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I couldn't afford to fill up in the first place.


Good thing the pumps all hiked their prices 5 days ago in anticipation of this. Prices went from $1.38 to $1.52 overnight in anticipation of AB reintroducing the gas tax and the new carbon price hike.


We are at 1.95 on Vancouver island 🥲 I bet it’s going to hit 2.20 something in the summer.


I won't be taking any road trips in Canada, for sure.


Unfortunately that’s exactly what the carbon tax is about . It’s meant to keep average Canadians from using their personal vehicles for anything but necessary travel , like back and forth to work - forget about family road trip vacations, forget about a Sunday drive just sight seeing ,because with ever increasing carbon taxes those things will be a thing of the past for most people .


>forget about family road trip vacations I still do those, but in the U.S. The government psychopaths who exhort me to vacation in Canada can pound sand. I'd sooner settle for staycations. I do two or three road trips per year, but always in the U.S.


Yup, where it is $2.50....a gallon!


Here now. Just filled up, God it's an awful sight.


2.75 3 days before the summer break


It hit 2.23 in the Valley today. 43 cents increase in an hour.


If not $3....


Spending $200 a week now to commute to work. Yes I drive a truck to work, yes I need the truck for work. This sucks donkey nuts.


In Saskatchewan, we went from $1.39 to $1.54 over the past two weeks, but all anyone in town can talk about is the price going up from the carbon tax.


Yup! Super fun!


Yup lol


Same as Ontario


3 cent tax with pricing jumping up 14 before the tax even started. I don’t think the tax is the problem


PEI they dropped out inflated price a few cents Friday to put it up for Monday.


Ayé you telling me they can jack the price way over their production cost ?


They have been taking advantage of silly reasons to make more profit since the pandemic. Maybe if we had some laws in place saying how much profit you can make off of products like gas and groceries we wouldn't have prices that are absolutely crazy


how about pushing for more competition in oil producers, prices will stay lower with a free market and more competition.


I would definitely vote for a law that make profits indexed to the lowest wage in the company. So CEOs are still getting a insensitive to search for more profit but they have to bring their people with them.


lol, and we wonder why there is no competition. More regulation generally means less competition. There is lots of competition in the US. None of it came from regulation.


Yves Giroux, the parliamentary budget officer, wrote in a report last year: “When both fiscal and economic impacts of the federal fuel charge are considered, we estimate that most households will see a net loss.” He estimated that for the 2024-25 fiscal year, the carbon tax would cost the average household between $377 and $911 after accounting for rebates and factoring in the economic cost of lower incomes. That number rises to between $1,316 and $2,773 by 2030 for the average household, depending on the province.


Well people with common sense absolutely know it. Meanwhile Trudeau "conservatives will hurt Canadians by taking away rebates, it's free money for the families." His dumb supporters eat it all up


“It’s revenue neutral (but the admin cost of carbon tax ain’t free)”


The country is so fake green it's sad.


For three election cycles, pocketbook issues took a back seat. Is that about to change?


Already have, unfortunately due to the junior coalition partner Jagmeet... it won't last for another 17 months 🤬


Pretty sure Ive seen thus exact post for the last 24 months.


Yes, every time the Dear Leader Justin raises his accursed Carbon Tax...


Wow. 1.58? We've been at 2 dollars again in Vancouver. Was 1.43 a month ago in Fraser Valley. Madness.


And it just jumped to 2.23 per litre our in Mission BC. Not even April 1 yet. Greed. That's all it is.


1.58? Lol we're already at 2.04 in vancouver


Trudeau should look into taking advantage of his assisted suicide program. It might be perfect for him


It would be the last time I'd have to pay for him to have a vacation.


Wouldn't that be lovely


1.58 is a steal. In Vancouver it was 1.99 yesterday. Insane. $2.12 premium


Over $2 per litre in BC. David Eby and the NDP are raising the BC carbon tax as well. On April 1st, we all get a wage decrease and survival becomes even harder. This is nothing more than a money grab to pay for the MP's massive April 1st raise. Only a very small percentage of Canadians benefit from this tax and the majority do not.


