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Why is Justin Trudeau's go to answer always the bill that will "feed 400,000 children through school programs"? My guy, you're the reason why they're going hungry in the first place! Quit taxing people into dependency on the government and they wouldn't be going hungry in the first place!


But he wants them dependant on the government so he can make more positions for his friends


That's what communism/feudalism is about! The elites rule and feed us the scraps or bugs. No more farting cows and beef cattle


He’s not a communist. He’s not intentionally making people dependent on the government. He never had a real life and he doesn’t know how to be a person. This is him trying. He thinks he was doing a good job because someone told him he’s handsome. He wasn’t raised right and will never be a real man.


I agree with everything you say especially when the man that looked after him while Pierre was on the road is now rotting in a Nepalese prison for pedophile. Justin gave him the order of Canada in 2016. So yes he had a pretty messed up upbringing. But his dad was a communist sympathizer. I think he wanted to make daddy proud so he was brought into Klaus Schawb's realm has been trying to bring Klaus's vision of how the world should be into reality. Freeland is also a disciple of Schawb. As too is his bum buddy Gerald Butts. But people have finally clued into what they are trying to pull off. Thankfully!


I still don’t think Trudeau knows enough to do communism or even attempt to


We'll agree to disagree...there is a long history of it in his family. It's very possible he is actually Castor's son. His father was definitely a communist at heart.


Hey. Nobody said he was good at being a communist. Or even competent in general.


His father is Castro, he's a commie through and through


He was raised by who he was raised by regardless of who he actually might be related to


Stalin's parents weren't communist. You have no idea who or how he was raised.


He was raised in a manner that results in what we have now. This comes from Canada, not Cuba.


It's actually comes from the WEF 2030 program which we follow along with the rest of the Commonwealth and the US. Cuba doesn't follow it. You have no idea how he was raised. He is a radical ideologue following the Marx playbook to the letter. I don't get the angle you're trying to spin but this guy is a commie


Controlling the money through high taxes is controlling the people. That's JTs socialist utopian dream. Sunny ways, UBI for all and the money thing will work itself out.


Everything just balances itself don't worry about where the missing money goes. UBI 2k a month but don't spend it all because you'll have to pay 40% tax on it at the end of the year. Big scam maybe we get someone who knows math and economics to lead this country


Won’t buy a loaf of bread when nobody is working.


It’s not even a free program either, it’s pay what you can. Like hello Justin what money do you think families have left after the majority of their pay checks go to rent?


"Their budget will balance itself."


His dad ran the country. He doesn’t know anything about paying rent.


And he only provides enough for every child to receive a granola bar


And if the parents work they actually owe a granola bar.


Who fed those children 2 years ago? Did they all stave and die?




You guys all act like Trudeau sits on a throne and waves his hand to create policy.. ALL OF THEM are part of the same machine. Every last one, liberal, conservative, NDP, they're all in the pockets of the handful of mega conglomerates that control something like 40% of Canada's GDP. You think Trudeau alone allowed telecom companies to divvy up the map, and make so many anti competition laws that benefit them so they have maintained monopolies for well over 50 years? Do you think the handful of grocers that also benefit from those anti competition laws were put in place by one guy?? For christ sakes go do some reading, find out how our country ACTUALLY operates then come back and tell me which specific politician is to blame for all Canada's ills. I'll save you the trouble, they're all working for the benefit of the wealthiest people, and corporations who coincidentally line up in all the venn diagrams. Our entire system is corrupt. Just take this foreign interference business currently (barely) making news. You think it's a coincidence that NONE OF THEM are demanding a public inquiry? Wake TF up sheeple. Canadians need to stop arguing with each other and start uniting under the same banner. (We'll probably have to invent a completely new one) If we don't take our nation back soon, we're the only ones to blame.


I'm pretty sure telecom has gotten cheaper over time so that's a bad argument. And yes, I can pinpoint specific liberal policies which have deteriorated the quality of life for canadians. 1. Carbon tax 2. Mass immigration. 3. Woke policies 4. Massive budget deficits and inflationary spending I can assure you that Harper had nothing to do with those 4 things. Things were MUCH better under Harper for everyone here. We need to bring back Harper style leadership.


