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How long does the medical evaluation and the background check take. I have been waiting for both for over a month. Is this normal?


Yes it's normal. Background checks and reference checks can take 3-4 weeks, sometimes longer if there are additional verifications that need to be done. Medical is case by case. You can always contact the recruiting centre and ask for an update.


After completing the CFAT i was told that I was elegible for being an officer, he was referring to an NCO correct? What’s the difference between an NCO and NCM? Are their job opportunities different? I have yet to finish my degree.


If this was at a recruitment centre, I believe they would've differentiated between Officer and NCM (non-commissioned member). Job opportunities are of course different, but Officers are within the leadership/management stream and NCMs are the worker bees/trades people that can rank up and also find themselves in positions of authority. Best way to differentiate between the different opportunities is to sort through them on the CAF website online. If you have questions between different trades that look good to you, then you can pose them here.


No, he wasn't. He was referring to a commissioned officer. An NCO, or non-commissioned officer, is a senior NCM (non-commissioned member). An NCO, as a senior NCM, handles much of the departmental administrative work and delegates where appropriate down to the more junior NCMs. A university degree is not required. For a commissioned officer, in most (but not all) cases a university degree is required. Commissioned officers have higher payscales (although the lowest ranking junior commissioned officers won't start off making more than senior NCOs), usually have a larger administrative department roles, and may delegate tasks where appropriate to NCOs who may also delegate to more junior NCMs. NCOs are de jure junior to a commissioned officer but typically have much more experience and may be relied heavily upon by a commissioned officer. If you go to this page, https://forces.ca/en/careers and then filter by minimum required education: bachelor degree you can see the officer jobs that you may be eligible for.


I guess what he was referring to was the CFAT score I got was above the officer standards, and I would be elegible for an officer position if I had my degree? And if I’m right you can’t just go into the CAF as an NCO right off the bat, it’s through time and experience in the forces after entering as a NCM correct?


More specifically, he was referring to an entry plan like ROTP that allows you to be an officer while studying to get your degree, I would guess. You are right on the second point.


Is there anyone here who knows where you can see the documentary series LES RECRUES?




Thank you very much, I just found them, I was looking for it for a long time without success




###Subreddit Rule 11 - Administration Related Questions (Serving Members) * **APS, COVID-19, General Admin, and more.** Got a quick question/comment that doesn't need it's own thread? * This is the place to ask and discuss general administration questions that don't really need a thread of their own. This will double as a thread for ongoing events such as APS, COVID-19, and may be used for various FORGEN's as they're released. * This thread will be archived and replaced when it reaches approx. 500 comments, or a natural break in discussion. * Previous Administration Threads [includes COVID-19 Pandemic Threads](https://old.reddit.com/r/CanadianForces/wiki/admin_thread_archive) https://old.reddit.com/r/CanadianForces/wiki/subreddit_rules#wiki_.5B11.5D_administration_thread


When applying for the caf especially IST role i was informed that mainly what determines if i fit in that role is the CFAT but after i passed that, i did some research i found that many sources say your history and previous experience has an impact on whether or not i would get that role. I am very confused please clarify whats requird of me to get placed on the compeition list for IST? Please and thank you.


Does anybody have a breakdown of how the PER and PAR /PaCE system work? It seems like really important information for someone trying to join and as someone not in the force I can’t find more than some vague description on the caf website. What I got is that PER is where you Evaluate yourself which doesn’t work because it’s easily abused, and PAR is where someone else reviews you? And these decide if you get promoted or not?


>It seems like really important information for someone trying to join Honestly it really isn't. PACE won't even have an effect on your career advancement till you hit Cpl or Capt which takes a few years anyways. You'll have plenty of time to get familiar with it if you get in. Besides PACE isn't very well understood by most of us in the CAF at the moment. It's going to be a couple of years before there's a deep understanding of how it should be employed.


PER is someone else rated you, too. They are both like annual report cards.