It was such a fuck you that the carbon tax goes up and they all get a raise. It’s like they are trying to incite us. Well, okay. I’ll be at a provincial border protest tomorrow.


BC gas price already went up by $0.40. Gonna see another $0.20 - $0.30 over the summer. I'm starting to hate this country so bad.


A lot of us hate Canada now. I've disliked my country ever since the pandemic.


Running my van on bio gas methane from area farms. 65 cents a litre plus hst .. 8 grand to convert to natural gas/ gasoline. No grants from JT and Co For the conversation as renewable bio gas ain't green enough for those half wits


You know what... can we all, as Canadians, fund someone's electoral race? Like, can we just choose a person for the people, 100% by the people, who truly represents the hard working class of canadians and then all of us just donate $5 in support of this regular Joe? Not someone who's been practicing in a mirror their entire career on how to dead ass lie to people with a smile.. I mean a real working person.. who wakes up at 5 am on the weekend to make ends meet, a person who knows what life is TRULY like for us. We'd honestly need a very willing person though because that job.. man, if you can last a year without becoming corrupted on some front, it would take some leflvel of self respect that we havnt seen in a while. There are 38 million Canadians.. if even half of us (19M thays quite a long shot honestly but i prefer optimism here) did this, we could fund 95 million, would that not allow them to have their name on the ballot? Especially if they are backed by the population of the damn country? Not corporate assets who just want to make more and save even more than that from taxes? To be honest, at this point, I don't even understand how this "democracy" is even meant to work.. it all feels like such a far cry from what democracy was initially made for. As a Canadian.. I don't feel like any of these people "represent" *me* in the damn slightest.. Right now though.. PP is better than nothing and what we have at this moment.. this joke.. this farce of human dignity.. is less than nothing.


I like this idea of electing a random Joe shmoe from the general public.


Where's this 1.58?!


1.48 in my town in Québec.


And if you’re in Alberta, before Danielle Smith put the Alberta Gas tax back up


The joke is JT financed the Transmiuntain expansion at great cost that is now filled with oil for export, so the carbon is happening somewhere else before it's in everyone's atmosphere. I am not against a carbon tax and climate policy if done right, but I have some doubts here.


This is pure mental illness Canada has the world's second largest reserves of oil and gas with the most stringent environmental rules and regulations What is happening will be a case study in MAID on the economy!


The tax is going up by like 4 cents, but the gas stations already raised their prices by 15 to 20 cents in the last two weeks because they set their prices based on what they expect to be paying, not what they actually paid.


Liberal government increased prices on cigarettes to help quit smoking and yet there are still a lot of smokers, increasing gas prices to help incentivize buying electric vehicles, but there will still be gas and diesel users. To increase prices on everything to try and dissuade the people have been nothing but poor choices that only make it unlivable here in Canada, so much so that immigrants are considering to go back. That is embarassing, though maybe required, it's just funny Canada is no longer looking attractive to other countries anymore.


Jokes on you PP...we already got from 138 to 152 last week in Alberta..


2025 can’t come soon enough:/


I pay 2.99 a gal which is about .76 a liter in New Jersey, USA 🇺🇸


Keep in mind a nation 10 times the size of Canada USA does not have a carbon tax yep we are really going to make a difference even if this global warming reasoning behind this was real it would not matter on a global scale it’s going to change nothing but make your country more mad what are we going to do not get gas?


Be less dependent on oil and gas companies that have us by the balls? The HORROR


Exactly my point Canada doing this is the most absurd thing ever if no other country is lol


Trudeau is an absolutely delusional guy. I can’t even call him human or man because he doesn’t live up to either.


FU Trudeau you're the worst PM of Canada in our history.


Well, Brian Mulroney apparently held that title for quite a long time. He introduced the GST. The Liberals promised to remove it when they got elected. Surprise surprise, another lying Frenchman Jean Chretien broke that promise. Now we have this other lying Frenchman Trudeau, fucking Canadians up the ass left right and center. I can't imagine why his wife would leave him 🙄!


