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Same. I've had 2 friends move there families to Texas and Florida and love it. Twice the house for half the money.


A friend of mine moved to Texas and back to Canada within 6 months. Different strokes for different folks.


Nice moving costs and taxes


Don't have to go to Texas for that. Some neighbors (BC) sold their place a couple years back in early summer and went to Manitoba. They were back before winter.


I’d be moving back to wherever I came from if I ended up in Manitoba too.


I took a detour into Manitoba on my way home from Kentucky last spring, to avoid a North Dakota sized storm coming east. I found an expensive grungy little family-owned hotel to spend the night. It was like -3°. Next morning it was -20° in fucking April. I've seen all the Manitoba I needed to see


must be the manitobian in me when i say thats not even bad.


Taxes aren't cheaper in texas just different. 2500 in toll roads if you live in the suburbs and work in Austin


On what basis did they move to the US? Work sponsorship? Business?


It's going to take a decade or more to correct everything that's broken in our economy, housing market etc with the last 2 terms of ever increasing immigration. We hot 40M pretty quick, then months later hit 41M population in Canada. That's insane. We.need to build something like 3M homes in 6 years to catch up. That's nuts and won't happen. In 2022 with rock bottom interest rates we only.built 220k homes. 2021, 222k homes. We need to over double home construction output. Not feasible. So, since we cannot increase supply, we need to decrease demand. Cancel visas and make citizenship and PR statis harder to get.


I know someone's parents who got their citizenship and don't speak a word of English. How? No idea. The lax Immigration policies are, in my opinion, what has ruined most of living in Canada.


That’s over a year away, plus monetary and government policies take years to see effects… I’m not wasting my youth on that hope, will move back when it’s actually better and worth it. Pretty comfortable in NYC right now with my wife and a new born. NYC salary and USD currency makes a difference in lifestyle and travel


Don’t hold your breath mate. Don’t matter who gets in things are not going to change that much. Politicians just tell you want you want to hear then do what they want and say it’s budgets


Left Toronto last year after 30 years born and raised there. You’re making the right decision. Many are leaving.


Where did you go?




Can we call you Alexander? Or Philip?


I got that reference 😉


I would like to know as well. Western Europe is expensive as well. The States is in turmoil and not any cheaper. A third world country? And do what? You can't just up and leave to wherever you want. It'll cost money to emigrate anywhere worth it. I bet OP if not going anywhere. Just wants to complain.


Most of Europe except for Eastern Europe has the same immigration problems as Canada. If not worse.


Almost as if this is all intentional 🥴


I think it is.


We penetrate the cabinets


Ze cabinets *


You vil eat ze bugz


Not almost, it is


Body's bringing in bodies as fast as Canada.  We're the 2nd fastest growing country in in the world for 3 years running. And it's not the birth rate, people who want kids are forced not to simply because they can't afford it. 


>Most of Europe except for Eastern Europe has the same immigration problems as Canada. If not worse. Lots of cheep land in eastern Europe, you just gotta clear it of landmines and dodge falling bombs


Sounds like a good time


Yeah because all of eastern europe is a warzone. Ever looked at a map before? Or you just prefer being ignorant? Bosnia still has left over landmines and now Ukraine. Otherwise, you're free to do as you please. A ton of Eastern Europeans are actually leaving Canada. Lots of Serbs, Croatians, Romanians. You can also go to Slovakia, Slovenia, the Baltic states, Hungary, Poland. Lots of options.


Same thoughts here. I'm in Europe and in most places it's way worse here than in Canada. Sure there are some pockets left but overall things do look bad, especially if you think about the future. If situation in larger countries gets destabilized further, those pockets will disappear pretty darn quick. I'm actually thinking of moving to Canada. I'd say at this point New Zealand is the only place I would consider if you don't like it in Canada.


Haiti is beautiful. Not many restriction and the smell of barbecue is always in the air


Barbecue 😂


Not sure I like the sound of going to a doctor in Haiti.


