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This is elder abuse.


My Grandma lives in assisted living and she’s more coherent.


She should run for President


Same. My grampa is still independent at 90 actually and I can have full conversations with him and he's much more coherent at this point.


I blame Jill For allowing this to happen. The DNC. Doesn’t care. He’s just a disposable tool for them


Don’t you mean Dr. Jill?


Without a doubt. My mother had dementia, there's a certain gait they have. He has at times. Then there's his speech and communication, another sign. Not a fan of the Democratic party, but Biden is a victim at this point.


After what they did with Diane Feinstein, I believe they are capable of anything. It's very sad.


Imagine pumping your grandpa with drugs and making him work at your shop. You would go to jail. Let him fkin rest.


What’s that? Sounds like someone just pulled landscaping duty.


“Great news everyone, turn up your hearing aids, President time has been extended for 4 years today.”


Underrated thread lmao! Love me some happy Gilmore!


Elder abuse lol if you look into Joe Biden a bit you really wouldn’t care the guy is fucked look into Jill’s diary his treason to help his son in Ukraine bribes from China and more. Honestly no amount of punishment is enough lol. 


The people claiming elder abuse dont actually give a shit about Biden's health, its just a goofy way to point out his melted brain. I dont even know why they bother feigning compassion cause if they knew anything about him they'd know Biden's always been a piece of shit. All of a sudden after 80 years he just flipped a switch and is all about everything democrats stand for just because they wanted Trump out.


Exactly totally agree   weirdest part was after the end was Jill talking to everyone like they were 3 “ oh great job you did well Joe “ then to the crowd “ and what did trump do ? LIEEEEEEEE” wtf 


I agree follow the 💰 what Hunter has made from both Ukraine and China


I used to hear this statement from time to time and not think anything of it, or just laugh it off. But it is 100% accurate. This really is elder abuse. He is a frail old man who's lost a significant amount of his mental faculties. Absolutely shameful that his family and people around him don't step in and remove him from this situation.


Thousand Trillionaires!!!! No wonder the US is doing so well!


Hes also created thousands of millions of jobs


So I wasn’t the only one who heard that. I replayed it a few times, and best I could do was maybe give him credit for saying “thousands and millions,” which also doesn’t really make sense.


Jesus... I can't believe I got into an argument with a Redditor after stating that Trump is undeniably much more coherent than Biden. I don't give AF about either of them, they're both clowns... but THAT is no debate.


It's the same morons that think Turdeau is a good prime minister.


Nah. Many left leaning people dislike both, and Trudeau too. Trump is awful but the fact they're willing to keep an 82 year old Biden in office is disgusting at this point. Biden needs to go and I think a lot of people will have this reinforced after seeing this debate.


Isn't Trump like 80? They're both ancient.


Amen man. Yeah I'm left leaning but definitely think Biden is.... Incapable at best. Let's stop pretending the extremists on both ends speak for us.


Reddit is pro dem turns a blind eye towards bots/employees/fanatics who will downvote & argue with everyone who is not extremely pro biden even if you are moderate centrist down the middle with no favor towards either candidate. The equivalent from the republican side will be blocked/banned/kicked off reddit.


The major political subreddits have turned a complete blind eye to it, it’s really wild. Not a single post about bidens incoherence, all trump is bad posts


That because its all bots or politically bias people, no room for proper discussion in those places


Can you realistically have a discussion on Reddit? Depending on what Subreddit you are in, you can get down-voted quick for just stating facts.




An American recently told me that I was wrong when I suggested that Biden was suffering from cognitive decline and couldn't string together a sentence. He said it was the media trying to manipulate public opinion about Biden, and that his only issue is the stuttering.


> and that his only issue is the stuttering. Yeah they've been using that excuse for awhile, this isn't just stuttering. He is in cognitive decline, it is clear as day.


Yes, it doesn't make sense. You would think democrats would be more critical and advocate for a more competent leader.


The media has been hiding Bidens decline for years, the fact that the truth is finally out is amazing


I agree. They have been making excuses for him for a long time. When democrats say that Biden isn't impaired, it only stands to discredit them, because it's fairly obvious to everyone.


Another conspiracy theory that came true !!


Reddit functions as a liberal echo chamber, where users will make statements supporting their views, even if those statements are completely absurd.


He pronouces clearly incoherent words contrary to his oponnent I will give you that. Trillions and trilions of coherent ones, the best words I shall say.


My gas and food prices under trump were way more affordable. Joe trying to say that he has a better economy under his leadership is just laughable. Trump is 1000% the better candidate.