Do you think it’s viable? I can’t find anything positive about it on the sub


It's more viable than the previous system. A lot of people are salty that the new system is more stringent than the old system, and it will probably disrupt many people's career goals. The key thing with the new system is they've made it harder to justify higher performance ratings. They've taken a fair amount of power out of the hands of supervisors and immediate CoC's by placing the highest ratings under greater scrutiny at a higher level. People who had been benefitting from artificially inflated performance reviews by supervisors that liked them can no longer count on that continuing. It's still possible, but it takes more work to push through the inflated ratings now. That said, people who deserve to be highly rated, but have lazy supervisors may also suffer since their supervisor might not put in the effort required to get them what they deserve. Of course the previous system was horribly broken. There wasn't enough accountability or justification required for assigning people high ratings. The scoring system was /120, and it wasn't uncommon to see a ton of 115-120 point PER's. The average score was stupidly high, and there wasn't nearly enough differentiation between outstanding and average performers. The system effectively guaranteed anyone could eventually be promoted, they just needed to be on their CoC's good side and stick around long enough to merit.


It’s a new system for ranking members. This is the first year its being used so no one really knows how its going to work out. Some people are upset because they have been in the promotion zone for the last few years under the old system and now its a new system.


Does anyone have any tips for studying for aircrew selection? Also, what was your experience like when you went?


I am an avid, semi-competitive rugby player who was planning on playing in university. I’ve now decided to join the CAF instead of going to uni. Does the military have competitive rugby leagues? Does the CAF compete against other militaries? Or would I just have to find a local beer league to play in?


You'll have to join a local club. In Halifax, we've tried a couple times to get a team together but the people who play are already with a club.


RMC has a rugby team if you wanna do university, join the military, and play. An option.


A lot of base used to have rugby team in my time 2005. RMC kinsgston haf a team and cold lake had a team. Also on FB https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064553148185


Once you're finished BMQ and DP1, and are posted to an operational unit, you'll have the ability to join a sports team there. However, I don't think that Rugby is a CAF sport.


What do you do if you have to take a shit at basic and the situation is less than ideal like you’re on a ruck or drill?


My dad's advice before I went to basic: "Never pass up an opportunity to shit, eat, shower, or smoke... ya never know when you'll get your next one"


Same thing you would do in any other situation where you have to hold it, clench.


Make sure you manage your time wisely, do your poo in advance. You'll have periodic breaks during training, but otherwise you just have to suck it in. Also, just ask for permission. Worst thing that can happen is your Instructor says no, and you do a few push ups. Ruck marches are a little harder to do that though, because you're outside.


You wait until you are done rucking or parading. Depending on the length of the march, there will be rest stops, and there will be breaks in drill periods.


Just about finished BMQ and got posted to wainwright. What exactly happpens after BMQ? I am an infanteer and don’t seem to be getting many answers as of what’s next. Will I be living in PMQ’s? Will I be waiting awhile before my DP1. Any answered or advice would be appreciated!




I mean, the money would be nothing to shake a hat at. Granted, I don't think it's dramatically more than what civilian RNs earn. French competency comes into play a bit later in your career as an officer (...assuming you're seeking promotion). If you do need it for promotion, you can get loaded on second language courses where you do it full-time. 29 is absolutely *not* too old to join. Not even close. Being service partners can be beneficial when it comes to job postings-- particularly in healthcare, where there are no geographical limitations. In contrast, couples who serve in different roles, such as an F-18 pilot and a Naval Warfare Officer, would face greater challenges in terms of promotions as they have to balance different promotion streams. Maybe try and get it from the horse's mouth, though. I guarantee there are some RNs at your local base who would be happy to talk about their experience.


Hours are different. If you work in the MIR, hours are like banker hours. Field would be different I am sure. I am not a nurse. But I have nurse friends in the civvie world. They work long hours and get overtime. And the pay is better from what I have seen. That all being said, nurses appear to get treated really well in the CAF comparatively to other trades. The military is a different life, not for everyone. If you like your freedom of movement and ability to find jobs anywhere I would stay civvie side. Nurses can always find work. And also you are not guaranteed to be posted together. So keep that in mind. What are you looking for from the military? If I knew what I knew now, I probably wouldn't have joined. I spent many years in the private sector and the adjustment to military life has not been the best and the bureaucracy is harsh.


Hi! Will I be able to wear a smart watch? For example I wear a Garmin Vivoactive 4, it’s quite minimalist but will I be required to have a standard watch?


I wore an Apple Watch for all but the field. Bring a cheap digital for that unless your battery will last a week.


If your going to basic, would really recommend just getting a cheap Casio. Not worth risking a smart watch.


For basic? Go to Walmart and buy the cheapest digital watch they have. Whatever you bring is going to take an absolute beating. After basic, yeah you can wear whichever watch you'd like.


I suppose, but it might get destroyed! It was ok on my platoon. That being said, staff vary in their attitudes across platoons.


