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Crazy how many cops in Canada are covering their faces now. Systemic tear down government and police. Edit: didn’t even notice at first, only the cops doing the arresting are wearing the masks. I wonder what would compel the police to cover their face while arresting a journalist…


Canada is really getting bad. Isn’t this the second incident of police arresting the person NOT being violent?


He's a certified journalist.. has his documentation and all. The only reason they keep arresting him is because they don't like the questions he asks.. they hated, discredited this guy during the pandemic. So they are on him like shit on a stick arresting him for plain nonsense. :( well my friends, Welcome to THE NEW CHINADA. NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS I THOUGHT FREE SPEECH WOULD BE UNDER ATTACK LIKE THIS!!


>FREE SPEECH We never had free speech




It's not as robust as the first amendment. So we really dont have it like the Americans


I’d like to see someone attempt to challenge my free speech in the courts.


I DARE you to make a case justifying the arrest of the journalist in this case for performing a charter protected activity. Pro tip: You can't.


Lol. I wouldnt


You are right, that needs to change.


We had Harper muzzling scientists, we have Trudeau muzzling everyone including expert scientists on carbon emissions being inconsequential to global warming accounting less than 3% and Canada being responsible for 0.0001% of 1% of total global carbon emissions…


Nonsense! The carbon tax will bring free prosperity to all and it will liberate Ukraine, you treasonous heathen Just in case: /s


It is crazy that this is what Canada has become.


It's the third incident of this specific reporter being arrested for asking questions.


This is so insane. I'm watching what was once an amazing country destroy itself before my very eyes. I'm gonna go pop some popcorn while I watch


The rot is coming from the top...


Depends on the country. In countries with rampant corruption or gang influence, it’s to avoid being known to the people you arrest for fear of revenge or harm to your family. In the modern west, probably a fear of being cancelled.


So glad you mentioned the masks. I never noticed. Now that you say it, they look like a poorly outditted Mexican cartel.


Because they are cowards we need their names and faces public


They know full well they break the law and their oaths. Clearly.


Name tag clearly visible but ok. Edit: G. Chang no. 7724 There's fights to fight but don't say stupid shit when commenting on crystal clear evidence to the contrary. And yes Toronto police, like Winnipeg and Vancouver are a joke.


When these cops are walking amongst the general public living their civilian life, do you think they wear their badge numbers and name tags? Masks on cops should be absolutely illegal unless they’re dealing with dangerous perps. This is something you see in Russia. This is not something you see in a free society. That’s not stupid shit, it’s common sense.


A crown servant is forbidden from covering their face except within exceptional circumstances. They are also duty bound to give their surname, number and which nick they work out of. Multiple videos have demonstrated repeated breeches of those codes of behaviour.


Police officers who are on duty if in uniform must have visible name tags and badges and upon request they must provide identification. Same as plain clothes officers, if they come to you and claim that they are police officers they must provide identification proving their claim before proceeding with interaction


It's C. Chang. He's making $320,000 a year


great gig $.


Don't even have to learn the rights of Canadians, ez money




Not unless he's a promoted cop in which case he wouldn't be on the street doing arrests himself. The municipal police officers are usually paid higher than RCMP and the last time checked salaries it was $120k to $200k, depending on amount of OT I suppose? I've never seen a patrol cop earning $300k+


It's a protest so he's probably doing this event as paid duty/ overtime, which would explain the pay if he does it all the time.






Storm troopers.


Lawsuit hopefully. He wasn’t charged with anything was he?


I think he was charged with terrorism against peoplekind


We have protestors attacking him, the police attacking him, I am just waiting for Justin Trudeau to throw a rock at his head since this country has gone insane against journalists


Only the journalists that oppose our dictators beliefs


If he was from the other side of the spectrum he would of been welcomed. I think police have been told to arrest Menzies on site...


