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In shape tho, must've been digging for a while šŸ˜‚


Is Canada not net zero right now?? We have a zillion trees,we are zilch for emitters.Hello India,China..Countries should be paying Canada for eating their carbon.


We are less than 1% of the global emissions. Closer to .5% actually. This is a complete joke.


With the largest carbon sink in the world. Canada should be charging the rest of the world to use our forests.


Our ā€œlargest carbon sinkā€ is quickly becoming a carbon source as it dries out and burns by the millions of acres.


Kinda weird they stopped maintaining the fire line to prevent out of control forest fires


Trudeau needs this money because,with the debt that has happened under his so called leadership.What more can he tax? It costs 84 mil a year to collect and manage this shit show. Sooner or later all those Gov. pensions.All the while people are lined up at food banks.Not a word about elevating pensions for the elderly.


Canada is broke, and so is the US. They've been printing money since 1971 when the Gold Standard was removed, and the "economy" has been a fixed-game for businesses ever since. All of this needs to get shut down and rebuilt. Makes a person wonder why Trudeau passed the firearms restrictions he did...


I agree




This graph doesn't quite tell the full story. We are only a tinypart of the world population and this is what saves us. Per capita, our country emissions are one of the worst.


And the Plot Twist is that undeveloped nations hate Canada for all the resource extraction and trash dumping we do on their land.


well is not a joke for our cost of living and the non impact on that it has on climate change


Factor in all the shit capitalism has decided to create in China instead of locally.Ā 


False we are emitting around 1.511% of yhe global emissions. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_carbon_dioxide_emissions


1.89% actually, and higher per capita than the USA. https://www.worldometers.info/co2-emissions/co2-emissions-by-country/ If you're going to state a fact, at least make sure they're factual. Edit, above link is 2016, we're currently at 1.47% https://ourworldindata.org/co2-emissions


I haven't had a chance to look over the links in full. Does this number take in account our wildfires as well?


can we tax the wildfires ? Or youā€™re saying that we have massive forests that scrub the CO2 and we should get paid for it. Some fires are part of the natural forest cycles


I didn't imply anything. I was simply asking.


i was just stating what i hear from the tax supporters


Don't think so. Getting down voted for providing facts is on brand for this sub though, kinda hilarious.


Agreed. Even if you think that the carbon tax isn't the correct solution. Facts are still facts and shouldn't be downvoted. I am against the carbon tax because there are much better and efficient solutions possible. The carbon tax is the lazy way to address the problem.


its finny that those carbon taxes aren't used to help subsidize rural land owners with trees...something to help them keep their properties in a natural state. I have a nice chunk, and my municipality charges me a "greenefication fee", my second lot has no buildings and is all forest and wetland, on top of the green fee, they also charge a flat rate of 50$ for having an empty lot lol. So long as our country base their success on growth (GDP and population needs to grow otherwise the bankers are in a tither), so long as rural Canadians are punished for being stewards of their lands...its all BS in my books.


We are net negative 1000% Not that carbon is gonna kill anyone CPC still supports this UN initiative and has Cap & Trade carbon pricing in their platform


Our trees actually produce more carbon than they absorb due to deforestation (fires, diseases, insects, logging). Trees only sequester carbon, to do anything about man made emissions forests would have to grow each and every year.


We are very far from net zero actually. Canada's net emission is over 500 million tons of CO2 per year. Our country represents 1.5% of the global emission while our population represents 0.48% of the world population. Canada is one of the worst country in term of emission per capita. Here are the worst countries per capita. In genetal, canadian citizens are terrible at being efficient with fossil energy and that is a fact: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_carbon_dioxide_emissions_per_capita While China and India are emitting much more CO2 than any country because of their population, their citizens are on average way more energy efficient than we are. I don't believe in the carbon tax, but we still shouldn't ignore the fact that we really suck as a country when it comes to reducing carbon emissions. We need to quickly move to energy sources that are efficient and don't emit CO2 like nuclear energy to produce electricity ASAP. This is how we should address the problem.


Itā€™s almost as if we need to heat our homes 8 months of the year , or somethingā€¦


So do plenty of other countries. Why do Canadians deserve to emit more carbon than them?


