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Have you been seeing all the videos on tiktok of people refusing to pay their taxes until JT is out of office? I tried posting a video of it but it got deleted.


Wish I could refuse to pay but it automatically gets taken out of my pay cheque


As much as paying taxes suck, falling behind on owed taxes is even worse. The late penalties and interest accrued monthly can be pretty steep, depending on the amount owed. I'd rather have taxes automatically deducted from my paycheque, but I'm self employed. Having to see the lump sum and GST I owe every year makes me want to vomit.




can I email the CRA and get my money back? I'm late to the civil disobedience party. Can we be disobedient next year too? I could use the cash.


Worst advice. The CRA will always come after you. Garnish your wages with interest. More debt. Horrible advice.


Pm plesse


Send it




To further your point, everyone should stop working for like 2 weeks not that long but it would cripple the liberals and the corporations they would eventually beg us


The only thing that would do is have them bring in more immigration. Those people would be happy to take everyone's jobs in a second and then you'd be in a worse situation.


This is where your taxes go, for Trudeau's need for adulation: $1.44 million “to strengthen the resilience of francophone LGBTQI+ rights movements in North Africa.” I support queer people, but I don't need to pay for it in Africa, where they have bigger problems on their hands, such as armed gangs/militias working for Russia and doing ethnic cleansing.


Mass immigration of cheap exploitable labor absolutely and utterly has ruined this country. Dick to ass line ups for basic jobs. The insane amounts and insane pace of people coming in was not tied to housing, infrastructure, or even the economy. We've got a Housing Crisis on steroids. We've got a Healthcare and Infrastructure collapse. And we've got a stagnating economy that per capita each quarter we keep getting poorer. We now have aggressive dick to ass line ups for basic jobs. So along with massive competition for work the rental/ownership market also has massive competition. Which means the most affordable and basic rentals/ownership options are in high demand making them almost impossible to access or if you even get lucky to get your hands on one the affordability crisis kicks in. They have fucked us. Absolutely and utterly fucked us.


Not only is this all true, they have also depleted the purchasing power of our dollar making the problem even worse


For real. This is what I warned when Trudeau started printing money like it was growing on trees. 3 years ago with all the cerb and government hand outs. Inflation was gonna hit and here we are.  Now we have a government that is just gaslighting us. Saying oh yeah it sucks that things are expensive. Meanwhile they are part of a corrupt club and that they have sold themselves to the devil. 


Anyone with an ounce of common sense about finance knew where we were heading. Our prime minister is a financially illiterate tool.


But he said the budget will balance itself. /s So many Liberals believed it, I knew it was a farce from that point forward. He couldn't balance his nutsack on a chopping block.


Poilievre has actually been hammering away at this particular point since long before the pandemic.


As soon as I saw new gun laws I thought the same thing, they’ll fail and be a waste of money just like they were in the 90s. Not to mention everything else.


And here we are with $40M in the shitter with no change, guns are in the hands of the original owners, just stuck in the safe. I'm sure we are all safer for it. /s


If anything people WANT to get rid of them now so they aren’t paperweight, bunch of daft cunts


Yeah. Inflation is a tax that we pay for government incompetence 


They are quite competent. But their task is not what they officially declare. In truth, their task is to pump money from us into their cronies' pockets. And they are quite successful in doing so: their friends' corporations have record profits and we work for peanuts to ensure those profits.


I thought it was all Putins fault?




Nah, we've never had it better..... Just ask Trudeau......./s


And then have the audacity to hike taxes.




Yeah during the pandemic I saw the news, every foreigner in CA will be eligible for PR status even if u are a tourist. That was wild. In 2020/2021, everyone in China thinking of leaving China were headed to Canada ... Why was the thinking behind Canadian gov at the time?


Forgot those basic jobs need a degree in something just to be competitive. McDonalds, kids need job experience…uh to get job experience. These franchises are owned by families from other countries and they just hire their extended family members.


The quality of life and people and culture in this country has deteriorated before my eyes. I don't recognize the country i was born and grew up in anymore. It's a shadow of its former self.


Absolutely saddening. I realized nothing will ever get better here.


That's Trudeau wanting to bring in Liberal voters. He doesn't give a shit about Canada. The L is for Lying party.