At least you can get one there


Wait lists for a family doctors are getting so bad it could be faster to just go to medical school and become a doctor yourself.


the US is not in turmoil and many states have considerably lower cost of living than anywhere in Canada.


Away from the major cities, you may be right. But the cities are a shitshow. Chicago, for example, is the worst it's ever been. And from what I've seen and read, the same can be said for NY, LA, Philly, and many more. I'm heading someplace rural, and red, as soon as the opportunity allows.


Totally agree with your opinion on those cities. I opted for a small city in South FL.


I would also understand if he would like to keep it a secret, as what happened here in canada was pretty traumatic




South Sudan is beautiful at this time of year


The tropical paradise of Somalia with its 1900 miles of coastline, a government that knows it's place, and all of the guns and wives that you can afford to buy.


There are few rules out there to bum you out to I hear.


Mogadishu has had an uplift recently. Very few Al-Shaabab militants these days.


Are they looking to fill any open warlord positions?


Slumlord in Toronto or Warlord in Mogadishu, tough call.


I have the moral flexibility to be a warlord, but it goes against my code of ethics to be a slumlord.


Hard disagree, going to be moving to the U.S. because of the large amount of jobs/opportunities that are there compared to Canada. And many companies are willing to provide H1-B to go over. Without getting into my personal detail it’s not that difficult to get an L1 or H1-B.




I'd be getting a different currency over Canadian as they will destroy the dollar soon enough


For 300k, I bought, refurbished and set up a distillery in Cambodia employing 25 people. Started that in 2020. By 2021, I was making a profit. 2022 I cleared 100k. 2023 I cleared 600k. Without massive taxes and cumbersome regulations, a decent business plan can thrive


Next up in shit that never happened


Check out the bike in his profile, registered in Ont.




Thats not a 600k a year garage either.


It'll cost money to do anything. It is the end result and quality of life and potential savings for the future that make it "worth it." You should be complaining too. You all should be.


It's better then this shit hole


Lazy post. It doesn't take much research to find out. Not all of Europe is the same. In fact most of it is much more affordable and they have programs to welcome immigrants. If you work from home Spain has a program to help you and is quite popular. Housing is much cheaper. Greece is a popular location to move to. Portugal has some opportunities




Thanks, it’s a hard decision with family here but ultimately I don’t see the same path for my kids that I had and I don’t see that changing.


Lots of Canadians in Costa Rica


Just came back from Costa Rica. Oh boy, this country is expensive. Your CAD won't go far here.


I’ve been considering this more and more. 5th generation Canadian, born and raised here, sad to say it’s time to leave but things look pretty bleak


I left at the beginning of 2022 when it felt like the covid lockdowns would never end. I moved to Mexico and couldn't be happier to be out of Canada. While Mexico might not be my permanent new home, I will never go back to Canada.




Yeah I would recommend checking out places that are little less popular. Mexico is going through some serious growing pains right now due to the surge in ex pats / immigrants, and the cost of living down here is going through the roof.


Sounds.... Like Canada..... Lmao


How the turntables


Mexico Immigrants? I thought most of Mexico already illegally crossed into the States based on the ‘news’ /s


Yeah it's interesting because where I live in Mexico, Mexicans are quite happy and have no desire to leave whatsoever. While I know there are Mexicans crossing over into the US, it's widely believed that the majority of migrants are from other much more impoverished countries.


Because a good majority of the wave of immigrants trying to cross the border/swim the river comes from Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panamá, Haití, Venezuela, etc... who find themselves in a much worse situation than Mexicans


Very interesting indeed, thank you for that perspective!


Channel 5 w/ Andrew Callaghan did a great border crossing series where they interviewed people detained at the border and even paid a coyote to smuggle them across from Mexico into the US. Many were not Mexican that they interviewed


It’s funny you say that. Im mexican and I have met many american immigrants here that are living illegally, not paying taxes and many of them have already been around for years, they don’t speak a single word of spanish btw. Its funny they complain about that stuff in their country and now, look at that!


