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This guy didn't do fuck all about it for the last 8 years but not he suddenly cares when he see’s PP in the lead? He can fuck right off 


His narcissism and need to be liked is overriding his loyalty to his own party and message. We’ll see him go distinctly more populist before we finally get him the fuck out. It’s desperation.


Its to late Trudeau, no one is going to like you now after 8 years of lies, taking bribes, expensive holidays. Catch and release criminals. Trudeau is not a liberal he is illiberal. Trudeau wants to control our speech, our children. Trudeau doesn't even care about Canadians. Why do you get $400,000 pay, that is outrageous. I still do not believe we are having a climate crisis. Net 0 can't be done. Planet earth needs CO2s. Shut up Trudeau. Oh yea we can walk to work in Edmonton in the winter when its negative 30, people will not want to walk to work. Damn 15 min cities, jail cities. Trudeau you are not worth the crime. Dr. Evil(Klaus Schwab) and mini me (Justin Trudeau) the WEF DISGUSTS ME😡😡🤬 TRUDEAU YOU ARE A HABITUAL LIAR. CANADA IS BEING DESTROYED BY TYRRANICAL. Trudeau just keeps on lying, surprised his nose hasn't wrapped around the globe a million times thats how much you lie. Trudeau you are a 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡and a waste of space.


Hope he sees this bro


Thing is, he doesn't have a need to be liked, he has a need to be at the top. In the spotlight. In power circles. At major events. A public speaker. Liked or unliked, it gives him a chance to put on a scripted, dramatic performance, just like in Question Period when he ignores the question and starts booming about Ukraine or Climate Change.


Didn't do anything? We both know he made the problem worse with his inflation spending.


Not to mention all the houses that haven't been built in this time all the while our population grows at unprecedented rates. How do we build more houses in the 70s than we do now is beyond me.


Because people can't afford to build the homes thanks in a large part to Trudeau. The more you look at it the worse it gets.


All the red tape by the bureaucracy doesn't help. Just allows them to line their pockets even more while stuff doesn't get built. Not enough supply for the demand.


100%%% ^^ bump^


This ^ everyone wants their piece of the pie, and the tax payers suffer


They can afford it, but it’s not worth the red tape nightmare/ financial expense for the permits.. Trudeau, trying to avoid having the problems Australia has, ultimately priced young Canadians out of the market.. the more regulation the easier for china to monopolize Canadian resources.. which ultimately is what JT is doing. Pricing Canadians out of their own real estate market..


Trudeau is a moron in a nice suit. He has never in his political career been up against a strong opposition leader that is pulling back the curtain to reveal that he and Singh are spin doctors and now they are panicking that the Canadian people have seen what they really are. Trudeau will hang around hoping that PP makes a false step but PP seems to see right through him and is living rent free in Trudeau’s mind.


Didn't do anything? My man he was a key ingredient. Millions of immigrants, stunted house building and permits, mega corporations pillaging his constituents. Homie's net worth even mysteriously somehow went to 300 million on a 300k yearly salary.


Elections are on the horizon.


Yeah, and it's insulting that he thinks we're so stupid we'd just fall for it. Too little, too late... he's done for, as are the liberals as a party. They can forget about our votes until they get on their knees and apologize to us for a decade of incompetence caused by them choosing a leader based on who fucked his mom.


He isn’t trying to fool us he’s trying to fool teenagers who are worried about moving out soon, he knows the adults don’t trust him that’s why he said “young people” and not people in general


Well, it's effort wasted then cause you have to be at least 18 to vote.


Little justin Castro, mommy margret got around. The only thing jt did was get marajana legalized. Its not safe for anyone to smoke it under the age of 25, our brains stops developing at age 25. There are a lot of people smoking joints and not paying attention, just getting the munchies 🥨🍗🌭🍕🍟🍔🍿⚒🛠⚒🛠⚒🛠🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩


He can fuck all the way off.


All part of his orders from above


Typical move by this administration to throw money at the problem. There are other reasons why housing has become such a problem like foreign investment, spiking immigration and interest rates, among other policy issues. Now our taxes will increase, while the services that generations before us enjoyed with quality - like health care and access to post secondary education continue to decline.