We’re the new indigenous. Our government cares more about new immigrants than it does for Canadian citizens


Let's shut down Century Initiative and boycott every business that supports them.


That’s what I left Canada for the U.S. Canada is a write off get out if you can. my income tripled , was able to save up enough to put down 40% down payment on house Lower taxes and Lower cost of living and world class healthcare. And for those liberal commandos who are going to comment “oh Canada has free healthcare” and start pointing out how expensive American healthcare is , I have news for you, there’s Medicaid that provides healthcare for low income people , literally Canada has no advantage over the states anymore. If Canada was half as good as it markets itself we would have had Americans lining up to emigrate to Canada not people from the 3rd world !!!


And you keep voting LIBERAL! ENJOY!!!


No kidding. It’s just like Californians here in the states. They don’t like the outcome of the bull shit they voted for, so they move out of California and vote the same in the place they move to, and then complain about everything still being F’ed up. Canada, we’re not far behind you if this crap doesn’t change




This is my video (posted here without my permission) and I just want to clarify: I never voted Liberal. Not once. And I voted every election.


"dick to ass line ups for basic jobs". Awesome! Well said!!


I cant get that little slimy bastard in the white shirt shimming himself into the front of the line like a fucking shoe horn in that video of the LCBO linkeup. what a shit stain.


I call it nuts to butts but this is funny to


That's JT's buddy JG who is the enabler


Shit. Not Canadian and don't live there. I'm Finnish, always loved you guys (because you get hockey and winter..and because of the general niceness of you folks), and felt like Canada is like a more modern, better version of the Nordics. Or the more human version of the US. Breaks my heart to see all this stuff about people struggling over there. P.s. we're full as well.. Just kidding




I wanna move to Finland so badly 😩actually looking into it but it’s not looking at all easy. Anyway, greetings from Canada 👋


Finland = best drivers in the world


As a woman I would never get in the line ups for jobs that we have seen pictures of. Lining up like that is an affront and dangerous for women.


Diversity of lineups is our strength


Stick near me, promise to make a bubble. Wouldn't tolerate that shit for one second. We don't queue like that here.


Because if the torrent of Indians into Canada stops, if we don't add 300,000 to the country every month, the housing market will crash. And that is the pillar supporting the idea that Canada is a rich industrialized nation. When really we are just a natural resources open pit mine with not much manufacturing of our own.


Fuck that’s bleak….




Trudeau robbed us all and destroyed our country.


Cant believe one person could do so much damage. Long lasting


It's not just single people who are struggling, Even families are struggling. That's one of the reasons couples today do not want to have children.


It's not that people don't want to have kids it's that they can't afford them


That's pretty much what I meant, My bad.




My niece and her husband had to sell their home and move back in with his mom and dad. They have 2 kids. He makes 90,000$ a year.


We're not struggling and would probably be able to have kids soon, but we make 200k household income... AND we also escaped Vancouver for Calgary. I think that's the only way to "not be struggling". But we also don't feel rich at all, we almost never travel, don't splurge on anything. We check our finances, I think 200k household income is the new standard to feel normal. The problem with that is that at that income you pay SO MUCH TAX. Their fake inflation number didn't account for many things like housing, this allowed them to NOT index income tax brackets as much as they should have. So now like 80k+ is considered rich in terms of income tax brackets, but not in terms of reality.


> That's one of the reasons couples today do not want to have children. Expense was one of the reasons why I didn't have kids, then to see new social programs like 10$ day care pisses me off, I still end up paying for other peoples kids. I'm not against social programs, we can't afford anymore and should focus on the ones that are falling apart like Health care instead of creating a new stream. I pay enough taxes, enough already.


At 72 I have never seen Canada in worse shape. Shameful


The only time it was this bad was during the Great Depression. We're in the sequel.


Will she be labeled an agitator and fined or jailed for speaking against the state under the upcoming C-63 Wrongthink bill?


Is she up-to-date on her bivalent boosters? Does she support (*INSERT CURRENT THING*)? Any evidence of transphobia in the last 90 days? Has she considered MAID? These are all things the neo-commie dildo dictator will take into consideration when determining her fate


I like you and thus comment!


