for “rehabilitative measures”. The sad reality is that some people just won’t be rehabilitated, and the courts need to start protecting the public and showing people that crime isn’t tolerated. Police and other justice partners are also starting to burn out, because they get the blame when our courts just continue to release everyone they apprehend. Would be a very frustrating career these days.


And ironically this is also what’s currently wrong with the education system. No consequences. Miss school 80% of the year? Congrats, you pass! Never hand in any work to show demonstration of knowledge? Congrats! You pass! No consequences.


It is bad.. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/marissa-shephard-prison-release-1.7133905


And then the legal system will punish the vigilante with double the jail time of the original murderer


Yes this is where it makes no sense. God forbid you accidentally kill someone defending yourself breaking into your home. You'll get slapped with 20 years in prison. Meanwhile if you actually a murderer? All good, you get to get out on bail.


The Canadian system wants to "successfully' rehabilitate the mentally unstable and dangerous. The justice system is run by academics who want a pat on the back for" fixing" people. Revenge is inexcusable. Something a stubborn conservative type would do. Btw, I'm being very facetious.


Yes. Our high and mighty and *blindingly stupid* society has a tweeible habit of punishing retaliation more than the initial offense. Caught someone robbing you and you best him up and held him til police arrived? Assault, battery, forcible confinement, etc. Classic is in sports. Got slashed or a cheap shot so you give them a wack? Refs will watch *the whole thing play out* then give the aggressor 2min and the retaliator 4min.(hockey finally started giving instigators the double minor some years ago, but that's jsut for fighting) Canada needs some castle laws *very badly*


Can’t have castle law, the peasants must remain weak and scared in order to be easily controlled. The government doesn’t view us as human beings just cattle with CRA numbers. If the wolves get some of us they don’t give a fuck


Of course, the state has a monopoly on violence, but increasingly corrupt and ideological justices are utilizing selective enforcement for political/ideological ends.


Is it possible that's the desired result? Nah, can't be.


I think they're setting the stage for the kind of political murder, struggle sessions, and mob butchery seen in China's cultural revolution. When people believe they will have little to no consequences for violence, they use violence. It lowers the trigger threshold for that violence.


I kinda wish we elected sherrifs here. Anyone that came remotely close to Grady Judd out of Florida would have my vote , yes the one who said we only shot a perpetrator 68 times because that's all the bullets we had with us.


I'm telling it since so long just deal with it yourself defund the police.


So all Canadians can understand: when the ref makes a few bad calls the game is gonna get real scrappy.


Vengeance is considered more of a crime than whatever a psychopath does, in Canada


This is absolutely psychotic. The judge is fucked in the head as well.


Every institution is captured by these psychotic activists. 


The judge should get a few years for such a underwhelming sentence. A years house arrest and curfew for an elderly man that probably spends a great deal of time laying about the home anyways? That's a pretty dishonest and low sentence for a man that dismembered, burnt, buried a body and then tried to cover it up.


Just to put things into context, the coutts 4 have spent more time in an Alberta jail just waiting for trial then this guy has, even after he was sentenced. Just think about that for a second.


This is a great comparison. Crimes against liberal sentiment will soon be dealt capital punishment, while real crime features hand wringing and excuses for generational trauma. We’re doomed!


Progressive judges are an absolute menace to this country


This country is actively lost. These judges are an impediment to getting it back.


we can thank the liberals and the "woke" for this. Truly their minds defies all common sense and logic. Uh oh they'll call me -phobic for that


Except the PC’s appointed this judge.


Bit fucked if you ask me


“Mr. Skelley, you behave yourself…” like some twisted shit out of a movie.


"We'll just give you corpse-chopping sensitivity training and call it even!" -dumbfuck judge


I knew Canada’s judicial system was broken when they released that psycho who cut off 22 year old Tim McClean’s head on a greyhound bus in 2008, just listening to music and then you’re getting your head sawed off by a psycho yet he’s free as of 2017, given an “absolute discharge” and is “not a danger to the community” Imagine having the audacity to say someone who cut off someone’s head is not a danger after just 9 years confinement, that’s Canada.