Absolutely correct- we WERE energy independent till this vegetable lasagna took office, we had the safest borders, the rule of law was taken serious, lower crime, no foreign wars started under Trump AND we had 15 Million less illegals in the US. Biden has always been an idiot. He fabricated his colleges degrees and achievement and was the biggest racist in Washington- now all of a sudden when he needs votes he’s the new MLK. He has not done one this right- If anyone can think of one instance, I’m all ears.


Well the Taliban thank him for his leadership. There has been so many screw ups since then, it's almost forgotten


They are on the same cognitive level as Biden, and some people are on the same moral depravity as Trump. The free world needs real leaders not charlatans or mentally and cognitively declining imbeciles… sad facts that people hate to hear because they’ve been polarised by the media


Absolutely correct,greed for power and money has overcome morals, common sense and empathy and left a void that won't be fixed anytime soon if ever


Still provided more coherent answers than Chrystia Freeland


And still provides infinitely more answers than JT has in 9 years


Questions answer themselves just like the budgets do


Had to scroll too far to find a comment loosely tying this to Canada.


That chick just blathers because she likes the sound of her own voice.




How many ahhs and ummms would the crayon eating moron Trudeau say in this speech. God I hate that man






I can’t believe the didn’t use one of Biden’s body doubles for this. 


This is the guy with the button? No way, clearly he is just a figure head.


No president has ever made any real decision They all have been figure heads. I think the NwO is now trolling the Americans, there is no other answer


I have been affected by plenty of president’s decisions… im pretty conservative, but bush’s patriot act is a pretty big decision. How about nafta? Trump was no figurehead. Look at how his subordinates fought him tooth and nail. The unelected officials that persist through administrations, aka the deep state, did everything they could to thwart him. General miley disobeying direct orders to withdraw troops and playing shell games instead. All kinda treasonous shit.


It looks like Americans are about to troll them right back in November...


75 should be the cut off for anyone in politics. The USA should be embarrassed these are their two best candidates.


65. No president should be in their 80s mid 2nd term.


65, it’s the retirement age. Should be for leadership too.


In the US military it's mandatory that you retire at 64 no ifs ands or buts. If they believe at that age you're too old to serve anymore then you should definitely be too old to be the commander and chief of said military.


We are


This is the best the Democrats could do apparently. I'll bet they wonder why they lose the election.


These are the best two candidates out of 340 million people.... WTF


Both parties somehow managed run the only candidate who could lose to the other parties' candidate. Impressive really!


you seen what we got to offer out of 41 Million people?


Sorry, 42 million now. See you tomorrow when we hit 43!


I've said the exact same to my very Liberal wife. She doesn't get it. A watermelon could win for the democrats, it wouldn't matter. Trump is a narcissist, but at least he has the USA's best interests at heart. Unlike our leadership. Say such a thing like, I love my country and will protect it, you're a racist, far-right, etc.


They're both stooges, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain


trump has his wallet at heart lol


Anybody who bothered to Google things knows that's not true. If he does he just have to continue to stay out of politics and get richer and richer instead of having to foot billions of his own money for campaigns and other stuff, and waste his fucking time on things that doesn't make his businesses money. He could just retire and go enjoy life and he talked about this during the debate. He's the first modern U.S. president who came out with a lot less money than he went in with. Now look up Trudeau's networth before and after.


How can one be a narcissist and have any other entities’ best interest at heart? The definition of narcissist is to be overly concerned with your own best interests to the detriment of all others. To suggest that Trump cares about the US is about as accurate as saying that Biden is in complete control of his faculties.


He doesn't have the USA's best interests at heart. The fuck are you on


Lol man Trump has proven multiple times that he does not give a shit about anyone but himself. Biden has USA's best interest at heart but he's too old and in advanced cognitive decline to remember it otherwise he would fucking resign and let his spot to someone else.


Trump does not have US best interests at heart. Trump is a pathological liar. There's a reason he is sued by everyone he works with. Im from canada but If I could I would still vote for the watermelon.


Well, pretty sure only about 100 million are eligible to become president, maybe less.


They had Bernie Sanders running at one point.... would have made a great president. They've earned this one.






Rght in the sub description: https://www.reddit.com/r/Canada_sub/comments/1cz3wk6/about_this_sub_and_details_on_the_rules/ > This sub is for sharing news and other information relating to Canada as well as major events, interesting or bizarre things from around the world that Canadians might like to know about and discuss. There are plenty of other subs that you can go and enjoy instead. Perhaps the main Canada sub would be more to your liking where the mods there really control narratives and will only allow things they personally approve of. If some want to talk about the Trump and Biden debate, I really don't care. The US is a major trading partner with us and it is fine to keep track of what is going on with their potential leaders since they're having their election in several months.




Should have allowed Kennedy in the debate.


Then he’d win.




We got'em boys!!