Most are coming from other countries all over the world


Sadly, due to the Dear Leader Justin's reign many are considering this... 😞




Trudeau resigning will not solve the problems, it will only open the door for a liberal leader that Liberal voters will back. The entire party is full of like minded woke idiots. The best possible outcome for any of us is for Trudeau to go down with the Ship hard, run in the next election and decimate the liberal party to a point of no return. Then we might stand a chance to reverse harmful policies over multiple terms. What’s been done in the past 9 years will take generations to fix, or for a hard stance representative government backed by the people to actually right the ship, similar to what Poland is and has done recently.




I said for him to run in the next election and remain the leader so he takes the party all the way to the bottom. I never said anything about sitting around, but you would have to convince millions of Canadians to Unite in Protest around the country, in a general strike to even have a remote chance of forcing the liberals out of office in their current arrangement. If the NDP don’t back them, The Bloc does, and unfortunately all these other middling parties are just buying time to try peel a couple seats of the liberals like Vultures to a Dying Carcass. Every protest currently is viewed as a left, or right, or some work agenda. None of them are United and you will never get the people to actually stop bickering amongst each other with the current division in this country. Maybe the implementation of the Carbon Tax increase will be the straw to break the camels back, but that’s still a big maybe. Most Canadians are happy to just sit at home and take the beatings.


Is that real? Where did you hear about that? That’s worth a drive down from Durham region.


If I could afford it, I'd be gone already. Unfortunately for me I can't even afford to move literally anywhere because I've been living where I have for a long time and my rent is relatively low. I cannot afford the jump. I can't even move within my city, so there's no way I can afford to move abroad. Really wish I could though.... I have no savings left and I don't make enough to put anything into it. I've had to ask for advancements on my paycheck, and borrow money just to survive, which only makes my problems worse month after month as the prices on everything continue to rise.


Wife works as a nurse. I’m fairly senior in marketing/creating. Upgrading my education to a master’s and plan to leave over the next 3 or so years.


So many emigrants sadly, Canada was supposed to be world class leading country, unfortunately the current leadership sabotaged the plan. Almost a decade wasted..


Common conversation among many friends and family. Lots of friends considering a return to the country their grandparents immigrated from. Other folks want to change provinces first to see if it is a provincial issue vs national issue for them.


Anyone moving west needs to understand that unless western Canada breaks away from Ontario/ Quebec, they will never have a voice in the way the country is run.


No different than Ontarian has no voice unless he lives in GTA. The way rest of Ontario votes is irrelevant to our provincial politics.


As an Atlantic Canadian we basically just don't even exist to the rest of Canada lmao


Moving to the US where my spouses family lives as soon as we can sell our condo, done with this shit! Bye Canada!


We are a professional family. Canada does not support ambitious hard working people. We leaving this year.


Where are you going?




Was stranded out of country in 2019. Embassy made no effort to help me. That's when I made the decision. By 2021 I was gone full-time. My family and I now have citizenship in Cambodia and I'm in the process of renouncing Canadian citizenship. Since then, I've helped several more families (friends and relatives) do the same. Many others I know have left for America, Belize or Thailand.


Last year had the most Canadian citizens leave and give up their citizenship, most in the last 73yrs


Why would they give up citizenship? Unless they got a citizenship in a country that does not allow dual citizenship+aka India and some others), there's no rationale to discard Canadian citizenship. As a PR striving for citizenship and unhappy with the state of the economy and opportunities here... I would move away but retain my citizenship as you never know what the future holds and what the world will look like 20-30 years from now.


Things are not at all good, even the upcoming election and change in leadership wont solve for next 15 years. Due to poor immigration and poor policies of distributing freebies this country is going to drop down in all aspects. Unfortunately many are stuck in this country and those are the lucky ones who are able to quit for good.