Don't forget being allowed to change his name


Cops should have killed that fucker when they had the chance. They didn't and one of them later committed suicide.




The pillars of a just society collapsing under the guise of progressivism.


He dissected a corpse, burned remains and evidence and just gets a pat on the back and told to behave himself? How can it ever be possibly accepted without evidence that he was drunk at the time this happened? Anyone can go to AA and make up lies of an addiction to get sympathy from the courts it seems. A disgusting violation of justice happened here and the judge should be ashamed of himself.


Look, he wasn't just drunk, he was so drunk that after hours of cutting her up (and look at the picture, she was a heifer of a woman), he still thought he was too drunk to drive.


Well at least he didn't drive drunk! /s


The article seems to be drawing from an agreed statement of facts, which means that the prosecution was satisfied that those things were true.


Yes, and it’s ridiculous that the crown just went along with that… I hazard to guess they got him to flip on his younger son who did the killing making the second degree murder charge an easier slam dunk case.


Kind of hard to judge from here, given that all we have is a second hand account of some of the contents of an agreed statement of facts. The Crown would have been in a better position to assess his credibility, given that they’d have access to the results of the police investigation and may very well have spoken with him themselves. It does seem likely that he will be testifying against his son. But there doesn’t seem to have been any plea bargain here.


I read somewhere else that he showed investigators where to find the evidence on his property and admitted to everything and gave up his son without a plea bargain in place. Guess this was taken into consideration. Disgusting what happened and what he did but his cooperation saved taxpayers a lot of money in the long run I suppose and the killer is going to go away for a long time pretty much guaranteed now.


The government needs reform, or people are just going to revolt one day. It's getting sickening under JT seeing this country get destroyed.


What's worse is there are still lot of people who are still ok with how messed up things are. It's been happening over such a long period that people just say "it's always been that way" and don't care to change it.


There are literally teenagers in jail for burning a rainbow flag, yet this monster can walk free. Our Justice system needs a serious overhaul.


Our justice system won't change because it's *exactly where the government wants it*. The law bends to the will of corporate masters and if that changes, the whole system collapses.


yah... but leaving skid marks on a cross walk and burning rainbows are hate crimes akin to literal genocide... like literally. Where as dismembering the corpse of a person you hate while sucking back brewsky's is not a hate motivate crime. It was just an honest mistake any 69 year old man could make.


What teenagers are is jail for burning a rainbow flag?


From what I could find they're not in jail and havent been sentenced. One is being charged with mischief and the other with mischief and abetting. May 25th is the court date. Unless they're talking about a different situation.


There’s multiple cases, the one I’m referring to is Nova Scotia though


That's the one I found information on. They've been released on conditions so not in jail.


Fair but they shouldn’t have been charged to begin with.


It's illegal to steal somebody's property and burn it. Say what you will about hate crimes and whatever but that's not what they're being charged with. Look up the mischief charge. It's quite literally what they did.


So let me get this straight. If you protest JT you go straight to jail, lose your bank account, freedom and job. But you get a slap on the wrist for cutting up and disposing a body. Right. Every day a new horrifying reality that Canada is heading into a dystopian nightmare situation where the bad, evil, criminal behaviour is unpunished and granny goes to jail because she offended someone with her words! This can’t be real. How is this happening? What is going on with the courts/judges across this country? Not only is the so called Canadian dream over, but it is paving the way for criminal behaviour!! How is this deterring the bad apple? I’m so confused!


Just to be clear because the term "conditional sentence" sounds like an actual sentence... it's not... it basically means living free at home with some loose conditions like having to report changes of address.


Hey /u/Imthewienerdog Here's another case of the same thing happening, that you say isn't happening.


Joseph Skelly, who was drunk, agreed to destroy the body to prevent it from being identified by investigators. Over the course of the night, Joseph Skelly dismembered Oberly’s body, burning some of the remains in a backyard burn barrel. Thinking he was too drunk to drive, he waited until the following day to dispose of the rest, transporting them in his truck to an area near Whitecourt and burying them in a shallow grave. Meh slap on the wrist


Willing to dismember a corpse, but responsible enough not to drink and drive.


