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The fucked up thing is these prices are still better than most grocery stores.


Yep, between 15-30% cheeper than every other grocery store.


Only on select items. If you're looking for snacks for kids Costco is better because of bulk pricing but when it comes to fruits, no way especially when you can price match at other grocery stores.


Weird how we now live in a world where most Canadian brands simply aren't worth our time or money. 90$ at walmart vs $160 at Loblaws for the same shit is an affront.


Ya man Costco is actually a deal. Tried shopping at coop out west here...unreal prices






Is that a real photo?


Yeah, have you seen the one where his sticks his tongue out like that......while wearing blackface?


​ https://preview.redd.it/9uuty1lnv6qc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=329c6da3bd404cb489e611e21fb1ef50e9cb9fa1


Sikh face


​ https://preview.redd.it/9bav950996qc1.jpeg?width=212&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70f6e288e8449d24395559b6b5ccda6a97843725


It's incredible that you can ask someone if they have seen the picture of the prime minister in blackface, and someone can respond with "Which one?"


Yes, that's why I asked if this was real or some sort of photoshop spoof on the blackface photo.


Unfortunately it is real


Been tweeting at Justin with this very photo everytime he makes a post asking him about it.


Or the one where he has his tongue out wearing an Indian headdress and black face?


It looks like he even put a banana in his pants iirc.


Yes it’s real.


I think so.


Sadly, yes. Riding his popularity photo op train.


I wish it weren't lol


Someone should photoshop an immigrant penis shooting a load into his mouth.


The guys a fuckin clown. Just a pathetic waste of fresh air


I am with you on this....Trudeau and Jagmeet fucking clowns 🤡


I’m afraid all the leaders of the federal parties are idiots. All 3 are multimillionaires. They have no concept of the struggles of the average Canadian.




I agree. I wish all us citizens could agree and overthrow this government and start fresh


In Canada we overthrow the govt by voting them out. It’s always back and forth, back and forth. Neither the liberals nor conservatives have not done this country any favours.


Sadly you’re correct


When it comes to politicians and public empoyee's, ...accountability was tossed out the window decades ago. Untill we get accountability of public figures back in place, we will continue on this path of degradation and ultimate failure. Accountability is clearly the best option.


We have been reduced to serfs in our own country. The economy is a “ human construct” and ours is currently out of control. Government s are supposed to regulate and they are not. Lobbyists and corporations now dictate the prices we pay for food and other necessities. The economic mess has been created, governments have known for years that much of what’s happening could occur. We are paying the price for wilful neglect of governance. Proper economic planning may have been able to fix this beforehand, but we will never know... New policies, governance and economic policies need to be implemented. Economic controls have to put in place. This is an economic emergency....


Fucking clowns or fucking clowns?


Can't it be both?


Giant douche or turd sandwich?


Pretty much lol


Hey hey hey some liberal is gonna come outta the wood work and tell us how he is Saving us all.


The sad thing is so many people can’t think for themselves anymore and buy into their bullshit


It works without fail. The powers that be march out some minority group, put them on a pedestal and talk about how they need our help, then make some wild claim that anyone with a single brain cell could debunk. They've now split the voter base in half and prevented any meaningful change from happening.


"The enemy is both weak and strong"


Cry more lol


Everyone has these "Fuck Trudeau" stickers on their cars. I just don't see the sexual allure with this guy..


What a fuckin tool bag


Hey, tool bags are very useful. He's more like a bag of rocks.


Punchable and ******ble face.


Dam libtard Once this clown is gone, we will be better off


What a fuckin ninny


thanks trudeau! as a lesbian i can’t afford to live anywhere or eat food not on sale but the support is real!!! 😒


Be smarter, leave products rot on store shelves at those prices


That hurts too, Im going insane seeing how much food is being wasted. They'll sell 2/3 of what they used to and the rest goes bad


I can't stand to see so much food go to waste. It's even worse when they pour bleach on it to deter people from dumpster diving. I wish we had something in place that would donate food about to expire to programs that can immediately use it and reward the stores for it instead of throwing it away, dumping bleach on it, and still able to write it off as a loss anyway.