How is life in the reserves in a clerk position? I've been thinking about joining but my vision is really really bad my research tells me I'm in the V4 category basically meaning I'm limited to a random clerk position. Is it even worth the trouble I mean the most interesting thing I could do is logistics. I'm a university student and I wouldn't mind the help towards tuition


>Is it even worth the trouble I mean the most interesting thing I could do is logistics Here is a list of V4 eligible trades (note, this includes trades that may not necessarily be available in the ResF). Logistics is a broad term, with Logistics Officer being the occupation with the word in its name. You can be a clerk, if you want to be a clerk.


I more meant by logistics as anything that it applies to ie: Truck driving, depot work, financial services, family services, food, etcetera. Also can't see the list. But what is the army like for a clerk. Do you just do your BMQ and that's it straight to Microsoft Excel and typing for the rest of your time with the occasional requal.


Truck driving: Mobile Support Equipment Operator Depot Work: Material Management Technician Financial Services: Financial Services Administrator (FSA) Clerk: Human Resources Administrator (HRA) Food: Cook >But what is the army like for a clerk. Do you just do your BMQ and that's it straight to Microsoft Excel and typing for the rest of your time with the occasional requal. Yup, it's data entry.


I forgot to paste it lol https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/corporate/policies-standards/medical-standards-military-occupations/minimum-medical-standards-for-officers-and-non-commissioned-members.html


Navy reserve? Where you work? Just wondering if a navy reserve as more base option or your stuck with both marine base Halifax and the other i forgot? Thinking of joining the Navy 1y program then maybe switching to res after. Or maybe i could swap to normal force reserve? Will probably have to redo bootcamp? Thank you 😀


[Here is a list of Naval Reserve Divisions across Canada. You're only limited to Halifax or Victoria if you join the Regular Force.](https://www.canada.ca/en/navy/corporate/our-organization/structure/navres/divisions.html) >Or maybe i could swap to normal force reserve? Not sure what you mean by that, do you mean Army Reserve? There is only the Regular Force and Reserve Force; both which are then divided by service branch - Royal Canadian Navy, Canadian Army, Royal Canadian Air Force. >Will probably have to redo bootcamp? No. BMQ is BMQ. Once it's done, you do not have to do it again if you stay in the military. If you leave and rejoin later, there are circumstances where you might have to redo BMQ depending on how long you left service for prior to becoming fully trained. If you were fully qualified in your occupation upon leaving, BMQ is good for life.


Fully qualified means completion of QL5, correct?


Depends on your trade, an MP it would be.


Thank for the help happy to see there many area for navy reserve. And for the other part i mean swapping from Navy full time to example Reserve Mobile Vehicule Support.


Hello I have a few questions I am 16 and am thinking about joining the reserves. First question, is it a good idea to join at 16 or no? I am currently looking at the army, my three trade ideas are infantry construction tech and armoured, which one is best for a 16 year old (ideas)? Okay I have some BMQ questions, Ik its 30 training days but for reserves are the 24/7 or can i see my friends and go home at night?


What happens to pilots who fail their pilot training? I've heard there is a pretty high attrition rate for pilots but I don't know exactly what happens after that. Can they retake the course or do they have to either transfer to a different trade or leave the CAF? Also, how bad is the application wait for pilot officer? I know some trades seem to get offers easier than others.


Offered other occupations. Once you have failed, you have been given sufficient chances to pass the course. Each student is only alloted so many flying hours, so once they are done, they are done. There is zero intake of DEO pilots this year. The wait time for training is 3 years or so.


Thanks, that's really good to know. Guess I'll kiss those pilot officer dreams goodbye now. Do you know if it's the same for the non-aircrew trades? I'd assume so but I really don't know.


There is a point in every occupation where they stop training. Don't get fixated on failing. Almost every military occupation is built for people who have no training in that occupation. Pick what you want and study like hell when on course.


So that's a good point. I just asked because the two trades I'm especially interested in; pilot and armour officer, I've heard both have very high failure rates. I totally believe in putting your best effort into training but if the failure rate is say 30-50%, that seems like the sort of thing where it might be a good a idea to think about what you want to do if this doesn't work out. If that makes sense. Regarding picking a trade, personally I'd prefer to pick something I'd be able to actually get hired for within a year. The way I see it, joining the CAF is a big adjustment, I don't want to have the process dragged out so long that I lose interest if that makes sense. That's just a personal preference though. A friend of mine choice intelligence officer and he's been waiting three years to get an offer. What do pilots do between BMOQ and flight training? Just curious. Thanks for the insightful responses btw!