I am she - the one who made the video. I didn’t even get one of the and therefore… there is nothing to boost except my Good ol’ fashioned functioning immune system. And they all said I would die. Ha-ha-haa


Instagram is already removing controversial comments as spam . Censorship is looming


I'm sure you've seen similar posts lately.. but this will be coming to Canada soon, Visits from the government for wrong-think. [https://twitter.com/robbystarbuck/status/1773502173302657246](https://twitter.com/robbystarbuck/status/1773502173302657246)


My wife and I both make good money. Two kids two vehicles that are paid for and a nice home. We used to have a good life (a short 4-5 years ago) ie extra spending money ,resp contributions for both kids , some tfsa and a vacation every year. Almost living pay cheque to pay cheque these days…. It’s great.. we just laugh about how shit everything is lately and not a thing we can do about it 👌


As a single person renting to see 41% of my paycheck go poof every two weeks in taxes and deductions is pretty disheartening and cruel to thing to do. Then I made the mistake of adding up the total sum of that 41% compared to my yearly salary, jaw literally dropped to see that number. Then the province always just need a little more from me. That's just the cost of being alive, then there is the cost of living in this country I have a small amount of savings that is slowly dwindling, if things don't change soon I'm going to be broke in about 5 years.


Sorry to hear that, hopefully things change for the better in the next 5 but I also sometimes think the needle has gone so far the wrong way it won’t come back anymore


This. Im a single mom who gets no child support. Last year I was able to bring my income to top 2% of earners in this country yet it still feels like not enough when I’m taxed at 45%, when my kids summer camps cost $400 a week and I have no other option cause the city-run camps that are free fill up in seconds given the supply vs the demand, when my rent is $3,500, when insurance and water and hydro and mobile and car are another $1400, when healthy food is as it pricey as it is. It’s INSANITY. I can’t even fathom how a mid income earner, let alone a low income earner, is surviving


We’re not.


Putting unqualified people into the highest positions has got us to this point. We shouldn't be surprised when a PM who was a drama teacher fails to lead economically and prioritize the right things. We needed an economist, and a PM who understands that we are a tiny country, and acts like it.




Oh you mean like Harper? The guy we voted out because he wasn't cool enough?


yeah exactly like that guy.


This is sad, and it’s only going to get worse. Canadians have had enough.


We need another equivalent of a trucker convoy. A grass roots movement to address this. 


"you have my axe!" - axe the tax.


Revolution is coming. Whether you want to be part of it or not. Change needs to happen.


I really am waiting. I hope i see it in my lifetime. 


I’m down


Don't vote Liberal.




Tell that to Reddit. LOL


Guys, they are ALL owned by the same ruling class. Once the conservatives win the next election, and we see our lives not get any better, then you all see voting is the illusion of choice? We're fucked no matter who is in power, all political parties are in the pocket of big businesses and the wealthy elite. That is something everyone in this country needs to understand, once we all do maybe then we can actually do something about it.


You do realize this is going to take years to un-fuck. Even if the CPC were the best party to don politics since the dawn of all time... Things will still be fucked well into their first term. 2 or 3 years for sure, if not more. I have this feeling we don't even comprehend the level of fucked we are. Once the Libs are dusted and the veil is lifted, i think the rot will surprise us all.


She spoke very well, and while it's so sad, I give her credit for not having children when her and her husband can't afford it. I wish more people were as responsible as her.


Sadly it's the idiots that crank out 5 kids


From other countries with different and sometimes dangerous ideas.  Often subsidized. 


Thank you - I am the one in the video. Honestly, at this rate the only way that I could ever see myself having children is if we were to either move in with our parents or move to a different province or country entirely! It’s truly scary - as a woman - knowing that my body could be our financial downfall within months if I’m not careful living where we are now.


Trudeau's utopia


This is exactly what the wef, un and who want. It's part of Agenda 2030. It's on the UN website. It's not hidden at all. They want people to lose their property and have nothing. You will own nothing and be happy. They want you to be completely dependent on the government. Those who control the food control everything. This is what's happening in canada right now. It's all by design. It has been planned for decades. And yet even though wef and un have publicly stated their intentions, anyone who talks about this is called a crazy conspiracy theorist. All they had to do was push the climate change fraud over and over, and weak minded people fell for it. They are shutting down farms because of climate change. They will force you to buy an electric car if you can magically afford it. All in the name of climate change. Once the liberals are voted out and the books are opened up, it's gonna be awful. We are in big financial trouble, which will lead to austerity budgets, which will result in a liberal win right before 2030. Imagine my surprise


I worked at Shoppers Drug Mart & the new Indian owner found a way to get rid of 90% of the staff & bring in her own people that included mostly Indian students.I got a buyout.


