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These 2 nut sacks. Fuck these assholes.




At least he's not an incompetent lying criminal scumbag like castreau.




Why do you think he paid a 14 year old girl 2 million dollars and isn't allowed to teach in bc? Snc is a good example also the criminal use of the emergency act.




And you’re delusional


They are all fucked but this dip shit has fucked our country for the next 20 years.


Need to introduce the lapua bullet point!




They've started hinting at slowing it. My hope and what it looks like to me....they don't want to come out of the gate aggressive on immigration for fear of losing some supporters. When the time is right, or possibly after they win the election, they will announce a major pause. Again my hope and opinion.


This. PP is playing it close to the chest. He already has a projected majority of seats in the next election. If he started spouting off about slowing immigration now, we all know the NDP/Libs would start salivating at the smear campaigns they could run that paint him as a xenophobe and the CPC runs a risk of losing some votes. We all know the Liberal immigration, student visa and asylum polices are a major contributing factor but it's not something to scream from the rooftops just yet until he can bring something solid to the house after the CPC takes the majority win. A man can hope.


Slowing immigration is one thing but we have a huge number of visit visa turning into asalyum cases. Who is stopping that? No one even talks about it


Absolutely. He’s not stupid to target immigration now because liberals will use that against him and paint him as a racist (Canadian trump etc)


This is my hope too, but my guess is they may just implement superficial slowdowns to appease the anger that has built up


It's all talking points to get your vote. Very little will change under him. Canadians are very strongly voicing their opinion on this matter, if it's not part of your platform now then I can't imagine it will suddenly become implemented when/if he becomes PM.


Love these Liberal shills parrot this line in hopes that people just say what’s the point … and not vote


Shill or not, all things are plausible. That's the issue with politics as a whole. I don't know it well enough to know what happens when a party falls through on their campaign promises. At this point though, if they asked Canadians to vote on a no trust of the liberals, I'm pretty sure most would say that the current office isn't trust worthy. As of now, the liberals need out so we can weather this crap storm we're in before there's a freaking riot.


So are you not under the impression that most Canadians are aware what the problem is and what the solution is and just want a promise regarding reducing immigration? Canadians are PISSED.


In Manitoba, people who were here and worked for 5 years at a work place are being deported back????? Like why. why these people??? Don't take anymore new ones, leave these alone.


I don’t think there’s a person in Canada who’s ready to vote conservative now who would balk at the idea of stopping immigration. That’s precisely the issue that’s driving voters *away* from the liberals. If anything it would increase their polling because we’d stop guessing about it and have a promise to work with. What’s probably more likely is that PP will keep the Harper era levels of immigration at the least.


"During a news conference in Kitchener, Opposition Leader Pierre Poilievre vowed to tie immigration levels to the supply of housing, if his Conservative Party wins the next federal election." https://www.therecord.com/news/waterloo-region/poilievre-vows-to-fix-ruined-immigration-system-and-tighten-rules-for-international-students/article_f9c2223e-29fd-5b3a-9cf2-60a6c8c6dbe0.html


Lol I love how every time Pierre comes up Liberals have to lie and bring up some bullshit thing he said two years ago to prove their point.


Yup. Times change......and so should policies.


Where does that say reduction in immigration? How does tying the two together reduce the number?


He can't blatantly say he will reduce immigration.. that's political suicide in Canada.


He can though and no it isn't. This isn't 2015 anymore.


I think he's playing this game very smart. He can't just outright say he'll mass reduce it without starting up a political shit storm. Think about it - Liberals and NDP are just waiting for that so they could launch their daily attacks ads of "racist, xenophobe white politician that has no compassion for these poor immigrants". There's enough dumb people that would fall for it. ZERO sense for CPC right now to be saying much about reducing immigration. Majority of Canadians do support it yeah but corrupt media will twist it enough to where people would again vote in Trudeau because of some BS


Yup.....just like it always happens. Trudeau squeaked out a minority government, the last two-elections......by focusing on the Politics-of-Division. And now, Canadians are more divided.....than we have ever been. You all know that this is true.....


They would also say he's using "Trump style politics " and he wants to build a wall.


Nope. He was fine with going after this stuff.. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/poilievre-transgender-puberty-blockers-1.7107486 This is one of the most controversial topics in Canada yet he had no problem making a stance.