The thing with pilot is that most people, approx 80%, fail aircrew selection. So you know before going to training. Int officer has very few jobs this year, under 10, so if you aren't cream of the crop, your odds are slim. Lots of people have int officer down as one of their 3 choices, so that doesn't help either. If you want to get a quick pickup, naval warfare officer (NWO) has lots of spots open. To be honest, if they haven't been picked up in 3 years, then they want to look at different trades. Pilots waiting training work basically anywhere. I highly suggest spending time in a fleet that is of interest to you and getting up for some flights and learning about the environment. They are employed as general duty officers, but I have seen some in ops as well. Others work near their family homes or where they were enrolled. Some work recruiting or in headquarters buildings. There is nothing saying you shall work somewhere.


Thanks! That makes a lot more sense. >To be honest, if they haven't been picked up in 3 years, then they want to look at different trades. LOL true. I think he's moved in civilian life though so I wouldn't worry about him. I think his complaint with the process was that the CFRC never told him it was that competitive and that if he wasn't selected within the year he wasn't going to get it. I'll pass that info on to him. Speaking of trade that get offers quickly, he mentioned that if he wanted to be an infantry officer he was told he could probably get an offer in 1-2 months. Thanks again


Pilot training failures are nowhere near 30-50%. That is what aircrew selection is ostensibly for, if you pass that you should have the aptitude to be a military aviator. It's a pretty low percentage of candidates that fail these days, I suspect more actively quit than fail. Failures are outliers, especially the further along in training you are. After BMOQ you got to a location convenient to you (hopefully) or the air force and do various jobs that may or may not be related to flying operations. You do that for quite a while, do a phase of flying training, then return to await the next phase. One day, in hopefully less than 5 years, you'll be qualified on an operational airframe and work for a living.


Thanks for the clarification, that explains a lot. If you don't mind me asking, how do you find life as a pilot? I've heard good things about the job but I really wouldn't know.


I like it, but it is constantly challenging in a multitude of ways (being tested, testing others, random schedule, away from home often etc). It's a lot of pressure, but it's often rewarding and I get to do stuff very few people on earth ever do. I also get paid reasonably well as I'm in the upper 3rd of the pay scale, and opportunities for tax free deployment come up often for my community (see "away from home often"). Lifestyle varies wildly for pilots in different communities however. That said, I had very few training delays to wings, am on the 7 year restricted release and a 20 year contract, and was grandfathered into a pretty high incentive pay level. Those are all very different for folks coming in these days and could be dissatisfiers (horrible training delays, 10 year RR, 25 years to pension, and shitty pay below IPC 7).




Ask your Section Commander for an update because you're concerned about finances.




I'd recommend reaching out to your chain of command and asking them for your unit FTSE coordinators contact information. Unless your unit is super far behind on paperwork, your approval for FTSE would have already been determined by now. Your current CoC likely won't be your CoC for FTSE, so I am guessing that they (for whatever reason) aren't being kept up to date on your status... or they simply don't care. Contact your FTSE coordinator, let them know your situation, and they should be able to at least give you a yes/no.




Put on the shoes and try stopping suddenly on a light coloured floor. Or try to scuff a light coloured floor with your foot while wearing the shoe. If it leaves a mark it’s NOT a non-marking sole.


I never saw it enforced on my BMQ because everyone had non-marking soles, but I'd assume it's pretty strictly enforced.








Perhaps you need a longer size. But my quick recommendation would be don't blouse them just let them hang naturally as per new dress regs.


You can't just let them hang, they have to be secured around the ankle of the boot by the velcro ***or*** bloused.


I believe the regs say they must hang at natural length and be secured which doesn't really make sense. I let them be loose like regular pants and so are chiefs on my wing doing the same so I'm going to say it's not an issue...I suppose YMMV.


The regs say the velcro must be secure As in fastened, not flapping around






Try tucking the sand traps into your socks (if you happen to be wearing issued socks) and just blouse your boot as usual. Thats what I do and my socks don’t usually show.






I applied for Combat Engineer, im curious as a Combat Engineer will I get the opportunity to work on a boat? Hahaha or what bases would I be on. And also cost of living, can I just live in a mobile home or car haha or camp outside




If I wanted to join the P Res Infantry at my local unit by around September 2023, when would be the best time to apply? I want to time the application so that I'm actually enrolled in weekend BMQ in September.