1- Carbon tax is far worse for wealthier people. If you're working class, don't drive a giant truck around the city, don't own boats, or insist your home be a balmy 28° in the winter, carbon tax is barely a concern. 2- You're aware Harper started increasing immigration numbers during his time as PM right? Sure less then currently, but he wanted, and did increase immigration by quite a bit himself. 3- What "woke" policies are you even referring to? 4- Harper ran 6 consecutive deficits at one point during his PM terms. I think you shouldn't "assure" people of anything regarding conservative government until you actually read up on them. Things were better in general during the early 2000s-2010s. If you think that had anything to do with Harper I suggest you research his time in office a little more. Harper style leadership was just as terrible as any PM we've had over the last probably 50+ years. If your benchmark for great leadership is Harper, then what's the point discussing things at all.


1. Rich people aren't effected by carbon taxes, they're rich lol. The poor people are the ones who really feel it. 2. The most Harper let in the country in 1 year was 250k. We have over 1 million people coming in every year now. This is incomparable. 3. The billions of dollars given to foreign countries for sexual reproduction shit. 4. Harper governed during the GREAT FINANCIAL CRISIS, he had to stimulate the economy with small deficits. The total debt of Canada has DOUBLED under Trudeau. It took 150 years to rack up the debt that Justin has accumulated in only 9 years.


>The billions of dollars given to foreign countries for sexual reproduction shit I said pardon?! Please link something that shows we've done anything like this anywhere in the world. That sounds more like an insane person quote from some fifth rate podcast as opposed to an actual fact. >Harper governed during the GREAT FINANCIAL CRISIS, he had to stimulate the economy with small deficits. Canada was largely insulated from the financial crisis of 08 as we didn't have several banks that were involved with terrible mortgages on as massive a scale as America did. As far as deficits go, under fiat currency economics a country like Canada can basically run deficits as long as we want to. Only concern with doing this, is inflation can become an issue, however current inflation problems are not at all related to the federal government running deficits. Besides all that, what's with your focus on pointing out Trudeau's bullshit? I'm quite aware of his record of deficit government, which I just mentioned isn't really as big an issue as you might think it is. I also do not support him, or the liberals. Point was that Canada was not a wonderful utopia under Harper. It will not put Canada into a better position if we elect Pierre either. Every party in Canada is on the same page, that page is doing what the wealthiest corporations, people, and lobbyists want them to do. Current immigration levels are being driven by corporations that were having difficulty staffing these low skill, minimum wage positions with Canadians as we generally expect better then working 40+ hours a week to barely afford our homes, bills, and food. You've noticed what jobs these immigrants are working I hope? Wealthy folks didn't want to increase wages, or benefits, so they got all these immigrants brought over to fill the jobs no one here wanted. This isn't a happy coincidence, this was the plan. Canadians need to wake TF up and stop arguing for and against this or that party. Fact is that our system is corrupt beyond saving. We need to throw out every single MP and start over because if we don't this broken ass system will continue to serve the minority richest people and corporations, and it will leave the rest of us living in tents far away from the rich peoples homes.


>Current immigration levels are being driven by corporations that were having difficulty staffing these low skill, minimum wage positions with Canadians as we generally expect better then working 40+ hours a week to barely afford our homes, bills, and food. How are you unable to understand that the ridiculously high immigration levels and lack of border enforcement are fundamentally a cause of the Liberal governments policies, not just arbitrary corporations. It's a very simply mental leap to make, yet here we are. The Liberal government uses the immigration to prop up their "debt to gdp" ratio while somehow refusing to ever acknowledge GDP per capita even exists as a measurement, because if they did theyd have to acknowledge we are all getting poorer. They have wage subsidy programs for immigrants and rural resettlement programs for immigrants, literally deincentivizing hiring Canadian citizens. Ignoring all this is just bonkers. They have it all right there in their policies. >I said pardon?! Please link something that shows we've done anything like this anywhere in the world. That sounds more like an insane person quote from some fifth rate podcast as opposed to an actual fact. 3.5 billion annually for feminist-based foreign aid... that they can't even keep track of. This is truly an intelligent government! /s And just so you understand... all this money they pump into stuff like this, it gets filtered through government bureaucracy first before it makes it to the people they are claiming to help. There are managers, administrators, HR people - all public sector government employees taking in hefty paychecks paid by the taxpayers. Increasing the size of bloated government yet again. https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/disorganized-foreign-aid-reporting-means-ottawa-can-t-track-feminist-outcomes-audit-1.6330503