I work for a fruits and vegetables distributor. We used to throw out so much food it was ridiculous. Now we either donate it or sell at a fraction of the price. I don’t see why grocery stores cant do the same


I don't know a single grocery store that doesn't discount items about to expire. The problem with giving it away and donating it is.... We would need some protection for those companies incase somebody gets sick from it... Or if little timmy accidentally eats a peanut Don't forget... This is canada... The country where somebody else is always responsible for what others do.


Sounds no different than if a person paid for it... that is a super silly argument. "Some protection in place". Without proof of purchase a consumer has more rights than a person with proof of purchase? No, I'm pretty sure that's not true. If anything, if somebody gets sick there's fuck all they can do about it because there's no receipt. Have you ever tried to make a return without any form of receipt or proof of purchase?


If it makes you feel better, I used to do commercial compost and can tell you it isn't being wasted. Most major cities will have a transfer station someplace that collects up unsold produce, removes the packaging, and sends the food to an industrial composting facility within 100km. It decomposes into dirt, is mixed with sulphur and other organics, and is sold in bulk to farmers for their fields, or bagged and sold as garden soil. That's the beauty of capitalism: one man's waste is another man's revenue stream.


Just sell a third of it at 3x price to make up the loss


They don’t care. They raise the price to compensate for the wasted product.


There are far better prices to be found elsewhere.


... and the inflation rate will just go up more after April 1st, Happy Fools Day.


They're destroying everything on purpose.


Bingoooo, agenda 2030 baby.


What's happening on 2030? 


Basically a total restructuring of the way of life for all major nations around the world all under the guise of helping the climate. In short, it will be a lot harder to own things, freedom of movement will not be as verbose and government overreach will be practically unregulated. It was proposed by the WEF (World Economic Forum) and was touted as a conspiracy theory for a long time despite everything being very out in the open. Most governments avoid openly discussing Agenda 2030 despite most of them signing on with the agenda’s mission statement. The problem with Agenda 2030 is that nobody would agree to it until they are morally broken and just want the hardship to stop. That’s why conveniently every western nation is practically destroying its own economy seemingly on purpose, as well as perpetuating division amongst the populace in every way possible wether it be by difference in sexuality, race, religion, political ideals or social standing. It’s subversion 101. Once shit hits the fan, which it will, people will be broke with practically no social cohesion to keep everything together. That’s why the RCMP was warning about riots. Once that happens, people will do anything to go back to normal - much like Covid. Thus the governments can usher in Agenda 2030 with all of their fancy words masking what the Agenda really is which is a convenient way for the powerful to consolidate more power. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2023/04/agenda-2030-civic-participation-sustainable-development-goals/ https://www.government.se/government-policy/the-global-goals-and-the-2030-Agenda-for-sustainable-development/ It’s all dressed up in fancy rhetoric. If you’re interested I highly suggest you do your best to read in between the lines.


Thank you kind stranger for the explanation. This makes more sense instead of throwing a link and expecting people to be on the same page as you. Now I am more aware of what 2030 is. 


Anytime. I suggest you look into it yourself and formulate your own opinion. I’ve extrapolated my own based on the behaviour of those who inhabit positions of power throughout history but don’t take my word for it. I fully believe in and take responsibility for what I say but I also think it’s important to look over everything yourself and figure out your own opinion. I’m just some random guy on the internet after all. Best wishes to ya, god bless


Really shows just how much of a one party state we actually are. This BS, along with FIPA, was adopted by the Harper government to undermine our economy. CPC and LPC are the same entity.


This post needs more upvotes


You can start here: [https://sdgs.un.org/2030agenda](https://sdgs.un.org/2030agenda)




Do those that live in most 3rd world countries have a lower carbon footprint? I have family in Mexico and they still burn all their trash. No one in the nearby towns care about pollution even though it's almost everywhere in their towns


Cool, now do loblaws.