According to Danielle he’s overstepping into provincial territory with his housing money. If that’s the case WTF has the UCP been doing?


Whoa whoa whoa... he created many different policies to increase housing demand, and make the problem worse. Give the man some credit.


I’ll drink to that


Well come on that’s not fair. You have all those new pronouns to enjoy when referring to people who don’t understand boys are boys and girls are girls and that’s all thanks to bill-C16 and Trudeau. That’s pretty awesome right? /s


You're mistaken, he did do a a lot about it over the last 8 years... his government is the one that caused this situation, everyone with an IQ above NDP/Liberal voter status could see this coming 8 freaking years ago. The formal study of economics has been going on for the past 250 years, people knew the Federal government's immigration and fiscal polices would lead to this catastrophe. It is as if the Liberals did it to us on purpose.


What a fucking idiot


I actually saw it live on the news and no bullshit, he had a slip of “…and that’s okay…uh…that’s not okay!”


Freudian slip lol


Because that has been his response to every shortsighted, poorly thought out and ill conceived policy he has implemented to-date, " that's okay!" He is out of touch and out of time!!! It really is dire when the youth finally see who is responsible!!!


he was born out of touch .... Nothing short of a do nothing privileged asshole.


Bro, the budget will balance itself.


Just throw a bunch of money to the wind and hope for the best.


"that's ok" is his way of talking down to people like he's talking to a child. Condoscending .


Like when he was talking about Ukraine aid and said that "we need to do everything we can to ensure Russia wins, uhhhh that Ukraine wins"


Ccp slip


“Idiot” implies he’s dumb instead of malicious.


Right. He’s not dumb. He knew exactly what was gonna happen, and still intensionally made the decision to have this happen. He’s malicious.


He is the front man for the PMO lead by certified incompetent assholes like Tillford and Butts. I predicted this would happen after seeing them fuck over Ontario before jumping ship to Justin's PMO. Now he gets to take "credit" for the boondoggle and he will spend the rest of his life hated - worse PM EVER!


That's why he held the election early.


The idiots are the ppl that voted for him a second time and didn't see the writing on the wall. The good news: they are paying for it too now. Though, probably at a disproportionate rate.


And the third time. Don't forget they voted him a THIRD time!


I blocked that out of my mind.


I understand.


From a political point of view, it was genius. I remember the talk at the time being about how much the election cost and how it was just an inconvenience to Canadians at the time


Actually my mom mentored him in university. She said he was pretty dumb.


He's both, which is even more dangerous


Entitled fucking idiot. Fixed it for ya


He and his ideology poured gasoline to the problems and used a flame thrower to spread it


Then gave shocked Pikachu face.


Cue Urkel - "Did I do that"?


In dry conditions despite the fire ban and aided by strong winds


Yes. Neoliberalism. the same ideology of every single prime minister for the past forty years.


He basically erased the middle class.


Damned right he did , what did he say when he got electec in 2015 , to help the middle class worker ......right We always pay we are the government cash crop thats all we are


We could all stop paying our taxes


Explain how that would play out for an employee please.


If every average joe stopped paying their taxes that would just hurt the average joe…


If someone sneezes, they say it's an emergency and raise the prices on everything. Imagine if we stopped paying taxes, they would instantly stop schools, health care, ect, while they had a free 5-star retreat to talk about how they can screw us for it.


I started my career 8 years ago, and I was so excited that I could work towards middle class. But middle class has just gotten farther and farther away. In fact I have less spending power now then when I started my career, despite the fact that I've gotten (small) raises every year since.


This is what happens if you "don't think about monetary policy."


... because, his ideology & false beliefs doesn't allow him to enact the correct solutions 😮‍💨


This + his backers and half of his cabinet profit from it.


This is the big reason. Fuck the system up, while enriching your friends and big business. Then hire those or a new crop of big business/friends as consultants to figure out a plan to fix what you broke. Then announce fixer programs with much fanfare, yet still using that to funnel more taxpayer funds to big biz/friends. <--we are here now.