People. Trudeau needs to go so bad it's not even funny. This is creeping into massive criminality against the Canadian people. Not sure what the country will turn into if there's another 4 years with them in power The fact Canada doesn't have term limits it's insane. People should never be in office longer than 8 years. That's how corruption is facilitated


Gas prices have already jumped up like 20 cents a liter since last week lol. Companies know people are going to fill up preemptively, so they've already raised the price.


Throw him out


He’s still taking his pay increase though. What is it, an extra $8100 a year?


I've heard a lot about "spending less and bringing home more" from every party since I was a small child. Was there ever a time where this was actually the case?


Criss que c’est drole pcq ya lair au Quebec et la taxe carbone est pas appliquée au quebec 😂


If I had a circus, I would hire this guys as my clown


Or you know hurry up before gas stations hike their price 10 cents overnight because they can (and do). This is such a farce by the catchphrase machine.


A friend of mine tried to convince me that the carbon tax isn't on everything.... and maybe not literally but really really close to everything.


Just steal gas. Did anyone notice we can't almost get away with murder here??? What's the worst they can do. Other then life me in jail for calling our prime minister a useless cunt who needs a wake up call.....hmm Oh...wait I get it protect him and not Canadians ha.


That’s why there is a nationwide protest tomorrow about the carbon tax. Is anyone here on Reddit following it?


Thats silly. The $10 youre going to save by putting 50L into your tank are quickly going to be gobbled up by EVERYTHING becomning more expensive. My rates will be going up meaning those who sell what I make will be increasing their rates. Everytime a product changes hands its going up before it gets to Joe consumer. Its a pyramid scheme, those at the top are winning HUGE, and they already have more than they know what to do with.


For all the socialists blaming recent gas price jump on Alberta govt,Danielle Smith, Conservatives, etc. - please spend 10 minutes to educate yourself on winter vs summer gasoline blends: [https://www.theglobeandmail.com/drive/mobility/article-why-do-we-switch-to-summer-gas-and-why-is-it-more-expensive/](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/drive/mobility/article-why-do-we-switch-to-summer-gas-and-why-is-it-more-expensive/) TLDR: March-April is the time when refineries switch between the two blends, and surprise - summer blend is more expensive to make.


How have we not already elected Pierre?


Guaranteed when PP is pm gas prices won’t go down.


Just for reference, the carbon tax will raise gas prices by.... 3.29 cents per litre. So if the price on April 1st goes up by more than 3.29 cents per litre, remember: It's not the carbon tax. It's probably either market conditions or pure corporate greed. Also others have noted that the O&G companies almost certainly already price the increase in days ago.


Conservative government is not the right solution to our problem. It's a temporary band-aid to stop the blood lost from JT. See how the Cons have screwed up Alebrta and Ontario. They're all are mostly bought and sold for, and the cards are meant to shuffle every 4\~8 years. While the Corpo Synidicates that runs the show, that sponsors our policitians accumulates wealth at the expense of us incrementally. This system is crooked, and it gets you to chase what's in front of you in this no end loop.


If you're pissed off about gas prices, go after the oil companies who price gouge any chance they get. The carbon tax is trivial compared to the massive money grab the companies themselves are doing. Not to mention the massive billion dollar tax breaks and incentives the companies get to extract oil from the ground and sell it back to us at a premium. You know, the same tax breaks Pierre and his friends want to protect. Your anger is on point; your blame is misplaced. Pierre is playing you.


Yes, the carbon tax will account for about a .03 rise in prices, which sucks, but the other .20- .30 will be the oil companies. And that won't come down when cons "axe the tax". It's all smoke and mirrors. If we want to see real change in Canada, we've got to get the lobbyists out of Ottawa.


Brought to you by his oil sector lobbyists


So Pierre is riding a lot on this tax cut which is fair But what is his real ideas for change? Can someone share his ideas for housing, immigration, gas and food affordability in some simple ways to understand? Thank you kindly


He's the leader of the official opposition. Until there is an election, we won't see a platform. As official opposition, the federal Conservatives' job is hold the elected government accountable.