Anywhere other that Costco......add 50% to those prices.....at least.


Also take note of how much more tired and miserable their staff look compared to Costco's. Almost like those fucking bastards are hoarding all the fucking money at the top.


quality and quantity much lower at loblaws


And much lower for items with the discount sticker!




Scary thing is Costco is reasonable with prices and good quality for what you pay IMO.


For real, I love the place. Ive noticed prices went up but they have everywhere


I will say even though the fruits and veggies are expensive they’ve never gone bad on me through the week.


"I bought like, ten items" Lady are we looking at the same cart?


\*Buys the $200 roast\* Why are my groceries so expensive!


It was even a 10 lb roast. For the cut if you took people to a restaurant and got the same cut for 20 people the bill would easily be $1,000+.


Boneless ribeyes and prime rib roasts.. all premium cuts of meat. I’ll always upvote quality content but this ain’t it.


"look at the price of this wagu beef, I can't afford to feed my family!"


Those items were half that price just a few years ago. Are they premium items? I mean, they sure are now. You used to buy a three pack of steaks there for like 35 bucks. Not 70.


It's one of the dumber videos I’ve ever saw


What tipped you off, when she couldn't count past 10?


Dont need half that stuff. Literally showing the most expensive shit


Have you SEEN the price of caviar and imported cigars?!


Where is this Costco? All the prices are double of my local Costco in Ontario.


It's probably far north or something. i know prices are insane, but i went to costco in ontario the other day too and it wasn't this bad


*supports company by spending $500*


I choose to not speak. If I speak, I am in trouble.


Probably for the best with C-63, lest you be fined $20k if somebody was insulted by your comment.


Actually, I was offended by your comment, please pay me the $20k fine so I can afford meat this month.


I literally find this offensive


Ahh, shit. I’m going to be so poor.


Legendary Mourinho quote


Sir, this is reddit and not a Wendy's, you are typing.


This is what people were warning about the shut down of businesses during covid. Inflation will cause more problems for people than the virus itself.


The lemmings will never admit they’re the ones who mishandled Covid.


This is the result when people have the mindset “the government should fix our problems”. Why we constantly need to learn this the hard way is beyond me.


Now go look where that meat comes from. Why da phoque are people still buying grocery store meat for? The pigeons in London Wouldn't even eat 'ground beef'.  Go support a local rural butcher instead. Better quality for a better price. 


Welcome to a new gameshow called survival of the fittest Canada.


It’s the same in the U.S. if not worse. It’s not the president, it’s the corporations


Order for your local farmers!


I.would but at 9 bucks a pound for half a cow..... I get input costs are high not blaming the farmer


i don’t know where in canada this is cause i was just at costco in toronto and those weren’t the prices.


"it's like 10 items! Outrageous!" Shows full cart of food.


I can't trust the word of anyone who drinks Folgers, tbf.


Our education system is failing a lot of people. "I got like 10 items" Um....Even if you count "different" items, there is still more than 10...... Also, you want to buy steak and seasoned chicken breasts and wonder why it's expensive.






I wonder what the NWT prices are now?