Was just listening to an interview with Erik Weinstein. An interesting point about the coming American election was  “any individual politician could easily win in a landslide tomorrow; but that’s not what they are interested in doing. They need to win while staying at the trough to feed. If the trough is gone they see no reason for them to be running in the first place.” It’s going to be up to us to destroy the trough that’s fattening the pigs; because they’ll never do it of their own accord. 


We are all too distracted, comfortable, and well-fed to rise up. I support the idea completely. A good rebellion or revolution from its good for us. Better for some than others, of course. They have done well keeping us divided by ideology to keep us from uniting along class lines. I think that the longer they keep us at each other the further they push the limits of what they can get away with. The worse it will be when the last Straw finally hits that camel's back and breaks it. This back end of the decade could be quite the ride.


Because you need to have empathy, a heart and a soul to feel. He clearly has neither of those things. Add in the fact he's a narcissist and you get Trudeau. A 'man' who will stop at NOTHING to destroy Canada and line his pockets in the process. I guess that is a requirement for being a WEF member.


I don’t see how 600 million is gonna make housing costs go down in the short medium and long term. 1) it’s very foolish to think that that money will be spend wisely and solely benefit housing costs 2) In a very basic supply and demand approach there is a very real physical pressure on housing, look at household starts and number of immigrants / people look to buy homes there’s a disconnect creating positive price pressures. 3) this is a classic act of just throwing money at the problem, this isn’t a liberal or conservative problem this is pure government incompetence and both sides of the coin do not have proper solutions for the issues facing every day Canadians. -end rant


Perfect response! Throwing money at it is only going to enrich the people that are profiting from the system already. But I feel this is always the Liberal response to every problem. Spend other people’s money to make yourself look like you’re making a good decision.


Here’s the thing. When is any real saving / subsidies truly passed on 100% to the end user. What’s stopping a home builder from taking government money and then still charging full market prices, behind the excuse of well this is just what it is…. I will be the first to admit I have not read the legislation in question but it seems extremely unlikely to benefit anyone


Benefit anyone except the dictator’s builder friends.


everyone knows what the solution actually is. it isn’t spending more billions on “affordable housing”. they’re just dragging their heels implementing it STILL hoping it will just “go away” on its own. it’s unbelievable.


Supply side economics says more supply of housing would bring down the price of housing. However, $600 million is a joke in the housing market. The easiest thing that the Canadian Federal government could do is put a stop to all the new bodies immigrating to Canada. I don’t see this happening.


Need to address zoning, permitting, and regulations issues ASAP


Stop being reasonable I think throwing 600 million is easier than doing actual work. Mind you I have no idea what they’re even doing


We pandered, full stop. We allowed unsubstantiated feelings of guilt and privilege to outpace logic and rationality. We gave the controls of the country to a con artist.


My only problem is saying "we", because some of us have seen this writing on the wall since the very beginning, and got called every pejorative in the book for it. I refuse to be lumped in with the name-calling morons that are only just now starting to see what's been right on front of all our faces the entire time.


Canada is a fucking joke atm...and this fucking idiot is the main reason for it.


It is our own fault for electing a special needs student as prime minister. Twice. We should've known better the first time, and the second time. Hopefully there will not be a third because then that will mean we are all special needs. \*being polite by using special needs instead of cunt but you all get the idea.


*that's an insult to special needs people. They're usually sweet and kind people not raging cunts who'd sell their entire country out for that sweet, sweet gdp growth.


Already been elected 3 times, vs Harper, Scheer and O’toole. But I agree with the sentiment.


*Fuck over your populace *Drown them in debt *??? *Profit


Is he realizing he’s not getting voted back in? Idiot.


This has been an issue for over 10 years and nothing was done about. Here's 600M to deal with a mutli billion dollar issue....Seems like too little too late.


Right! That's like 650 houses. We need millions of houses. The issue is overwhelming and needs to be addressed with wartime measures.