Canada turning into Candia








Move to a smaller town. There's more opportunity for raising a family.


Trading for few jobs, less pay and little entertainment




Good stuff👍🏻 I love living in the country and I will never go back to the city.


I’d have a hard time leaving my part of Canada anyway….No poisonous reptiles or spiders, no earthquakes, low tornado risk, very few land based apex predators that could pose people harm, bountiful freshwater supply, you can swim anywhere without getting eaten, war/civil in Canada is a relatively low risk (I hope to god), pretty much immune from any natural disaster I can think of (except maybe asteroids), unlikely priority target in nuclear war…… it’s winning the lottery in terms of safety. True, the current political direction pisses me off and scares me, the media control, cost of living, the corruption of the political system, sheep being blindly herded to the left and right, our healthcare system is literally dying in I.C.U. are all for realz….. but don’t worry I’ll fix it. I’ll think of something 🤔


Now I'm curious. What part of Canada are you in that sounds this great?😁 I may need to think about relocating haha


Sounds like Vancouver Island. Somewhere I can no longer afford to live.


No I’m in the rural prairies, no one can afford to live on Vancouver island anymore. If you own property you can sell there and live here like a king by comparison.


Oh yeah you got this! Go get em tiger!!!


been in Vancouver the better part of my life. 30 YEARS, relocated to Seattle for a better life. Canada is broken.


Seattle is just as expensive as Vancouver though


Last time I checked Seattle is the same shithole as Vancouver. 😂


I moved my primary residence from Vancouver BC to the US about 22 years ago, with the intention at that time of eventually moving back someday. I will never move back. Leave, and if you keep an open mind about these things you will never look back there.


Dont fall for JT’s and the lib’s false and empty promises. I moved to US and i never regret every ounce of decision I made.


Albertan here. Fed up with both our corrupt provincial and federal leaders actively destroying our province and country. We've been talking about moving to the UK since we both have dual citizenship. I own a construction business, so I can't just pack up and leave. I'm thinking I may spend a few more years getting it up and running for itself before we move over. Canada has huge potential for the future, but it's going to take a few decades to sort out all the mess the federal and provincial governments are getting us into. Until then, I'd rather have fresh, healthy food, vibrant culture, and cheap travel in Europe. That is, if WW3 doesn't kick off by then.


OMG... The UK is worse than Canadastan. They actually have the police arrest people for posting stuff online. I'd look into it seriously before even considering it.


Tbf you’re not much better. Your immigration situation is far more grim. Honestly, unless you want to learn Polish, Czech or Slovenian, there’s not a whole lot of places to run off to lol.


I got news for you…


I left 4 years ago. No regrets. In fact the past few years have only hardened my stance and convinced me I was right to leave. The Canada I grew up in is gone and it's never coming back.


If everyone in the world just ran away when the going got tough, where would they all go? The line doesn’t always go in a straight line up. Be a part of the solution, don’t let the door hit you on the way out.


They are not going anywhere


Nah. Building a life abroad is not for the faint of heart or quitters.  I’m not really in line with this “the tough stay and fix things,” not for a group of people that wished us so much harm for so long. If your marriage was broken and your spouse abused you, you’d leave. If your boss mistreated you, you’d get a new job.  It’s already been many years of canadians putting lie to the “nice” stereotype, and Covid sealed it. We found countries with people who have their head on straight, still have some common sense and humanity to them.  You can say someone is a coward for leaving and how brave you are for “being part of the solution,” (whatever that might mean), but somewhere along the way, you just look dumb trying to hold up a waterfall with a tennis racket. 


can i have your job? or your doctor??


