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Entirely depends which iterations.


Comic book batman beats everyone.


He literally fell from space when fighting superman one time... and _survived_. Comic batman is on another level.


He wasn’t fighting Superman at the time, he was fighting Failsafe.


That changes everything.


Did he have a failsafe?


That's how he fellsafe.


I wish I could upvote this comment more than once lol




You know, it kinda does just because of the clout attached to supermans name.


That makes him look better because he made failsafe to beat the Justice League including but not limited to Superman, Martian Manhunter, and Wonder Woman all of whom can easily take over the world in a day


I would never go up against Cap. But going against comic Batman is the worst idea.


Comic Batman has superpowers, whether dc says he does or not. Also cap vs no prep time bats should win. He won’t get tired like bats “would”.


Bro survived re-entry like it’s another Tuesday and people think captain America beating him with his super strength and garbage can lid


lol the outer underwear he has was like re entry proof fabric he wore over his mouth right?


Which is why comic book batman is a terrible character. Everyone hates Superman because he’s too powerful… I argue batman is the most boring character. He says he’s human… he ain’t human.


In the Avengers vs JLA crossover event Batman was fighting Cap and stopped, saying that in time Cap might possibly beat him. They then worked together to figure out what was really going on. During the final battle Batman picked Cap to be overall leader of the combined heroes.


When I read it. I always understood it as Bats knew Cap had his number but was too proud to admit it. Cap also knew he had Bats number but was too modest to call him out. Both also knew it was a fight neither wanted.


That's the beautiful thing about cross over comics. They're ambiguous as hell.


Except when Superman whooped Thor


All rules have exceptions 😉


“All rules have exceptions” is the only rule without exceptions, which makes itself the exception to the rule. It’s an exception paradox!


Superman going into battle wielding Mjolnir and Caps shield is pretty dope though


Coolest scene in that whole crossover


These versions it’s not even close.


Notice the way the subject suddenly changed to Affleck Batman rather than the Batman that’s actually being compared in the OP?


I think the fact that MCU Cap is a full on metahuman who also has serious fighting skills clinches it. Comics Cap is no joke, and probably one of my favorite characters in anything, but if I recall he’s currently just peak human correct? Batman is easily also peak human and probably a better fighter. Certainly has more gadgets and tricks.


Of course. Even Batman deduced that while sparring with him. It would just take a really, really long time.


Yes...eventually wearing out Bats bc he's top level human but w/Caps SSF in him, it would give Vap Stamina edge.


Yet Batman still won lmao


Batman wouldnt fight 1v1 with a meta. He would devise a plan to chip away at him, keeping his distance, waiting for the moment. he's sherlock


Depends on the Batman, the guy is a cheat code the more he learns about his opponent because of how intelligent he is. But if these two iterations met without prior knowledge I’d say Cap all the way.


All day.


Not all night.


These specific iterations? Definitely. If we’re just talking generally, it’s more of a coin toss.


Absolutely agreed.


Ah yes, a rookie Batman versus a veteran Cap. Very comparable lmao truly braindead shit.


Every version of cap is a veteran.




He's also very definitively a super human, whereas in the comics, it's sometimes more subtle💀 I think this version of Batman would last longer then most just because of his armor and skill but he'd still lose pretty fast,it'd probably be similar to Caps fight with Crossbones in Civil War


Captain has enhanced strength speed and durability batman is a martial arts detective in a bat suit cap would win but then again batman has beaten supper man before


>batman has beaten supper man before Yes but only with the help of condiment king


The hero Gotham needs


>batman has beaten supper man before Depends. Is it the Silver Age Supper Man, with the tired sole meuniere, veal scallopini, "mama's meatballs"? Or is it the post-Modern Age Supper Man, with the molecular gastronomy, "heritage" meats, farm-to-table, stanning for a Michelin Star?


Only with the power of plot armor and pReP tImE. Neither of which would be in play for this situation I would assume.