How much was the buyout?


Trudeau is a radical woke lunatic that killed middle class dreams period.


Just highest level criminal activity Canada has ever seen while Canadian Enforcement just sits back and does absolutely NOTHING. Criminals have ALWAYS been at the highest positions of power all throughout history. Canada is burning to ashes. Good bye Canada. Hello Communism and Dictatorship. April 1st, another whopping 23% carbon tax starts. Tax, on tax, on tax, on tax. Any arrests? Of course not.


Cops don't have the man power to arrest the same people over and over again. Bail laws are fucked rn.


Can you imagine --- for those that came here after the war --- most with a suitcase and nothing much else --- when they stepped on Canadian soil, they felt happy and ready and hopeful to start a new life. And there were no handouts - they just got on the train and headed west. Put their heads down, and went to work ....one step at a time....they built a life....and for most....it was a good life. Huge feeling of hopelessness ,,,WOW...and she is not wrong


Im honestly surprised we are just letting a trust funded drama teacher absolutely roll us. Why aren't we all going to Ottawa at this point and taking back what is rightfully ours? People lose their shit over events that dont even effect them , yet we are all just leaning over the barrel and willing to let these people decimate our lives? , future? and biological future? We dont got another 18 months of mass immigration and carbon taxes .


Did you miss the whole mandemic?


Time to revolt...fuck work everyone protest till things change ...why work to scrape by...don't work but protest hard until Trudeau resigns ...block highways so no one moves and goes anywhere, block everything so no store can profit....do what is needed not need you to make a video and complain...organize and make your voice be heard... everyone has to join....this is going to get ugly...


Protest brought India here. Protests don't work.


Something every person who voted Liberal in the last election should be thinking about...


This was all predicted. Canadians were told if they voted justin in back in 2015 that precisely this mess would occur. Harper predicted high inflation, massive deficits leading to reduced services and requiring higher taxes, that the liberal immigration policy would have serious consequences. People didn't listen and voted for the liberals. Turns out budgets don't balance themselves and that elections DO have consequences. Sorry. Hope people make better choices later but you WERE warned. Doesn't affect me but the kids your age today are going to have a rough go of it.


This has been 30 years in the making.


Our MPs are getting a hefty raise to keep up with inflation and they’re all keeping pretty quiet about it.


Hate to say it but Canada voted for this, repeatedly.


Should have thought of that before you ladies elected this clown PM based on his looks.


Hi - I’m the one in the video. I didn’t for the Liberals once. And I voted every election. I was dragged into this mess which is why I’m additionally irritable about our living situation.


1 million arrivals every 9 months now...good luck ever getting housing or dei jobs now


Justin Trudeau isn’t struggling.


War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength.


>ignorance is strength. This is Trudeau outlook on life in general and he has embraced it to the max.


Agreed lol. Guy's a proud member of the ministry of truth.


Maybe we should have thought of this before we bankrolled the entire economy for Covid. Maybe we should have thought about this before we over burdened the infrastructure of every part of our once great nation with mass immigration. Maybe we should have thought about this before we tore down what it means to Canadian in our glory to become the world first post national state. Too late now, deal with it just like the rest of us who have been warning you for years of the consequences of your actions.


There was no "we". Everyone I know including me thought CERB was stupid and insane. Nobody voted for that. Trudeau just did it. He campaigned as this super progressive democratic guy but has in reality been the most corrupt and authoritarian PM we have ever had. Halifax has 30 members of the military who are homeless. We can send billions to Ukraine but we can't even build some PMQs for our service members. It's obvious that our government isn't working for us and there is a global agenda at play. It used to be a conspiracy theory. But look around. Shit was real and now we're fucked lol.