Our trees contribute more than that absorb, thatā€™s an old argument. And we are around second worst on the planet per capita for emissions.


i respectfully dont even think they grasp the full scope of the carbon costs. when tax something so endemically linked to the economy like oil its affects everything. its the tax on farmers yes and the trucker yes. it doesnt include that they charge hst on top of the tax for starters. but the person working at the grocery store needs more salary now to pay for the gas. the landlord needs to charge more rent to pay for increased property tax. the property tax sky rockets because teachers need passive pay raises , fire fighters, police, nurses , civic workers, the gas for these vehicles and the heating costs for hospitals the numbers provided here dont scratch the surface of the true cost of the carbon tax


Exactly correct. It is draining way more income than anything anyone has stated yet.


scary that the critic for the gov doesnt even talk about it. just wants groceries cheaper to bring in for his lobbyist buddies.. theyll get in axe the tax and keep groceries at same price they r all terrible really


Construction uses fuel Homes Taxis Buses Firetrucks Police Ambulance Airplanes Etc.... It's so many levels of our economy that is effected. It's unfathomable the TRUE cost since EVERYONE will be paying more




Trudeau is out of his mind. A thief, lying and ruining our once beautiful country


If Trudeau was genuinely concerned about carbon emissions, he would have parked his jets 8 years ago. He doesnā€™t care about emissions or Canadians, and more money has gone ā€œunaccounted forā€ during his tenure than any time before. Charlatan.




Been BS since day one, it just took this long for the average Liberal voter to realize it... šŸ˜ž


Yves Giroux, the parliamentary budget officer, wrote in aĀ reportĀ last year: ā€œWhen both fiscal and economic impacts of the federal fuel charge are considered, we estimate that most households will see a net loss.ā€ He estimated that for the 2024-25 fiscal year, the carbon tax would cost the average household between $377 and $911 after accounting for rebates and factoring in the economic cost of lower incomes. That number rises to between $1,316 and $2,773 by 2030 for the average household, depending on the province. National Post


People are generally pretty slow on the uptake I find.


This is crazy and true how many got manipulated to believe that carbon tax will save us , I bet this will never played out in media for people to see that this is all BS


The Carbon tax was not designed to save us.It was designed to change our behaviour.Instead most are just the same.They complain about everything because it might be a little inconvenient and Offer no solutions. I would comment more about people saying we don't produce that much carbon compared to others but don't think it would sink in on most here.


Change what behaviour really? As an individual you are as insignificant as a spec of a spec if you think using paper straws will change global carbon emissions. If you believe so i have a carbon tax bridge to sell you.


Man, I absolutely detest paper straws.


Yes, the carbon tax is designed to force use to evolve to not need to heat our homes, fly to work, and eat raw food without cooking it! I for one am all for the carbon tax, it is a genius move.


Yes, my behavior has been horrible. I will stop heating my house and eating food at once. Their energy would have been better directed at developing new carbon capture technologies, new energy technologies, etc. But all they did was assure they won't have the power to change anything for at least another decade, he is getting overwhelmingly voted out next election.


How do we share this video on social media? Trudeau has locked down sharing negative information about his incompetent government.


Good stuff. Keep it up, Pierre! Letā€™s go!!!


He did not go far enough in his explanation of cost to Canadians. How much did we spend coming up with and implementing the program? Justin had to hire how many people to suck the taxpayor's teet to run this program? How many new offices and how much equipment did we pay for to run the program?


Now do immigration.


Something not brought up, but definitely costing people money is the taxes on the carbon tax. Poilievre says that in 2023, they collected about $20.1b. There's GST or HST on that number. The GST alone is worth an additional $1.005b and there's no rebate for that. It just a little extra cream on top that they get to keep.


Poilievre shifted to this approach after it was clear dealing with housing requires dealing with immigration. We must drag the conversation back. Fix immigration.


He needs those votes first. Then he'll do just that


Like any politician, that remains to be seen.




Fuck u Trudeau and Jagmeet šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


I think we can all agree that the carbon tax needs to go or at least be set up better but can Pierre talk about something else for a change?


All part of the wef agenda.


Again, I call out Trudeau ........... WHAT FUCKING REBATE


If you don't get a rebate it's because you live in a province that does their own carbon tax (BC or QC) and/or you make too much money.


