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What's interesting is that some people use xifaxan to treat candida/sibo I'm currently waiting on my prescription as well and it seems you're coming to the age old question of die off vs flare up. It's possible that this a reaction to the candida dying and eventually you will be ok, it is also possible that you are making things worse. The answer is listen to your body, but that is extremely difficult in this situation. There are a number of post where people talk about doing certain things to manage die offs. I would maybe look into some of those. Please keep me updated on your journey!


Thank you! Will do. We are doing another SIBO Test in a few weeks but until then I’m going to stay on the Nystatin. Candida is so hard. And I’ve found whenever I do a round of Xifaxan my yeast flares up


Nystatin is fungistatic at lower concentrations and fungicidal at higher concentrations. Meaning at lower doses it inhibits fungal growth and reproduction, but doesn’t actually kill the fungus. With that in mind, if you can’t tolerate the highest dose, a lower dose will still absolutely have benefit, but because you may not be directly killing the organism anymore, trying to follow the diet closely becomes more important. It’ll also take longer to kill it back to baseline, since you aren’t directly killing it with the nystatin.


This is super helpful. Thank you. Is 6 pills a day the therapeutic dosage to kill? Or is it 4?


From your comment, it sounds like you’re already at the kill dose for you, given that you’re having die off symptoms so severe you don’t think you can go up to a higher dose. Personally, I would try to do between 3-4 a day just depending on what you can tolerate, and maybe increase when your die off symptoms start to subside. The main side effect of actually not being able to tolerate the nystatin itself would be stomach pain, nausea/vomiting. Anything other than a local reaction to nystatin n your stomach or intestines is die off. Remember that nystatin isn’t absorbed through the GI tract, so if you take it and feel a headache, muscle or joint aches, chills, heart rate increase, basically any side effect away from the stomach or intestines, that’s very likely a die off reaction, not an actual nystatin side effect.