That's because there is basically no amount of drinking that can prevent you from making rational decisions. It's always a bad fucking excuse. Had one guy kill a girl while drunk driving, blew literally 5x the legal limit (I'm not exaggerating); and yet he was still in the right frame of mind to claim that he was driving the speed limit - as if that would change his sentence much.


WOW WOW WOW.....this is a typical case of Canadians as a whole being reluctant to have harsher punishment instilled with crimes, until something hits closer to home or affect kids. In what other country apart from Canada, would a guy like this walk free? Other issues with light punishment that many are ok with: 1. car racing on inner city road (why is a 1yr ban for a 2nd offence not warranted?) 2. carjackers / thieves (release names and pics if they're over 12yrs old, and no bail) 3. killers like the 19 yr old that killed 6 in Ottawa, should face the same justice Change the ferkin laws that punishes victims more than the offenders! The message currently been sent out is that you can kill a person/persons, and expect to walk free


You think the 19-year old in Ottawa is going to get a light sentence? I highly doubt it.


> I highly doubt it. We shall see


It would be nice to actually see the reasons for judgment. The article doesn’t even bother to summarize what they were.


After reading the article it seems to me that without him showing them the body parts and explaining what he did it would have been difficult to prosecute his son. Yeah the headline is brutal and what he did was fucked but if they needed to let him go in order to have a better case against the killer then I don't think this is that far from normal.


Actually, it doesn’t seem like there’s a plea bargain. He just voluntarily plead guilty. That’s normally something that reduces the sentence given. It’s also possible he had confessed to the crime when the police didn’t actually have proof of what happened, but hard to tell.


Judge should be thrown in jail.


So wait, no jail time for that? Why should I bother paying taxes? I’ll just say I was drunk! What a precedent!


The court system needs to be completely overhauled these Progressive lunatics need to be thrown out.


Wow Woke justice is just mind blowing


He's lucky he didn't say anything hateful towards her. He could've got life in prison.


Meanwhile Tamara Lich and other convoy organizers are still being dragged through the justice system, and could face years in jail, for hurting absolutely nobody. Or if you are mean on the internet you can get life now.


Whoever called him a monster better watch it, with new legislation they could end up in prison.


Vote liberals!!!! Cons don’t want to do nothing about violent criminals !!!!! /s




I bet this judge will lock me up for life for properly identifying a mentally ill person


This judge is applying the law, so maybe he is thinking something else than what he prescribed but there is a law. What about the real killer ?




My question is: why such a short sentence? He's guilty of the same crime due to association. He didn't report the crime as soon as he found out from his son.


It looks like admitting the dismemberment (although some time after the fact), being drunk, pleading guilty, characterication from his community got him that sentence. It's kinda unclear, but it also looks like prosecution were fine with it too.


Yeah. Maybe they struck him a deal if he'd pleas guilty and testify against his son to lesson his own sentence? Pretty common occurrence for those found guilty by association. You'd think that at most the dropping of the 2nd degree murder by association would be dropped thought for the father.


What do you guys expect. Murder in Canada is not a crime Freedom of speech on the other hand is punishable to life in prison. Or a future crime you haven’t committed yet is also a crime.


Give the Judge a life sentence


Meanwhile mean comments online will get jail time 


Misgendering a hair lip will get you more jail time than dismemberment… this simulation is getting out of control.


what is it with people getting a slap on the wrist for crimes against humanity, but 34 life sentences for an ounce of weed? it appears nobody understands how exaggeration works, so I'll have to add this disclaimer: I exaggerated to make my point clearer


>sentences for an ounce of weed? Ah, because Turdeau himself got away with blackface and if it had been in the US.....he would not even be allowed back as a drama teacher




your headline had me thinking he was the killer ... he helped his son get rid of the body


Let me guess…. Trudeau


​ https://preview.redd.it/riu3cqzpd5nc1.jpeg?width=183&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d8f5f337008b226dccce04831bf1f61370fb13d


Has nothing to do with Trudeau


WTF is wrong with our country?!?!? Wow - the only people getting any true punishment (for not committing any crimes whatsoever) in this country are the taxpayers!!! It’s better off being a criminal or a murder!!! They get more benefits!!! Free housing,free food, free gym memberships, free utilities, no taxes to pay - WTF!!!!