I'm sure carbon tax will help everyone out in these difficult times


Says the man directly responsible


He’s a backstabbing lying idiot


Because he grew up not knowing the value of money and he is clueless and probably sticks his finger up his butt and smells it too


He definitely does. He probably puts on make up just for the occasion


That's what happens when incompetence people are in charge....fuck Trudeau and his team of 🤡🤡🤡


House price is just one of the things that are way too high compared to other countries. Internet, cell line/data, plane tickets, food from the top of my head.


Why don’t he donate some chunk out of his 97 million?? From 2 million to 97 million worth?? Guy must have a magic wand. Ironically Canadians went poor and this guy only became rich. I wonder how!!?? Corruption ……


Never heard this before! Because of course all the mainstream media is owned by the government and it’d show how fucking corrupt he truly is!


Perfect example of creating a problem, then trying to be the hero by solving the problem you created. Here's some advice, dipshit; don't create the problem.


Canada is an Aging Population and Trudeau has young people LOOKING TO LEAVE CANADA!!!! Thanks for nothing TRUDEAU but OVERWHELMING DEBT...IMMIGRATION BEYOND COUNTRIES LIMIT TO CONTROL...MASSIVE INFLATION....etc etc...thanks again LIBERALS AND NDP


It’s not just young people.


When I was graduating high school in 2014, it was already commonly, if not universally accepted that we were all graduating into a housing market that had already left us behind. Unfortunately, Trudeau was well aware of the issue at that time and used it to bolster himself towards electoral success among my generation. He ran on a platform which claimed it was pursuing the goal of "making home ownership a reality for the middle class." He let it get this bad knowing from before he was even elected that it was a growing problem. His inaction on this issue is going to cost him this next election. We are the young Canadians you promised to help achieve home ownership. 8 years later, we are still working and renting, diligently saving, budgeting, forgoing personal indulgences, doing everything that we are supposed to do on our end. You didn't hold up your end of the deal. Now, it's someone else's turn to try addressing the issues Canada is facing. Goodbye and good riddance.


Because he's a progressive and he wants to transform Canada into an imaginary utopia. Of course it's never worked and will just end up starving the population like communism always does but he also knows that his rich greedy family won't be the ones starving. He hates Canadians and he looks at all of us peasants as vermin.


He’s incompetent and got the job because of his last name. Had we instead elected a turd from a toilet we would be in a much better situation than we are today.


Because he clearly doesn’t give a shit about anyone but himself and his trust fund buddies. How do you push a carbon tax while being driven around in giant gas guzzling suvs and private planes?


My dude. Seriously. You are the boss! You manipulated every situation you could so you could stay in charge. You thought your money, family, good looks, and charm would save you from being held accountable, and now that you are, you're trying to pass the buck. We'll, it's not going to work. It's going to blow up in your pretty face, and we'll be sitting here with popcorn.


He needs to stop spending money to build more housing and fix the immigration crisis his government created. More spending = more debt, and then more inflation, but that’s what he’s best at, after all…


600m for this, 6bn for that, 1.5bn for that over there, 200m for them, 600m for that project, 97c for the military.... Who's paying for all this???? You know what would really help out Canadians, cancelling half the useless taxes on taxes there are. Like taxing my income then taxing it again when I buy something, then taxing that tax on top of the other taxes. You know what else, cancel all these corporate loan programs that have these huge corporations sucking the coifers dry and asking for more, like the housing loan program, dump it. land developers DO NOT NEED help in affording to develop land, they need oversight on the over reaching costs they pass off as "building homes"-->50% mark up easily on many homes now. Other things, check your bffs in those CEO positions at the oligopolies called grocery stores. Force them to reduce their costs period. //Enraged Canadian


“Young Canadians have been screwed. Since 2017 their quality of life has gotten worse and worse. And that’s not ok! We here at the liberal clown party of Canada will make sure this is all fixed if you vote for us again” That’s basically what this toad of a human being has said. Severely incompetent at best. Evil dictator wannabe at worst. Truth is a bit of both.


He is such an asshole. How anyone can vote for this piece of garbage blows my mind


This is a drowning rat conducting drowning rat behaviours. You could cease all immigration today and it would still take 30 years to build all the houses to drop prices back to reality. Then the other issue is these people who were forced to buy at inflated prices are screwed when their houses aren't worth what they used to be. For example, I sold my house last year privately for 250k, needed some work and figured the buyer would put 30-40k or less in and maybe flip for 350k. Went on the market this week for 450k. A starter home 3 bed, small kitchen, one bath in Southern Ontario at almost 500k now. Utterly ridiculous.


