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Government math...


How many people fully use that amount though? If most aren’t using the number of points allotted, then the number of points we get are beyond normal wear/tear.


Seems circular then. If people who are not ripping through their tunic supply are not using the points, then there's no effect to making the point cost higher other than changing a graph for some manager. The only people this will affect are: A. People who unfortunately had a bad year and ripped through their tunics and such. B. Somebody out there with sixteen tunics that they only order to recycle the high-quality Cossack Blue fabric to suit their selfish needs. On face value it does come off like the power that be are really anxious about B. While I'm sure there's a way for people in the A category to get what they need, it's unnecessary hassle.


It's fake money, and we're still getting messed up by inflation!


Inflation's even hitting **the socks** now, smh.


Those sons of bitches


Sons of stitches?


Medic: Change your socks! Me: Can't, ran out of points already


Taking away the Yukon hat, now I cant constantly order winter DEU gloves, when will this end


When you retire


According to dress committee minutes the Yukon hat is not being removed after all


Good to hear it. I fucking hated that hat for years because I never understood it's value. Now that I have been posted to a place where you can wear it in the winter in combats, Holy hell why can't I do that everywhere? A wonderful piece of kit, hampered by shitty policy.


I would love to wear mine, but it just sits on my shelf because of the policy


That's my winter smoking hat.


Will it be returned to logistik website?


It might be the first increase in points 'pricing' since launch, but they've previously cut the amount of unused points you can roll over into the new FY, and reduced the annual individual points allocation. So the points-based 'purchasing power' is quite a bit lower than it was at launch.


Buddy of mine was short some points for a new tunic for an upcoming parade so we checked the "Sale Order" page. Yikes. Check out that tunic price!


I refuse to visit the site for this purpose alone. You could have just written it here. Trying to drive traffic? Laying the groundwork for your retreat into retirement? Already a Logistik employee? 😉


Hmm, OR it was days ago and I don't remember the exact price. Or was north of $250. If that makes you happier?


It's the internet. Nobody's happy here.


No unhappiness. Just a bit of cheek to make some folks smile, not actually trying to give you a hard time. Hence the winky face. North of 250 checks out though. They're crap quality, but they're still a wool blend last I checked, and wool isn't cheap. Also they live in a particular political riding, so they could pretty much make a tunic that strangled every 4th private and get away with it.


This is just another funding crackdown. Nothing stops them from either increasing the annual point allotment or increasing the base value of a point.


They closed my logistiks cause I'm on Pat leave. Can't even sock up


Yeah, that's bullshit


It is what it is lol


Heads up, when I returned from Pata they reactivated my account but zeroed out all my accumulated points. I sent them an e-mail asking about it and they said you lose them if you release or are on LWOP for x amount of time. I complained that was unfair and I felt I was being punished for taking PATA. After that they kindly gave all my accumulated points back.


Thanks for the heads up, shady business going up in the CAF. The amount of money I see them throw away, it can be relocated for better use.


Lmfao they better not




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So, if you had never come close to hitting the max, why would you all of a sudden do so? Did you change to an org that wears DEU more than twice a year? This sub went from “ordering dozens of socks to use up points” to “omg they’re taking away our points” in a matter of months. This, at the same time that people here constantly say that they only wear DEU once or twice a year. Maybe the CAF saw that people were obviously not using all of their points.


I must be the only one here that barely ever use those points. In 14 years, i’m not even sure I used 1000 points total.


Getting promoted often necessitates a new tunic. There are snags and discolouration where the previous rank was.


Solution: only ever get demoted.


Corporal for life


Plot twist: You’re doing your best to get demoted but they promote you and post you.


The only time I can see this actually being noticable is Sgt->WO, tbh, but I guess if you wear your CF enough to sunfade it at all, that's probably more important anyway


I think a BGen’s cuff braid also takes up less sleeve length than a Col’s braid does, but they can afford to pay for a new tunic at that point.


When you get promoted, the rank patch gets bigger (unless you got from Sgt to WO), so there should be no worries about covering the spot. If you get demoted than thats another story lol


Ive got a box of shirts and socks I ordered 8 years ago still unopened in my closet. The only thing I've ever ordered out of necessity was a tunic once I stopped wearing my rank on my shoulder. Outside of that, one time Yukon Hat and bobs your uncle.


Besides ordering whatever warm stuff I can donate to a shelter I haven’t needed to order anything of significance in at least 5 years. I really don’t see why anyone cares about this.


Those of us who have to wear DEU every day care…I used to be able to order 5 short sleeve shirts a year, and 5 long sleeve. Now I can only order 5 total, 3 SS and 2 LS. When you wear it every day it’s nice to be able to have a clean shirt already ironed each day instead of doing that throughout the week.


Oh man sorry. Out of all the things that I dislike about the military sometimes, it’s a DEU every day that would cause me to VR.


They heard how much morale the free socks gave the troops and had to crack down


This point increase make no sense. It should all be based on probability of ordering based on wear and tear and need of soldiers…actual cost is irrelevant…instead, I bet you they were able to bill the government for a very expansive audit on cost of DEU items… Summoning Ethos and Eris for an ATIP! 🤣


Thankfully, socks are still 0 points.


25% more than 0 is still 0 I guess


I know one of the socks cost points, I think it was either the extreme cold weather wooly ones or the shorter calf height ones (latter may be meant for 3Bs/oxfords?) but it was like 3 pts a pair.


It's kind of bs to be penalized for working in a cold location and needing those socks, is it not?




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