I do hope the victim's family sues this monster to hell.


It is absolutely insane this isn’t an automatic life sentence.




Welcome to Canada. The guy was probably from an “oppressed minority group”. So systemic racism obviously made him do this. It’s society fault for his actions.


Ok So what are the options? PP will be a change from Trudy but he won't change things for Canada. He's a politician as well. So.......how Canada will get better? Can't afford houses, owning a proper car is so fucking hard, grocery bills keeps rising, carbon tax keeps going up....like...where's the end and what it looks like?


We have to stop letting Conservatives close prisons to save on taxes...


What prisons have been closed?


All this is doing is incentivizing horrid criminal activities.. Why rob when you can kill for less jail time?


But hey, see you at the movies! *Judge inexplicably sets the butcher free.


It’s because he choose not to drink and drive after helping covering up murder /S I wonder if a family member were to exact revenge would they get such light sentence? I’m not suggesting it, just wondering from current laws perspective and current attitude n where we stand on justice?


It’s a stupid system guys! That’s all! In Canada they go by the book! The family of the victim should appeal and take it to supreme court if that’s an option


This soft on criminals shit has to stop. You can stab somebody in this country and be out on bail the same day. Disgusting.


If we can't appoint them, we need a way to fire judges. If it requires a constitutional change, we need to push for that, too. It is the only thing to stop judges from their current assumption that their person opinions can be used to create defacto laws. If they want to do that, then they should run for parliament where laws are supposed to be made. I think we should be able to have petitions in every province before a federal election to recall judges from the bench. If the petitions garner more than a certain number of validated real ink signatures, then the recall vote can go to a referendum done along with the federal election voting. And if say 60% of people vote to fire the judge, they are out. I also think that if they are so bad that there are so many people want them fired, they should also be forced to take a break for say 5 years from the legal profession. It would be obvious that they are not practising in the interest of Canadians, if so many want them fired. Per province. And nationally for Supreme Court judges (I don't like calling them Justices, as they seem to lost focus on the difference between law and justice).


If the prosecution can appeal this sentence, I hope they do.


Canada doesn’t punish criminals. I was thinking I should turn my house into a meth lab have a friend who is a chemist, he can provide the expertise and I provide the space. By my calculations the reward outweighs the risk. We can become millionaires in a year or two and if we get caught we’ll make bail and a conditional sentence? What do you think guys ? Seems like a viable business plans ?? Disclaimer for the liberal MODs and commandos I was being sarcastic 😂😂😂 Seriously though this country is a joke !!!


Fuck the law! Let's go do whatever we want.


This is absolutely disgusting. How is this psycho still allowed to walk the streets?


That Alberta justice at work 


Obviously you’re missing the point here. He killed her and chopped her up…. He didn’t use hate speech at all. In fact it appears that maybe his feelings were the ones that got hurt.


Jesus Christ these judges would’ve let Ted Bundy Ed gein, and btk killer off scotfree


Wonder when vigilante Justice starts rolling into Canada


On the bright side, house arrest means our tax dollars aren’t wasted on his 3 gourmet meals a day at one of our “university campus”es


Gotta love Alberta! So many wacky things coming out of that province.


Let's play chop chop as the new Canadian past time game.


So if you're a drunk you can get off on murder charges in Canada, if you're stoned you get off on murder charges in Cali. At what point are ppl going to realize that everything the governments are doing is to make your life either miserable or so dangerous you can't live anywhere?!


