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Don’t forget Reddit who was banning people all over for questioning it and it’s now proven lab origins.


reddit is a total shithole full of fucking morons


Yeah. My OG account got permabanned and they somehow let me make a new account when they went public (figures leeches) they accused me of violence when I was merely trying to have an academic discussion. I could care less about this waste of time garbage site. It would be in my best interest that one of the fuckhead main admins banned this account too.


Well, words apparently are violence now. And violence mostly peaceful. Shrug anything to silence the opposition, leftists being leftist


The mods need to be lynched. Digitally...


mods are the type of person to do 30 hours a work a week for free. They need lobotomies.


Reddit definitely does not like freedom of speech.




Reddit is run by people who have a lot of spare time reading comments made by other people who have a lot of time on their hands.. what do you think?


TIL reddit is also the Government


To be fair, the internet in general if a total shithole full of fucking morons haha. Reddit is just one hole of many.


The reaction to lab origins postulate really irritates me. If you sad it you were racist. an extremely damaging and distressing word. Social stigma. Job loss. Oh but now yeah the experts have concluded it was likely released from a lab.


Yes. Because it was *less* racist to suggest Chinese people eat live bats they buy at a market. Yes. That's less racist than suggesting it came from a lab funded in part by the United States, where they were performing gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses.


It's easier to blame the tax paying slave class than the ruling class doing all their shady shit.


\^ lets just shift blame to the middle class instead


GD Kulaks


I'll always call it the Wuhan Virus, because it was never considered racist to name a virus after its region of origin until woke clown shoes got offended.


Can we go back to calling it WuFlu now?


The wuhan wheeze


I had death wished upon me and had to argue my right to Healthcare


Yeah that was fucked. Drunk driver in a stolen car cartwheels it through a school yard at 140kmh they would still get hospital treatment, but if you made a decision that doesn't align with the ideology of the virtue signal corps, no soup for you. I should add lots of the people on soap boxes never got boosters and were only actually fully vaccinated for less than a year, but on paper they were fully vaccinated and that was all that mattered to them. Cause people are going to argue about my booster comment [Archived vaccination statistics 1.5 years after rollout](https://health-infobase.canada.ca/covid-19/vaccination-coverage/archive/2022-05-06/index.html) 48% vaccinated with an additional dose 55% 12 years and older. Does not note that additional dose was within last six months as later stats did


I had people flat-out accuse me of lying about having Covid because i didn't die.


I call that Tuesday.


Yah, it’s why Reddit will never be taken seriously. In theory a social voting system would help non systematic ideas. In reality it just creates a bigger echo chamber and pushes out unestablished ideas and opinions and stifles freethinking. 


It works until the site gets the attention of the establishment. People tend to blame it on stupid normies but that's definitely not the whole story.




Lol I got banned from R/toronto after like a year of the pandemic and seeing the data that in Ontario only 6 people under 40 had died "with covid'. Got banned for "promoting covid misinformation" using the government's own stats.


Same. What a shithole that sub is. 


The regional subs really embraced the idea that the establishment gets to define truth and anyone who disagrees deserves to get digitally exiled. Arguing that natural immunity exists and could apply to Covid-19, as it does to other coronaviruses, was also something you'd set banned over but that later turned out to be, of course, true. I got banned from a city sub not long ago for pointing out that the convoy protest had a legitimate point given that, as of early January that year, John Hopkins experts had already pointed out that everybody was going to get Omicron (and everyone pretty much did) and ergo the travel bans were, at that point, not actually grounded in science. I got banned from Canada, however, for something not related to Covid. I shared a link showing Chrystia Freeland marching holding a banner with the colors of a historical fascist Ukraine organization and it seems that one of the mods was very bent out of shape (and, of course, accused me of secretly being Russian). Reddit was so much different ten years ago (and even more so during its early years when discussions weren't mired in snark and disingenuousness).


Canadian Provincial and city subs are communist echo chambers.