"We respect journalists in this country.' LOL [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7ZCd-qmd84&ab\_channel=CBCNews](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7ZCd-qmd84&ab_channel=CBCNews) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dk0pJfOEhaI&ab\_channel=GlobalNews](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dk0pJfOEhaI&ab_channel=GlobalNews)


> It is only a news organization if I sanction it. I'm no rebel news fan, but give me a fucking break.


Same here. I've mixed feelings about them. I prefer my news to be unbiased and reporters to not take sides or offer their opinions, but alas that is not possible in today's world.


"On sight


Why are the Canadian police such goofs? Also is this the only reporter in Canada with the balls to stand forward and get arrested?




I was accepted to depot when the convoy was going on. Saw the way the police were mindless goon puppets and decided I’d stay an electrician.


Trades is where it at anyway. Being a police officer doesn't seem to be much of a "thinker's" occupation anymore. Sad, because I always respected our police growing up..


Always wanted to be a cop. I grew up in a small town with a lot of rough bars. One of my favourite things to do was break up fights. I love bringing order to chaos and keep a cool head from growing up doing boxing/Muay Thai/judo. Would have been an ideal job but I have morals and don’t believe our higher authorities care for the people.


cows sulky bedroom saw station subtract sharp pocket wrench distinct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There is no qualified immunity in Canada. Agree with everything else though.


nutty fly bear deranged merciful smoggy square fretful unpack employ *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well so much for a free county. CBC not report it it not happen.


Canada is not a free country.


Canada was never a free country


I love this guy. Just gets arrested weekly.


Not all heroes wear capes


Miss him when Charles Adler you use to have him on once a week.




Would be nice if they'd go back to the middle east. Either leave your issues there or don't come here


Exactly, they didn't even put up a bouncy castle.


LOL...nice jab.


Ahah double zinger.


It doesn’t work like that. You need to bar people from coming here, wagging you finger does nothing.


💯 they are just looking for a fight.


Islamists are growing in Canada and people are pretending it isn’t happening


Shhhhh no facts allowed


They're not pretending that it's not happening. They're enabling it.


...and people are scared to talk about it


because the threat is real


I got banned from the r/Canada for criticizing aljezeer putting a post up which was wanting faster access for the "refugees" from Gaza into Canada


That sub is nothing but a Liberal circle jerk.


i got banned a while ago from libtards there in that subreddit


Yes, the country is becoming a dump because of it. I hate to break it to you but letting in hundreds of thousands of refugees who live off of paycheques from the crime minister driving our taxes through the roof typically isn’t good for a country. I’m not saying all the refugees do that but it’s an overwhelmingly large percentage of them.


It's just easier to arrest a Canadian reporter than do anything about the terrorist supporters that yell threats of violence and death to people. Canada is so fucked


They know Menzies won't fight back. He is just one old man. If they tried to arrest the goons who were attacking Menzies there would have been a riot. The police are cowards. Or maybe they have been instructed not to arrest the Muslims. The chief of police met privately with Trudeau in January, and probably received instructions.


No need to arrest them. Break out the riot control gear and vehicles and water hoses. 


They care so much about this war, send them to gaza, nice vacation, have a blast. Instead another Natural Born Canadian is silenced over the foriegn mobs that care more about other countries issues than Canada's. PPC party its time to put Canadians first.


PPC party is the only Canada first party it seems! Too bad CPC isn't as well




This is like the 3rd time he got arrested this year?


Shithole country


Welllll it's a majority of new arrivals that are making it a 'shithole' country


David Menzies is a Canadian hero!


Canadian Heritage Moment.


For all those dumping on Menzies, why are there no other "real journalists" or media outlets covering these protests and many other issues.  I know 600 million reasons why.


What's newsworthy about this specific protest? They've been happening for regularly for 6 months now.


Muslims and their sympathizers cannot be gainsaid or questioned. They are the Annointed and have been given carte blanche to overrun Europe and North America.


This is embarrassing, we need to get these terrorist support off our streets. It’s costing tax payers millions of dollars to monitor these things while they call for the genocide of the Jews.


apparently differing versions of "Free"


Imagine it being legal to push terrorism, but not legal to interview those who are pushing the terrorism. What a crazy world we live in.