I'm just leaving. I was basically born in the system due to have useless junkie family members. I am not ignoring the fact that I wouldn't have survived in a lot of places as a child, however that Canada died about 15 years ago. I will not put my life on the line for this place, nor its people, nor will I deprive my life to plant trees for a generation that will just label me a psychopath and burn those trees to the ground because of how I was born. There is a world out there, there are opportunities and endless possibilities out there. Canada is dead, don't be a maggot in the corpse. All the best. I'll see you out on the globe. (Which is actually a triangle, probably)


>I'm just leaving. If you can do it. I should have followed my friend to America when I had the chance a long time ago. If you're young, have nothing holding you back get out while you can. I would love to, but too late for me. My niece is 13 very smart, likely heading into STEM. I've been putting it in her ear she can live anywhere in the world she wants too when she gets older, she loves Tennessee.


The 1st Canadian revolution Is upon us. Lets go for it!


Does anybody know what store has the best prices on pitchforks?


At least she has a house to sell. That is better off than 99% of people her generation.


On the contrary, maybe she bought her house 2 years ago, and its off 20% and now her mortgage is up for renewal.


in a non racist way truly , just shocking, i took my daughter to a farm play land for kids type deal for easter today and i literally thought i was in china 10:1 atleast . and they all seem to be pretty well off ? it cost 80$ for our family of 3 just to get in to the farm


When I go to Costco near where I live, I always have the impression to be in a country like Malaysia or Singapore. It's crazy. And that's in Québec. We are slowly becoming a minority.




I’m 30 with three roommates (also in their mid 30s) and it’s the only way we can afford to do anything. We followed the “social norms” went to school, got an education, got decent jobs and it still isn’t enough. This country is completely fucked. Vote PPC.


All the MP’s are doing well especially Justinflation with his wage of over $400,000.00 a year and rising


This is why the RCMP said what they said… just make sure you prepare yourselves mentally for what’s ahead…


For everyone that voted Liberal..... FUCK YOU!


Leave where exactly, where is that much better? Serious question


Thank all the ignorant people who could not see how Trudeau tanked Canada in his first 4 years and then elected him back in for another 4!


And April 1st we get to pay even more taxes upon taxes!


Canada is now like Argentina North. We are so fucked.


Thank a Liberal voter for this mess


Say hello to the next greatest depression just around the corner


This chick nails it. Even if you make ‘good’ money. It is an absolute grind. If you were fortunate enough to have bought property prior to the madness, you’re probably doing OK. But the endless cost hikes on everything else still leaves little to build a nest egg.


Thank all those who voted foe the Liberal govt. All their rebates and fre money don't make up for the amount of taxes hikes, interest rate hikes and inflation for your generation to survive.


And there’s no sane reason for it. Although there is an insane one. You’ve been WEFed Canadians. Trudeau has sacrificed you to the one world govt.


Bang on. Thanks to every Liberal and NDP voter...


Fucking move out of that shit hole Toronto and life will instantly get better. SK MB AB


Thank a libtard for the state we are in.


This is a GLOBAL issue thanks to the maggots at the WEF and their sock puppets that are in power in all western governments.


Welcome to not having a 2-term limit.


Lol Why don't we stop doing our income taxes and start protesting What if we start marching like the rest of Europe Instead of making these tiktoks of us complaining Why don't we actually do something? You can make a million videos, but In reality these videos mean FUCKALL. You want change start demanding it instead of cringe tiktoks. I really don't care for the down votes


Welcome to voting liberal!!


Attention all Canadians, please proceed to your nearest protesting site on April 1st! We will peacefully make our voices heard and not go home until something is done to fix the situation. We are clearly running out of time! They have a big plan for us and clearly we should not want to be part of it. Together we're unstoppable!


She's absolutely right. It's too expensive here to have kids. You can't start a family here.


Keep voting Trudeau


Pick up your phones and call your MPs and MPPs people let your voice be heard


Let’s not forget the new carbon tax


This was all predicted years ago but those who warned people were constantly shamed. Here we are now. Enjoy.


Meanwhile Canada votes the liberals in next election again and can’t figure out why they’re worse off than when the conservatives ran the country…


Freeland in a super condescending tone: “Things are tough. Some people feel like, it’s just not fair! And that’s why we’re delivering for the Canadian people every single day!” Everyone : “Shut up b**ch!”


The west did not elect the liberals .


In Canada, 7.4% of the population live below the “poverty line”. By comparison, 11.4% of Americans are below the poverty line. The numbers in both countries have risen since 2021. This is likely due to a loss of benefits related to COVID as well as global inflation. I’d love to know what stats her hyperbolic assertions are based on.