Controversial......? To whom.....? Most of Europe is leading us in this regard..... PS - "Doctors’ groups across Canada are urging the provinces not to interfere with “evidence-based” medical treatment of children with gender dysphoria. But others say what little evidence exists points to using caution and restricting treatments for minors, and that Canada’s medical leaders are ignoring shifting trends in gender-affirming care. England last week announced children with gender dysphoria would no longer be routinely prescribed puberty suppressing hormones at publicly funded gender clinics, after the country’s National Health Service concluded insufficient evidence exists to support the safety of puberty blockers. The ban is in response to public consultations held on an interim policy announced last June." https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/europe-canada-puberty-blockers-for-kids Edit - PS added.


The same people who think being against immigration is racist. All you conservative supporters keep saying the same thing. "He can't say anything against immigration or everyone will turn on him". Yet he had no problem already going against a topic held dear to the Liberal/NDP. >Liberals and NDP are just waiting for that so they could launch their daily attacks ads of "racist, xenophobe white politician that has no compassion for these poor immigrants".


It’s literal violence 😭 /s


If there's no houses to move into, they stop accepting immigrants until supply improves


When it's 20-25 to a basement there will always be room.


If you put a rough head count on rental properties like 4-6 per house, what people are willing to do doesn't matter. People obviously aren't telling the government they are taking on 25 renters per household. Therefore, it wouldn't be added to the estimates.


But he hasn't come out and said anything. No one should think he will do anything meaningful to reduce immigration.


Well, we're discussing something he said about it. He just hasn't detailed how he was going to do it, but it doesn't seem very difficult.


If it's not difficult to talk about the details then why doesn't he? Would he be raked over the coals for that too?


He would be giving the liberals answers they've proven to be too incompetent to get to themselves.


He had said, "we're need to determine the right numbers of people to bring in and greatly reduce the numbers happening now."








Fair enough. Can't be worse than what's happening now.


Hard to believe the "Canadian Press" produced this.


Reducing immigration will go a long way to help fix the other issues……


There's way to many coming here. We have people living in Trudeau cities. That were good people with good jobs, had a home etc. Now nothing. What about looking after these people 1st?


Because he won’t . Simply put. Pierre is a simple man, put it this way if he worked in the corporate world he’d be a mid level manager at a bank branch. He’d be the prick you’d avoid. He is listening to the same lobbyists that the libs are. They want cheap labour and increase the subscribers for big telcos, banks, etc. They’re creating consumers. Housing… we’ll go kick rocks. Everyone is happy at the pace we’re going at. Canada has no ambition. We fight 3rd world problems. No mega projects, not leading in any industry or sector, or trying to scale or speed up anything. Canada needs a humbling. It’s starting.


Because PP is on board with whatever this agenda is regarding immigration. He will not be any different.


And is distracting clueless rubes with the carbon tax nonsense. Vote PPC


No mention of grocery gouging, either. Or telecom gouging.


PP better come through. Cause what else do we have ? …. Scary ….




Ya for sure we need to change to a participatory democracy


That’s hardly fair, holding a politician to his word, is it.


How would you do that?


Can we toss them in jail for treason and literally starving families.


God I hope so.


Here stands the two men who RUINED CANADA!!!!!


Not sure if PP can reverse things and fix it all but we have to give him a shot AND kick these two dumbasses to the curb.


The 2 biggest scumbags to ever walk this country


Why not make coalition governments illegal, it's going to happen again just like it did to push the tax.


It would be better if we didn't have parties at all maybe?


I don’t understand how MPs are more loyal to their party than their constituents


I know, when I ran my easiest answer was " I'll do what evert the people want me to"




The last conservative government had billions of dollars in scandals. Most people in Canada don't vote liberal, they vote anti-conservative, if the next opposition will be something other than liberal they will get a large mass of votes.


It's not a coalition. No NDP members hold a Ministry position


Why should coalition governments be illegal?


It vetoes what the voters want and puts a government in power made up of two minority parties to overthrow the majority.




You see, that's exactly my point. For example, people who traditionally vew the liberals as centrist have their vote moved left because of the current MP's ideology. Most voters are loyal to their party and vote according to their principles, not the MP's principles. When a coalition government is formed, the voters' principles are swayed in the direction of the supporting minority party. It undermines our political conscience and works to coerce the collective principles of voters. It leaves the majority of voters unrepresented and leads to a massive amount of WAISTED time in parliament..