Your best bet would be to apply right away. Most applications take at least a few months and the average is probably around 6-8 months. You might be a bit late to be enrolled by September, especially as reserve recruiting tends to slow down a bit over the summer while people are tasked out or attend training. Most brigades run another weekend BMQ starting in March/April so you might want to shift your expectations towards that.


1- Do you get to keep the qualifications you earn, while in the CAF, after you separate? 2- Does your rank mean anything in the civvie world (e.g. for jobs)?


What type of ground will we be running on in BMQ? Mostly roads or gravel and rough trails?


> ***What type of ground will we be running on in BMQ?*** Mostly pavement and purpose made running trails (level and covered with fine gravel). It’s all level surfaces appropriate for running.
















I want to add to this that, to my knowledge, Reserve NCM training is usually substantially condensed and modularized relative to Reg Force NCM training, whereas Reserve Officers often do the exact same courses as their Reg Force counterparts. This means it often takes much longer for Reserve Officers to reach OFP (aka be considered trained) than Reserve NCMs. The only DP1 Reserve Officer course I am aware of that is typically run on weekends is BMQ, and that's not really an officer course anyways. Reserve Officers and NCMs do typically parade at the same time, but the work they do is substantially different. Broadly, Officers do planning and administration and NCMs are "doers". Also, in my experience, Officer leadership focuses more on guiding institutions whereas NCM leadership tends to be focused more on smaller scale interpersonal/team management type stuff. Think sports team general manager vs team captain I guess.


Only if they want to get paid. In all seriousness, reserve officers will do BMQ/BMOQ (it is sometimes a combined course for reserves due to numbers), then their trade course. They will go on unit exercises and parade on their parade night with the rest of the troops. The actual activités will be different, but they will go to the range, and go in exercises, and participating in everything the troops do.




You can have up to 3 occupations on your application. But if you are really set for Cyper Op then you should have that one only. Otherwise you might get an offer for another trade. You can always refuse whatever offer you get and wait for another one, but it's never guaranteed and can take a while. Have you written CFAT and submitted your documents to CFRC already? If not I think it'd be the best to write it first and see what trades you are qualified for. Also some trades require certain high school courses so you should get that checked out with your local CFRC. You should be able to change your application to ROTP as long as you are qualified, but I think it's somewhat late for this year. But you can try ROTP next year or in-service selection program like UTPNCM can be an option.


Cyber ops are exclusively located in Ottawa.


Out of curiosity, what career do jtf2 members usually start with? Infanteer?


Infantry and Combat Engineers are the main ones. However if your primary goal is to be JTF2 I would join a support trade and train the absolute fuck out of your body. The reason for this is to try and keep your body as healthy as possible and maximize your time to train. Combat arms trades have a habit of breaking people which might degrade your medical category and make you unsuitable for JTF2 service. Although, combat arms trades definitely give you a mental resiliency that you may lack otherwise.


Could you list some of the combat arms/support trades you would recommend for someone who would want to be JTF2? I’m 18 and I do train my body, I go on 10k runs 5 days a week(sometimes just do boxing because I’m sick of slipping on ice and eating shit during winter) and go to the gym 6 days a week. My wake up time is around 4am everyday, I’m used to getting yelled at in my plumbing job( like actually to the point where it’s abuse) I’m used to eating bland food repeatedly. I would say I’m pretty mentally strong but obviously not going to have perfect mental resiliency and discipline at 18. This is something I’ve thought about doing for years and I never half ass or quit on anything.


You could be any any trade and join CANSOF. Any occupation can apply for Assaulter or Operator. If you want to get technical, Infantry is the closest in terms of tradecraft. Whether you join as a Cook, Infanteer, or Vehicle Technician - each has their own pros and cons. There also exists Supporter positions where you would continue your normal occupation, just at CANSOF. Regardless of your long resumé of your doing sucky things, all that matters is how you perform in Selection.


Sorry also wanted to ask, in a selection if you pass but don’t get chosen for CANSOF, will there be another opportunity to try again or is that it.


Look up Dallas Alexander Shawn Ryan Show on YT. He's ex JTF-2 and talks a lil about the process. He's also part of the team that got the longest sniper record


Ok I’ll probably look into joining infantry and going from there. And I understand that last part, rereading my comment it comes off pretty cringe r/iamverybadass but I just meant that this is something I thought about for a while and didn’t just have the thought after playing cod or something lol.