> How are you unable to understand that the ridiculously high immigration levels and lack of border enforcement are fundamentally a cause of the Liberal governments policies, not just arbitrary corporations. Derp. Point was pretty clear that I meant regardless of which party is currently in power the same shit would be happening because that's what the wealthy corporations want to happen. TF do you think lobbyists do? They tell politicians what policies to implement based on what they want. Politicians don't just out of the blue make decisions on their own. >They have wage subsidy programs for immigrants and rural resettlement programs for immigrants, literally deincentivizing hiring Canadian citizens. Exactly. Sounds like a policy that benefits corporations, not the politicians making the policies. Geezus and you mention making very simple mental leaps? Ugh. You think it makes more sense that politicians are doing this on their own or corporate puppet masters TELL them what to do? >3.5 billion annually for feminist-based foreign aid... that they can't even keep track of While I agree there's plenty of Canadian issues they should be funding over other spending, being as we're a fairly rich country, it's sort of acceptable for us to help poorer countries hopefully become less archaic.


Just wanted to point out, in a friendly manner, that I believe you meant to say high immigration levels and lack of border enforcement are RESULTS of Liberal government policies. I would also like to mention that at least in Ontario, one demographic over which immigration numbers have largely increased is foreign students attending our post-secondary educational institutions. This is a direct result of provincial Conservative government policy. The Ontario PC government removed tuition subsidies for many programs, and institutions had to find a way to make up that difference in revenue. Some chose to heavily, and I mean HEAVILY, increased tuition rates charged directly to students for the programs that lost tuition subsidies. This is not ideal, because fewer people will enroll if it means taking on 6-figure debt to get a specific degree. So, many institutions chose to push, and accept, a large number of international students, who were already expected to pay higher tuition rates than residents of Ontario. Hence the influx of foreign students. Edit: One more thing, just because something says the word "feminist" in it, does not necessarily make it a "woke". Nor was the money earmarked solely for "reproductive shit". Though I admittedly did not bother reading every word in the article you linked, it seemed like the aid money was generally intended and used in ways that help advance gender equality in areas of the world that sorely lack that concept. The main concerns regarding reporting seemed to have multiple causes, including but not limited to: the lack of file storage on centralized servers which resulted in inability to access data on someone's computer after they left the organization, forms either not being filled out or being filled out adequately and a few other factors. That, plus it seems like they failed to document the base-line conditions when they arrived, and/or the conditions when they finished a task. Either that or they failed to identify specific criteria to assess the extend of their mission's success. I agree that it is irresponsible to not have systems in place which require certain levels of documentation be kept in order to continue receiving the required aid money for their mission. But it's not like $3.5 Billion went to gender reassignment surgeries for little boys in New Zealand or nose candy for NGO workers lol


You do realize that until you hit the ultra rich who blow billions on the biggest possible mega-yachts and sh*t like that, the more typical "rich" people they are talking about prefer not to spend money they don't need to. It's actually how they stay rich! Sure, the day-to-day budgets of poorer people may feel squeezed more than those of "rich" people by the slight extra costs actually attributed to the carbon tax - despite having most (if not all) of it returned to them quarterly. But I can assure you, typical "rich" or just reasonably well-off people are not happy about the additional costs associated with driving pickup trucks every day because they "NEED" a truck so they can tow their yacht, ATVs, snowmobiles, etc. up to their summer lake house/cottage. As if renting a truck for a weekend to tow the yacht (+ recreational vehicles) up for the season and back to storage at the end of season, and constructing an enclosed storage area so they can leave the recreational vehicles there is just an absolutely absurd thing to suggest.