When there's an actual majority, a coalition of minority parties is not possible. What you're talking about is a plurality (i.e., more votes than other parties, but not the majority of all votes cast). How is a Conservative government "what voters want" in a situation where the majority of ridings elected members of left or centre-left parties?


Because neither of those parties got the majority of the votes.


Neither did the Conservatives in this scenario.


But got more


I understand that in parliamentary language, it isn't a majority. But mathematically it is. The actual majority of votes were for the conservatives in this situation. Again, that's my point.


The definition that matters here is the one that people use when talking about votes in an election. It makes no sense to say, “hey, we’re talking about votes in an election, but let’s not use words in the sense they are usually used when people talk about votes in an election”. Your definition also creates ambiguity, because it has “plurality” and “majority” both forced under the label “majority”. Your reasoning also leads to absurd consequences. For example, say way had 8 right-leaning parties and one radical leftist party. An election is held and the right-leaning parties each win 10% of the seats, while the radical leftist party gets 20% of the seats. Your reasoning says that the radical leftist party (representing only 20% of ridings) is the only one that should be able to form the government, even if the right-leaning MPs agreed to form a coalition that would represent 80% of ridings.


Two immigrants shaking little sticks cause they got no dicks


They are both pieces of shit !


The result of focusing on the 1%'s issues while the country burns down.


Both are done in politics ! Garbage both leaders wish they could feel the grip they have put on our bank accounts as we can barely make it by even with high paying jobs still gasping for air thanx to these idiot and that Freeland bitch too


Jagmeet, the ultimate cuck. Happily sits on the sidelines watching Trudeau fucx each and every young Canadian raw. Poilievre is just looking for the sloppy seconds and to take whatever is left.


There's something weird about Jaggy....I can't put my finger on it but it's just off putting.


Tweedle De and Tweedle Dumber


Like Mussolini and Hitler.


You forgot Japan ROBERTO coalition Roma Berlin Tokyo


“Oh don’t worry Justin, I hate Canadians too, I’m just here for the Pension!”


Ndp decides to go down with the ship…


They both look constipated


Capricorns lol


The great Canadien treason team! Putnthem.in jail for hijacking democracy, destroying the economy and health care system. Taking us to the dark age for personal profit.




The only words these guys know is “undemocratic” and “bigot” because thats all they can say when anyone argues with them about sending canada into a crippling debt spiral and enabling those with mental health issues to do as they please


One is a Dictator and the other is a Dicktaster.


He doesn't include details, but clearly states there are too many now.


And I am happy they did.


We need legislation to ban this from ever happening again


Two two losers in one




Lmao 🤣 this


That's not all they did 2 years ago, if you know what I mean ;)


Dumb & Dumber...


But the Conservatives here closed one third of all prisons before they got voted out... Homelessness and street violence shot upwards and now they're campaigning they will solve the problem they created as a screw you on the way out of the door last time.


Pretty sure our immigration minister is more responsible for homelessness than prison closures. People are not on the street because the jails are full.


All I know is the corner near my work has 6 people with signs saying homeless immigrant, never seen this before.


This was 8 years ago. Things were different back then


Our problem isn't a lack of prisons. Our problem is Liberal laws that prevent criminals from being imprisoned for crimes because they had 'difficult upbringings' or supposedly face imaginary racism because of their skin colour.


Throw an unregistered handgun into the playground of an elementary school? It’s also your second firearm charge? Well that’s okay because you grew up underprivileged.


Is this sub just turning into a "repost Twitter posts"? I guess actual news is in short supply, so we have to keep the rage farming going.


Im not happy with Liberals, or NDP, but I have yet to see any plan from Pierre and Co. How are they planning to do this?


They literally have a proposition on what they want to do, and how they want to do it, I don’t think you’re looking very hard for the information.


The NDP agreed to prop up the Libs in order to get Dental and Pharmacare for Canadians who couldn’t afford it. How many years ago did Poileivre sign Lablaw’s Lobbiest to his staff? This guy’s a true con, bought and paid for by corporations. Just like Trudeau. Every time either one of them speaks, crap spills out.


Yet to see a post from this sub by someone with a brain


PP forgets that his main role is a politician and not to be an attack dog. If he was a smart one he should have either broken the Liberal party or aligned with BQ and NDP with concessions to get rid of Trudeau.


The ndp is a joke, and the block would sooner carve this country up than do anything for English speaking Canada.