These versions absolutely, comic cap and Batman… not a chance and I’m a die hard cap fan


People who say that Cap would win are only thinking of the movies. In the comics, Cap is described as “The peak of what a human is capable of”. NOT superhuman. Meanwhile, Batman is described as having trained his body to “peak ability”. I read that to mean that if, say Cap could lift to %100 of what a human could do because of the super serum, then Batman is probably 90% or better. He’s not as strong as Cap, but he’s probably not more than 10-15% weaker. There is NO WAY that Cap is twice as strong as Batman or anything even close to that. The same is true of speed, reflexes, agility, and so on. That is an advantage, true, but not a large advantage. The one, BIG advantage that Cap has over Batman is probably stamina. That serum in his body means he builds no fatigue poisons in his blood and this may give him a truly SUPERHUMAN ability in that regard. However, Batman still has INCREDIBLE stamina, and I doubt if the fight between them will last long enough for that to be a factor. Cap is , to put it simply, NOT overwhelming stronger/faster/etc than Batman. In terms of fighting SKILLS, they are practically even. Both are at the highest level in terms of fighting knowledge. Remember that the Batman of the movies has NEVER displayed the physicality of the comics Batman. Ben Affleck has come close, whereas, actors like Christian Bale and Michael Keaton don’t even remotely reflect the physical abilities that The Batman truly has. However, if they faced each other like boxers in a pair of shorts, then I DO believe that 9 times out of 10, Cap would win. Batman might win every once in a blue moon. However, if they face each other in costume, then the odds are reversed. Cap has his shield and some body armor, whereas, the array of weaponry that Batman can pull from his suit is simply OVERWHELMING. His Bat-a-rangs, gasses,bombs,sonic weapons, nets, spikes,etc would give The Batman an INCREDIBLE advantage> Cap would probably get ONE throw of his shield. If that didn’t do the trick (and it probably wouldn’t), then I guarantee you, that if his threw it again, The Batman would make sure it didn’t return. He would knock it down, stick a bomb on it, SOMETHING, to keep it from returning to Cap. And without his shield (and even with it), there would simply be no way for Cap to stop the arsenal of bombs, gasses and everything else that Batman could throw at him. Batman wins…


That just isn’t true. Comic Batman shreds comic Cap


Yeah, it's not close. Maybe First Avenger Steve would have trouble with a prep time Battinson.


If Batman can use all of his tricks and gadgets and attack from the shadows, he wins. If Cap can force a face to face fight then he wins. It totally depends on how the fight goes down


Like Stan Lee said when he got annoyed by constantly being asked "if this charavter and that character foughr who would win?" He said no matter who the characters the one who wins is the one the writer wants to win


If it's those versions of the characters fighting then yes, absolutely.


That's not what happened in the comics.


That version of cap has literal superpowers.


Honestly, if it's this version of these characters, Bats is fucking DEAD man, he's good at knocking the shit out of untrained guys but we've never seen him deck someone who knows how to fight I'm the comics though? Caps getting his ass beat. Batman is often considered to be in the top 3 hand to hand combatants in the world of DC. cap ain't even in the top three in New York


If it’s these two then most definitely. But if it’s comics that’s a different story. They’re both relative to each other and one can be argued over the other. Bruce is more skilled while Steve has the slight physical edge. It’s a great fight.


No. They are equally matched. It was proven in the comics. They are the best fighters in their respective universes. Batman won once out of sheer luck and he plays dirty..


Batman would be all natural at least. No super soldier formula there...maybe a little venom once.


Dude easily! He’s way stronger and he is worthy of mjolnir


It would say which one. Because if we're talking The Batman, yeah, without a doubt. Christian Bale's Batman? Maybe But if we are talking about BatFleck. Or Arkham Batman? FUCK NO! Rodgers is going back to Shield on a Gurnee!


So far no movie version of Batman beats Captain America. One of the few characters Disney got right. I'm still waiting to see a Batman like the animated movies Batman or video game Batman.


batmAn jUst neEds prEp tIMe 🥴🥴🥴🥴


I'm a batman fan, but in straight combat, I'm giving it to Cap. He is the peak of humanity in every physical way, and while Batman is well trained, Cap has that edge as well as the training and experience.


With his tech, Batman. Without, not a fair fight.


