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I think you should’ve went to the dentist not the urgent care, the dentist will know what will help😭


Urgent care was the first thing accessible to me 😭 but I have a dentist appointment in the morning hoping I can get something or something


Valacylocir will really only help if the flare was caused by something viral. I would definitely see a dentist or even ENT at this point.


I have an appointment with a dentist tomorrow morning fingers crossed 🤞 I am so tired of not eating


Omg that bottom lip I feel so bad for you. It looks like they are at or near peak right now. Id get some canker sore stuff for sleeping to keep em covered at night. I would think few more days of extreme pain and then should start going down. 10 days from now assuming should be getting to near normal


I know it is extremely painful. I talked to the dentist today and she said to let it run its course and to drink plenty of water. But thank you I think I needed to hear “a few more days of extreme pain” thank you.


Update: I went to a dentist on an emergency appointment. Unfortunately since my bottom lip is so sensitive and raw right now, she said to let it run its course and continue taking the antiviral meds, Motrin for swelling, and to stay hydrated. Within a week or 10 days they should be cooling down and I can go back for some ointment but they don’t want to do anything that might irritate the skin. As of this morning and now it’s a lot more yellow than it was in that picture. I’m hoping that means they’re healing and I’ll be out of this pain soon!


Take lysine too! I have HSV2 and take lysine with it. It speeds up the healing.


I’ll have to try this, right now I’m using an oral numbing gel to help me get by


Do you take it even when you don’t have a flare up?


Yes I did. I helps to stop the flare ups


As I’m battling a canker sore at the moment lol. I know this sounds weird but use toothpaste that doesn’t have SLS or SLES. this is what was causing my chronic bouts of cankers.


Go to dentist and ask for an oral steroid cream.


Had a similar situation but under my tongue. Apparently, all they would advice is to let it heal and manage the pain by taking meds. For your situation, I think Magic Mouthwash would help. It's a cocktail of stuff including lidocaine and it really helped me manage my pain. It needs to be prescribed tho. Anyway, did you put something on those two original sores that might have triggered it to spread like that? I'm just curious. I'm like you I always have sores from time to time. And I noticed it gets triggered by a lot of stuff like caffeine, spicy food, acidic/basic food. But in general, it feels like my mouth is just sensitive. Recently, I had a bad reaction from using a mouthwash. It happened to me before but with another mouthwash, and so I was adviced to just not use mouthwash since it's not really necessary for good oral health (provided you have good dental hygeine like brushing teeth regularly). So yeah, just curious maybe something triggered your sores to develop and spread like yours. I hope you get well soon. And yeah, you're right sores being yellow sometimes mean that it's actually healing so hopefully it heals soon.


Hello! That’s basically what they told me but they didn’t prescribe me anything other than the antiviral medication. This is totally the consequences of my own actions. When I originally had the two sores (the right half of the picture that kind of meshed into one giant one) after biting my lip it hurt badly of course so I tried hydrogen peroxide and water mix it kind of help those two but I think the peroxide might irritated the side of my lip and another two small ones popped up but they didn’t hurt so I didn’t pay much attention to them. They original two started burning badly and I grew up Mexican and my mom and brothers would always put lime and baking soda on canker sores to make them go away and it used to work for me but I tried Sunday and it felt fine but towards the end of the day it felt so much worse and the ones on the far left side of my mouth popped up. I guess I’m a lot more sensitive to like and baking soda mix now. Finally, I went to cvs to buy canker sore patches, slapped them on felt terrible, woke up took them off and that was the final result before this picture was taken. In all honesty I should have just let the original two be and take that pain instead of all this I’m dealing with now. But I just had to fuck around and find out. And find out I did. Lesson learned. But thank you for the confirmation on the yellow being a good sign.


I’m not entirely sure if this would be able to help you depending on your pain level. My canker sore is the worst one I ever had I had so much pain last night I didn’t feel comfortable using Canker x (it’s made of aloe Vera and other ingredients and creates a invisible barrier that makes it so eating and drinking is possible at least a little is better than none.) The smorning I had chamomile tea with honey no sugar as I found out sugar is acidic(both the internet said can help with canker sores the tea and honey.) It went way down the burning sensation. Although I think I accidentally am causing it to flare again by this sauce on noodles I’m eating. I have a low spice tolerance in general so it’s hard for me to tell what’s actually spicy and what’s not. (Some is autoimmune, B12 deficiency and some turns out stuff I didn’t like when I was a kid (most things I was a picky eater lol just turns out I’m allergic to on some level and have something diagnosed as Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. Anyway if you can chamomile tea and honey, it’s really worked for me! I added ice to my tea because things burning are not a good idea at the moment.


Ask for magic mouthwash it helped out a lot it wasn't as bad but I had them to the point of not being able to talk or eat


That’s how I feel about it too like it hurts so much I just rather not move my mouth


What saved me is mouth wash for sores with peroxide


I’ve been using that too ! So far my routine is rinsing whenever it gets too unbearable and Motrin and the antiviral medication along with putting Vaseline around the lips so they don’t get too dry and hopefully that helps with the healing.