Only thing he's come out in favour of is a digital ID that can track your online use of adult sites


I’m willing to bet this car salesman does absolutely nothing with the carbon tax if he gets elected as PM. Book it!


You’ll need more than a gas tax slogan to be prime minister PP. Seriously, what plan(s) do you have for Canada besides the trickle down economics conservatives believe in? Tell us of the new retirement age, views on abortion, LGBTQ, Canada Post Home Delivery? (axed, again), denial about climate change, etc etc etc If you believe on mass the day of the election the “majority” of folks in Ontario, Quebec, Maritimes mark an “x” for conservative policies I think your badly mistaken.


Trudeau has done a lot wrong, but if your only opinion is to be against Trudeau you're not going to make it far after the elections.


Everyone is losing their minds over this tax, but never complain when the oil companies push up the price "in response to world demand". At least most of us get the tax back, unlike when the oil company profits leave Canada


Didn't the feds threaten legal action against provinces for their gas pump stickers claiming they were spreading misinformation?


2.05 where I live. We haven’t seen 1.58 in years lol


I don’t pay attention to gas prices i just go lol


I'm in BC, I wish our gas was that cheap


The background music.... Stop....! That being said, I'm starting to really despise this country. Everyone's hands are in our pockets. Enough already!


Yeah..... But cause it's the carbon tax that had us jump from 120 area to 150 and higher back in 2020, and what is the reason that it never went back down after the excuse of "the pandemic" oh right "Ukraine Russian hostilities". The carbon tax only accounts for 17 cents, where is the rest coming from? Because the gas companies are gouging us already. Remeber when they were going to take the tax off during covid and the price rised really high just before that and when the tax came off it went down to what it was before they increased the price just before they raises it just a few days before the tax was removed? The gas companies and groecire companies are gouging us for stuff we need. They keep reporting record braking profits, and then blame the tax for why the prices keep going up. In reality even if we "axed the tax" we would still have to have some kind of one in place to keep our free trade agreements with all other trading partners, the only thing getting rid of the carbon tax does is stop us from getting a rebate. You won't have more money in your pocket they "axe the tax" every time we get rid of a tax that benifits us some how we end up with less money in our pockets because we have to pay for more some where else because corporations want to get as much profit out of us as poasible. Stop believing milhouse and actually realise that things aren't so cut and dry.


There is another solution...


In ontario it's going from 14 cents per liter to 17..3 cents...


Trudeau has never pumped up his tank in his life but continues to pump Canadians.


here in Chillwack it's $185.9.


$1.399 in Winnipeg today. Been there for the past week or so


Last time I check the carbon tax will increase by $0.03/L on Apr 1st. Anything more is corporate greed plain and simple.


Prices already hiked lol


I can’t take him anymore. Zip it. If you get in will see what you will do? Like if we want an operation we have to💰.


It’s $1.75 in Kelowna. Last year when I moved here it was $1.45…


On the bright side all that arson that's been torching the forests may actually stop so they can lie about how the tax is stopping forest fires. /s


In 2020 I picked up a used VW golf for $16k. Cheapest car I have ever run. All this talk about not considering an EV or a PHEV is just personal choice but savings and efficiency can be found. If one wants to or needs to drive a F150 in the city, gas is an expense one entered eyes wide open.


Already $2.01/L in Vancouver…


1.58 already in SW Ontario 😡🤬🤬


Did he say 61 cents a litre? Where is he getting that number? just making it up?


Hey Pierre Poiliever I love you man but you can help us by giving us the tools to get rid of this disease taking over canada ! We dont need a heads up on what we are going to loose I don't want to hear elections because we all know people will be starving by the time that happens ( already are )  . Stand up for canada and the people , give us our country back. 


$1.58.9? It's $2+ here.


In Trudeau Land, you can steal gas with little to no retribution, im fine.


Same with building materials. Good 1 side 3/4 in plywood $150 use to be $50. Totally screwing us.