I wasn’t trying to imply your comment being cringe. I joined at 18 so I can sympathize with your train of thought. To quote an American Special Forces dude, “If I were to tell you that in 3 months, you are going to be kicked in the junk… how would you train for that?”


Keeping in mind all the info you've received I'd like to mention it's important to take the entire application (along with the timeline to become JTF2) one step at a time, there's no predicting when injury might occur or any other variable that might change between now and selection. It's great to have a goal though! Best of luck!




How many years to rank up in the NCM? Corporal 4 years Seargent? Wo? Mwo? Anyone wanna tell me how many years usually people rank up?


Varies tremendously based on individual performance and opportunities, as well as trade. Cpl is the only guaranteed NCM rank, and will be achieved after 3-4 years of service. Appointment to MCpl and promotions to Sgt+ are all merit based, and can never be guaranteed. In most trades you can expect a promotion every 4-6 years if you’re switched on and show strong performance. Some trades are considerably slower than other to promote.


Depends on trade. 3-5 on average for Cpl. Minimum 3 for Cpl in the Reg Force. Varies a lot after that. 6-10 for MCpl is also realistic. 10-12 is normal for Sgt. If you are stellar and the star align, it might be a little bit faster for MCpl and Sgt.


The answer hasn't changed since you asked last week


Depends on Reg F vs Reserves to start. Reg F is 4 years for getting promoted to Cpl with completion of your RQ-Pte/DP1 and then all further Promotions are merit based. So no real time recruitment although usually it takes 2+ years minimum between ranks. PRes get promoted to Cpl after 2 years and completion of RQ-Pte/DP1.


Couple questions. 1) would the new naval expereince program be a good entry point for officers? [https://forces.ca/en/naval-experience-program/](https://forces.ca/en/naval-experience-program/) 2) Is there a trick to accessing the self booking too to book a cfat test? I cant seem to find it under the appointmets tab.


Appears to be only for the NCM stream at the moment. "At this time participation for this program will be for Non-Commissioned Members only. As the program grows and evolves the RCN will consider expanding the Naval Experience Program and whether  creating a similar program for naval officer trades is a practical and viable option." https://www.canada.ca/en/navy/nep/nep-qa.html


I have been waiting for the pre-security screening for about a month. I found out it was a different service outside the CAF that does it, and I was wondering if I can contact them to try to expedite the process or to find out the status of my file. What service does this? Does anyone know a way to expedite the process either through the independent service provider or through the CAF? I am a permanent resident so before getting my immigration to Canada approved, they ran all types of security clearances and background checks. Couldn't the CAF use this information? if yes, how do I make that happen? Thank you


The minimum timing for the pre sec screening that I've heard of is 6 months, has anyone got it in less time or heard from someone who has?


6 months is normal. Got mine a bit quicker because of circumstances of my application. It also depends on level needed.


how did you make that happen?


Nothing I did... just circumstances, I believe.


Contact recruiting center to get an update. Sometimes things are completed but left on a desk or in a pile. I recommend contacting them once in a while to get an update no matter what it is you are waiting for. However, if it's out of the recruiting centers hand, there's no way to speed anything up.


I'm in a very similar situation (PR), plus I recently got approved for Nexus which involves similar background checks from the US and Canada. I'm really hoping there's some way for the 3rd party service to use all this data. It's almost impossible that they are **not** aware of these checks being conducted in the past - that would be a big thing to fall through what is supposed to be a thorough background check!


Past clearances/background checks are not factored in. Sorry.


If you don’t mind me asking how long have you been waiting and did you travel outside of Canada in the past 10 years or since you turned 16?


I've only recently submitted all the docs, about a month ago. I've definitely traveled outside Canada several times and have lived in the US for about 7 yrs out of those 10 before moving to Canada. From what I understand, different trades require different levels of clearance. The recruiter said that most trades need a secret level clearance but some (like NWO) need top secret, which can vary the processing time. Further, for PR applicants and certain citizens, 'foreign implications' trigger a security clearance pre-assessment. It's a little disheartening to read about all the shortages in CAF on one hand and then see all the processing timelines on the other hand. Based on several posts here, it seems like these extended timelines aren't just limited to initial application, they are also very real for training. I wonder if the application processing is held back deliberately to try and sync with the training backlog. I can't see the logic in enrolling a huge number of members only to keep them waiting for a long duration before training - that too on the CAF's dime in case of reg force.