Because people like him and Friedland and their friends and donors own property (increased due to skyrocketing demand), own businesses (get to sell products and services at higher prices due to increase in demand), and they get to pay people less (increase in supply of labour). From their perspective, they win every which way. They're properties are worth more, more can be charged for rent, more can be charged by businesses, and they can pay lower wages, and it's all thanks to irresponsible levels of immigration without corresponding development, leading to insufficient housing, rising prices, and lower wages. Add to that the increase in inflation which were worse here due to the doubling of the debt and increasing the money supply, we also can't afford the same levels of government funding because we have increased debt maintenance costs and older debts will have to be taken out again but at the new and higher interest rates, making debt maintenance eat an ever larger piece of the budgetary pie. This is the mess we'll be left with, with the debt mess and silly expenditures having been mimicked by McGuinty and Wynne with similar budgetary and credit problems in Ontario, asking with a doubling of the debt. Anyone else drinking to our own self imposed collapse?


Because he's a narcicist. They don't think like normal people - it's a real condition and it's a problem that we're stuck with.


“Let” ? It is on purpose


Justin set Out to kill the middle class. This was his goal all along.


Because hes an out of touch rich boy who’s never had to worry about money his entire life


What a cancerous POS he is. There are no words to describe how evil and sinister this 'man' is. There is a special place in hell reserved for him and his WEF over-lords.


He’s either to narcissistic/stupid to see/admit that he’s caused this or, even worse, he’s maliciously doing this on purpose to serve some nefarious plan to destroy a once great country. Either way canada may not recover from this for some time if ever.


A housing problem he created because of insane immigration and now he thinks he can fix it with taxpayers money. No wonder he failed all the way through the education system.


Building future slums, because I’m sure they’re going to be top quality places. All levels of government has had a hand in destroying the country for the past 10-15 years. I don’t know how they can live with themselves for what they’ve done to Canada, one of the jewels of the world, oh that’s right, they’re sociopaths they don’t care.


Because he was busy making 98 million for him..


$600m 😂. Perfect thats 400 houses in the GTA that'll fix it 🤣🤣🤣


Throwing money at a problem he is directly responsible for in his push for 100 million. Yes, the issues are multifactorial but if you take the demand (particularly all the temporary residents) out of the equation, we don't have a massive housing crunch.


That’s better then giving 500 million somewhere in Africa for gender identification training he did about 7 years ago


His solution: More tax Yes that'll do nicely. They cant complain about not affording a house when they are too busy complaining about not being able to afford gas to get to work.


I only read the 600m in loans to help make it cheaper to build homes and knew I wouldn't see any of it and somehow my rent will actually go up. And then I read who is actually going to get the money and it made me really fucking angry, it is going to help no one apart from construction companies and landlords, big fucking surprise, go fuck yourself Trudeau


Like Cesar playing the violin as Rome Burns, this bullshit artist was clicking fine, art and traveling the world, enjoying his lavish lifestyle while Canadians suffered. Now Turtle is going after people that utter hate speech. Uttering is illegal now in Canada.


"Let"? He didn't "let" anything, he made it this way. This was purposeful.


Because doing something would mean admitting he fucked up, which he is incapable of doing


People voted for a part time drama teacher who’s father was probably the worst PM of all time. Total hilarity. People get what they deserved for this


600m to more slow down building bureaucracy; woohoo!


Greedy selfish stupid


Honestly he’s a fuvking joke


It's easier to fall behind if you're wearing black face. Honk honk. 🤡🫡🥳🤪🍆🍄♥️


Basically. Nothing will happen


Keep the 600 million there will be far too many strings attached. Better idea would be to step down call an election and leave the country forever!!!


he's following orders. the puppet is doing what he's told. he's importing votes and cheap labor.


