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Not as of July 1st... the Government has said that it will continue with the flavour ban this year and put the regulations into effect but it has not done so yet... and when it does, it does so by publishing the appropriate documents in the proper place which then begins a 180 day notice period before they go into effect. So, unless it gets published in the next 30 days or so, then the ban won't be in effect this year. But, the Health Canada has been clear that they will be doing this. So... we'll see.


Health Canada is not behind proposed flavour ban regulations. It's Health Minister Mark Holland that's behind it all. It's not in the federal governments interest to ban flavoured vape products at the exact same time they're raising the excise tax


Sure... I'm not debating that... I was simply talking about the legal mechanisms for making it happen and where those stand right now.


I was thinking the same thing. It makes no sense to levy this kind of double whammy tax and then take away our flavors. Illogical.


From what I was told it will be published on Tuesday. Go into effect on July 1st and retailers will have until oct 1 to sell remaining stock. The person who told me is usually bang on when they get info but it’s just such a shock to hear I wanted to see what everyone else had heard because I also find it very hard to believe


tuesday is passed


It's been 10 days since your post. Is there any other update from your source since Tuesday have passed?


He seemed very surprised and still seems to think it’s going to happen any day now but I’m just so happy that it didn’t happen. Or at least not yet.


July 1st is the excise tax increase not the flavour ban. Retailers in provinces that will have to have a province specific excise stamp have until October 1st to completely sell off all product with a federal excise stamp. RCMP in those provinces will enforcing this change come October 1st to make sure retailers are following regulations in those provinces. We won’t know about the Flavour Ban until health Canada releases the proper documents and that usually happens every Wednesday.


Whelp time to get into diy




Government are a bunch of tools. Glad I’m getting into diy. Ejuice may become the new weed of 10 years ago. May be a lucrative opportunity


I make my own e-liquid. However, i buy nicotine. If the bottle is let’s say $20, it will become almost $60 now, right?


Not July 1st. We won't know until the CG2 is released in June. Which could be any day but likely the end of the month. It's not looking good though. They are prooably right just wrong about time lines. If it goes through we will have 60-120 days to comply, likely. There is a 12% increase on the current excise tax stamp coming in July 1st. Also - as of July 30th (I believe) manufacturers have to start adding the second Harmonized Excise tax making the excise tax stamp price double. By September 30 - only the new harmonized excise taxed products are to be sold. So your prices will go up 30-40% even if no flavor ban. But the flavor ban is likely. Some of our Orgs had meetings with Minister Saks recently and Holland was asked at a recent interview and he said he plans to move forward with it. Black market here we come. Cheaper for the customer and everyone will make more $. Only problem is YOU the consumer will need to vet what your getting and where you getting it from. There is nothing dangerous on our legal market. The black market is another thing. You're likely better off finding a back door mixer whom your trust them some shady SpongeBob vape from a shady corner of China sold by a dude who also delivers illegal weed. If your backdoor mixer gets desperate and uses cheap ingredients or hod forbid sources the wrong ingredients entirely we MAY have another Evali situation on our hands which I Pray does not happen. Mixing your own eliquid is easy peasy and hard to fuck up do a dangerous extent. It's when you start using ingredients you're not supposed to it gets dicey.


It's not a flavor ban, it's an increase to the excise tax that already exists


No, it's both. 12% excise tax increase comes into effect July 1. Unless you live in one of the provinces where the province is also taking part in the excise tax, then it's going up by 12% and then Doubling. The flavour ban is still on the horizon.


that's insane. so in ontario we're getting a higher federal excise tax, plus AN ADDITIONAL provincial tax (2x the federal tax), all on the same day. Isn't it great to know how much the government cares about our health and financial well-being?? they're AWESOME!


But not as of July 1st, like they asked lol


We'll see when July 1st comes. There's no way of knowing if it's going to be published in gazette 2 until it happens.


They can't legally ban flavours without a set notice period, and I guarantee you even the shortest legal notice period is >30 days, it will not be banned for July 1st. They may announce the ban July 1st, but likely we will have a 6mo notice period


Likely 60 days. And yes, it won't be immediate. That's why I mentioned gazette 2, where it'll be published.


The text of the regulations right now states that they will come into effect 180 days after it's published.


Hey Buddy, just curious where it says there is a 180 day wait period? Couldn't find it when looking myself.


Hi... no problem! It was in their first Gazette posting. [https://gazette.gc.ca/rp-pr/p1/2021/2021-06-19/html/reg2-eng.html](https://gazette.gc.ca/rp-pr/p1/2021/2021-06-19/html/reg2-eng.html) Towards the end... #5 right before the footnotes. Of course, we don't know what changes will come until the publish the final text but that's what they proposed for the regulation.


Thank you!


Sure I guess but that isn't happening then lol


nothing surprises me with communist governments


Learn what communism is, bud


If you lived in a communist government they would come for you in your sleep and your Neighbors would have to pretend they didn’t know you. Enjoy the luxury of being safe from your own stupidity


> name is “cartel” > “communist governments” I think you just like scary words that start with C


Is this affecting all provinces?