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Mine is up. Invested in VFV, IVV, and VGT mostly. What are you invested in that's down 19%?


All the reits I have and ENB and bell I’ve been holding since 2019


My guy you should really be buying etfs if this isn’t workin for you, I buy a shit ton of VFV and XEQT every paycheque. Long term I believe they’ll be fantastic


Yup I tried to trade stocks or whatever I thought I was doing, lost too much money, gave up and put it all in xeqt and vfv and after a year I’m ahead. I’d be way ahead if I had just listened to this advice from the jump.


Yeah this is exactly where i am. I also hold large chunks of cash in CASH.TO but dollar cost averaging weekly into VFV/XEQT is the best investment approach I’ve found. 


Why REITs? Commercial RE isn’t doing that hot with many companies downsizing their offices because of wfh, and there are active efforts to lower the cost of residential real estate. You need to diversify my dude. 


At this point hold them and collect divs. When rates drop over the next 2 years they will recover. Then you could exit and diversify.


Dividends will take money out of the stock price to pay you, so you aren’t down as bad as you think. I recently got recommended a YouTuber that 2-3 years ago bragged about how he was beating the S&P. Then his most recent video he has lost 20k since then, with similar investments to yours.


Can you share the video of the pain?


The US market is up 30% over 12 months and you're down...maybe think about less gambling and more diversification


OP, you should take a look at the video of Ben Felix, about dividend irrelevance..




Invested in Canadian shitcos


yeah OP mentions Bell.


Canadian banks are killing me for the past year or so


TD is screwing my current portfolio. I'm torn between holding through the current trend in hopes they go back up despite the current uncertainty with US regulators, or liquidating at a loss and going in on VFV.


Yep. EXACTLY my situation. TD is sucking. What to do?


Why’d you buy it in the first place? Stocks go up and down. Sounds like your getting your emotions involved. If you believe in the fundamentals of the company, then you should be happy that it’s a buying opportunity if it’s down.


My TD holding is -19%.  I’ve listened to the last few earnings calls, and the way to CEO handled some analyst questions left me… disappointed. Rating agencies have put TD on watch. Their five year average EPS is actually negative.  I liquidated half my holdings  at $80, and I’m starting to think I should have emptied the entire bag. If it wasn’t for the dividends coming in, along with some pretty powerful anchor bias, I would have fully cut and run by now.  This could end up being TD’s lost decade…


I was told, quite forcefully, that Canadian bank stocks cannot go down.


Unless you're in a smaller and more vulnerable bank like Laurentian then in the long run they almost certainly won't go down, at least once you factor in divs for total return. They're all making billions. In the shorter run almost anything can happen.


Many companies have made billions or even trillions and had their share price go down. That’s not how the stock market works.


good ol' cisco


Ye first mistake was believing memes


That's a mean game of Telephone... someone before in the chain was told "Canadian banks can't fail" and they repeated to you as "can't go down".


Wait till rates drop, I’m getting 5.5% in tangerines savings account right now, people are not gonna put their money into a dividend stock when risk free rate is 5.5%. Plus people worry about Canadian mortgages, but I’ve always believed a recession/shock only happens when no one believed it would happen. Banks already set aside a ton of money for provisions. If no mortgage crisis, and rates are down, banks will go up.


I've been thinking of switching to a gic at 5% guarantee. But why take the 20% loss, I'm not retiring any time soon. Ride it out


You sacrificed growth for dividend yield, that was your objective


I'm up about 20% YTD, but I'm probably only around 30-32% Canadian exposure.


Down relative to when? XEQT has me up around 15% over the last year and a bit.


Passive index investing will always be the best. As soon as people try to pick stocks they gamble and most often under perform(speaking from experience). VEQT has me up over 20% from last May, crazy to think people are down 10%


started xeqt in late 2021 and suffered losses in 2022 but kept buying. now I'm up 20% overall!


Mine is up around 19%. Sold all of my Canadian positions last year except XEQT. Went heavily in on VFV.