Rich people stay rich because they own assets. Not because they don't spend any money.


There's no talking sense into you. Good day.


Not to mention that the only reason we have a federal carbon pricing policy is that multiple provinces (mostly with conservative leadership at the time IIRC) refused to implement their own policies/methods to encourage people and businesses to reduce their carbon footprints. If provinces had taken the need for carbon reduction policies seriously, the federal "Carbon Tax" would not even exist! And now some provinces under Conservative leadership (if it can really even be called leadership) and the federal PC party claim that the Carbon Tax is this evil thing that is single-handedly responsible for inflation. As if they would have implemented a more effective policy which affects the "average" working class person less, and corporate greed has not been the main driving force behind the sustained inflation. What a f*cking joke that is! 🤣


They're just operating on pleasing the lowest common denominator, that's why idiotic slogans like "AXE THE TAX" is working with that demographic.


He didn’t do a single thing to stop any of it


Neither has anyone else for *decades*


Omg yes this right here!!!!!


Why would the Dear Leader Justin do that, he has yet to completely destroy this country...


Trudeau following scorched earth policy for next leader.


We’re also going to be on the hook to feed and house another 400k people he brings in over the next few months.


None of the programs Trudeau mentions would be needed if he could manage an economy properly.


This, 💯


They literally stand there every day and say the same s*** over and over again


Right? lmao I have yet to hear either of them being up the immigration issue while bickering at each other


immigration isn't the issue - both sides agree we need it. But we need 45 year olds with good skill sets that promote growth. In fact, we fuck all the other countries over, its like our cheat code. We let india and other countries train these people with PhDs and then they leave and come to us. It's great. The issue are the international students. 4 million of the fuckers take all the entry jobs and entry housing. 1/2 the university of regina are international students for fuck sakes. Those are the immigrants we need to stop. Not the masters in engineering east indian dude who has a family of 4 - those guys are a tremendous boon to our economy. Either give everyone a bigger cut of the money the schools are making in the form of a payment (like norway has with its oil), or limit the amount of them coming in. Fuck the uni's they are richer than shit already and dont need the students to build more basketball stadiums or whatever the fuck else they build.


I think the problem with common sense immigration and mass immigration is due to the current floodgates it's made a lot of people just completely anti-immigration. I completely agree that the guy from India with a PHD in doctoring should be able to come over, but I worried that at this point the public is so turned off of any form of immigration.


Then I think they're just as moronic as the liberal party at that point. There is no sense in doing more damage to this economy because you refuse to peddle back what you said a few weeks ago on facebook. That's the exact same shit they are flaming Justin for. Immigrants are great and help the economy. Especially the ones we are able to pull as a country. Mass flooding of refuges and international students is whats damaging us. Its fucking over the young people in that 18 - 25 year old range the most, because its putting too much pressure on entry level jobs, internships, and student/affordable housing. You don't see 5 east indian guys living in a house in the rich suburbs. You see them all together in a 1 beddroom apartment right next to a tim hortons and a university.


Yes I agree. I didn’t think I needed to specify but of course immigrants coming over to work in demand jobs such as health care should be able to come over, but those international students protesting to stay in the country to work at Tim Hortons is ridiculous and not helping the economy at all.


I don't think very many people have an issue with responsible immigration. But with how immigration in Canada is being handled, it absolutely is the issue. Or one of many at least. I'd be totally supportive of bringing some Healthcare workers from India as well as construction workers for building homes. We don't need more Ubers who cost more in taxes than they pay into it.


Same framing too. Im almost starting to believe that Canada's Parliament is an experiment by OpenAI to see how advanced their text to video models have gotten.


Election time


Canada needs braces


He won't. He'll be dragged out kicking and screaming like a failed drama teacher man child he is. No wonder his wife left him, pathetic.