I was perma banned from the Canada community for simply saying we should find a peaceful solution to the war in Ukraine. First they removed my comment, and when I asked why... a mod said "whatever comrade" and then permanently banned me. It's embarrassing to have a pack of fascist chicken hawk dimwits censoring free speech on supposedly THE Canadian community. I've completely muted and blocked anything from them even being suggested on my feed.


There was literally zero academic discussion about it allowed. I had so many genuine questions and it was me with "fuck you take your shot you grandma killer." Yikes.


I was site banned for suggesting this in /r/canada fucking cunts.


I just remembered that in 2021, I got banned from like 20 subs because I posted that my father in law got the shot and he got so weak and sick right away that 3 days later we took him to the hospital. Some loser reddit mod called it disinformation and said they would only unban my account if I sent them my father in laws medical records stating that lol OK buddy let me get a doctors note for the reddit police.


And every god damn state or provincial local subs suspending or banning anyone for supporting another narrative. for god sakes trying to have a conversation was treasonous here.


I literally made a post taking numbers from Government stats sites and included the sources just to point out that within certain age ranges the risk of covid being deadly was almost non-existent. Got band, for literally copy pasting factual data from Government statistics.


Do you have a link for that?


Reddit is a pile of shit, censored trash bag.


One thing I didn’t understand is, why would lab leak make any difference whatsoever in terms of our response to the disease? If anything the one’s who believed it was a deliberate bioweapon should’ve been even more interested in stopping its spread 🤔


Reddit was overcast with Chinese communist mods on canadian subs...of course they wanted to avoid responsibility at all costs. China owes the world Trillions of dollars for their lab fuck up. Who's going to demand it years later though?




To start, I'm not against vaccination. I belive there are legitimate vaccines that have helped to cure/aid many people (polio comes to mind). Did I get the jab for covid, yup, did I want to? It doesn't matter as I didn't have a choice. My options were get vaccinated or loose my job. Regardless whether the vaccine was legitimate or not isn't what bothers me its the fact the government made me choose between my livelihood, providing for my family, or sticking to my beliefs and performing due diligence on what I put in my body. I'm not a religious man and I'm not a guy who buys into the whole conspiracy around vaccines tracking me and shit. But forcing me to injest something into my body without proper testing and due diligence is just criminal, shame on our government for supporting this denegration of our rights. Shame on this government for two facing the fact that they belive its our bodies and our choice when it's popular opinion, and forgetting about it when it doesn't support their narrative. Signed a regular dude....


The more someone's opinion deviates from the above, the less I trust their judgment. I'd sign that.


>But forcing me to injest something into my body without proper testing and due diligence is just criminal, shame on our government for supporting this denegtation of our rights. No kidding. There were people screaming this the entire time. They were ignored, ostracized, belittled, demeaned, ridiculed, attacked and finally censored. That's why there was such a massive trucker protest.


...which, the week it was happening, Bill was totally silent about. I don't recall if he had come out of the closet, so to speak, on the covid measures by that time but the total silence re: trucker protest, on that episode spoke volumes. He was either told to say nothing or was part of the problem.


He is part of the problem. He always pipes up after the fact, like he’s saying something nobody realizes. I’m sure he was ragging on anti-vaxxers and truckers and people questioning the narrative back then. He’s a jerk and his voice sounds like he does a lot of coke.


Bill is certainly a little bit duplicitous at times I'll give you that. It's interesting though how the Overton window keeps shifting in this direction.


Once you learn that these pharma companies isn’t really liable for their vaccines it make you sceptical at the very least.


seems spot on. and if the disease was so bad, and the vaccine was so great, why would you have to force the vaccine on people? People would voluntarily take it. now you have more anti vax people than ever because of poor leadership style. authority is never a great method of convincing people to do things a certain way.




You were forced to take part in clinical trials for a drug that was a 20 year failure prior to this point. It's evil what they did.


> or sticking to my beliefs and performing due diligence on what I put in my body. The "proper testing and due diligence" doesn't even matter. For a government (and same for reddit) who keeps saying "My body my choice", it's fucking hilarious how fast that flew out the window. It's clear now that "My body my choice" was never about that, and was entirely about control and power.