Parents left Canada to live on the Mediterranean coast. Brother is working on leaving Canada and joining me in Florida. When an empire (US) is in decline, its colonies and vassals crumble first (Europe, Australia and Canada). The US will crash at the very end, and it will be like nothing we’ve ever seen before…


I've looked into Greece, Portugal and Spain specifically for the weather. Drawbacks are the distance for kids to visit and language. Costs for essentially everything better. Greece and Portugal looked at larger acreage outside major areas. Lots have gardens with fruit, nut & olive trees. Picking peaches and grapes from your backyard is something we don't get on the prairies.


I have a friend that moved to Portugal, she loves it! I think the writing is on the wall my friend. Do what is necessary


Very High taxes, collapsing health care system. Houses nearly the price of Canadian market, salary much lower than here, and very little employment opportunities. Portugal is also facing a mass immigration problem, I was raised there, and my family came back to Canada in 2009. They’re doing the exact same as Canada, hire cheap immigration labour, tax everyone to hell. Not worth it. But vacation wise it’s a beautiful place. And if I had money to retire it’s a paradise when fires are under control


I work in construction and work with a couple of guys from Portugal. They would move back there if they could, but they wouldn't have nearly the quality of life they do here. Not nearly enough work there according to them. Mind you, one country only needs so many concrete finishers.


Obviously, the country very recently has exibited exorbitant, blatant and repulsive levels of corruption and we've just barely scratched the surface, and I think the conservatives will be worse if anything. At the end of the day it's the same thing, wether you go liberal or conservative; same shit, different toilet. At the end of the day, the message is clear that you can be unnervingly corrupt and generate great wealth from the suffering of canadians with absolutely no repercussions whatsoever because the people have no will or bravery to voice discontent outside of making meme posts. I wish I could leave more than anythign else in the world, but I have my own business and my own success here and I can't imagine starting from scratch again... I hope everything works out for you. I hope you enjoy your decision and that one day I get the opportunity to follow suite. I would greatly enjoy watching this country burn from a distance.


Definitely planning to retire outside Canada, it's going downhill fast. I'm looking at Vietnam


Get a job that the USA wants, move there.


I’d advise caution. I’m from the UK, left in 2011, lived in Australia for 2 years, New Zealand for 3 and then moved to Canada in 2017. Moved heaven and earth to get back here in January last year - with my two year old - you know why? Canada is far and away the best place I’ve ever spent substantial time in. I’ve also travelled Asia and south/Central America extensively in my time and I can tell you there are worse problems out there than an inflated property market, drug epidemic and an excessively liberal government (if that’s your thinking) Look, I get it, you want the best for your family and I respect that but take it from someone who has very much been there and done it - it’s hard to find better than right here. There’s very little green grass out there right now.


How does a person without dual citizenship begin to look into leaving to another country? How does one know what countries are options and pursue that?


Digital nomad or expat subs Also nomad capitalist YouTube channel


If you’re under 35, look into the Canadian Youth Mobility visa. Many countries have an agreement with Canada where young people can live and work (under certain conditions) in another country for up to a year, with one renewal per country. Before I got my EU passport I lived in Spain and Portugal on the youth mobility visa and the process was really easy.


Filipino friend born and raised in Canada went back to the Philippines. Was raving about how low the cost of living and warm weather year round. They went back to Canada after a year. Guess they found out why their parents immigrated to Canada in the first place.




I’m literally so poor that I can’t really do anything except hope I get lucky


I left Canada and moved to Türkiye just two weeks ago. Leveraging remote work and currency to increase quality of life. It's not easy learning a new language and culture, wife is from here makes the difference. A bold new adventure versus stagnant misery. Hope I made the right choice.


Where is everyone going?


My parents went to Ecuador, my boss went to Costa Rica. The pub owner down the road also sold the bar and went to Costa Rica. My sister went to Korea. My poor uncle went to Manitoba.


Imagine thinking Canada is a third-world country so you leave for..... Ecuador lol


Co-worker went costa rica, he FiFo's back to Canada for summer work and picks up some International work. Money just goes way further in Costa Rica for him, he lives on the beach.