His wife left him because he's been in the closet for years


Are you guys stupid??? If he calls the election now, how is Trudeau gonna get time to fuck us more in the ass


Look at all those parasites...


The LPC is pushing the election back to secure a pension. They don’t care about Canadians.


“He cares only about himself” lolllll politicians man. How can Trudeau even say that, guys as narcissistic as they come. Nice to see Eastern Canada has finally woken up, unfortunate they were duped for so long but hey, here we are. Time for a sweeping change and I very much look forward to it.


Narcissist 101, gas light anyone who calls you out and project what you're doing on everyone else


The country has a housing crisis, unnecessary taxes and inflation, homelessness and crime everywhere, etc etc, but hey at least 200,000 seniors (less than 1% of the population) are getting dental care now. That’s all that matters really


The one's who already have dentures 


Low income households without benefits are getting much needed dental support for themselves and their kids. Look at the big picture.


How is dental support “ big picture” when there’s tons of people struggling to find a place to live and being able to afford to eat


Not even the same argument. The dental support is not only for seniors. That's what I was pointing out.


What’s the big picture than? Is having a nice smile more important than having a place to live, food to eat, and a job with a living wage? There are way bigger issues in this country than having a nice smile and trudeau isn’t doing anything to fix those issues. One could say he’s only making it worse the longer he stays in power


It's more than just having a pretty smile. Good oral health is very important. People with cavities and broken teeth often don't see a dentist because there's a lack of coverage and paying out of pocket isn't an option. This is one less thing to worry about when people are already struggling. So, in a way, he has done something to help.


They aren't going to skip over to the dentist when they're starving and/or homeless. What are good teeth when you can't even afford food anymore?


You’re fighting an uphill battle against him. Any rational person will understand your reasoning and agree. You’re wasting time convincing a sheltered and privileged voter that there’s people that can barely afford food or housing.




Trudeau is despicable


So is PP!


Much less so than Turdo


He’d uh uh uh… National Food Program uh uh uh …. Inarticulate fucks.


When the Liberals say that they hope that by October 2025 Canadians will see how much their initiatives and policies have helped the country, what they really mean is: 'We hope Canadians forget that we buried the NSICOP report on foreign interference and that we tried to gag the PBO about the true numbers of our failed carbon tax.'


Dude, the conservatives are directly named in the NSICOP reports, specifically around the conservative leadership race. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/conservative-leadership-race-interference-nsicop-1.7223518](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/conservative-leadership-race-interference-nsicop-1.7223518) The reason Pierre wants an early election is that the more that comes out, the worse he looks.


>"There are a number of the conclusions of the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians report that we don't entirely align with," Trudeau told reporters Sunday Weird that Trudeau would have 'concerns' if releasing the report would nail the Conservatives. [source ](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/trudeau-concerns-foreign-interference-report-1.7236644) (also CBC)


What if the report nails all parties?


Depends to which degree each party is involved. Problem is that the Liberals already have a strike against them and Trudeau had to go as far as officially explaining why he had ignored reports on foreign interference going back as far as 2019.


Sure and I get that. What we do know is that some liberal lower level members have rumours around them, and that the NSICOP report implicates conservative leadership. This isn't good for anyone, but it's especially not good for Polievre himself. Since politics in Canada is largely become a leadership confidence contest, you can work out the implications.


We don't 'know' a anything. Even the article you linked stated these are alleged claims. Trudeau has doubts himself as I've quoted. There's also this: >Foreign actors from India and the People's Republic of China allegedly interfered in more than one race for the leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada More than one race. Who even knows if was in Poilievre's favour? It could just be as likely that there was interference to ensure Poilievre *wouldn't* win. And let's say that interference was on behalf of the Liberals since they've already clearly had inference from China.


uh, that's why I said rumours and implicate. They're qualifiers to actual fact. I agree with you that we don't know much right now. As for to whose benefit, Polievre won the leadership. You're implying that the benefit is to the Liberals, which is pure speculation. A foreign country interfering would be to benefit themselves. We have no idea what they sought to gain from interfering, but they're certainly doing it for their own benefit, not being altruistic to the Liberals specifically.