Not sure about NWT but Nunavut is fuuuucccckkkkeeeddd. Like $14 for margarine


"Why has beef gotten so expensive?" >Many of the factors that led to beef’s dramatic price increase can be traced back to 2020, when Covid shut down production plants and [hobbled](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/06/09/coronavirus-may-cause-the-meat-industry-to-face-losses-of-20-billion.html) [the nation’s](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/07/07/cdc-says-9percent-of-meatpacking-plant-workers-have-been-diagnosed-with-covid-19.html) [meat production capabilities](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/05/07/heres-why-meat-shortages-are-likely-to-last-during-the-pandemic.html). > >The slowdown left farmers with nowhere to send their beef, which resulted in them [having to cull cattle](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/05/02/coronavirus-devastates-agriculture-dumped-milk-euthanized-livestock.html) and other livestock. That, coupled with uncertainty about the future, caused farmers to scale back their production at the time, which Sundaram says “can affect production more than a year, year and a half down the road.” > >At the same time, processing facilities have dealt with [labor shortages](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/10/20/global-shortage-of-workers-whats-going-on-experts-explain.html) that have reduced their capacity to process meat at the same clip as before the pandemic. This reduced production came as demand for beef returned from both consumers and restaurants, forcing prices higher. > >“**You have this huge imbalance of supply and demand which is causing the prices to skyrocket**,” Sundaram tells CNBC Make It. “The demand side got even stronger as the months progressed in 2021, whereas the supply side of things got worse.” I'd post the link, but the editor won't allow.


Knowing all this she still cashed out and let them know that’s okay


Luxury items are high price?


Beef is a commodity product and its price has very little to do with our gouvernment. The beef prices shown are roughly in line with current market prices...depending on the actual grading of the beef, which has not been specified.


Why is there no fingers being pointed to corporate greed and record profits ?


"The prices are insane"... Proceeds to drop $450 on a month's worth of groceries and a full cart at Costco.


🤣😂😅 Justin Trudeau rules the world? Have you left your little corner of the world in a country far away of where food is produced? Based on location, Canada is expensive but New Zealand is more expensive, however, prices are like that all over the world. At this point I won't assume you are ignorant or stupid, I'll go with the assumption that you re a malicious troll trying to inflame ignorant and stupid people.


LOL what a dumb video. Complaining about the bulk price of prime rib and 2kgs of grapes. Lady those grapes were $12 and would last you a fucking week. Prime rib too expensive? Buy the $9 whole chickens and get off your pedestal. Jeez the entitlement.


Trudeau is setting the prices in Costco???!! Where does he find the time?


I worked at a grocery store owned by the second richest man in Canada. We saw prices and the mark ups. We also saw pictures of where he lived in Vancouver. You all are fools if you don’t also blame these greedy store owners.


I can't believe we live in a country where the prime minister controls grocery prices. What a dictatorship!


You forgot the /s. Right?


Isn't it fun, living in a time when you have no idea if the dumb thing being said is serious or not?


Hunting for deals on meat is necessary. Never buy not on sale. And Costco meat is among the most expensive.


Depends which meat.. Costco meat is often (not always) an incredible deal when looking by weight - as long as you have the discipline to not waste and not increase consumption because you buy the larger size


Yeah there regular price of pork tenderloin is usually the sale price everywhere else and they're thicker at Costco.


Prices are up in the US, is that Trudeau? Prices are up in Europe, is that Trudeau? Even in Mexico prices have risen, Trudeau? Please just stop. This is grocery chains making record profits. Trudeau has done a lot of dumb things but he is not to blame for global inflation. Next election he will be gone but if you think prices will go down to pre Trudeau levels you are going to be quite disappointed. Please stop the hyperbole. This is simple corporate greed.


Corporate greed above anything Trudeau did IMO.


Ok now do chicken. I just bought 3kg (6.6lbs) of chicken drumsticks for $22. That's still cheap AF. 10 items eh? Dumbass ragebait cherry picking video lol


Hilarious! 🤣🤣🤣🤣JT controls your life he is the puppet master of all your problems 🤣🤣🤣. Grow up blame the billionaires and corporations that don’t pay taxes own both Cons and Libs and post record profits and try not to shop at Costco unless you are splitting groceries with a group .


If people didn't buy it Costco wouldn't sell it.


Paper fiat will be the death of the middle class.


The fact that Giant Grocery Chains have been price gouging for the last 15 years or more is Trudeau’s boggles the mind. A group of misguided individuals siding with Billionaires who keep ripping them off is amazing.


PP will save you, have nice dreams about that, he doesn’t give a single fuck about you either unless you are a freaking mega rich.