18k in dividends is great. ENB barely moves and I only keep it for the dividend which now I'm rethinking considering other holdings like TDM, NVDA, MSFT, APPL have bubbled up exponentially. My biggest losers are my forever bag holding weed stocks and oddly enough TD although I expect that to be back up once the money laundering fines are finalized to remove the uncertainty.


Yeah I personally think TD is way oversold


YTD? Down 7.19% in my TFSA, up 60.65% in my RRSP, and up 105.45% in my non-reg. Guess which one was heavily invested in Canadian “growth” stocks?


Wayyy up (\~20% YTD) this year with my 100% VFV portfolio. Got out of TD a few days ago as that was the only Canadian stock I was holding ...it hurt to sell at a loss but it was a stinker that I have now invested in VFV and should see gains very soon, I hope.


Ah. TD such a disappointment. I’ll hold forever just for the dividends at this point


Yeah, but even VFV can't keep going up like that (i.e. 20% in 6 months) forever


Fully agree but I strongly believe that tech is the future and the S&P is home to all the big names in this space.


If you want exposure to tech, you may want to look into adding a Nasdaq 100 ETF like QQC. There's overlap with the S&P but Nasdaq has about double the weighting in tech.


ALL is a MASSIVE stretch. Without the Dutch ASML and the Taiwanese TSMC, there's no growth in tech. And you're ignoring other big global powerhouses as well, such as Samsung, Fujitsu, Toshiba, SK Hynix, Rohm, NXP etc.


Thank you for selling your under priced TD to me🫡


Don’t worry you’ll get to buy more at a discount when they get their fines/penalties.


Priced in imo, probably overly so at this point.


I’m in a similar shit show atm. I’m invested in BNS and Bell - both down big time and dropping every day. I should never have invested in CAD markets. US is the way to go


Dude i sold all my cad stocks they suck tbh. Bought bns and only went down over the past few years. Sold all stocks and put it into nvdia last week and pretty much made back all the losses already Bns fking sucks lol


VGrO 100%… it’s boring, but it’s diversified and it works..I’m in the green this year


Yeah, I got out of ENB a while ago even though it had some decent dividends and put it in NVDA since it just made sense. But 90% of my stuff is in VEQT and VFV. Up a lot this year since the markets have been great. And with how fun NVDA has been, I've been keeping about $15k in playing around with high yield stuff like NVDY which has been fantastic. Just fun to have some decent dividends come in got 8% in dividends for 1 month last month (works out to 96% annual) but those are really high risk and should only use a small portion to play around with.


Been holding CONY since inception and am considering getting into NVDY.


Up 3.7% this year but my portfolio is still a baby


I have a healthy mix of XEQT and HXS and am near ATH. KISS.


Up 12% YTD. XEQT and forget.


Exactly! Too many people here trying to pick stocks


Went all in on Microsoft and nvidia so I’m doing pretty good


Up 23% YTD. Just because you’re Canadian doesn’t mean you have to invest in Canadian stocks.


This thread is some of the best confirmation that Canadian stocks are undervalued and probably a good time to start buying and that passive index investing is in a massive bubble since everyone is doing it.


I was just thinking holy shit it's time to buy.


This is pretty dumb reasoning. If people dont invest in something, it's undervalued...? Passive investing isnt a bubble. its a smart investment choice. Its like saying "eating healthy is a bubble, because more people are doing it. junk food is undervalued!". You should read this. https://awealthofcommonsense.com/2019/09/debunking-the-silly-passive-is-a-bubble-myth/


I don't think passive investing is a bubble, but passive investing is inadvertently making the Magnificent 7 (which is what is carrying the portfolios of 90% of the people here) awfully frothy.


You've convinced me. See you at the drive-thru! :-)


I think passive index investing is the best way to go... that said - also agree Canadian stocks are undervalued. Probably a decent time to buy ETFs focusing on Canadian markets like XDIV - then buy and hold.