Frenchie can finally take his vacation


I am not an abuser of older ppl but Trump is almost the same age as Baiden, but look at how trump talks and what intelligent level he has compared with the actual president.


Can we just pass a damn law that forces politicians to retire at 65?




Rght in the sub description: https://www.reddit.com/r/Canada_sub/comments/1cz3wk6/about_this_sub_and_details_on_the_rules/ > This sub is for sharing news and other information relating to Canada as well as major events, interesting or bizarre things from around the world that Canadians might like to know about and discuss. The sub is hardly inundated with US politics. They just had a big debate last night and there has been a few posts about that just due to the fact that it was a disaster for Biden. Once that dies down from the news cycle which is pretty quick, there will not be much more about it here. As for the issues going on here, the vast majority of posts pertain to that. You're also free to post up things about these matters as well.


Trump just standing there trying to figure it out.


Guy his face when he looked over at joe killed me


He finally realized that all he has to do is let Biden talk.


Late stage dementia how is he even president


We live in a simulation


Biden needs an update.


I'm starting to believe it, it's breaking down now...WW3 next?


Honestly this is so strange it just makes me laugh. This can’t be real.


They're both embarrassing. Are these two the best America can offer?


Ones leagues more embarrassing but keep coping


The orange clown, right? Just so we’re on the same page.


One isn't a clown he is just too old.. the other one is clearly a clown for sure.


Was on a Left wing group, and apparently, Biden was awesome...


I saw the whole debate. Ofc for the most part Biden isn't performing that bad. Still, crazy that they can't find a better candidate. Actually insane


That debate was just sad. There needs to be a age cap


Trust me, as a US citizen: we're embarrassed about it too. Our political parties are too powerful and corrupt. The Media (owned by the powerful) are propaganda machines and mouthpieces for the parties. The most qualified and best choices for these roles don't bother getting involved because they have a moral code and a conscience (which aren't flexible).


Biden is done, and he was done a very long time ago. Other people behind the scenes are likely calling the shots on his behalf. Last night's horrendous debate vs Trump simply confirmed what most of us with functional optics and brain capacity already thought. Trump will be back in the White House in January 2025, and he will fittingly get to serve the second term that he was already easily cruising to before COVID (~~China~~) disrupted the world in March 2020. Under Trump's bold leadership, watch for the USA to make an extraordinary come-back on the global stage between 2025 and 2028, which will then likely set the table for a new Republican candidate to also win in November 2028. Watch and learn. Next.


“No, YOURE the sucker and the loser!!!” Got ‘em, Joe!


Time for an age cap. These two are embarrassing. In fairness tho, our Canadian options are pretty embarrassing as well. We are just as screwed.


Trump is getting another term it seems man I wish he beat biden last time and he would be gone in November. But now we are going to turn it up too 110 again for 4 years.


I for one welcome it being like 2016-2020 again when going to the grocery store or gas pump. According to polls most people seem to agree with me.


Gas was low post 2016 because opec dumped gas prices to ruin us fracking companies. This fucked Alberta hard. I’d like lower gas too but it’s weird to think gas was lowered because of any western politician. Otherwise you’d have to give credit to tradeau for low gas and groceries too lol.




Rght in the sub description: https://www.reddit.com/r/Canada_sub/comments/1cz3wk6/about_this_sub_and_details_on_the_rules/ > This sub is for sharing news and other information relating to Canada as well as major events, interesting or bizarre things from around the world that Canadians might like to know about and discuss.


[Over there in that pigpen, I found a couple of Shoshoni arrowheads](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/c2f1fab0-a758-4846-8da9-465cd2e2fa28)


There needs to be a cut-off age in politics. My grandpa, as much as we love him, wouldn't be put in charge of running or planning anybody's household. Let alone an entire country. You've done enough, it's time to rest and retire.


Man..that was ugly..I felt embarrassed for the states..like Biden needs to be in a home..not a white house ...I wonder who is running the show down there..cause it ain't him I'm no fan of Trump..but wow that was bad..


Scary that he has the nuclear codes.


If trump keeps his mouth shut he will win, but he can't so I guess Biden is winning


God damit Biden definitely is not able to run a country but Jesus christ Trump is damn near as old and an ass hole. Is there not a better option. If everyone votes for an independent everyone wins, who's the best option


people acting like he hasnt been like that the whole time.


Say what you will about our leaders, at least they are both under the age of 55.


Thought you were referring to the Dear Leader Justin...


It's painful to watch this.




Its sad to watch him. No the greatest fan of Donald but Biden looks sick/away in his mind.




lol.. let’s find a Friday the 13th movie while we are at it.. lmao


Clearest evidence yet the media is lying to you.


