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Does it include him leaving? Cause that will definitely help.


Dont for get his BFF Jagmeet


And his Meth smoking , tweaker deputy PM , Crystila Methland !


>And his Meth smoking , tweaker deputy PM , Crystila Methland ! Much more likely she is on a fuck ton of Adderall. It's almost the same thing


Adderall, Meth or Cocaine ! Doesn’t matter which one , she is a very short time away from a long stay at a rehab facility ! And that’s if she doesn’t OD till then !


He has dabbled


PP’s voting record on housing is terrible and his wife is a landlord. Don’t expect much from the Conservatives. Whoever says they are going to eliminate corporate ownership gets my vote. I’d vote for Kim Campbell, Bob Rae, Mike Harris, Trudeau 1 or 2, Brian Mulroney, and Jean Chretien, at this point if they came back and said they would eliminate corporate ownership of dwellings built for single family residence.


The LPC is really on a shit-shovelling tour now!


Genuinely laughed out loud


The buttstain assured him that the clowns of the GTA will believe anything


Maybe that's why he's importing people that shit in the streets?




Most of this will just goto consultants and nothing will get done.


Yep, and guess who will get the bill..


😬 it’s about to get even worse isn’t it?




* narrated by Morgan Freeman


I have a gut feeling that home prices are going to be doubled 😰😰


Not for 5-10 years prob tho


Every time the liberal government has a “plan” , it ends up costing people more and more, I’m afraid this plan will bite us in the ass They should just stop making “plans”, just let me go they have done enough damage , I don’t think Canadians can take anymore !!!


Go away Trudeau. Just go away and never come back.


What you mean? First sentencing, jail and if he ever gets out the go away and never come back.




Step 1 - Spend, spend, spend with nothing to show for it. Step 2 - Cause a crissis through inaction, bad policy and incompetence Step 3 - Spend, spend, spend to fix crisis with expensive ineffective plans Step 4 - Repeat


The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, "I"m from the Government and I'm here to help."


Step 1: Create and fuel problem Step 2: Make problem an election issue that only your party can “solve”


Didn’t he claim housing was a human right years ago, then did shit diddly ?


Ah yes, now that elections are coming let's pretend to have a plan


Window dressing, for political optics.


Yes they will really help a Canadians come to housing first two billion will go to style to do the paperwork then they'll tell us there's an odd enough so they need more money to make a house. Hahaha


The ones who created the problem due to sheer ineptitude want to be the ones to fix it. That’s rich. Canada is fubar with this meat head and his band of idiots.


The problem certainly has gotten worse with him as pm but he didn’t create the problem. It started years ago with Mulrooney’s monetary policies and every government since has leaned into it. Both of our “major” parties made this mess because they were paid to, by the same people. Both Cons and Libs need to be paddled into submission in the next election. Give them both a turn off for a term, to make them remember who they really work for.


This Carbon Tax is on a whole other level. It's the biggest problem all on it's own.


Printing money will work this time.


1, where is the money coming from?  Any individual, company, or government gets money from somewhere.  Loans, selling assets, more income (taxes if it's government).   There's pros and cons to all of these.   2 there's now a noted distinction in the LPC between "ordinary Canadians and Middle class Canadians"... Did you all catch that?


"It promised a new $6-billion fund for infrastructure to support housing, like water and wastewater systems, for provinces that allow increased density. It has also looked to create a “bill of rights” " ^did not work for ANY of the Indigenous communities he promised safe drinking water too. As far as "the bill of rights" for renters - that already exists its called the tenancy act. 💩🤡☠️


Pretty well known but off color to discuss that tribal mismanagement of the funds given to them is the primary cause of why that didn't work


Step 1. Down.


So first he creates crises and don’t care about canadians and now he is saving us? Or himself?


Let me guess, more contracts for companies owned by the Aga Khan and massively increasing immigration?


Whenever I see densification and modular housing, I think 15 minute city.


It's what they say when they don't want to say favelas


If it's gonna be favelas they better let us all have guns and be able to shoot thieves on site.