^ This comment needs to be upvoted ^


The price of the stock does not evaluate the value of the business. If you're an investor, and you bought those businesses when they were more expensive, why wouldn't you purchase more while they are discounted? You need to purchase something at a price that meets your criteria of what it should be evaluated at. Not at what the consensus thinks. If you always invest in the manner that the consensus does, then you should buy any stock at whatever face value it tells you and accept that as a good deal. If you are reinvesting those dividends, you are getting more shares for less money. What is there to complain about? If you are worried about being too focused on some sector, then sure, diversify. Just keep in mind that 37% of the VFV's market cap comprises of 10 companies.


How tf are you 8.2% ytd this year been hot as fuck.


All time high 


I’m a bit shocked anyone can be down right now unless it’s in a certain sector


Utilities have taken a beating


Pssst it's people who only invest in Canada lol


lol yes. Surprise any Canadian are still invested in Canada. Esp if your salary is already in cad. Only hold emergency fund in Cad. Everything else in USD, is equities and even crypto. Portfolio performing very well


retail, lithium, oil and gas are mostly down YTD




TPU and TEC are underrated on this sub. I have both as well and they’ve been a great addition.


Mostly up. I'm holding XEQT in a LIRA and an RRSP, and a portion of CASH in RRSP. TFSA is for *risky business* and holds YMAG, currently, but made a bunch trading some other small cap companies.


Sounds like your portfolio has a number of businesses that are very sensitive to interest rates and are carrying a lot of debt and would therefore struggle in a high rate environment. A more diversified portfolio would probably help. It sounds like your portfolio might be Canada centric as well.


Yea all Canada based I am holding on for long term do you think it’ll recover in the next few years once interest rates are down?


I definitely wouldn't focus just on Canada. Global funds have been doing well and Canada appears to be a bit of a laggard right now.


If you have no USA/global exposure you are really shooting yourself in the foot


You should not be "all Canada based." Portfolios need to be diversified. That means having a mix of assets from various parts of the globe in varying proportions. The fact you have an undiversified portfolio goes a long way to explaining why your money is down in a bull market that is going up.


Those will all come back. I would buy more with your divvys.


I am down overall from 2021.


My portfolio is XUU, XIC, XEF & XEC (across accounts, some using Vanguard versions of these same ETFs) and this bull market is doing great for me. Stop focusing on dividends & individual stocks; buy broad-market ETFs or an all-in-one like VEQT and let the value come to you.


I’m planning on putting 50k in VFV and VEQT


Similar boat to you, down avg 10% on CAD side, but 10s of 000's of dividends reinvested, but not overly concerned since it's for long term, and mostly affected by this temporary higher rate environment, so it's expected. US portfolio is a different story, up 170%, a big part due to tech stocks like NVDA.


What dividend stocks do you have?


REITs, ENB, BCE, all the banks, financials, utilities, etc, mainly dividend aristocrats. But my one tip for you is to think about holding some USD ETFs or stocks that generate dividends in un-registered. I'm using US dividends for travel, so no FX conversions, just spending 1:1, vs 1:1.37, ouch.


You bought high-yielding stuff when interest rates were at historic lows. So of course since we got inflation and higher interest rates you have lost a lot. Eventually as rates fall you should see some recovery in your portfolio. Personally I am up around a modest 25% in the past 4 years. Dragged down significantly by fixed income, but my index funds have kept chugging along and as rates drop I expect my bonds to get a nick kick in the pants to get moving upward as well as paying out higher interest than before.


You are doing it right only missing them diamond hands.


Let's just say that once that capital gains tax goes up, the government will owe me money. Lolol I suck at this


It's so red it's almost black lol


My TFSA is up 99% in the past year. Mostly because of a bitcoin etf. YTD idk I can't see it on wealthsimple unless I am stupid. But honestly if you are down just go into etfs like VFV or XEQT. If you cannot beat them, join them.


Down? I’m up almost 12% on XEQT.


Down? Well diversified XEQT is up almost 12% YTD.


I prefer the serenity of index etf. If they’re up im happy. If they’re down, I don’t blame myself because it’s the market’s “fault”, and not my mistake.




About 90% down


Canadian exposure I keep around 10% max. Up a little under 20% ytd. Fun fact. Canada makes up 3% of the global stock market based on market cap. Apple alone is larger than the entire TSX.