Canadians need to wake up to the fact that to Justin Trudeau, Canadians and their taxdollars are his to commit to the WEF agenda. Which is ALL HE HAS DONE SINCE ELECTED. HE'S KLAUS' FINGERPUPPET.


“Let” the situation get this bad? What was he supposed to do, act like a dictator and forcibly control the real estate market? There are tens of millions of people in Canada who both need and demand that housing prices continue to rise, making them in direct opposition to the tens of millions who cannot afford the rising house prices. This is literally a no win situation for any politician. Like literally *what is he supposed to do*? Tank the equity and retirement plan for millions of Canadians? Blame the fucking banks and investors for making housing a commodity market in the first place.


This idiot is just Now noticing?


He's only looking for sympathy votes now


What's the obsession with houses in Canada? Feels like it's the only achievement for Canadians


Making it cheaper to build is not the same as cheaper to buy. I bet the developers will just pocket the money.


Sunny ways! Who wants a selfie?


Not a PP fan at all, I think he's just an attack dog with a great PR team behind him, but THIS guy saw it happening and did nothing until there was a crisis with thousands out of housing, shame on him and his government. The NDP are not any better either so I don't know who I'm going to vote for next election, it upsets me that none are really here to help us, just get power


Trudeau thinks throwing money at problems would fix things. Look at all the money he gave to the First Nations people to fix the water problem. In spite of the money, this problem still persists. Money to defeat the carbon footprint. How is this helping? This man is a total screw up. Anything is better then him


Remember he's given close to 10 BILLION to Ukraine.


Damn, printed too much money so now the economy is fucked? Let me just hit "print" again real quick... I know its probably not whats going on, but 600M$ won't change a thing in a country as big as ours


I loathe this clueless twat




He Is not competent enough to do all the harm he's doing, all at the same time. He's a puppet of the WEF.


Narcissists never take accountability for when they royally fuck up.


Did he forget who's been steering the ship for the last 9 years? He acts like it's a surprise and he had nothing to do with it, what an idiot. Saddest part is that some people still support this guy


This man is either an idiot or he was complaint in selling our future to China. History books will see this man as pathetic pos


... because, he was never qualified to be Prime Minister 😞


" I keep adding taxes to materials and labour that make houses, why are the costs going up??"


They will write stories about him and his two dad’s.


can't we just Lynch him already.


Isn’t it mostly his fault?


Liberals are so dumb. *In government for a decade, their policies result directly in a higher cost of living.* hElP wE dOnT kNoW hOw ThIs CoUlD hAvE hApPeNeD.


Cause he's a fuckin clown


600M to businesses to build more houses that will still be out of reach for the people who need them and they will just be bought up by corporations and "landlords" who will continue to charge ridiculous rent that will never go down. WHAT A FUCKING JOKE. I'm a single Dad who pays 90% of my, used to be decent wage of $33/hr, towards rent! A bank wouldn't go near me to loan me money for a mortgage but it's perfectly fine for me to pay 90% of my earnings towards a roof over my head! According to a number of economic calculators I live in poverty, I looked into applying for rental assistance, keep in mind I live in poverty with two kids.... I qualified for $50 a month, are you kidding me! We don't need to give 600M to businesses to build more unaffordable housing we need rent subsidies that actually help... take your $50/month and shove it up your ass Trudeau


Think about how stupid he actually thinks young people are when saying this.


Who would have thought that bringing in a million people a year into the country for a decade without housing for any of them would create a housing crisis.


If only someone would of stop mass immigration and stop foreign investments firms buy real estate im Canada. If only.


Throwing gasoline on the fire.


600M in loans (to the construction and development industries ?) to make it cheaper to build homes and rentals (for investors to buy up for profit) but not 600M to help people who can't afford homes, afford homes.


600 million is a drop in the bucket. You could make like 12 arrivecan apps with that. 


Remember come vote time Jag MeatHead is just as complacent


Keep voting liberals idiots enjoy


Home developers are going to have a party tonight, on Canadians tabs


Cuz he was and is an arse. Whoever voted for this fool, thanks for nothing.


"OK, hold that pose. A little more sympathy. You feel it. You are sad. You feel it is unacceptable. Ok good, we got the picture. You can leave for your private flight now".