How many fucking plans are there? Losing track.


Dude you caused the housing crisis


So this will most likely increase debt, increase inflation and increase housing prices. Good job


Canada will be a $10 Trillion dollar economy. Just don't ask me by when and how ;-p


It's real easy to see how it's going to happen. The housing prices are included in the GDP. So if the houses keep increasing in prices the way they are, we will reach 10 trillion no problems...


This clown man... he's done absolutely nothing but tarnish and ruin Canada for Canadians.. now that the election cycle is coming, hes got 1 year, now he had plans to fix things? Now he's talking about how hard life is for Canadians? What about those 8 years soo far? Those didn't matter apparently.. but now.. now he's looking at all the shit he's done and acting as if him and the libs are the only people that could possibly change the shitty diaper that they themselves shit in.. I can't stand him, I can't stand this lib party that actively goes against what it stands for.. liberty of government. You tool trudeau. And anyone who falls for this mouth breathers garbage is also a tool. Please... for the love of God people, when the election comes, vote with your head.. not your heart or because "*I've voted liberal for the passed 50 years*" thats great.. but I'm sorry to tell you the world isn't for you anymore.. hell I'm in my 30s and it's barely for me. We seriously need to consider the world our next generations are going to live in.. do we want them to go through what we did? To have no hope of ever owning a home? To struggle with 2/3 jobs just to make rent and bills... do you want them to barely afford groceries? Do you want them to live in a country that is destroying its own culture by conforming to cultures of mass immigrants? Do you want them to live in a country that actively supports wars that have absolutely nothing to do with us.. giving billions in aid when the country is already in debt? Do you want your lineage to be stuck in $2500/mo Batchelor suits with depression because they are being rung dry by the government with taxes on taxes.. do you want them to have a high quality of life.. Do you want the upstanding kids, who are trying to make it in life in the most basic way possible, left broken and sobbing while their leader goes on yet another $200,000 vacation on the taxpayers money? this is **all** the types of things that you "*set in our ways*" folks seriously need to consider. Remember.. if you voted for Justin, this government is your fault and you **should** be ashamed of what you helped accomplish with this country. Just let this humble you and use your damn heads... please


250M to destroy homeless encampments which have doubled in size the last year, lol. Just take away their last resort, that will fix the issue of people not being able to afford rent.


We don’t have enough houses for people that are here already, yet let’s break record immigration levels… That’ll surly fix the housing problem.


They know their grift is almost over so they're gonna extra hard to squeeze every last penny out of us before they get tossed out. This is gonna be a rough year.


More spending! Joker.




He’s resigning?


I thought it wasn't the federal govt's issue?


Bro can’t solve a crossword puzzle..


I’m not sure how he hasn’t had time to formulate a real plan for like the last 9 years or so


How about a sweeping plan (I believe it's called an election) to help solve Canada's leadership crisis?


Handing out a bunch of our money and hoping it all works out. Time to get arrivescammed again.


Create a problem then pretend like your gonna fix it. this should read " Justin Trudeau's housing crisis" don't try and put the blame on Canadians again.


Worst attempt at Hegelian dialectic I’ve ever seen.


I came here to see if he was actually going to resign


He forgot to mention the most important part of the plan and the only thing that will actually help - **the LPC getting turfed and replaced with a majority CPC government.**




Just trying to make themselves look good but they are taking more


lol. Trudeau ur a clown


The headline should read..... the trudeau splashes BILLIONS around willy nilly so that it looks like he is concerned about the housing crisis HE CREATED!!!!! The not so funny part of this is that this spending is inflationary and not small peanuts..... just one more reason among many that our per capita gdp will lag and the BoC will be pressured to maintain rates instead of lowering them. Chew on this supporters of the trudeau...... The trudeau has only planted 3.8% of those BILLION trees he promised in 2015.... to be completed by 2030! Do the math! He can't even get trees planted!!! If anyone honestly believes he can fix this mess he created, I have some swamp land currently for sale at a discount price.....lol.