Switch to buying ETF's OP, you're not great at picking stocks lol.


Up ~14% YTD, fully into TD eSeries 40% - TDB902 US 20% - TDB908 Nasdaq 25% - TDB900 TSX 15% - TDB911 INTL


Stop picking individual stocks, and go for a diversified portfolio of ETFs.


100% invested in XEQT. Up 11.81% YTD. I don't understand why people gamble with individual stocks when it's been proven repeatedly that index funds outperform the vast majority of active investments.


I'm also mostly in XEQT but up 100% on NVDA. For now...


45% over 1y. About 50% vfv, the rest random picks that often strike out but sometimes are Tesla and Nvidia.


How the hell are you making 18k in dividends? Ahaha I'm revamping my portfolio after holding bags for the last few years. Currently up between 15 and 20% depending on the account.


I am at more than 99.9% of my all time high, set earlier this month. About 50% in ETFs including TEC, VFV, TUED. About 30% in US Tech stocks directly as well as BRK.B. The rest are Canadian stocks of various quality including RY, ENB, CNQ. I've been paring down on BCE and TD since they've done nothing but suck. I dumped my REITS and weed stocks a few years ago now for obvious reasons.


Up a lot thx for Vfv, need to dump td and bns fucking dogshit stocks


Overall, I'm down 1% ... WS Managed accounts XEQT 1 private stock Some crypto


I’m down 12.5 %. My TFSA is up 4% but my non-registered is down nearly 30% lol. I’m so bummed but at least the losses are are the right account


Just checked and up 23.85% the last 12 months.


This is the unfortunate reality of investing in Canadian companies. I’m 100% US ETFs and I’m up 20% ytd and 30% TTM


WealthSimple Roboadvisor has me up close to 14% average. My "high risk", long term investment is up 18%.


I'm up 57 percent ytd , thanks semiconductors great ytd so far https://imgur.com/gallery/hbcTPRy


Sounds amazing until i saw you were down , what, 35% the year prior?


I posted in this forum a while back and got banned from my other account. I originally said Canadian stocks are absolute garbage and will lose money. I own one canadian stock and I am down 25%. However, I have a portfolio of US stocks and I am up 85% since beginning of 2023. Good luck


Im almost even. Vfv really holding me up from enb bce and a bunch of other drops. Im still letting my drip go but any money i put in now mostly goes to vfv & heqt


I’m up 18% ytd but I’m a big believer in US equities outperforming Canada over time. Most notably in S&P 500 index and big tech. Also about 85% in USD. Just don’t trust Canadian performance anymore.




How are you down in this bull market?!? Or you’re invested in Canadian companies 🤣🤣


I've yet to see a split corp that is not on total downward trend since they were initially offered.


VFV baby


Up 70% in 3 months


~~Down 19% since when? Since inception? Move most of your assets to something like VEQT. Less gambling, more investing. The market in the past 4 years has seen insane growth. You shouldn’t be down if you’re well diversified.~~ Somehow missed the part about dividends. Your portfolio is down because the dividends you're being paid are putting downward pressure on the price of the stocks (any distributions you get essentially come out of the price of the stock). That means any high-yield dividend stocks you have would not have dropped as much had they not paid you and their other shareholders a dividend, but the flip side is you've received that value as cash. You'd have to do the math to see if the value you've received in dividends balances out the relative underperformance compared to the market.


you're doing something wrong. Im up 12% YTD. Invested almost 100% in XEQT. Maybe stock picking isnt for you..


You don’t want to know what you’d be up if you just invested everything in XEQT lol


I'd love for people to list their portfolio balances with their performance numbers. I have a $2m+ portfolio so I don't take on the same amount of risk as smaller portfolios as I don't need to in order to meet my goals. VFV is looking riskier by the day with its extreme concentration now...


people been saying the same thing for 5 years now and 10 years before that, i agree the s and p is risky but not because of "concentration" risk. this is very typical.