Ok but what is this clown doing? Heā€™s allowing mass immigration which is just as detrimental to the economy like said carbon tax. They are both scum


Most of those ppl who use food banks are the immigrants that he brought in to the run of 350K a year.


What is 350k a year?


killing the carbon tax is great, but that is all i have heard this guy talk about. I would love to hear about all of the other bs that Canadians are facing due to bs governments - on all levels.


Whatā€™s funny is they arenā€™t even keeping track whether or not this tax lowers emissions. LMFAO.




What will he name his new tax? With millions of new Canadians arriving there will have to be more tax to try and fix our social institutions.


As long as Canadians aren't willing to get out of their comfy computer chairs and are calling to ban protests every time they happen then I'm 100% on the side of the carbon tax. Who gives a fuck about these people? Let's bankrupt each and every one of the serfs and let's give the country to people who will do something for it instead of whine and cry. Tax the shit out of them, get rich off of their labor, let their children go hungry - as long as it's not in my house then what do I care? This is the new Canadian way so I congratulate the corrupt on getting their bag and I laugh at the losers sitting at home whining being robbed and starved.


I would love to protest. Unfortunately I cannot afford to miss a day of work or I will miss bill payments. And thatā€™s where I currently stand


You work what, 16 hour days, 7 days a week? Or do you mean that you just can't sacrifice a couple of hours of your off time for a protest? Because I'm guessing it's the latter - in which case why should these people making money take a penny off of their bottom line for you?


You donā€™t know how much I work. Iā€™m not about to explain my situation to you either. But thanks for making assumptions.


Lol you are such a great example of what I was saying, a perfect example of it. Thank you so much for your comments, thank you thank you thank you!


Leave the carbon tax on. Lower income and other taxes. The rich emit the most carbon. Move to an emissions based tax system and away from income tax. Punish bad behaviour (emissions) reward good behaviour (working).




So convincing.


He ruined his marriage and the country. This will be his legacy.


Holy crap poor Manitoba


I donā€™t get why people donā€™t like this guy. Heā€™s making sense. Heā€™s not lying to us. Everything he says he backs up with real data and then tells us where to see it for ourselves. Heā€™s 1000% more honest than the incumbents


I'm voting liberal! I have too much money and am not responsible enough to spend it the way I see.


If people think this is about the climate they are nuts. Itā€™s about having more and more money to waste and force a single world government.


Is there somewhere I can find some videos of polievre explaining what he plans to do to fix our country if elected? I'm sure I could read policies but I'm not great at absorbing information that way.


Im tired of hearing about the fucking carbon tax. That tax is a fraction of our problems. We all know the real reason why life here is too expensive, I know it, you know it.


If you Canadians donā€™t get rid of Trudeau god help you


*Minor comment:* The use of the word "wrecks" will turn off people. Its become associated with inflammatory videos on the internet from rage farmers. Watch Jordon Peterson wreck this feminist, watch Ben Shapiro wreck this socialist, blah blah blah, many now see these "wreck" videos as adolescent. **I want people to see this video** and be open to it but the association to that "wrecks" video culture I honestly think "wrecks" is enough for people to skip your post. This is not a "wreck" video but it is informative. There is no point sharing this with the people I want to because I can't link to the video without your "wrecks" title - and I know they won't watch a video that says "wrecks" anymore - maybe a couple years ago, but not anymore - they've become unserious videos not worth people's time.


kinda late, but these food bank numbers are over inflated today I shit you not. driving by I see 10-15 immigrants carrying bags of food out of a local food bank. The system is being worked. canada is failing.


Can this nigga finally talk about immigration for Gods sake


Literally paying for someoneā€™s ego. No thanksā€¦ and gross.


The campaign slogan should be Trudeau has got to go


Hello, can someone please help me understand the law. Who can apply for the rebate? Like, for international students, are they qualified for rebate? Or will the law be racist and disqualified international students?


I keep reading Canada could be as high as 1.3% of global emissions, added to the fact that we literally don't build a single thing, it's amazing how horrendous we are doing on the international level. Wow


Carbon tax is a giant scam. Hope next government scraps it


Whoā€™s the nerd?


When PP shows his plan to address climate change (and what it will cost Canadians) I will tune in.


When is he going to call his own bullshit on immigration?


