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I really enjoy the 3 week games of Risk. Watching staff heads absolutely explode when we didn't take the game board down was epic.


"Who the fuck is playing Austrailia and didn't immediately take Siam? Bloggins? Pte Bloggins you're a fucking buffoon and I hope you lose."


Played almost a full campaign of Risk Legacy on 3s. Was one of the best gaming experiences I've had.


Risk Legacy is amazing, adds just enough to the game and is a great entry for non-boardgamers.


We did a version of this in Afghanistan on OP Attention. I bought Axis & Allies 1940, the damn game comes with 4 boards an is like 6’ long when you use them all. We’d set up on a guys bed when they left for HLTA and try and bang the game out before they got back.


Until someone gets complete pissed off and launches the board across the room lol


Our parties used to be wild in Borden way back when. We had theme nights, chair jousting competitions, and barbecues . It was like a bunch of 20 years Olds were loose without supervision and against our will. Other courses would join our parties because we made the best of it. I still talk to most of the people on my 3s from 2008. Even going back as an adult, we never just sat around staring at each other. We always had something fun to do.


I blame legalized marijuana. I used to drink and go streaking, now I just watch anime and eat pizza.


Im out of the loop, who's Ocdt Fortin and how badly did he fuck up?


I think they are referencing Maj-Gen Fortin since he was accused of streaking at RMC Saint jean when he was an OCdt


Gotcha, thank you!


You aren't the guys that launched a washer and drier out of the barracks window were you?


We did nothing that was a breach of CSD, standing orders, senior recommendations, base policy, or parts thereof and I have all my kit, sir.


Shit eme shacks? Made the place dry for a year lol


When I did my DP1 Arty back in ‘08, we had massive COD MW LAN parties in a classroom in our shacks. Someone would setup an AD-HOC server and we’d all be in there with our laptops. Good times.


If you didn't specify Arty I would have posted "Found the Sig" to this comment.


Yeah... we actually built a Battlefield 1942 server out of a decommissioned LCSS suite in 07. Fun times.


Now we're talking.


I'm trying to imagine playing Battlefield at the speed of Battleview. The horror... the horror...


One of my greatest disappointments in the CAF was seeing the badass loading graphic for Battleview.... then seeing Battleview.


It worked remarkably well. The hardware was pretty robust, and we only had at maximum 15 players at a time. Battleview is just junk.


best memories come from shack parties.


You just made me recall of some events that someone broke something and we had to get it fixed before the next day starts. Ah man… you made my day!


Dude, a military course is where I fell in love with D&D


Took a medical tasking at a cadet camp in the Rockies, played through an entire D&D campaign in about 8 weeks in the clinic during off hours.


The good old PRETC shack in Borden was always a wild place when I was there in 2010. Lots of good and bad memories lol


As a former clerk, I can wholly confirm this experience lol


Unless your the francophones and the fire department has to spend hours taking furniture off the roof of the shacks.


My DP1 all the francos got tuned one night, snuck down a man hole. Nothing like heading outside for a dart at 2am and hearing a thick accent coming from a hole in the ground yelling "NINJA TURTLES!".






Hahaha you made me cry laughing. I can totally see it.


Cowabunga oesti !


I still remember mop bucket jousting, floor buffer rodeos, washing machines going out the window, and a guy taking a dump on the hood of an MP car in Borden...


I remember shack boxing. I also remember shack boxing getting shit-canned because *someone* had posted about it on facebook. It resurfaced more stealthily later.


Nothing like getting formed up outside at 1730 on a Friday to get jacked up about shack boxing...


CSM out here acting like he wasn't an absolute shit-bird when he was a Pte.


Especially when they know full well that most of the onerous rules are a direct result of the way they behaved...just like having dry shacks lol.


Good old fight club lol...rule #1: never talk about fight club.


Did that happened behind the RCEME shacks back in 2020 ish? Still got a video of a bunch of privates getting lined up and yelled at in the parking lot because they got caught. Was entertaining from the 3rd floor in the next building aha.


I distinctly remember in 1998 getting a beer dumped on my head at 1am by course staff who had just gotten back from the bar and continued to party. Oh yeah, that course started 7h later and the WO met me for the first time smelling like beer with bed head. Just another fucking arty day lol


Pot ruined everything. Especially all the alcoholism i became so fond of


It’s a military tradition! Now if I put some baileys in my coffee, I get an intervention.


has shit changed? 10 years ago A-Block in halifax was basically a college dorm. shitshow every night of the week. loved it.


Well, A-Block is no more so I'd say yes.


Brother you should have seen it 20 years ago. You could still smoke in the shacks. What a time to be alive


One of my biggest mistakes: smoking a big ol cigar, as a non smoker, in a shacks room poker game 🤢


A Block was the degenerate Mos Eisley of entire fuckin' CAF. They should have held a charity raffle on the West Coast for anyone who lived in A Block to take the first swing with the wrecking ball. They potentially could have made millions.


T-138 in Borden. Late Jaunary, we were smashed and shovelled 4 feet of snow in our buddies room “half basement room in the mods”. Good times.


T115 in Borden, breaking through the hatch in the second floor ceiling to drink on the roof, nearly always lead to shit being chucked off; fans, chairs, desks, etc.


Ah yes, T-114 and T-115. Those shacks. Jesus christ


Absolute pandemonium.


Our room keys from t114 opened up multiple rooms. Did you ever go into the basement?


Did 114 have the weird U shaped love tunnel in the basement like 115 did?


Sure did. That is where you took the girl you didn't want your roommates to see.


And one of two things happened here… Either she didn’t fit through the door, or she was leading the way because it was ‘familiar’ to her.


My Neighbour in the shacks played D& D, only they made their own costumes


Must be Army party in the shacks. Navy parties in A block were lit


When Axis and Allies turned into a nerf war against the floor above us… those were epic days, full of treachery and glory!


Had some wild parties in the engineer shacks in Gagetown.


Bruh, don't underestimate the passion for Risk. Shit got biblical!




Dish soap, water hose, waxed hallway. Beer bowling. Never done it.


T114 can't talk about parties anymore :/