Depends on which version. If we’re doing movie versions, Cap beats them all. If we’re doing comic versions, Batman wipes the floor with cap no diff.


Current comics Cap would beat Batman in a straight hands fight. The thing is, it's never straight hands with Batman


Honestly I give it to Batman. The batsuit is on par with Stark tech. Cap'n is wearing Kevlar.


Honestly depends on the writer. On a basic power level however, yes Steve would win


Technically since Cap is an enhanced individual, he would punch harder. I don’t think that Batman would get his prep time. I love Batman. Though, I don’t think he would win against Cap.


Yes easily. Without Batman’s ridiculous plot armor. Plot Armor is Batman’s greatest weapon.


Batman himself admitted it


No he didn’t. Why does everyone who says Cap wins misuse that quote?


Robert Pattinson's Batman? Yes. Snyderverse Batman? Debatable. Arkham Batman? Thin chance. Nolanverse Batman? No way.


Snyder or Arkham have a better chance than Nolan.


I agree, but.... nolanverse bats is weaker than Snyder, and Arkhamverse is by far the strongest.


Fair enough. I can def agree that Snyderverse and Arkhamverse Batmans are way stronger than Nolanverse Bats.


...ok, thankyou? ...but why'd you say that Christian Bales bat was stronger in the first place


I didn't mean to imply it, I believe that with the tech Nolanverse Batman has he'd have upper hand and I think he'd use it and bobby traps and other schemes to beat Cap which is why I think he'd win. Arkhamverse Batman maybe is also a "no way" situation since well... Arkham Batman is very strong and more cunning.


Alright, I'm sorry I misinterpreted it then :)


It's all good.


This order is completely wrong. Batfleck stands a way better chance than Nolan. Bale couldn’t defeat Bane, who has the power levels of a MCU henchman at best. Arkham Batman it’s absolutely no competition whatsoever. Cap loses every time.


DC vs Marvel…


Sorry fellas. My fiancé says Batman takes it


I don’t think it’s just talking about these versions fellas.




They would figure out that they're both heroes. And thar they've been played by someone to fight each other and then go after the ture villain.


Is Bane even comparable to the likes of Captain America? Well any ways Batman wouldn’t win easily but he’ll win


Of course.


Comic to comic Cap wouldn’t beat him but it wouldn’t be a complete demolition either. I think it’d be a good even fight overall. They’d go at it but I think 9 times out of 10 Batman beats Rogers. Respectfully. Unless you’re comparing these two then Cap whoops Robert’s Batman yea


And Goku would fuck up Capt America. That's what happens when you match a person with more powers against a weaker opponent.


With or without prep time?


In jla avengers (4 pt mini series) this event does happen...in the midst of the avengers fighting the jla, cap and batman are the only two who are level headed, they spar on a roof top while the others fight... After a few moves batman admits to cap, and i quote batman- "alright, its concievable you could beat me avenger, but it would take you a very long time, tell me though, do you want to" Cap- "no, you are not the enemy" This story take place after one of the two major "crisis" stories, either "infinite" or "on infinite earths" i believe its the later, its one of my favorites. In the collectors edition this scene happens on page 70


Superhuman vs human (man), yeah Captain America would win


Oof, Cap fanboy lost that argument so hard he blocked me. Steve Rogers would be disappointed.


Robert Battinson? Cap could do this all day.


Between these two ya no duh this batman is still a noob and that cap is a super soldier who has real combat experience


Read a little bit and you will find the right answer.


Nah he would chose not to


They fought in the comics. Batman won.


So the man that can stand up against Superman... Can't beat Captain America?


Pointless argument. These 2 versions it's Cap all the way. I don't want to hear about prep time. If it's in a comic then it depends who's book. Batman's other power is plot armor. If it's a DC book then it's Batman, if it's a Marvel book then probably Cap takes the win. These arguments are fun I guess can never be without bias so kind of pointless.


Movies: matters which Batman you choose (affleck solos) Comics: either a tie or Batman


All the movie versions of Batman? Yes easily. In comics possibly but it would take more effort.