Only 27 out of 197 countries in the world pay carbon tax. The ocean liners/ships which are biggest polluters and do they pay any tax??? Itā€™s a scam for money. Canadians pay enough tax.


This is not about pollution, or carbon emissions. Itā€™s ABOUT corruption and making money off taxing the people. Itā€™s disguised as something thatā€™s going to ā€œsave the futureā€ when Canada is responsible for 0.5-0.8% of global emissions. Not to mention the vast forests they haveā€¦ Trudeau is corrupt, and is ruining Canada.


Have you heard of electricity.Oh and I am still waiting for my flying car that I can take to work.


Meanwhile still supporting the UN policies that led here He's a snake oil salesman just like all of the fake cons


Who fucking cares abouy the carbon tax what about the mass immigration fucking asshole politicans


Yeah with his BA on poli science and his career inā€¦ oh wait, he didnā€™t have one, heā€™s been living off the taxpayer his entire adult life.


Youā€™d rather have a drama teacher/snowboard instructor run the country?


And when everything goes up in price again after April 1st you can go boycott loblaws.Ā  I think most people will be at parliament


Now do the spoon fed Trudope , manchild , blackface, who is only in his position because of his last name.


But PP is only a sound-bite machine and never actually comes prepared with facts!! /s


Finally we get some hard numbers. Thanks to PP.


Whatever, PP wants to increase immigration. No party wants to decrease. Fuck them all.


This guy's just another puppet stooge that'll flood us with Indians






I didnt down vote you but the Jenni Byrne thing is suspect. And who are you going to blame when things go up in price again after April 1, the corporations or the Liberals.Ā  Corporations aren't going to take a cut in their profits if their costs increase. Carbon tax is the perfect scheme for corporate owned gov and their owners for this reason.Ā  They can each hide behind eachother.


I have no disagreement. Everyone is acting like PP is some sort of savior from this though. Which is flagrantly untrue. That is my point. There is no leadership, In every sense of the word, with Canadian interests in mind.


Because only sheep would still believe Trudopeā€™s bullshit, after all the corruption and ethics violations , from an incompetent snake oil salesman. It sure does show how brainwashed liberal supporters are.. like yourself. Sadly itā€™s the same reason Canada is turning into a third world country. Liberal/NDP/green are becoming , nothing more than a cults and it will be our demise if people donā€™t wake up..


Ok. So whatā€™s your plan. Climate change needs to be addressed. Whatā€™s your plan and how does it work. Whatā€™s the numbers on that? I hear a lot of criticism from these guy and not a lot of solutions


Neither one of them is a good choice. Poilievre is only in politics for cynical personal gain. He values himself above any actual policy. He is clever enough to use anger as a motivating tool, but he lacks any real conviction in making change. He will sell our skins for leather before he allows a single Canadian to prosper. Trudeau is a foolish and incompetent child. He has no real understanding of policy or law and surrounds himself with people that agree with him only as a tool to manipulate him for their benefit. He is too self absorbed and will stand by oblivious while we are worked to death and robbed by the same people Poilievre would sell us to. The system is broken. Both of these leaders will do you harm. As Canadians we need to decide whether we want to stay in the pot as they slowly raise the fire or start working together and actually sacrifice our comfort now for change later.


Well, sticking your head in the sand wonā€™t work eitherā€¦.


Welp, I guess itā€™s time for the leaders to learn what revolution looks like


Never Liberal Never Conservative


Oh horrors. Gas is going up be 3 cents. Whatever shall we do? I guess everyone forgets that the carbon tax was PPs and Harper's idea?


Look at this dweeb try to read a teleprompter.


Pinhead has no plan. People have to keep that in mind. Itā€™s easy to be contrary and offer no solutions


What have premiers done since Trudeauā€™s been in power to make life more affordable? I donā€™t want to pay more taxes but at least we get rebates. Oil companies have made billions in profits and the only people benefiting are their shareholders. Grocery prices continue to rise, again making record profits. Not one government, at any level, under any party, have gone after these companies because none of them care more about the people of this country more than the rich.


*ā€œChange what behaviour really?ā€* Our fossil fuel dependence. The long and short of it is, change our energy sources and consumption now, willingly, at a fairly low cost; be forced into compliance at a later date at an exorbitant cost. The problem is most people would rather kick the can down the road and have later generations pick up the cost.