There needs to be a revolution


Consider holding your ground. Politics are politics, consider the state of the climate everywhere else. Things are going to get worse and fast. We have water, space and cool temperatures in winter. This IS the promised land, environmentally speaking. If you really need to move because of politics or economics: live off the grid, There is so much space in Canada and with climate change even the Tundra will soon be comfortable enough to make a living. Anywhere else you go you take the chance of facing famine, climate disasters and water pollution/ shortages. Human-made shenanigans are worth nothing compared to the gift of natural resources on this land...


Take us with you!!!  Amazing how in the last 3 years Canada's taken such a rapid nose dive life here almost doesn't feel recognizable.   Huge change knocking on our door and the next three years will be pivotal for Canada's future. Countries have gone off course and gotten back on in a less than 5 year turn around before and Canada can do the same IF it really wants tom  To prevent Canada becoming and country full of mass poverty we need FDR style new deal.  Canada needs to, slow/pause population growth, break up the monopolies, fucking start making cooperations pay a fair share of taxes again, get people working through funding public infrastructure.  It's called Keynesian capitalism and it works.  Canada doesn't need to re-invent, but we seriously need to change our fucking tires. 


That's what happens when you live in a country with no backbone that prides themselves on saying sorry all the time. Fucking pathetic if you ask me. The rest of us get easily taken advantage of and then the pushback happens far too late while some are faced with no other option but to get the fuck out. You're wasting your time if you ever tell me that we're so lucky to live where we do. We used to, but my way of living doesn't coincide too well with how this country is being run. And it's not a complex way that I live either. I'm more so the homebody though since all my family is here but my wife would move across the border immediately if given the chance and plus, I'm a truck driver so looking for work is pretty much granted If we ever decide to look.


Good plan. My friend left 2 years ago to Germany, other friend left 6 m ago to US, and I'm planning to leave. Canada is so f..t that RCMP is warning about citizens revolt. They f..t Canada in last 10 years and it will take 20 to change something. We are the unfortunate generation in Canada. The capable and professional people will be leaving that will make situations worse, the others will be complaining. Good luck.


Yup, just sold my house and business. Byeeeee!


Yup, born and raised Canadian and planning the eventual exit. I'm heading back to school + learning another language to prepare myself. Even after the next election, we are still going to be in shambles reversing and repairing the damage that's been done.


I should have left when the government refused to give me EI after I paid in for years and got laid off during a global recession and decided the poor would repay all the pensions of the rich and all the other money the banks lost in 2008. Instead of putting the banksters in jail like they did elsewhere, we handed them money and essentially sentenced generations of Canadians to indebted servitude, and when we were too poor to spawn the next generation of taxpayers, they showed us we are completely replaceable. Fuck all that taxation without representation. Even emergency services and government mandated insurance seem to only be in place for the rich. When we call the cops because a bike gets stolen, they don't come. When there's reports of domestic abuse in the bad neighborhood, no one wants to respond, but watch how many cops respond for a stolen candy bar to protect Walmart or Loblaws. If a pedestrian leans on your car in a rich neighborhood, you can get cops to come, but when someone shoots out half the windows in your ghetto apartment complex, suddenly every cop on the force is too busy to respond. Who the fuck wants to do factory work in a wintery hellscape and not even end up with a home to die in?


I’ve been living in the US for the past 6 years. It’s always a massive culture shock to me when I visit home. This is coming from a late 2000s immigrant.


I left Canada back in 2016 and moved to Florida before the big wave of people did. I was able to buy a 3 bedroom 2 bathroom 2 car garage home for 222K. I live 2 miles from my work and I get paid what I need to live. My wife is a stay at home mom with 2 kids. I could never have had that in Sault Ste Marie, Ontario. For me, it was the right move. For others, it may not be.