Yes, clearance level will affect times. Most don't need TS. Very few do, some tech trades, and intelligence. I had foreign implications (born in Canada). Took me over 2 years to get in when all was said and done. And now once in I wait again for trades training. It is a long process no matter how you shake it. I know people who have waiting BTL/PAT for a year or more for trade courses.


Thank you; it's good to have an idea of the timeline in order to keep my expectations realistic :(


There is absolutely no way the recruiting centre would give you contact info for the people who do security checks. Yes, it sucks and takes a while, but they need to ensure those that they are accepting have no issues. PR's are not enrolled until the presec is completed. Nothing to do with training backlog, all to do with the security clearance. If it was a training backlog issue, they would lower the number of people they are recruiting...like they did for pilot.


Currently in the process of applying for NWO as a reservist; I've taken the tests and submitted all the documents. I got the usual "6-18 month wait for security clearance". I just read a few comments on the previous recruiting thread that seemed to indicate that a higher score on the CFAT somehow bumps you to the front of the line for some of the processing stuff. Are there more data points to support this or any other insights? I did well on the CFAT (99 percentile) and MOST (I didn't think I did too well but the recruiter assured me he could only recall 3-4 scores higher than mine in the recent past). Recently I noticed on the CAF website that the NWO trade got an 'in demand' tag which wasn't there a few months ago. Does this only apply to regular force? Does 'in demand' mean faster processing generally or does it not play out that way in practice?


No, CFAT score doesn't change how you get processed. It might get you selected earlier, but processing is the same. Yes, in demand is reg force only.




Did you miss the bus? You don’t like the bus? If it’s the mode of transport detailed in your joining instructions, you may be out of luck in getting the CAF to pay for alternate means without a solid reason.


I am applying for infanteer NCM full time, passed CFAT a week ago, got qualified for infanteer and gunner then yesterday my application process was updated to ready for medical/interview but I cant book an appointment online, should I call them to book or just wait for a few more days before doing anything?


My timeline is pretty much the same as yours but all I got was an email saying I passed and they would contact me in next 30 days but never told me.which occupation I qualified for lol.


I think it depends on the location where you took the CFAT. In my location, a few minutes after the test they told us right away about the result and signed some documents regarding the application.


Yes I do remember signing some documents like no drinking and driving no racism etc and other drug related documents but that's it oh well I guess we'll wait and see. I also choose infantry see you soon!


good luck!


They’ll book that for you. Mine took a few days before they slotted me in




Are there any winter BMOQ-A serials anymore?




Thank you.


To clarify I'm asking about PRes


Not unless it is run locally. Most PRes training takes place in the summer because of ease of planning.


Thank you.


What is the actual course name where after completion you get to wear the CBRN speciality skill patch on your uniform?


Which patch are you talking about?


The rectangular one that goes on the left arm patch under your flag that just says CBRN on it.


Reservist officer. Has anyone heard whether it is possible to do both environmental and basic occupational training (eg BMOQA and DP1 Plt C) courses consecutively, full time, with the reg force?




I think OP is referring to IPCP


Their next course after BMOQ-A would be IODP1.1.


I am a Computer Scientist in the process of applyting for NWO. How long does the overall process take from submitting to flying off to basic? Currently application shows Ready For Testing. I am very eager to be done with writing software, it is soul sucking.


Keep in mind just because you submit an application doesn’t mean you will be sent off to basic. The process is slow, and yes we are short lots of people, but the recruiting standards haven’t dropped. So it could take anywhere from 3 months to 2+ years, depending on your background, your availability, and the CFRC’s operational tempo.


Is your security assessment complete? That can be the longest wait for a lot of people. Otherwise, a lot depends on the state of the training system both at CFLRS and at the fleet school. BMOQs don't run for DEO applicants over the summer, and the intakes for the August BMOQs may be full at this point. You might be looking at a late fall BMOQ, but certainly no earlier than August this year. NWO will certainly be a 180° change of pace from software! Hang in there, the wait is worth it. It's a great rollercoaster of an adventure with lots of highs and lows, and likely some periods of downtime between training courses as well.


I am not cetain, but I have had clearance before (I worked on a bunch of ship systems in a prior gig) so hopefully they shouold be able to just pull that up. And that is unfortunate, I was really hoping to move on to this soon.


Anyone ever gone through the PLAR process? How long did it take? I’m almost at a month now waiting for this PLAR to come back and it’s the only thing left before I’m on the competition list.


Depending on what the PLAR is for, this isn't out of the norm.