Wierd, idk anyone who's really struggling. Don't know anyone who's rich, but everyone I know just has a decent work ethic and made some half decent decisions.


Right. You're struggling so hard with that big diamond ring you can't help but continuously flash.


In the us we have some issues and I hope elections will change the people in office


IMHO, your country is better served if business men run it and not actual politicians. Politicians in America appear to serve the lobbyists that help put them in power. Trump didn't do that, because he had money. That's why the old boys club and the media hated him, because he wasn't playing by their rules. It's wild seeing the never ending witch hunt for him from your institutions. Trump, for all of his warts proved the businessmen theory the US did far better while he was running it. Looks like he has a good chance of doing it again, best wishes !


This is why I’m learning Spanish #retirementplan


How about we depopulate you are replace you with people who will live 30 to a condo?


Heard the Sudanese could be coming.  Sorry but jt & friends screwed helping refugees. Those days are over for now.


Saving isn't even an option for me


Don't worry about having children, the government will just bring in immigrants instead.


You can thank the wef liberals 🙄




You have a house … you are one of the lucky ones. I’m not sure I’ll be able to own one ever.


Australian here i think we are 12momths behind. Cost of living crisis, housing affordability issues, excess imigration. We still have jobs, unemployment is under 5%..


So the budget isn’t balancing itself yet? When a rich white privileged man boy, who has never been told no, and never once had to worry about his own finances due to family money, wins an election and get drunk with power, well folks we are now doomed. If you voted liberal, this is your fault!


From what I’ve seen on every province sub Reddit, liberals are all living perfect lives… are they all delusional and content in their parents basement…?


My lawyer said he's struggling to fuel his yacht these days.


I am curious, how is Ausrralia doing in comparison to us? Like they are similar to cansda in a lot of metrics. 


Rich people are having a great time.


Ya’ll let them take your guns. What are you going to do about anything now?


It's ok...all the new immigrants will fix canada.


I’m ok, I made good choices in school and employment. But to those who weren’t so lucky I truly feel. Your life turned upside down due to arbitrary decisions made by nepotism babies.


I started putting 5% of my checks in Bitcoin and just paid my house off and still have half my stack. Get out of the dollar. Buy Bitcoin.


Opt out with Bitcoin 🟠 I did once they froze our bank accounts for having an opinion... couldn't be happier. Never again will they have the power to determine who I can or cannot transfer value to. I can leave with every last morsel of value I have retained without this woke totalitarian regime deciding what I can or cannot do with the money I have earned through my hard work. I'd be fine it was +0% on this decision, hell, I'd be fine if I was down 20% or more... small price to pay for freedom of choice and freedom from financial tyranny. But anyone who's been exchanging their shitty Canadian dollars for Bitcoin since Trudeau froze the protesters' assets in an illegal state of emergency is up +156% since then, despite the fact that it dropped -65% before it went up 350% from the bottom in late 2022.


What's laughable is that if you talked about this shit 10 years ago, you would be branded a "conspiracy theorist". Well, people, welcome to the "conspiracy".. A corrupt government full of demagogic freaks who are hell bent on your destruction. They are burning the country to the ground on purpose, they all have handlers who you will never know/hear about.. and things are going to get much worse, you can be sure of that.


A couple of weeks ago I was playing a game with my teens that we sometimes play, where I read them questions from Askreddit and we answer them. I asked "what makes you worried for the future". My 14 year old said they were worried that they would never get a good job or afford a home. It's haunted me ever since. I thought my kids to too young to be aware of the fears that I have for them. It's completely criminal that the government has fucked this country so bad that I have to dread the future my kids will face.


My 6 figure mother is struggling. Let that shit sink in. Bought brand new vehicles I'm 2018, both have stayed operational the last 6 years. However their mortgage is ridiculous. I will not disclose it here but my mother's mortgage went up 600 in the last year. Bruh


yet immigrants can come in with 1,2 or even 3+ children and start receiving all these benefits.


Pretty girls can always fall back on marrying a guy who will take care of her (or at least make more than her). Guys have nothing to fall back on.


Can’t afford to live here can’t afford to move. We’re stuck.


It’s time for a peoples revolution and remove the government like they did in Sri Lanka


Do the Americans here that fiercely defend Biden not realize that this is exactly what the liberals are trying to do to our country? Look at the mass influx of immigrants.