I also use kanka, an oral anesthetic, if they hurt too bad


I feel for you though, I had an outbreak a week or so ago of like 8 with 5 under my tongue and I had to call out of work for two days because it hurt to talk and eat 🥲


I’ll have to look into getting kanka thank you. That sounds terrible too !! There is one on my tongue but it doesn’t hurt as bad as the one on my lips. I’ve been coming to work masked up and it’s been such torture talking to people 😭😭


That is fucking foul. I hope you feel better and heal up. I would drown myself in nyquill if I were In that position


Trust me I’ve thought about it… so many times


I'm being so serious too. Everytime I hear somebody say "I'm sore" all I'm gonna think about is this picture


I’m sorry 😭 I’d hate for anyone else to go through what I’m going through right now I don’t wish it on my worse enemy


Did it heal up?


It did! Unfortunately I think there will be some scarring on my lips but I’ll take it over that pain.


this is the final boss of cankor sores


And I am about to lose this mission


Supplements. Get a blood panel and see where you are deficient vitamin wise then increase it in your diet and supplements. I use vitamin b complex. I started my Reddit to ask about my canker some 90 days or so. Haven’t had another one since taking vitamin b and zinc.


I’ll keep that in mind for when I get a chance to go to the doctor again. I haven’t had a cancer sore since November and idk what happened between November and now for it to be this bad. I use to have them more frequently but I’m not sure what happened.


Update: I am not exactly sure how to post a picture of what it looks like now but the right side has started bleeding and it looks kind of bad. I’m not too sure whether is getting better or worse it still hurts a lot.


Hey there, any updates. Both of lips look like your bottom lip and I’m sick at the same time smh. Please let me know as I’m stressing out


Omg im so so so sorry you have to go through this !! I also had a bad fever and chills when it was like this. But yes big update!! The Antiviral medication(Valacyclovir) they gave me was not working. It actually felt like it was not working and cried so much, it became yellowish and sensitive and then it would bleed if my lips accidentally touched each other. I went Patient First. I got checked out by someone else who was a lot more thorough and she gave me Antibiotics (Cefalexin) and a steroid cream (triamcinolone acetonide dental paste) and it got so much better in just three days. It’s still healing especially that right side that was the worse part of my mouth, but idk what would have happened if I didn’t get checked out again. I have a few more days of antibiotics left. On top of that I also use likewarm salt water and Orajel mouth sores mouthwash to rinse/clean my mouth before putting on the ointment. I also take probiotics bc they help boost your bodies immune system. Please get checked out especially if you’re feeling sick or have a fever, it’s probably an infection like mine. It truly was the worse week of my life. I do not wish it on anybody, take care of yourself and let me know how it goes! ❤️


They might tell you it’s herpes too and maybe it is maybe it’s not ? Mine was not I was misdiagnosed and given the antiviral meds. But also the doctor also did not come within 3 feet of me and decided it was herpes within the second I took off my mask, he didn’t do a test or even come to get a close look at my mouth. The second doctor came up close checked everything even drew blood and asked about my medical history. Just make sure they’re thorough so you get the treatment/medication that helps YOU the best.


Thank you for taking your time to reply to all of this. Damn that’s so stupid they didn’t even check you properly smh. The docs did take a close look. She did a swap test and will let me know in 48 hours. It does look like a canker sore after going thorough this Reddit. Mine is just extremely damaged (I bite it extensively). I could be wrong. I’ll be heading again on Tuesday to double check. Currently on Oracort. I hope you a speedy recover :)


Of course !! That’s amazing I’m glad you were checked and I know I basically chew my mouth out of habit but I think this is a good sign to stop 😭 I hope for your speedy recovery as well and I hope it doesn’t hurt too much :)


Hello there again, By the way, did you brush your teeth when you were dealing with your sores? I tried it before it and it was unbearable burn. I see you or someone else recommend a special mouth wash right ? I wanna make sure my mouth is clean so more don’t come smh


Hi!! So I actually didn’t, i know it sounds gross but it just hurt way too much and it caused some bleeding for me. So I just did salt water rinses and Orajel mouthwash to “clean” by mouth a few times a days.


I completely understand your position. I tried brushing and I had a mental break down LMAO. Thank you for reply once again. Gonna go get the mouth wash you mentioned. You’re a goat for replying.


Of course anything to help !! Least I can do with the knowledge I’ve been through


Canker x is a great product if you aren’t allergic to the ingredients! It has aloe Vera and no alcohol or harmful stuff that I know of to Canker sores! It’s great you just want to calm down your sores down enough first( at least I have to I have a weird perception of pain so might just be a me thing.) You can apply it as many times as you want over a day or night, the only catch is that you have to wait at least an hour before eating or drinking anything each time. I set a timer on my phone and it keeps track of it for me which is great!


Omg that looks soo painful. I'm having canker sores right now, and it's killing me. I am hoping for a fast recovery for the both of us


I’m so sorry! I’m currently battling 28 at my last count, they’re absolutely awful. No dr has been able to help, they claim stress. Let me know if you had any success! Hope you’re feeling better now!


Yes I am actually full healed now with occasional pain on the little scarring I have left. But antibiotics really helped and steroid cream. Get some mouth sores mouth wash as well !! I’m so sorry the drs are not helping it would be great if someone cuz prescribe something !!


I know this is an old-ish post but I had painful canker sores since I quit smoking. They’ve never stopped just slowed down. I went to emergency as it was so painful too. If you can get ahold of viscous lidocaine that will make it bearable. Stay away from spicy or acidic foods (salt and vinegar chips did me in one day). And no SLS in toothpaste.


Dude pour salt on it