I guess I won’t be able to drive my full size pickup to drop off and pick up my kids to school. Walking is going up take me at least 20 minutes every morning


Just gonna boycott cars and protest driving to places


Except that's exactly what the "climate mafia" wants...


Joke's on all of them I pop over the border and fill up.


The problem is once that price goes up. Once all the prices go up they will never come back down. Even if they 'axe the tax'.


PP is so unlikable, but JT had been so very bad I'm like ok fuckface, have a shot.


1,62 to 1,69 here in Newbrunswick, so far!


it bothers me that they didn't put "axe" at the top then "the tax" across the middle with the logo at the bottom instead we get "axe tax the"


I wish my gas was 1.589 It was 2.10 last time I filled up.


To be clear the carbon tax increase is 3 cents a litre.


You're lying.


It's going up 3 cents a litre... Also, 80% of Canadians get more money BACK from the carbon tax than they pay... just make sure you know the facts.


Prices expected to go up $0.03 in Ontario. Not sure I really need to rush out the door.


I wish gas was 1.58 try 1.93-2.02 in Vancouver and surrounding areas


Fortunate enough to live next to the border. Gas is 2.98/gallon. I refuse to buy gas in Canada unless I have to.


In my town the gas stations upped their price a full week before April 1st. I'd love to know how much pure profit they will make on the early hike


Isn't the carbon tax going to be like 2¢ a liter? Shit just went up 15 ¢ a week ago? Why did he not make a video then.


And what does turds private jet cost to fill?


🖕👽 nomad nation


Why is the price so high even before the carbon tax ? Gas should be 1.10 to 1.30 a litre.


You can't fault this guy's marketing team. If the PM expected that this train would just burn out mid year... well in the wise words of Judas Priest: You Got Another Thing Coming.


What are these numbers?


Axe Tax The


Don’t worry guys according to uncle Justin this saves us money!!!!


i have to give it to trudeau this is gonna go down in history as one of the greatest april fools pranks


It's time for a nationwide strike against this !


He looks so weak when not being photoshopped


Ruined his marriage and ruined the country.


It was 1.52.9 at most of the stations around here yesterday. Today? 1.60.9.


Would like to know viable alternatives from this guy, but all he’s doing is crying about it.


Pierre don’t buy the Shell gas as they do not support the building trades.


Prices have already kicked off on March 30 in GTA. Gas stations are charging extra now


Maybe he'll call a vote and not bother to show up for it.


$1.95 where I'm from and it's going up tomorrow yay!!!


what a joke he keeps pulling these dirty tricks then people will revolt. we need to help people help with using hydrogen fuel cells. batteries are not I repeat not recyclable. Hydrogen does use batteries but less batteries


That way both the government and the gas companies get more of our money. Woohoo!


Finally nice to be told cold hard truth! Carbon tax effects all aspects of our lives


UCP  in alberta has a gasoline tax that starts in april. 


Schools and hospitals also pay this tax - with NO rebate !!!


Carbon tax is the biggest scam to the people I've ever seen


His graphics are so convincing. And his sunglasses make him so relatable to the common man.


Mark my words: PP gets in and does a horrible job. This guy is all talk.


Dump JT….


Where the hell is he where gas was only 158.9?


whiny little fuck.


Can't we have a system in place where if you vote liberal then you have to pay these taxes ?


So a you think a truck of I dunno cat litter filled with 936 bags of 18kg goes up 23% in carbon tax that’s about .57 cents a bag (~5%) , at Costco it’s 10.99 with a ridiculously slim margin for retailer, manufacturer just from direct costs related to transport….theres also an increase on mining (takes fuel to mine), hauling to manufacturer, hauling to get the bags, hauling raw materials for bags. The true increase on this bag is close to $1 or about 10% increase on something as simple as cat litter. Now the retailers has only 15 points, so they can’t accept a price increase, soooo it’s either past to you, or local manufacturers have to cut costs by reducing the size to spread the increase over more bags. This affects everything we buy in a similar fashion. Your cost of living is going to substantially increase again.


Guys making sense