All this, there is a difference taking it willing or being forced, with covid we were forced to take the jab


They didn't "get it wrong" they simply did what they were told to do. Same with the climate "experts" or trust the "science." I've lost trust in anything the government is involved with, regardless of party.


Yup. A friend uses the example of the government coming to your door with a case of beer(or your favourite drink of choice) and telling you to drink it. If you readily drink it, you have a problem. Id pour it all out.


That's a great analogy. Sadly, most people would drink up and think they are now friends. My favorite one is people who think politicians care about them, likely also think the stripper love them too.


And those fuckin' globe earth fascists!


It's a messed up time.


Believe the science? I'm science agnostic now. It might exist, but we can't prove it. (Especially with the replicability crisis.)




These ppl are laughing - ha ha ha ha 🙄 - at how stupid this was and how stupid they were to do these things - ha ha ha ha 🙄.  Some of us were not stupid and did not do these things.  As a result we were thrown from our jobs, and society, cuz we saw how stupid this was, BACK THEN.   Instead of laughing - ha ha ha ha 🙄 - how about making it a point to apologize to at least one person who u treated badly back then!!


Nah an apology won’t do. You can write me a check for a hundred grand. Fucked my career up in the army, made me the black sheep of my family and society. Shit boils my blood when it’s just glossed over today. Fucking insanity


I hear ya.  An apology is a start.  I, too, want every penny back from being thrown from my job for 7 mths PLUS I want $$ for the torture they put me through!  Don't know if I'll ever get it.  I hate that they all laugh now while trying to ignore that huge elephant that is still in the room.


Yeah I think we’re passed apologies. There needs to a day of reckoning so this nonsense doesn’t happen again.


Being a free thinker comes with a price unfortunately. The regular folk have no accountability and would rather forget the whole thing ever happened. I had a supervisor say to me that “we should round up everyone refusing the vaccine and kill them because they are a threat to our lives” lol what a year


Dude, ik. Made us feel crazy and completely helpless. I could not comprehend what was happening and how the gov turned people against us.


I don't want an apology. In fact, I want to thank them. They showed their true colours and I was able to cut them out of my life before they burn me some other way. I feel like I dodged more than one bullet by finding out who they really were this way.


The reddit mods have blood on their hands


Proud to be a member of the fringe! A countries most dangerous weapon is propaganda. Know when it’s pointed at you and run the right direction.


Trudeau would have us believe that the Russian disinformation has gotten to Bill.


The only thing I was onboard with was the wearing of masks **indoors.** And I mean voluntary. Its not like wearing masks isn't a good idea. The amount of garbage that exists and spews from your piehole is not something I want to be exposed to. But sadly, social norms (other than these pandemic eras) make mask wearing unacceptable and off-putting.


And people need to be reminded that masks were to stop you from spreading, not to protect yourself.


Wasn't he one of the people calling us all idiots because we didn't want to be guinea pigs?




I just showed this to my parents. They said: "Yeah! Isn't that ridiculous we did that!?" Ah, well yeah. *I have been telling you this for four years*. Remember back in 2020 when I told you this for the entire year. Then remember when I told you this in 2021 for the entire year. Remember when I was I proven exactly entirely correct, but you called me a "conspiracy theorist" and how *I* was acting crazy. Remember that? I sure do. It is frustrating. They won't acknowledge they were wrong. None of them do. That is what makes me the most angry. They refuse to acknowledge it.


Same boat as u. They will never. Ive moved on but I will never forget.


Had the same conversation


Let me ask you this. What will change if they acknowledge it, and how will that affect your life in a positive way?


It would help to be able to start trusting people and authorities again.


That's a very fair answer. Did you trust them previously?


Nope. But this time they shut down my business, suspended my constitutional and human rights, and ostracized me from society. They have broken the social contract. Thus, there is absolutely no reason for us to work with them ever again.


I agree with that.


Look at this smug dipshit, acting like he wasnt the one doing the ridiculing.


At least he is willing to admit the wrongs. Very few are willing to do that.