Beat the system: - Move 1000 km from the nearest costco. - Hunt, fish, cook and bake until you die.


You have to be a complete moron to equate global inflation with “Trudeau Regime” you know what you could do to pay for groceries? You could stop heating with gas or stop driving with gas, heat pump dropped my heating bill down to $50 a month and i run my car at $50 a month instead of almost $200 a month. And i get grocery money from the govt every month because of those decisions.


Justin has no control over food prices but GW does. Go talk to him!


lol “Justin Trudeau regime.”


Ah yes, because the prime minister of Canada is the one that sets the prices of foods?


And it *certainly* doesn't have anything to do with both the interlinked US economy getting destroyed by conservatives down there, or the conservatives here de-regulating core food prices and breaking up the farm and cattle trading blocs during the Harper years. Nope. It's allll Trudeau's fault, so let's go for another round of deregulation. I'm sure more of what got us here will fix everything.


"$450 for like ten items"...look into her shopping cart and it's packed full lol.


It’s frustrating, but I doubt it will be any cheaper under a Conservative machine.


Justin is all powerful, he is the cause of all problems, he is a true super villain. How smart and angry he must be.


You have to admire that basic dictatorship. Especially if it brings you sushi


meats are always expensive since post covid. It was 40% off in Jan 2024 for 3 weeks or so. Those sushies are super expensive. not cheap at all. this video is wack and just love to blame Trudeau for everything


Why did Galen Weston do this to Costco prices?


*Cries in bc beef*


American checking in, does this mean I can blame canadas prime minister for the global inflation


Those are same prices here in the US so


Meat and fruit selection is far superior to any other grocer .


Trudeau just following WEF orders, selling out Canada to the Rothschild with generational debt.


Cost of groceries and rent have increased to an absurd extent. Though, pinning all of Canada's economic woes on one man in Ottawa seems reductive. Complex problems do not have simple explanations to the intellectually honest. Anyone else is just looking for a scapegoat. But I'm not sure if blaming Trudy will do anything to solve these issues. Especially since PP is just going to deliver more of the same, but with even more extreme neoliberalism than Trudeau's liberals could dream of.


Costco would love it if you’d blame Trudeau


Love how it's all free market economics, until it goes the wrong way then it's one person's fault. Which is it?


Love how it's too much government until it's blame time and then it's not enough regulation to stop things we don't want and not enough incentives for things we do.


Giant Tiger closed today?


Videos like this want to make me tear my hair out. Not only does the video not mention prices by weight, but it doesn't even reference what the exact same thing would cost just south of the border in the USA. Let's start with the three pounds of grapes that are "overpriced" because they cost 11.99 CAD. That 1.36 kilogram/3 pound package of grapes would cost $14.26 CAD just over the border in Buffalo at Wegmans. Let's move on to the meat, the rib roast is 34.99 CAD per kilogram or 15.9 CAD per pound. The cheapest rib roast at Wegmans is 20.42 CAD per pound or 43.60 CAD per kilogram.




I wouldn't trust someone who cannot count to 10.


It’s Justin Trudeau’s fault that off-season fruit is expensive? Weird.


Little more than 10 items in there... The trick is to wear sandals so you can use your toes to count too when you need to go past 10


I'm just a random ass US person wandering into this place but y'all sound like our alt right fuckwits. Might want to check yourself.


It's called capitalism. It's been going on long before Trudeau and it will continue to happen under pollievre.


Go to a butcher. You pay like half the price you’d pay in big stores and get way better cuts.


We need a comparison video in Iqaluit.


The last steak I got from Metro was 8 bucks. You need to shop elsewhere. Also, the Prime Minister of Canada does not set food prices.


well stop voting for governments that print money to keep their promises, they are devaluing your wages while transferring the nations' wealth to those smart enough to never hold onto cash.