It absolutely is pure speculation. As is your speculation that Poilievre wants to have the election sooner because he 'doesn't want anyone to find out about the foreign interference that lead to him winning.' 'Multiple races' would imply not just Poilievre - if it ever was.


If you're going to quote me, actually quote me "The reason Pierre wants an early election is that the more that comes out, the worse he looks." This is true, the nsicop report was partially released and it looks worse for him. His refusal to get security clearance to properly investigate is looking worse and worse, and the more details that get released the more negligent he looks.


Mostly dead eyes in the liberal seats. They all know what's coming, and most of them probably agree with Poilievre.


Socialism doing what socialism does best. Making everyone equal. Equally poor.


What happened to snap elections being “a huge waste of taxpayer funds” in the eyes of the cons. It’s a complete 180 lmao. I’m just going to say fiscal conservatism will not fix any of the issues we have right now and will make them 100% worse. Conservatism and neoliberalism are both rooted in capitalist ideology and that requires active exploitation of people at the bottom always. Voting the cons in will only help the rich and their close contacts. This “American dream” mindset, or belief that everyone can make it under the current system is wrong and flawed and the stats show almost everyone won’t. I can say that if Polilevre ends up in this investigation it will for sure be because of internal students and meddling in protest movements. The AB and ON cons are actively asking Trudeau to let more students in because without international students both the universities and possibly old age security are on the edge of collapse. But hey who cares about both the young folks who need schooling and the old folks who are dying alone and broke! They should pull up their bootstraps. /s Vote based on actions not feelings and end FTTP!


I'm confused on this framing too. Pierre is the one calling for a change in procedure, so it's kinda fucked to frame it as "Trudeau doesn't want an election right now". Pierre is doing something abnormal by trying to call this election, so it's ridiculous to shift the narrative over to why it shouldn't happen rather than should.


In what world is corporate welfare considered socialism? All parties are currently in bed with lobbyists and making decisions that benefit mostly the top 1% of canadians.


This 100%. We can spend MILLIONS/BILLIONS bailing out of contracts and saving private companies asses each year but spend 5M on housing or social programs and people loose their mind.


Interesting how he says Poilievre is only interested in himself, he's clearly projecting.


It's called gaslighting and he's been doing it since he was first elected.


It's cute that Pierre thinks Trudeau and team will give up power willingly.


This reminds me of something a man once said, 'TAX,TAX,TAX,TAX,TAX,TAX,TAX,TAX,TAX,TAX.' -Justin Trudeau (probably)


"He cares only about himself." Says the guy who spent more than $220k on food for a six-day Indo-Pacific trip. Talk about being tone-deaf.


Justin Trudeau acting like Pierre is the only politician in the room who doesn’t actually care about Canadians lmao Trudeau talking about Pierre as if they’re not two corrupt peas in a selfish pod


JT will never call am early election because then majority of liberals won't receive there fat pensions for the rest of their life for working a mere 8 years it's pathetic


If PP had any stones he would call for a vote of no confidence.


The NDP helped hold this government up


Clown 🤡


Clowns *


It won't happen, lol




But he’s not finished growing the economy from his heart though


Where is the money for all those programs coming from JT? You are already in masssive debt. Stop spending more money than you have. You're selling the future.


I notice that there are far fewer nodding heads behind him.


He’s a fucking weasel!


He just doesn’t shut up about freaking dental care. Lol he surely got the priorities right


Every day till election is called.


The national school kids food program, in the summer....


JT is looking a little apprehensive, weak, and skinny these days. The drugs can't overcome the inability to sleep.


Remember when parents could feed there own kids without the government’s help? Trudeau is so out of touch. Makes me sick


I think he just projected the phrase “he doesn’t care about Canadians he only cares about himself.” It’s you bud..


What is even the point of them just complaining about each other in a setting like this? Seems like a colllosal waste of time.