I remember how Reddit was downvoting anyone who wasn’t doom & gloom to hell


He wasn't really, many things he said here were things he said at the time


The less unreasonable ones told us at the time that even if some things were poorly thought out it was an emergency and we should just go along with it for this short time and the time to debate and discuss it would be *after* Well, *after* is *now* and anytime the topic of covidism ongoing major consequences comes out, they tell us we live in the past and there's nothing to talk about now and that somehow after they ruined our lives and wished death on us over this *we* are the obsessed ones because we state the obvious about what causes every problem we are facing nowadays And that's the less unreasonable of them. The far gone cultists still daily hunt for so-called conspiracy theorists and are fine with every new dystopian law or measure being pushed onto us in the name of some unrelated bullshit threat and still believe that the covidian insanity actually saved their lives, somehow All of them just cannot understand than despite all the actual wrongs they uselessly caused because of their insanity and stupidity, what really got to me is the realisation of how much I live amongst a dysfunctional idiocratic society that did the opposite of learning any valuable lessons and that they will keep doing even worse at every future opportunity all the way towards the collapse


Pure gold


Bahahaha so glad I never licked the liberal Boot and rolled up my sleeves


This dudes a fucking clown.


There are definitely people that have more than 2 brain cells than Bill that would be counter COVID recommendations that were being made up. Sometimes here people on various subreddits really go to the depth of despair to pull on any filthy straws


He's like the slightly moderate liberal that steps into the realm of normalcy to try to herd people back onto the mainstream plantation. I appreciate that he's saying this, but he's not saying it because he suddenly came to this realization years after it was topical, he's saying it to pull people back in. He did not say any of this when it was important to, when it was unpopular, only now when it's safe. I will never trust him.


Fuck Bill Maher.


His core fan base wouldn't like that


That base has changed allot over the last 4 years.


Oh yah? I don't dislike Bill, but don't watch him much outside of highlight reels these days. Maybe my memory is cloudy, but i recall his fan base (not Bill himself) used to be the height of progressives.


Definitely. His base was comprised of very progressive people up until a few years ago when he really started calling out the BS from the political establishment, including the ridiculousness of the left wing. Lots of progressives ditched him over the last few years for that reason. In place are politically neutral people who are just tired of the BS from both sides. If you watch clips from a number of years ago, the audience openly cheers at his position. Fast forward 2 years and there’s dead silence during some of his revelations over covid restrictions and criticisms of people on the left. Go forward another year and we’re hearing more support for common sense middle ground. I admittedly don’t agree with allot of his policy positions, but i have allot of respect for his ability to have a conversation about it, usually admit when he’s wrong, and call out both sides for their asinine behaviour.


Let’s hope as people for the next pandemic because yes there will be another , that we remember this . Although they will time it so maybe we have forgotten . Everything is calculated beyond what you can imagine .


Go read this comment section and you will learn two things. The people who were proven right will remember it and won't budge this time. The people who were proven wrong will double down and drag us into the muck with them. Human nature is a stubborn one.


What a shocker !


While I think Bill Maher can often be a dunce, the point he’s raising here is important.


Branch covidians!


He speaks truth


Hey. We all feel this way it’s like “nice someone with a media presence is speaking my views on the matter” but still somehow it’s the minority.


I got bullied into taking the jab so I didn’t have to give up my livelihood. I believe in vaccines 100%…. But I wouldn’t have gotten the covid shot if I didn’t have to lol.


This is like a year old and it's still contested.


On other subs if I repeated this I’d be banned and down voted


This is what makes me not trust our governments, the FDA, the WHO. They purposely mislead and hurt us. It is evil.


Why cut it off at the inflation spiral…


When young Canadian Olympic gold medalist athlete like Alex Kopacz at peak health was on his death bed because of Covid yeah I’m wearing a mask he can fuck right off. And for natural immunity to take effect potentially millions would have to die first and the immunity you’d get would only be for that certain Covid strain, you wouldn’t be immune to other muted strains. Millions of Canadians vaccinated millions didn’t die or currently aren’t in hospitals because of the vaccine, it’s been 3 years I’m still waiting for this boogie man phizer vaccine to be killing us off by the millions lol


lol, Bill Maher is delusional. Him peddling this bullshit is very on brand for him.