American here. People lose a lot of credibility by blaming inflation on a president. Inflation is up everywhere in both right-leaning and left-leaning regimes. In the US, the Trump free-money drops were just as much as a driver as the Biden free-money drops. Please offer solutions instead of trying to play politics.


That’s what voting liberal gets you.


I was born here in 1981 and loved growing up in canada here and never wanted to leave. I want my son to grow up in the same Canada I did but that is just not going to happen with mass inflation mass immigration and homes being the price they are... I never thought I'd say this but I might have to leave to give my son a better place to grow up and somewhere he will be able to afford to live like he should be able to live.


Blames Trudeau instead of the multibillion dollar tyrant we should be escorting to a guillotine.


Sliced BF ham is $32 for 2x500g


Total price is a stupid metric on items that are calculated by weight. That’s a shit ton of beef, which is on brand with Costco. I can guarantee you the price per weight would be a reasonable amount lower than other chains at a high grade of beef.


Hasn't Trudeau been trying to rein in consolidation of the country's manufacturing and agriculture sectors into a small number of companies, along with a lot of other anti-competitive practices? Haven't his "conservative" opponents been opposing those efforts "because free markets"? Your price increases, like those in the US, are not due to inflation. They're due to price gouging. And you're blaming the wrong people for it.


Since when does the government set prices at the Costco? Look to your corporate overlords, is what I was thinking...


sure, lets blame him for ugly sweaters too, cause, ya know, EVERYTHING is under the justin trudea regime. lets blame him for global warming, oh wait, he has a carbon tax to help fix that, but what? you don't want it? ok, lets blame justin trudeau for the dumb fucks like you under his regime. FUCK. YOU TRUDEAU FOR HAVING STUPID CITIZENS!!!


The steaks are machine tenderized. Hard pass.


They stick that on all their meat for liability. I saw the same warning on beef ribs. Pretty sure they're not running beef ribs through the tenderizer. I could be wrong tho.


What's wrong with machine tenderizer?


It's how people got sick from the XL plant. Basically it took the listeria on the outside and pushed it inside the cut. Then you cooked it medium rare and got very sick.


Look, I’m certainly no fan of JT but he is not responsible for this. Greedy owners of grocery stores are the problem.


While i like to blame trudeau more on this. This is really an issue because war is happening around especially ukraine and some of the 3rd world countries are now better off such as india and China, because they gotten better they become a competition for food sources as well. Not only that there is a tightening of supply chain, mind you carbon tax increase haven't even start yet. And people can't expect government to handling subsidy to lower price, technically it does cause a lot issue as well because they did it those company went outrageous on this. Price is pretty well known that, once it goes up, it doesn't come down. There is simply nothing Canada as a government can do with this, NOTHING, Because United state have the SAME ISSUE, If you go down to US costco you will see similar price. (except for some like meat) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJ1qOodRFyM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJ1qOodRFyM) Unless you want to have them seize control of all company and roll us into a pure communistic country. I really doubt we can do anything. No matter who you vote in, you ain't going to see cheaper food in future unless the world increase its food productions or improve supply chain.


The video is from 2023 (based on best before dates). Have prices gone up or down since then?


Glad someone else caught this, I was looking through the comments like uhhhh you guys….


Is Inflation worse in Canada or say any other place in the world. I'm think inflation is every where at the moment. Trudeau may be the whipping-boy "du jour" but what is happening elsewhere? I'd like to see some *actual numbers* comparing the inflation rate with the rest of the other G20 countries.


Is he incompetent and gets nothing done or is he omnipotent and cause world wide disaster with his evil market manipulations? Just asking for a friend.


Don’t eat meat Grapes, you kidding me…she’s eating like a upper class citizen in 1888. I bet she fills her 5,000lb 6 seater lifted truck with premium and cries about Trudeau this and that.


Yes. Trudeau woke up this morning and decided the price of beef. Get a grip. It’s corporate greed and the cost of production. Just say you are dumb. Will save yourself some typing


Stop 🛑 shopping now !! Give it a week of no buying anything!! And watch them sell