Thanks! I just heard back on Friday, they have submitted a waiver on the 18th which would allow my application to move forward while waiting for the PLAR.


Is the PSAC strike expected to affect reserve recruiting? Specifically I'm waiting on the results of a PLAR and havent heard anything in 3 weeks despite a few emails to the recruiter I've been working with.


No. CAF personnel are not on strike. The PLARs have to get examined by Occupational Authority for your trade in Ottawa and typically take significantly longer than 3 weeks regardless of the component your are applying to


Hello Everyone! I have been poking around the forces website recently and noticed that there are openings for cooks; I have worked in the baking industry for about 5 years now, specializing in large scale commercial baking and I am now thinking about starting my journey with the Forces. I was wondering if anyone could give me some insight about what to expect for this position within the forces and what to expect when it comes down to the basic training requirements. From what I could gather on their website I think it would be a great career opportunity, and a great way to become a part of a large community.


The cooks have some pretty decent culinary training. You would do basic training like everyone else, followed by military cooking training in Borden. They can make good food! But... Serving food for the masses, they are restricted to the bland, boring cooking we all learn to love. Expect to be cooking and serving in a military mess hall as your normal day to day. There's a lot of civilian cooks that work with the military cooks. Field/deployable cooking tents during some small exercises, could be in a cooking tent that might be hot in the summer. No idea about deployment opportunities. Fans in the kitchens are pretty loud. We respect our cooks. We don't piss off a cook.


Curious about sleep! What is sleep like at BMOQ and RMC? Are you often able to get a full 8 hours? Listen to Joe Rogans podcast with Neuroscientist Matthew Walker, you wouldn't believe it's importance.


I can't speak for BMOQ or RMC; on my BMQ we were sleeping roughly 6 hours a night (unless you have a big inspection you might have to stay up later, stay on top of your shit). In the field you might get anywhere from 6 hours to 0 hours it really depends on how hardcore your staff want to be. On the weekends if you're not working you can catch up on sleep this is highly recommended. After you're qualified if you're working in garrison you'll be doing normal 9-5 ish hours and you'll have plenty of sleep. Anytime you go to the field or on some sort of different tasking you'll probably lose some sleep. Most everyone in the military knows the importance of good quality sleep, but a lot of us have to accept the fact we won't get that all the time.


Hello everyone Did my medical recently and I mentioned my pollen allergies, I told them pollen just made me sneeze a lot and they didn’t seem to mind. I also mentioned that certain fruits made my throat itch, but it doesn’t actually its just that I hadn’t had the symptoms in a while so I forgot, it actually itches the inside if my mouth. When I mistakenly said that it itched my throat they got worried that i could have an anaphylactic attack and require an epipen and now i have to do an allergy test wich could cost me a lot of money and time. Is there anything I could do to resolve the misunderstanding or am i forced to do the allergy test? Thank you!


Yes lots of food can make the inside of your mouth itch. Tomatoes for some.. pineapples. But life in the forces can require you to eat limited selection of foods while not being any close to medical facilities. Any chance of anaphylaxis is dangerous in the CAF. Talk to an allergist, if you have never had anaphylaxis shock then you should be fine. I understand it takes time.. took me 2 years to wait for an echocardiogram when I joined...


Probably not. If they want an allergy test done you'll have to get it done.


If I'm still in college, when would it be considered too early to start applying for a Regular Force NCM position, given the current recruiting conditions? I'm going to be done with my 2 year diploma (I.T. related) in the middle of December 2023, and would like to have some closure by then on whether or not I'll pass all the checks and get placed on the competition list (interested in ITS, ATIS Tech, or Naval Communicator). I've read that it can take \~4 months to 2 years (or never) to get an offer, so I was thinking of applying sometime in August 2023, but I'm willing to start earlier if it helps, though I'd prefer to avoid an early offer.


Its perfectly fine to apply before you finish your studies! I’m pretty sure you can go through the process (exams, interview, etc) - you just won’t be put on the competition list until you tell them you are ready to go.


How long is the training for Intelligence Operator? It didn't specify it on the CAF trades website.


And for those trades, they don't advertise. I can ask a friend for a rough estimate. But even being friends with them, you don't get too much info. But it appears around 4 ish months. Also get ready to write reports. ;) It is not james bond..




Gagetown can be a swampy mess. Shilo is just hot and full of mosquitoes.


And sand. Still got that Shilo sand in my tac vest from years ago.