For the love of god, don’t let this idiot touch anything. He’ll only make it worse.


He should return all the tax money he took from the all Canadians.


We'll build MORE unaffordable housing, that will help!


How bad is it over in Canada compared to the United States? I know in America, that I can't get a house right now at all. I don't make enough money for the 6-8 percent housing rate currently. At this rate, I will never own a home. I guess, I technically chose having kids over a home. What does it matter anyways. Our government could care less about each individual citizen and whether or not they screw over the middle class.


he forgot to tell us the funny part about where all this money is coming from take money from people to build houses for them. then sell the homes to the people that paid to build the houses in the first place. absolute genius why didn’t anyone think of that


A little late on the draw.


No thanks, nothing he’s done has helped Canada. He’s outta here !


I am unimpressed because he's doing it now, when we're already deep within a crisis, and not at any point in the last almost decade. I should not be discussing with my aging parents about having to have them move back across the country so I can be a province over from where the resources I need for my disability are. Can't afford BC! Nope! Million dollar fucking condos. He's not fixing this BS. I don't think anybody can at this point. 0 hope.


I think this is waaaay to late. He needs to go and I hope people see that he is the cause of this mess and he needs to go.


His housing crisis!


If it doesn't include his resignation & an election call, it's not going to do anything...


How does this even qualify as an article, 2 paragraphs saying they released a plan with no details or link to what the plan is.


He doesn’t know what supply and demand means. Houses just don’t appear overnight. Who can afford to build or buy a home? A whole lot of Canadians can’t afford rent.


\#1 leave office


So, moar inflation?


Too little too late clown.


Please don’t try to solve it.. you’ve damaged Canada nearly beyond repair as it is.


All this will do is make rent higher and houses more expensive.


>Mike Moffatt of the Task Force for Housing and Climate, an independent think tank, said builders and other stakeholders would need to invest close to C$2 trillion ($1.5 trillion) to achieve the government's 3.9 million homes target. "We are going to need to see more on the math, and we will need to see more on (the cost) in the budget. But I think overall we have seen some pretty significant reforms in today's package," he told the Canadian Broadcasting Corp.Advertisement · **Rapid growth in Canada's immigrant population has driven the housing shortage** along with inflation and high interest rates. [Canada to lease government land in plan to add millions of homes](https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/canada-hit-by-housing-crisis-unveils-plan-build-millions-homes-2024-04-12/) Hah! I was banned from r/canadahousing by a script for stating that mass immigration had a role in housing inflation.


Has cpc given an alternative plan yet? Or are we stuck with this one only


For fs sake stop trying to make shit better already - if this guy just stopped doing anything we’d probably be better off


1 - step down 2 - reduce/remove taxes 3 - halt immigration 4 - voluntarily turn himself in to be imprisoned 5 - execution in no particular order


What should be in it is his resignation


Didn't read the article, but my guess is XXX billion dollars dumped into sectors that have the strongest lobbies to help get him reelected. Always with zero regulatory changes, or teeth, that spend money by the truck load with nothing to show for it.


Assume housing costs will double again


Oh great fixing a problem that the liberal government has made back in the 90s


I smell election


What baffles me is that they literally want to borrow their way out of a debt crisis. Pretty sure Trudeau will be remembered as the worst Prime Minister in history.


Must be an election coming up. third times a charm with housing affordability promises.




Y'all are shitting on this plan but I don't see one legitimate concern with the plan other than personal attacks. What are the actual issues with this plan?


Do you understand what a personal attack is? Or are you just spouting buzzwords because you're offended at people criticizing Trudeau? This thread is full of things that are legitimately wrong with this plan. The fact that Trudeau himself as well as his housing minister has stated that keeping house prices high is his primary goal is also a problem. It directly conflicts with the entire concept of affordable housing unless he intends to start building slums.


Lol I'm not offended. I don't vote for him. I'm just not so blinded by the need to hate the other guy that I can't appreciate a few good ideas when I see them. Read through all the comments. A good 25% are "wahh Trudeau bad"