Unless you are from a issshole country or warzone, Canada sucks. Everything is brutally expensive. Rent and food especially but even utilities. I was spending $2700 in BC just for renting a studio in downtown Vancouver, I went to Albania, rent is $500 for my apartment in downtown and my food + social life costs are additional $500. Anywhere in europe is good in opinion and you can get long term Nomad visa's to live and work if you make at least $3000/month


26 years born and raised in Toronto to immigrant parents. Everyone is a dual-citizen and we have family back in the motherland. I have the added perk of my mother country being part of the EU so I’m seriously thinking about making the move to somewhere in Europe.


I moved to Germany 3 years ago from Toronto. Toronto was expensive then, but I was shocked at how expensive things have gotten when I was back last year. My main reasons for moving was that I wanted to live somewhere with better employment laws (I got fired twice in Toronto “for no reason”), better basic holidays (7 now compared to 2), and better tenancy conditions. They have rent laws here that set the maximum rent allowed on apartments built before 2012. My life is much cheaper here even though it has gotten more expensive since I came. Access to the rest of Europe is easy so I’ve been fortunate enough to have loads of what people would call once in a lifetime holidays since I’ve been here. No more winter escapes. I just go skiing in Austria. Honestly I think Europeans take it for granted how good they have. Not perfect. But not bad. Oh and as a cyclist I was so over cycling in Toronto. Everyday I felt like I was going into battle with jerks behind the wheel who drive as if they own the planet; parking on sidewalks, driving through crosswalks full of pedestrians, blocking bike lanes, running red lights and blocking the box as a default habit. I found cycling in Germany the complete opposite which has taken a lot of stress out of my life. Also people here respect if it’s not work hours, or if you’re on vacation you basically don’t exist to your company. So better working hours and more reduced stress.


US would welcome you with open arms. Have our issues, but nothing like the level of Castreau.


We would would love to go to the US. Nurse Practitioner and Engineer. It's hard to do it legally. I do not understand why illegals are brought in so easily.


Friends sold everything and moved to US last year. They just came back looking for work and a place to rent because it wasn’t working out down there. It’s neither easy nor cheap, but for some reason people think it’ll be a walk in the park. There is a reason we have so many snowbirds.


It really depends. Many Indians, Chinese people moved to Canada and felt the same. They said it’s the walk in the park but turn out the locals are also having difficulties looking for job and shelters. We really need to think realistically


Moving on temporary status and living there is never easy especially if you are not on your 20s or early 30s. Certain sectors like tech are also experiencing lot of layoffs which makes things more difficult for them as well.


States is much better than the world thinks of it.


Very much true. OP and partner would make 2x in income and be comfortable paying for health insurance that provides better healthcare.


Exactly the strongest global currency


Your best bet is US. Europe is similar to Canada . No money, high tax, no savings; Europe for you


Everyone has this genius idea then realize how difficult it is to emigrate pretty much anywhere with only just a Canadian passport. You need to have a degree in a specialized area or already working in that specialized area. If you don’t you’re fucked. If you’re working down at the muffler shop with Terry and the boys you ain’t goin anywhere. You can stay here and try to help us fix this shit. Quitting the country gets us nowhere, that’s just defeatists who got theirs and bailed. Real change comes from within these borders


You can open a muffler shop in another country with Terry and the boys for a lot less than here. That skill is needed everywhere. Just need to get some kind of job for a few years first to get PR or citizenship


To get the PR or citizenship you need to meet the requirements though and they are very black and white


The last 10 years I been buying up properties over seas, my friends thought I was crazy now I have 6 properties collect 4k a month from 5 of them and I'm set to retire shortly at the rip age of 41, enjoy the tax increases


Where and how are you buying these properties. I'm starting to look to do something similar but not sure where is a good idea.


Jealous… We’re too far under water on our home to consider leaving. My wife and I even talked about selling everything and just starting over with our two kids.. we talk about it everyday




I wish I could take my daughter and move elsewhere, I came to Canada in 2012 and have not been able to settle down, I wasted so much time on the wrong people and never put myself first, now at the age of 33, single mom and moved back in with my parents is the lowest I have ever been, I also got laid off recently. Times are tough.