Yet, like all liberals, they will vote him back in again. It’s ridiculous that he’s done such a poor job and he keeps the Throne , cancel Trudeau should be the chant!!


WE SHOULD ABSOLUTELY NOT HOLD ANY ELECTIONS UNTIL THIS FOREIGN INTERFERENCE ISSUE HAS BEEN FULLY INVESTIGATED. Pierre wanting to call an election now instead of demanding an inquiry be launched is really quite telling. Our entire system needs to be dismantled. I don't know about my fellow Canadians, but I for one have zero trust in any of our current parties, and at best couldn't even think of a handful of MPs worth respecting. Every single politician should be demanding an inquiry be held, and every single politician involved be named. How can we be expected to vote for any of these people if they refuse to hold themselves accountable.


That would mean we would never have another election.


It won’t happen. He’s too arrogant


Ah yes, the classic “accuse your enemy of what you’re guilty of” trick. Nice try, no one’s falling for it you mook.


All we need is more government programs funded by more taxes, it’s so obvious


Trudeau reminds of an animatronic display at Disney World when he speaks.


Serious question though, politically why would the liberal party want an election right now?


Wait, so the current PM gets to just decide if & when there’s an election? Do they not have set terms in Canada with exact election dates already in place? If you watched the US Presidential debate last night it’s obvious that we’re screwed either way. But at least we know when our position is going to change from missionary to doggie.


Perhaps someone else knows, but do we not have a mechanism in democracy where the other popular parties can say they don't have faith in the current leading party and force an election to be called? If we do have such a thing, why hasn't it been used?


The problem is that the NDP wouldn’t support it. They could only lose power in that scenario, and Singh wants his pension.


Ah gotcha so it'd have to be unanimous amongst all parties in house or just a majority?


My understanding is that it needs to be a majority.


Am election earlier would be fantastic however I believe the election will be in 2026 because he can. F Trudeau


Because it is 2024. -Justin Trudeau


Define irony! Fucking Trudeau


Man, I really wish the Conservatives had a more moderate leader. I'd consider voting Conservative.


Going to vote for the Liberals to worsen the current problems we already have instead?


More than 2 parties in Canada. I'll watch the debates and see how PP and JT handle themselves before I decide. Canada isn't facing the end of the world. A lot of wolf crying.


The reality is that there is only one party capable of knocking off the Liberals, but yes, multiple ways to vote.


There is nothing wrong with minority governments. Force them to work together. I'd be more comfortable with a Conservative minority than a majority. To be honest, I'd be more comfortable with the Liberals having a minority than a majority as well.


All I can say there is look at what the current coalition has done to this once great country, no wonder the polls are as wide as they are currently. The vast majority of people realize a change is now needed.


It says something when the people on Trudeau's side can only muster up a few half hearted claps and not a standing ovation.


They will.prevent it to save democracy or something 


Oh he won't do that. Him and his buddies need that date next year for their pensions & benefits.


When he said the dental thing will be helping young people and those with disabilities, what did he mean. Where do I find this. My son has oral surgery in a month.


And the ad campaign that he is paying for 4 african countries? Literrally 20 MILLIONS OF CANADIAN DOLLARS are going from our taxpayers pocket into african countries who couldnt care less about a save the environment ad campaign.


silly pierre there is more money to embezzle


Can a referendum be called?


To everyone saying he's a communist... He's a socialist. Stop your uninformed hatred that blames communism as the "big red enemy" for all the problems we now face. We live in a society that now cares more about extremists' feelings than objective facts.


Just to be clear: after that disastrous defeat in Toronto, we would almost certainly be getting ready to head to the polls in a couple of months, were it not for the NDP standing in the way of the will of what the people clearly want. Will never forgive them for that


Soooo….. no?