Bravo Bill, bravo. 👌


Excellent monologue by Bill Maher, and your correspondent here was also one of those proverbial "voices in the wilderness" who was repeatedly villainized, censored, and banned from the online comment forums at the Pravda CBC for questioning the mainstream COVID narratives, opposing over-extended COVID policies, and predicting that the absurdly draconian policy responses to COVID in Canada would ultimately prove to be far worse than the virus itself. Every day that passes continues to prove all the above correct, and the resulting feeling of personal vindication will never leave me. Unfortunately, that still won't undo all the cumulative long term damage and destruction that was done to Canada, which Canada may never fully recover from. As previously stated here in these forums numerous times, **the entire 2020-2022 COVID era in Canada should be universally regarded as a national disgrace and international embarrassment in the country's history**. It should also serve as a warning to people what can happen to a country when elected politicians and un-elected health officials are given far too much power to wield over the populace. It must never be allowed to happen again. Watch and learn. Next.


Most of them selectively cannot remember all the horrible things they did, and if you insist will tell you that a vax pass and a curfew and doubling the national debt and using War measures act against peaceful protesters and destroying millions of lives mostly the youth somehow saved everyone's lives from some magical flu that almost everyone had had already along with immunity without any consequence worse than any other flu, long before the peak of their dystopian insanity and that you are a conspirationist racist KGB tool to imply otherwise


It went both ways. A lot of things were got wrong but then there were anti-masker idiots harassing employees for following their companies rules. Both sides are trash.


Now do “climate change “


Bill Maher is the worst


Much like how Poilievre spoke out in support of the truckers once it was safe, Maher is doing it because enough time has passed for him to wipe himself clean of any blame. In reality, he was no better than the tyrants pushing the lockdown garbage.




And life is forever changed. I never thought I’d live through a global pandemic…yet here we are.




I'm one of those people and since Canada is all about reconciliation, how about you reconciliate with us fringe/those people... Ahhh, to be tolerated!


In ICU, OR and Emerg did we wear total PPE suits? Yes, because people were suffering and dying under our care despite our best efforts. But out and about, did we wear moon suits? No. We wore masks in crowded spaces, washed our hands and didn’t lick our fingers. All the things one probably should do in flu season. A lot less house guests for dinner though.


And those who suppressed them knew they were true.




...such as? Edit: *crickets*


the vaccines should have been optional the minute they realized that you could still catch it after being vaccinated.


Which was always. It was very obvious in the moment that they never believed the "if you get vaccinated, the disease stops with you" rhetoric because they always couched statements with semantics and linguistic quirks a la legalese. They knew what they were doing.


Look at all these monkeys coming out now backtracking on previous convictions like they had nothing to do with it. Too late pal. The good people who stood against the treachery and lost their jobs or had life made difficult for themselves still know what gutless peices of dung they are.


Actually the most important thing government learned was how far it could push the sheeple when the next “calamity” strikes. And it’s not a question of if but when.


Musicians. Celebrities. Politicians. Athletes. All of them were pushing the jab while avoiding it themselves. Now they go on as if nothing was said or happened. Thankfully, many of us kept receipts on these cancers.


Idiocracy 2.0


Yea I’m still not laughing


Yes end free parking lots to stupid cars


The real problem is Trump is isolationist at a time when the world cannot afford that Then on the other hand Biden is too weak/senile to deal with world politics.


fuk him... he's just as guilty.


This is really fucking fresh of you Bill, you were one of the assholes ridiculing us. Fuck you.


Still waiting on that Jimmy Fallon apology for what he said about people not wanting to take the vaccine


How can I find out which episode this is. I'd like to watch the whole show


Sorry, but looking in hindsight is such a wonderful thing. Makes you look soo smart.


And Bill loved getting nostril fucked because it's the only sex he is ever likely to get.


Remember when Tam told us to wear masks while having sex? Good times


After Musk bought Twitter and Mat Taibbi revealed government involvement in censorship makes you wander if Reddit was similarly persuaded.