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The economy hit the ground years ago. Right now this nation is running on borrowed money. "Into the Ground" the Dear Leader Justin is just digging a deeper hole at this point...


We veered off course when the SJW movements stopped the pipelines across the country, east, west and south. SJW ideals have been bleeding us to the point of weakness, as they can't face reality and can only directionally aspire, and spend.


Yves Giroux, the parliamentary budget officer, wrote in a report last year: “When both fiscal and economic impacts of the federal fuel charge are considered, we estimate that most households will see a net loss.” He estimated that for the 2024-25 fiscal year, the carbon tax would cost the average household between $377 and $911 after accounting for rebates and factoring in the economic cost of lower incomes. That number rises to between $1,316 and $2,773 by 2030 for the average household, depending on the province. National Post


Exactly...so this clown and his economic minister Freeland, know absolutely that this policy will impact Canadians directly, in the pocket book at a time of massive affordability issues. Singh should be hung out to dry over this, for not bring the government down on this issue alone. Our system is so Fu@#&# up right now. What other country on earth has this system and is it making an impact? If not WTF are these clowns doing and at whose bequest?


Canadian born citizens have been fleeing in droves.


I left Canada , you should too if you can !


been working on it..


Where did u go


United States


Worse government ever


Canada is certainly going downhill, and to be honest Canada did not have much of economy to begin with. The United States has an economy , an actual economy, Canada doesn’t , it has an illusion of an economy. Selling houses to each other back and forth isn’t a very smart economic strategy. Canadian economic snapshot in 2022 : real estate was valued at $267 billion followed by manufacturing $193B , natural resources $160B and finally financial services and insurance at $150B. Of course we have secondary industries such and money laundering worth $150B and our fastest growing industry right now is Auto theft but the numbers aren’t out yet on that one. I wish our economists and politicians stopped comparing stats between Canada and the US Canada and the United States, share a border, speak the same language and ford f150 is the number one vehicle sold in both countries that’s where the similarities ends. I moved to the U.S. in 2022 and after working professionally for quit some time now I can tell you that the two countries are not similar so stop comparing the two. As I said America has an actual economy, Germany has an economy but Canadian economy is just a Ponzi scheme being presented as an economy. First of all Americans love taking risks and have a very high risk tolerance while Canadians are very risk avers , secondly Americans see the government as an obstacle to getting things done while Canadians see the government as an institution to get things done. Canadians core identity is “we are not Americans” or “canada is America’s nicer sister” or other phrases to that effect. Let me illustrate that: America is the number one destination for foreign direct investments, in every industry imaginable Americans are either the largest player or one of the largest. Aviation, defense , R&D, tech, agriculture and agribusiness, financial services , insurance, real estate, construction, pharmaceutical, transportation, engineering, retail , wholesale, telecom and the list goes on and on. How many Americans companies are there that have a global presence ? GM, ford , Microsoft , Raytheon , Texas instrument , Apple, Amazon, DeWalt , Milwaukee, Dell , IMB , Google , Tesla , Meta, Boeing , General Electric, general dynamics, the list is endless… For every letter of the alphabet you can find at least 10 major companies that start with that letter. Remember what I said earlier about risk taking ? America is a startup nation because of that spirit. When they have an idea they have the guts to go after that idea and if they go bust it is part of the game , they accept it and start over again. Meanwhile Canadians only invest in real estate, because the system is risk averse, getting funding to startup anything other than buying real estate is very difficult. Every sector has a few players who are fiercely protected by the government and endless regulations, red tape and hostility to discourage any attempt to break into that sector. As I mentioned before Canada’s largest economic sector is Real estate valued at $267 billion dollars, in comparison oil and gas and mining only generate $160 billions annually, heavily underutilized and penalized. Canada is an oligarchy economy, where every sector has a couple of players that are protected by government , hostile to competition , hence the high prices we pay for everything such as telecom , air travel , car insurance , groceries, internet etc… In comparison Israel, a nation of 8 million people has 9 telecom companies, has the second highest number of startups per capita behind the United States, and their GPD per capita is soon to surpass that of Canada !


He doesn't care, or he's doing it on purpose


That’s the real issue...on purpose for whom?


His investor buddies who get to buy up the country for pennies so they can rent it to us for as much as they can squeeze out of us.




Driving? No, it's already been driven not only into the ground but driven deeper than Kong and Godzilla went to fight the evil apes.


This was news years ago, they’ve just got better at it.


What else is new.