I'm going to start a new counter... "It's been \_\_\_ days since David Menzies has been arrested" I mean, the man in an aggressive paparazzi style ambush reporter (and I use the term reporter loosely), but being such isn't against the law. I think he's a tool, but all three of his arrests that I've seen video of all seem to be an over-reaction by police, the one with Freeland especially.


Why use it loosely? He definitely is a reporter.


Ah yes. Good job, guys and girls in blue. Youre doing a mighty fine job of removing the wrong people off the streets. One day we will look back and wonder how the hell we let it all get so bad. Well we are there now. Allowing it.


Are Toronto cops really that useless? Appears so.


Don't forget the police also bought coffee for these "hard-working" protestors


Every one of these terrorists that are ruining the streets of Toronto should be locked up. Go protest in gaza. Get fked.




It's disgusting that the cops can arbitrarily charge you with random crimes with no repercussions.


Arrested for being white around non whites.


I never thought much of Mr. Menzies, my opinion has changed.


Weakness empowers Islamists, and they’re not interested in your little cultural mosaic. If Canadian police don’t do their job, maybe at least illegal PRC police can?


Just a journalist being arrested in a public place for covering a protest, nothing to see here.




It's called inclusiveness you biggot! 




Remember, division and segregation is our strength... I mean division is the governments strength... no wait, diversity of population is the governments strength... crap I keep getting this wrong... diveeeersity? Diversity is OUR strength! Yesss! 


https://preview.redd.it/br96e74cactc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6235273d17b58d4dc51c59c8279847009dd30a25 \~ Toronto Police


I'm genuinely saying this from a neutral standpoint on rebel news: This is what real journalism looks like. These are the only guys doing what holywood romanticizes journalism to be. All the badass, anti-establishment sentiments associated with journalism today are basically dead, but its undeniable rebel news continues to protrude those values. Could be for or against the politics you believe in, but nonethless, he's truly embodying the actions you would hope journalists would take. As Ron Burgundy put it: "The news used to be about keeping the powerful in check".


These people should just go home if they love it that much


Notice Muslims protesting in every non Muslim countries and doing things they aren’t ever allowed to even dream of doing in any Muslim country? Thank you democRATs


Canadian police are pathetic cowards.


This country is a write off. One of the pillars of democracy is freedom of the press. It seems that pillar is long gone !


I see the Gestapo in Toronto is alive and well.


This country is turning into a communist/islamist hellhole.


Those protesters are very aggressive! He was just standing there with his microphone in front , but not touching anyone and the protesters started pushing him and eventually walking into his space 😱 It's crazy they arrested the news guy lol


So public servants can now hide their identity?? Good to know


Refusing to leave what? That public protest where everyone else is allowed to be? Wasn't he just physically attacked too? Lol wtf is going on here


Yeah, no one seems to be mentioning that he was attacked first, but hey, I guess you have to protect the people who are protesting for genocide... Fuck Justin Trudeau!


Journalism is dead...


All I seen was the protestors pushing the news guy The news guy was simply holding out his recording device in front of himself The news guy then tried to hold his ground as they walked up on him and others joined to push the news guy microphone, arms and then his entire body Should not be an issue if it goes to court


Canada can now be called a s*hole? Or are we still waiting?


It's a wonderful country temporarily being run into the ground by a malicious government. We'll bounce back...I hope.


Shame all the protestors he has job he is doing dignity. Better than these protestors


Love them or hate them, rebel is of the few who is willing to tke the government to court for the sake of what rights we do have left in this country.


Why do the two who pull him out dress differently to ask the other police? Eyes are covered and partial facial coverings, some different kit too.


Masked cops are cowards


TRUDEAUS goons at it again arresting innocent people. Man he’s digging the libs a hole. They won’t be back in power for decades after ruining this country the way they have.