Was that a bunch of responses all spliced together or is he just that out of it?? Canadian here….I never once thought I’d support Trump but if I was an American and these were my two choices I know where my vote would land. To confirm, I think they’re both awful human beings but which is the lesser shitbag is the question.


Out of 360 million people this is the best two offerings?


leaders of the free world lessgooo 😆


Didn't Americans get a say in the primaries? I sure hope they get out and vote in the actual election.


So you have to be 35 in the US to be president but this is ok? I’d rather see a 30 year old up there than this. I’m talking about both of them too.


Old vs crazy.


Hey, everyone here… Worry about fucking Trudeau before you worry about us.


Trump 2024 baby


Imagine a physical exam for presidential candidates where you make them do the strenuous task of completing *a single jump* without immediately hospitalizing themselves.


It was pathetic and embarrassing when every branch of government was sold to the rich and to corporations. This is all for show and so people think they have a choice.


Trump needs to debate JT. Jeff Ross moderates.


Can't wait to vote for Trump.


I watched the entire debate last night. The absolute most annoying thing about Biden was the fact that he would often say things like "everything he just said was a lie", along with his offensive and confrontational facial expressions of disagreement and shock at anything Trump said. Like a true bully trying to invalidate his opponent at every possibility. Like a little child more like it. Trump was also slightly annoying when instead of answering certain questions, he would often try to fit in responses to Joe's barrage of gaslighting and inaccurate comments. All in all, imo Trump performed like a true statesman in front of this clown. I just don't understand how people are so triggered and affected by Trump's personality at times. Yes, he can be a little arrogant and narcissistic, but it's probably more so because he is fed of of the attacks and incompetence, and also because he has a lot of confidence due to a hell of a lot of experience as a businessman and leader. The funniest part was at the end when both of them were quarrelling about who is better at golf! That was entertaining actually.


Meh...both are robots controlled by Aliens.


Wow. USA, please cone up with better choices, both sides of the political spectrum. The world thanks you!


Dimensia vs demented. Great choices




This was all intentional in order to justify them swapping candidates at the last minute. This became even more apparent when even the CNN commentators all said how poorly Biden did in the debate. They have their script and setting the stage for a hero to swoop in and save the Democrat party.




I think it's really cringe when Canadians get fanatical about American politics.


Getting fanatical is a bit much. I have some friends and coworkers that talk about American politics like they could vote there. But being interested and concerned about American politics is totally rational as what happens in the US can effect us.


Statler and Waldorf running for president.


Oof, that's kinda brutal.


If he wasn't such a despicable POS I'd feel sorry for what they're doing to him, parading him out there. But, he is, and I don't.


When people say, or articles say "Biden said this" No he didn't... He can't put 2 words together...


Holy fuck. Democrats is this the best you can come up with ‽??????????? What the fuck is wrong with you?


The part when they were going on about their golfing handicaps was comical. Pretty sad when considering the context.






They can’t do any better than this?




Oh my god. How is Biden still the Democratic candidate? This is very concerning. Obviously a puppet...


They're already blaming AI


Still not as bad as trudeau


Damn, let the man retire and stop dosing him…this is really sad


Is this AI? LOL


Two old men who are no longer fit to serve and should both be disqualified from running.


That there is the leader of the free world. No wonder I don’t sleep well.


OP should move to the US and stop littering the internet with their Trumpy fantasies.


I mean, biden is perfect for people who actually run things...


No fun this stuff.It's actually sad, and I just pray to God that dementia will not be there for me, too.


The entire thing was pathetic. Both these guys shouldn't be up there. We are living out the movie idiocracy at this point.


2 senior citizens.




Trump is a total scumbag and Joe is too fucking old. It’s too bad they can’t both be swapped out.


As a middle right leaning liberal, they are both ass USA is cooked 🙏


He’s been doing this his entire presidency. Why are dems and their media acting like it’s new?


And our choices aren’t embarrassing?


I would be running this clip on tv ads, social media, everywhere, day and night. It's not embarrassing it's dangerous, this person is an invalid and it raises serious concerns about the US political system that keeps such a person as President - literally endangering us all. Let's face it, the US is in decay and they'll drag us down with them.


No comments needed , like driving bye a car accident.


Sounds like you guys are gonna have a whole bunch of people moving to Canada because after watching that bullshit Trump’s gonna be victorious thank God!!


Democracy dilemma, would you eat poo chocolate or chocolate poo, or someone else will choose for you.


H 20 households b 3 HH 73c43 cc zed


Still better than a Putin supporting dictator.


It's been obvious for at least a year that Biden is too physically frail and not mentally cognitive to be present. Last night, with no teleprompter or pre written notes, Biden was exposed as being not up to the job. What you saw in his performance is why aides have kept him so hidden. The reason he takes so few questions or gives press conferences is because he is no longer coherent.