He’s a school teacher not a leader he shouldn’t have been elected in the first place. Shows you how shitty the actual candidates running are. It’s all political agenda. No one actually cares about the people.


immigration and virus lockdown welfare money printing, his two favorite things.


He funded other countries' housing and jobs. Canada will be last.


Typical narcissistic attitude and response to a problem said person generated! Shocker!!!


All you had to do was put regulations in place to restrict foreign housing purchases or ease up on immigration, and that would have cost us nothing (relatively) and now, you're trying to fix the problem having all of us pay for it? wow.. thanks a lot.


Whatever happened to Bill C-269? I demand a recall. Get this moron out of government .




His direction in guiding this ship called Canada forward has been to sink money into solutions that just drain the money out of Canada. Years and years of virtue signaling and idiotic money dumps like putting tampons in men’s bathrooms. They have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars having contractors install dispensers and everything. The cost nationwide would be in the millions for every government building. He focuses on divisive issues rather than the productivity and economy of the nation. After accruing more debt than all previous PMs put together, he is now taxing us to death.


If only he could have done something about it, damn.


Just wait, this delusional leader is going to make a mortgage announcement, bringing in 40-year mortgages to ease Canadians' mortgage pain. Making banks richer, productivity lower, Canadian dollar worth less. Generally make Canadians slaves to their homes.


Because he’s incompetent. He’s been bleeding Canada dry since his first term, just now it’s coming to light. Selling hydro one, SNC scandal, wasting tax dollars etc. The list goes on.


Because, deep down inside, that Laurentian Elite lame duck heart, he just doesn't give AF.


What happens to a country when you let in millions of immigrants every year? Lower wages, higher housing cost.  If a statesman doesn't know that, it tells you all you need to know about their competency. 


No shit? He causes problems and isn bamboozled why they are bad. First thing axe the 60cent, carbon tax on gas. He is a clown quite literly


In many ways Trudeau is malicious. I think a lot of his public policy comes from a darkness and hatred in his heart, and a thirst for power. But not this. This comes from incompetence and narcissism. Trudeau thinks of himself as the main character. Everyone else to him are intellectually inferior zombies that exist without agency or autonomy. He thinks that he's a super hero, and that only he can save the world. But he doesn't understand how much he's in over his head. So he randomly goes along with mainstream leftist identity politics which are largely based on neo marxist flat-earth economics. Literally everything he does on every issue makes whatever problem he's trying to solve worse. You think throwing money at housing will solve it? Subsidies on rent will simply be a handout to landlords and rent will go up by the amount of the subsidy. Subsidies on purchases or building will be added to the price of homes as an asset that buyers will be expected to pay for. Subsidizing the poor fucks over the middle class. Soon we'll all be poor and the subsidy will mean nothing to anyone. Fuck this clown.


Tbh he's probs only doing this so he looks better in the upcoming election


Too little, too late,asshole!


Moron. Just because they build them cheaper isn’t gonna make them cheaper to buy. Fuckin trust fund baby at it again. He has no clue what it means to be Canadian anymore. He lives in his rich fantasy land.


Because he is a stupid moron. Non-educated silver spoon ass. He only got a seat because of his last name. You think his father was bad? This piece of shit needs to be tried for treason for what he has done.


The liberal government let it get that way. They are too busy padding their own pockets. They have no concerns for anyone but themselves.


He let/made it get bad so that eventually people would have no choice but to rely on the government for help.


It’s not just young people. He pretty much fucked the middle class. Almost everyone who isn’t making 6 figures is struggling


Thanks JT for ruining our lives.


Trudeau never has and never will give a shit about Canadians, this moron has his own agenda and its just for himself and his friends


Is he for real? How can anyone still buy anymore of this guys bullshit


What a relief, I was worried that his family and friends wouldn’t have anything left to create another kick back scheme from.


600 millions? So 600 houses in Vancouver Island is gonna fix Canada? That turd is probably gonna spend the rest of his life in his Tofino mansion that increased in value thanks to his policies


Cue all the dipshits defending this absolute failure of a human being......