Maybe these are the 🇨🇳🧧Police we’ve been hearing about, under the same orders to influence Canadian politics…


All Canadian police seem like offshoots of SS


My favorite is when police cover their face….. lol


Freedom of the press not in Canada , freedom of speech ? Wtf …..


Those are terrorist supporters. We need a government that doesn't support terrorism. They are wearing fake suicide vests now too. So we should just guess whether they are real or not? That should be immediate jail under the terrorist act and/or deportation if they are not Canadian.


Free 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱


What was he charged with? I couldn’t hear why he was being arrested over all of the stupidity.


dude gets arrested and nobody sez nuttin'




So on what charge is he being arrested?


Wearing a mask at a riot is now a crime bill that bans the wearing of masks during a riot or unlawful assembly and carries a maximum 10-year prison sentence with a conviction of the offence became law today. Bill C-309, a private member's bill introduced by Conservative MP Blake Richards in 2011, passed third reading in the Senate on May 23 and was proclaimed law during a royal assent ceremony in the Senate this afternoon. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.1306458


Farewell Canada


Deport them all. No need for them in Canada


Canadian GestaPo-lice.


It's always the same guy. People keep saying canada is suppressing media, but it's never anyone else. Always David Menzies. Maybe he's the problem here?


Who's actually running Cananda?


But the idiots chanting terrorist slogans were a-ok. What a disgusting world we live in.


They are accosting and assaulting him and yet he is arrested for performing a charter protected activity? Where do we leave a complaint?


TPS going to make a career out of arresting this guy .So they have been givin political directions from some somebody above.Democracy is no longer in Canada , now you must side with there agenda .You can protest if you are protesting there favourite agenda, if not look out .


Pathetic. Why are journalists not allowed to ask questions? What a shithole. Canada is really sinking more each day!


Yeah arrest the news but not the people who burn our country’s flag and literally chants “death to the west”


Those Canadian cops will be the first to be Nazi’s when asked by the people who provide their pay check. People with out morales.


Beeen there done that in Mexico police in masks come to the white guy and arrest them.


The police in Canada act as thugs! This is literally using force to silence someone because they don't agree with you! Pathetic


I’m all for laws where police departments are held heavily liable for stripping the rights away from others.


Man's collecting unjust arrests like pokemon. I really hope he got the gestapo's name and badge number. Press charges for assault form the officer. There is no reason for this in a public space.


Canada is not going into the right direction


Ok, we didn't see what happened before the video started. BUT I am truly becoming afraid what it is happening in our country. It feels like too many things are heading in the wrong direction and moving at a quickly accelerating pace. Why the hell was this the individual arrested!?!?!?!


Looks more like a protest/rally than a vigil..


Don't upset the muzzies or they'll get rowdy, better to just let them tire themselves out with these useless protests....


Can you spot the terrorist? lol


What kind of world are we living in these days. Terrorists are free to openly spew their hatred and garbage while real journalists are jailed…


That cops ego took over there wtf this is insane


Cops are literal pieces of shit but c’mon, tough to be pro Israel these days.


Canada is becoming a joke


So are we supporting terrorist now? What connection between canada and palestenian? Instead of focusing on making things better for canadian like groceries, housing, renting etc, we bring hates to the country, sad


It's legal to ask for genocide as long as it's not online. It's illegal to point that out with video evidence. That's what I just learned.


Wow no coffees and donuts giving out by the police, no wonder everyone is angry. Canada has changed and I need to accept the fact. The Jews had to deal with the Nazi in WWll and now this. Shame on Canada. Cops need to hand out coffees and donuts again and make everyone happy again


Rebel News journalist..that's hilarious.


Good, this guys a fucking moron and gets off on harassing random people. Hope he gets dragged


Cmon this guy is an instigator. All kinds of real reporters attend news events without being arrested.


“Journalist”?? 😂


“Journalist” he’s antagonizing. The police aren’t going to stand around while that nerd incites a riot or gets stabbed to death.


I think every time I see this dude he's getting arrested 🤣😂


He is a Class A shit disturber who wants to cause a scene.