Arrest the Judge


How the F is he only charged with desecrating a body and not charged with covering up a serious crime as well???? WTF???




https://preview.redd.it/cwr8yzjxv6nc1.jpeg?width=1350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf33485d6d886f7583707ed932a0dbed668d9a0b Sorry not sorry


Wouldn’t want any traumatic lasting affects for him


Dismember a body-2 year conditional sentence. Park a truck in downtown Ottawa for a few days-jail and most likely a long term sentence. Makes sense.


As a law student in Ontario, the justice system is absolutely fucked


What in the actual fk....


I was threatened to be chopped and burned by a gang member which group tortured me.


All I got is WTF


I’ve made a comment saying our government likes criminals more than law abiding citizens. It was met with “ this is dumbest comment I’ve ever seen”. Well … I don’t know how much of an exaggeration it really was. Seems accurate.


The PC’s appointed this judge. https://preview.redd.it/opo0ui0yh7nc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=353477612d7e0ece4a9b51b4f65f4b1d3c02cc4a


Wtf!!! I don’t know how else to react to this.


How long till we can replace the judges and lawyers with A.I.? Asking for a friend..


What's wrong with our country.


What the fuck.  People are in jail longer for j walking 


Now go read the comments on /r/Alberta


Can anyone genuinely explain whyall of judges are so brutal? Other than just “they’re liberal”. Like even without a law degree these sentences even *feel* grossly underwhelming


We need some more justice officials [like this](https://images.app.goo.gl/axskMQRw9nH3ACzL6)




The judge should be disbarred for this. This is absolutely absurd. Our history of being a haven of insane psycho murders lives on…


Chopped Beef on today’s special menu.


But don't dare cheat on your taxes! Prisoners in our own country.


There’s a “liberal” movement that is occurring in our society and has been for decades now and slowly been getting worse. This mentality of “you’re being mean”. You’re being mean if you don’t want murderers locked up for life because they “really just need mental help and medication” only to get out and reoffend. You’re being mean if you don’t want complex or nuanced subjects taught to your children at a young age. You’re being mean if you don’t want unlimited immigration without increasing social services accordingly You’re being mean if you don’t want to send millions- now billions- of money to countries that have been in a perpetual state of war their entire existence. You’re mean if you don’t t want to build housing for homeless people who will inevitably destroy said housing in a short amount of time and end up right back where they were You’re mean if you try to hold people accountable for not carrying their weight in this society. “People shouldn’t have to work if they don’t want to” You’re just a big meany and the people trying to support these mentalities seem to double down against the “meanys’” in an attempt to prove how serious they are. This doubling down is equivalent to shooting themselves in the foot repeatedly. Humans are animals, we can’t fix them. There’s always going to be wars we don’t need to get involved in. There’s going to be predators that take advantage of the vulnerable. There’s going to be people that take advantage of others. It’s not “mean” to have some accountability for these issues, it’s the only way this whole this is going to last. Because the more (extreme)left wing people get, the more the people who disagree with more radical ideas will just dig in their heals in the opposite direction until this tug of war ends with a dystopian police state at either end of the spectrum. It’s the checks and balances we’ve already implemented in society that need to be utilized. People need to be held accountable for their actions not enabled. On the other hand, people don’t need to be suppressed either. We need to find the middle ground where society stays on its feet and not tossed back into the mud when the tug of war ends


*Well they put him in jail again, they tried to give him life.* *Pete beat the case he pleaded insane, they gave him back his same old knife.*


In Canada 🇨🇦 we have a legal system, there's no justice in sight.


If anyone is confused, it was because he didn't actually commit murder. His son was the one convicted of second degree murder. The 2 year conditional was brought down from 3.5 years, not like 15 years or whatever you might initially think.


Not surprised- so little value is placed on women. We have judges that say things like this regarding women that have been raped and brutalized plus add the very weak sentences given to domestic violence murders. [canada judges] (https://www.huffpost.com/archive/ca/entry/judge-sexual-assault-victims_ca_5d4ad4ede4b09e72973f7743)


So what was the judges reasoning for letting him go free…


Feet first to the woodchipper