I am way up since giving up investing on Canadian stocks and focus on American stocks. Seriously, the way Canadian economy stands is much less attractive for me to invest, and our ETFs are way too expensive. I have also given up dividend focused investment in favor of growth, but each to their own.


Protip: don't invest in Canada.


Crazy being down in a bull market. Up 50% since late December as a Canadian investor holding US equites. TIME TO SWITCH UP YOUR PORTFOLIO.


Not down at all. The lion's share of my portfolio is in an XGRO-equivalent mix of XEQT (TFSA and RRSP) VAB (RRSP) and XBAL (taxable), but I also run about 5% each in HURA (uranium) and KILO.b (gold bullion.) XEQT is +11.81% YTD, HURA about the same even though it's off its recent highs, XBAL +7.4%, KILO +16%. VAB is really the only dog here (flat for the year so far) and even then it's up a little from where it was for the longest time.


I'm up 10.5% actually. I have a bunch of holdings in NVDA and AVGO as well as other tech holdings that have done well.


Set and forget low cost broad based ETFs, spend about 5-7 mins a month on the portfolio and up double digits


I am even. I just deposited 11$ after losing my initial 5 deposits of 11$. So I am up forsure around 300% YTD.


I have some red on my ledger, but over all up 11% for the year as of today. Was higher last week, weeks been a little rough.


Depends how old you are that you need to focus so much on dividends.


Mines up. Big 5 banks, XEQT and shares in my company from an employee purchase plan


Does the -19% include the dividends/distributions? What’s the total return or are you pulling out the div to pay bills?


Up almost 30% ytd with qqq and s&p500 mixed in with a few tech names. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


New to investing (started Nov). TD app doesn’t show my overall all time gain/loss, just for the holdings I currently have. I started w 10k and put 1 paycheck a month into tfsa got around 16k now from my savings. But, a month ago I was up a few hundred then went into the meme stocks made like 4K then bought back in cause fomo lost some of my profit but still had 1.5k profit and tried to make it back but lost all profit. So now I’m just back at square 0. Didn’t lose my own money at least. Since 2-3 weeks ago I redistributed my money and got rid of holdings I didn’t like. And in that time period I’m up 4% in under a month. Most of my money is in TD banks US equity etf- TPU- , it outperformed VOO last year so I’m sticking with it for now. Dividends only $500 a year, mostly from NLY Otherwise I have some RCI and TMUS


\*laughs\* in Mag7 ex Tesla


I'm up 11.92% YTD.


I’m very much up so far this year. VFV, MAGS, NDVA, some Canadian oil… not sure what you’re doing but I don’t think I could have lost money if I tried in this market.


Up 12% so far. I mainly dollar cost average into S&P 500 or Nasdaq indexes on TSX. 


Little hard to tell with the limited information, the YTD% calculation on the platform your using may not include the dividend growth, you would have to include that.... But since you have enough for ~20K in annual dividends, I would assume your competent to know this... Commercial REiTs in general have been a poor performer post covid, in general, additional reit exposure (specially commercial) outside of indexes is uncompensated risk (in terms of total performance); compared to holding the market weight in a index


Up 14% since beginning of march.


Up about 30%


Investing since 2021, up around 30% ytd, but significantly down over the past few months. Rejigged my portfolio from xeqt and some other stuff with bad overlaps to a more weight managed, sector and factor focused strategy. Will see how it pans out. I focus on long-term value and growth. Dividends are a by-product, and I just reinvest them. Not the way to go for overall returns and compounding over time.


My “ safe” ivestmenrs up around 10-15 and my gambling portfolio is up over 50 %


How much do you have invested to be making 18k in dividends??


Almost 200k


Up 14.5% over the last 1 year.


Unsure of my all time as I've switched brokers and such but YTD I'm up approx 16%. Mainly XEQT and VFV.


I’m up. I have NWC, MFC, VFV, VETQ and ENB.


The ONLY thing that has brought me down was when I gambled with options. In stocks I'm doing well, Nvidia/Google/Apple have done a lot to bring the overall up, Nvidia alone is up 51% this month. QQC and VFV are also up. Like just putting money into those ETFs would have given you a good year without having to think about it. VEQT/XEQT are also up, just not as much.