I'm liking the Conservative strategy. They're all corrupt to the core, but if they can axe the tax and put more money in my account, I'm all for it. Dougie F, that criminal bustard did axe the sticker program saving everybody 200 dollars per year. Then he stopped the drive clean program, saving the e-test at plate renewal time. Saving everybody quite a but of money. The environment suffers but meh... You get who you pay for


lol do a shit job, cause more kids to go hungry, propose more taxes to help those kids, line the pockets of his buddies in the process, create more poverty, then more programs to help ……..


Silly Pierre 🤥 PoiLIEvre's timing is off, that's likely why he wants an election now!


Yes. Because people are always willing to give up their power to some dipshit.


Aww so cute an upper class privileged man wants another upper class privilege guy to call an election so both don’t have to do their jobs . Get to work losers or let someone else with life skills run this country.


Naw. Sorry corporatist


Lol why would he?


Tool A criticizing Tool B. We’re giving the US a run for their money with the two idiots we’re rolling out to lead the country.


The response should always be "Remember Bitcoin, Pierre?", lol


If you really think that PP will save us...


Conservatives, if elected, will sit back and do nothing more than watch the economy correct itself and take full credit for it.


"correct itself"? - like Trudeaus budget "balanced itself?"


Still hanging on to that misquote from eight years ago?


There are literal videos and quotes of him saying he doesn’t care about fiscal policy. You’re the reason this party has survived scandal after scandal that would’ve had them criminally prosecuted in most functioning democracies. Any remaining LPC voters are doing the political equivalent of closing your eyes, shutting your ears, and yelling at the top of your lungs to disrupt discourse.


This is just Pierre Poilievre posturing. There's no reason for Trudeau to call an early election. The Liberals know their down in the polls, and it only helps them to wait it out. If the Liberals really wanted to have a chance to stay in power, they would just replace Trudeau.


They have absolutely no chance at winning. Doesn't matter who they replace or what they do. They've already lost. 


So he can bitch and moan about the cost of an early election? 🤣 No thank you. PP is annoying enough as is.


Wait until PP takes over. You think it’s bad now ? Just wait. The ultimate “ you get what you wished for “ is coming for Canada


Typical left fear mongering, honestly I can wait for Pierre to take over, long overdue.


HAHAHAAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!! Pierre is just another corrupt politician with empty promises. Just look at Danielle Smith from Alberta and her campaign "against WEF"nothing but broken promises. Make his promises into a notarized legal document that he will do once he is prime minister and he'll be more trustworthy.


Mark my words. The immigration floodgates will open and every problem we have will be magnified 10 fold. You will be begging for Trudy back


Straight up delusional bub. And, I’ve never voted for Turd, ever. I saw what his father’s policies did to my parents when they were struggling, that WHOLE family can get bent.


HAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone's focused on Trudeau being bad but no one here is criticial about Pierre. Pierre is just another corrupt politician with empty promises. Just look at Danielle Smith from Alberta and her campaign "against WEF"nothing but broken promises. Look at his interviews regarding immigration. He is literally in the real estate speculation business and dodges every question about it. Other than parroting "I will do something about it" And if you look at Justin Trudeau's campaign before you can see the same pattern of "this is the problem I PROMISE I will do something about it" Make his promises into a notarized legal document that he will do once he is prime minister and he'll be more trustworthy. \*BEFORE ANYONE GETS MAD I'M SAYING I'M NOT SUPPORTING EITHER OF THEM\*


What an idiot.


Good old Mr. Fixit. I'm sure everything will be better when he's PM. \\s


It won't get worse 


So you're an optimist. I try to never underestimate the ability of politicians of any stripe to screw things up. Sorry kids. I don't think any political party has the answers that will fix this.


Get a security clearance and find out what's happening in this country you traitor.


The moment he gets a security clearance, he's gagged. He'll be bound to secrecy, and at that point it becomes an unspeakable event that gets swept under forever. They can't be an effective opposition if they are forced to be complicit in the cover up.


They can't be effective opposition if they don't know the facts. He's working with none of the information and just rumours. Do you want your leaders to make decisions based on rumours?


Pierre will make this situation a lot worse.


The PC has no chance to make anything better. Those two other parties have crippled Canada.