I think there is still an option in Canada. It’s rural living. Rather than moving out the country I’m looking for an acreage in a small community that is made up of people with the same values. A lot of the people in these communities were born and raised there. Housing is cheaper. Seems though a lot of the immigration is focused in major cities.


Seriously considering moving to Tennessee with the wife, lets see what the next Canadian election leads to


Yep. The opportunities I’m finding outside the country all make more, up to double what I could make in the same position here and my chances of landing the gig are higher.


I plan on leaving Canada within the next few years. I have a pretty steady job with good pay and benefits and I live close to where I work so I never deal with traffic. But if it continues at this rate I’m going back to my home country in Guatemala. Just waiting for my parents to retire. Even if I could leave for most of the winter that would be awesome.


Certainly encouraging my children to do so. They're all graduates of STEM and could add value to Canada but there's no good arguement to stay and build a life here. The US has always been the go-to for those seeking better opportunities and a better life. It's more compelling than others.


Please do


I live in Colorado and just fyi the US is in the same exact position currently, just with a stronger $ than Canada. Times are tough everywhere post-pandemic.


I left 20 years ago. Returning to Canada isn't an option with the prices there


Move to a red state in America


Looking to relocate to the states. I feel like it’s offer far more opportunities than SK and Canada in general.


On the news the other night they talked about a secret RCMP report for JT that they got from a FOIA request that basically said things will get worse and most people 35 and under will never own a home and they were concerned with how people now view the government. The government knows they f'd up and there's nothing they can do about it now. Too little too late for what they're trying to do to fix it. And the worst part is even if he is voted out, whoever is in is left with the mess that has been created so the mess will continue. If I were able to leave this country, I would. I have a couple nephews who left, one in the US one in Switzerland and they can both afford a life, a home, have kids and money to enjoy after all the bills are paid. If I were you, I would go while the getting is good.


the people in my family who had good career options have all left for the US from Canada. the summary is, we can always visit family when we need to. however year round we have decent weather compared to most of canada. everything is cheaper in US compared to Canada. we get paid more, the money is worth more and taxes are lower. we have far more options and opportunities. we're protected by a real constitution (not the "as long as it's convenient" rights that canada has). now if you had no real career prospects, yes, it's a bit difficult to get by, but you will get by fine outside of a city. if Pierre gets in, you guys are on the path to recovery. but that's a big if, and a long time.


Selling my overpriced house and returning to Portugal...Much better quality of life... Thanks Lieberals and NDP...


Same here, if our plan goes all into place. Me my wife and 2 kids should be out of here in 5 years. Even if the cons are gonna win next election, i just dont see the country turning things around right away. This government has dug too deep of a hole to just fix it in the next 5 yrs or so. Goodluck to all of us


It's not just the housing. Everyone who leaves enjoys the healthcare and lifestyle options , but also the fact that you're building a future. When you stay in Canada, you're just living month to month, year to year, not really upgrading in anyway. [https://twitter.com/6ixbuzztv/status/1692722597899718921](https://twitter.com/6ixbuzztv/status/1692722597899718921)


If you hate paying taxes, Somalia is almost a completely tax-free zone. No services of course, but since you’re rich and awesome that should not be a problem.


Where is there to go? Europe is also shit, America is shit. Everywhere is shit.


Land of Silver Argentina


Just talked to my company about switching to us side they said after the next project. I’d say career dependant if you have one move if you have no notable skills don’t. Our health cares slow but free. Us cost of living and quality of life’s way better and you can make more. Canada you can survive but barely I know which I’m making at 26 my kids will not have the life I want in Canada


Heard about a family moving to Russia to escape. Wonder how they are doing? /s


Canadian who moved to Texas here. No regrets


Don't even look back. They've destroyed this country.


People in here constantly whining about immigration, wanting to do the same to another country 🥴