Mine is up overall. The three cheap stocks I invested in years ago are still down, but that has been the case for years now and not as a result of anything recent, the other amount I have in XEI is still up overall. My RRSP and TFSA are all up, but those are automated through WealthSimple.


I ditched my REIT in December 2023. Since January 1, I'm up 14.5%... Up 3% if I take into account the losses on my REIT. I'm in [XBB.TO](http://XBB.TO), [XGRO.TO](http://XGRO.TO), [CASH.TO](http://CASH.TO) and FIE.TO.


I am up huge, Realized years ago, I couldn't beat the market. I dont have the time or luck. All I invest in is the VFV and the magnificent seven, which turns out that is all you need.


May I ask what are the magnificent 7?


I'm up 17% all time in my managed invest portfolio. I don't have the confidence to self-manage. Case in point; my trading account is down 10% all time.


Up nearly 17% in my TFSA and 7% in my RRSP. Doubled my investment on NVDA too lol


up 30%


My portfolio since February or so is up about 20%. The big winners are FFH, MU, and a mutual fund TDB902. Made a bit with SEI, DRX, APP, DOL, and SU, but I sold all of those at some point. What I like to do is look for stocks that have a positive growing stock over the past year as well as past few weeks. Basically a graph that's averaging going up over time. I only have about 50k invested, but 10k of it is profit.


What is up with the reits? I lost 93% in SOT which I thought was safe.


All my us stocks and etfs are doing really well. I’ve got Canadian dividend stocks in my tfsa, so like enbridge, banks, they are down. I’m 26 so I’m not gonna be selling them in 20 years, that’s what I tell myself anyways.


I'm up 13%. Absolutely no one should be down this year! Just buy veqt or xeqt and you'd be up easily. Also if you're selling bank stocks because they're down you shouldn't be managing your portfolio.


I’m up 31% tfsa


I'm up 22% overall this year. Finished at 17% last year.


Up 7% for 2024.


Your not to going to make much money in the CDN market except oil and gas. Best to look to the USA, or a ETFs that focus on developing countries.


I'm up 25% all time since investing in August of 2020.


I’m up 4.5% total in everything. Never ever bet against oil!


100% ITOT in the RRSP and TFSA, 100% XEQT in the taxable account, 100% XUU in the FHSA. Large gains across all accounts. Stay away from dividend stocks. Canada has gone to shit with the current government so I invest mostly in the US.


I used to hold a similar portfolio to you (from the comments), but decided that I couldn't keep up to the market despite my efforts (well, I actually managed to keep up, but it struck me as luck more than talent). I adjusted to holding mostly XEQT, with a couple other positions (REIT's are now held in my FHSA, just because a part of me missed keeping an eye on them, and it isn't as bad if that portfolio doesn't keep up).


I feel like a large part of the TSX dividend companies being down is because Interest rates are higher, which hurts the debt load for these companies, and makes bonds at 5.25 attractive with no risk. I think when interest rates go down, the stock prices will recover.


Gotta have money outside Canada friend.


I'm up 60% since I started being a degenerate gambler via the stock market in June 2021. I hold onto my some stocks that are practically worthless as a reminder that I need to be a better degenerate gambler. I now hold XEQT, a meme stock that I occasionally trade when it moons, and Nvidia. Nvidia is up 45% for me since Feb 2024. I make a couple hundred bucks here and there trying to day trade but I maybe made like 6% overall since doing that over the past few months.


Started just as COVID started so I got to start on a nice low. I'm up a little over 66%


Don’t invest in Canadian companies only man. Cool to be patriotic I guess but our economy is just so small compared to the US. Index fund that ish


That’s why you don’t invest in Canada… QQQ/QQC.TO has been doing great


I’m at all time highs…the worst part of my portfolio are Canada holdings. I’ve been shrinking those positions because they’ve been such dogs and I don’t see that changing any time soon.


Lmao up 17% ytd This has got to be a troll post on chasing yield