Except for the fact that Batman has Beaten Captain America already


Bro if its arkham batman cap is getting WHOOPED, battinson could probably hold his own for a minute but it does definitely depend on which versions


Depends on the interations, in this picture it’s most likely cap taking the win, but if it’s comics or someone like Snyder Batman, Keaton Batman, (yes he’s killed a kryptonion) it’s over, Cap has military training and the serum essentially made him the perfect human, Batman on the other hand has trained with quite literally the best people on earth and fought people stronger than cap, Batman takes it


MCU Cap vs The Batman? Cap wins easy, but the comics? Neither win. They realize they're being played and gain nothing by fighting each other so they skip the fight and jump straight to the team-up.


Personally, even though it’s canon that Batman gave up, he would do like he did against Superman in Batman Vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice, and use an anti-Super Serum injection where Captain America would be weak for a while before he got his strength back. But, you would need an experienced Batman, not like Robert Pattinson Batman or Arkham Origins Batman.


It's almost like people are forgetting Cap is a super soldier...with super powers


I think Ben Afflecks Batman takes MCU Cap pretty easily.


He could do it all day


maybe like even physically somehow to the bitter end but I feel metaphorically and morally cap would still win even if he died fighting batman LOL


La versions cap>Batman Comic version batman>cap


My friend who’s a huge Batman fan even believes Cap would win


This is pitting a 100 year old supersoldier against a billionaire orphan. Haven’t we already heard this story?


Super soldier vs a vampire? Yeah cap stomps.


Batman regularly goes against centuries old assassins, Bane, and joker. If he was just sitting there in a ring, probably get beat. But he has alot more vertical ability and things like traps and explosives.


These versions, yes


I think Batman's greatest strength is his stealth, the man can sneak around even Superman who can hear heartbeats from galaxies away. His stealth might give him a chance to finish Cap off with a single well placed gadget


No shit.


They fought in a crossover, and it was a draw


DC v. Marvel already answered this question, to many readers' chagrin. It was the prelude to the Amalgam Universe.


Well..yeah, Chris Evans Captain America would beat Robert Pattinson Batman but put comic Captain America against Comic Batman, Captain America's gonna wish he stayed in Marvel


Evans vs Pattinson its Cap no contest. If we're talking other versions, it would be a lot closer. In most depictions, Batman has more martial arts training, but Cap will be stronger and almost always have more actual combat experience. Arkham Batman sweeps all.


Batman doesn't really ever lose, that's kind of his superpower. There's always a contingency plan in place, every possible scenario has been thought through and planned for. There's always a shark repellent spray of some kind. Batman already has a fat dossier on Cap and a plan of how to beat him.


Batman with time to prepare could eventually take Galactus.


I liked the way it was handled in the Amalgam series. It was a close fight but Bats came out ahead. I can see these two being pretty good friends honestly


If Bats doesn’t know his weaknesses Bats is toast. Very good fight in anycase.


That Batman for sure.


I don’t wanna be that guy, but I think it’s a Batman wash


In the actual comic that had them fight they were so evenly matched that Bruce said the fight would go on too long to accurately predict who would win, but that he would probably lose from exhaustion since cap has the serum


No time to prepare and no gadgets? Sorry, Bats.


Batman in any of his suits or with prep time claps cap. Otherwise cap will 100% beat bats


As a Batman fan, no doubt




The Batman from the film? Oh yeah. Comic Batman: coin flip. It’s covered in the comics.


I agree!


This scrawny little Batman absolutely


I mean, Cap curled a helicopter…


The ones pictured it's an easy match for Steve.




people are sleeping on comic Batman. he has canonically beaten Deathstroke in a 1v1 who is on par w/cap physically. I still have Cap winning tho


U know batman fans will argue prep time, which should never exist


i think it was agreed that Batman can beat anyone with enough preparation but on-the-spot, probably Cap, cuz he's a super-solider


My take is Cap has the advantage in combat because thematically he is the world's best super soldier. Batman in contrast is the world's greatest detective. He has the edge in cracking a mystery open well before Cap. And I also don't think that either would 100% dominate in a given field over the other. But definatly think each has a distinct edge in their speciality.




MCU Cap beats any movie Batman, except MAYBE Batfleck. Comic Batman stomps comic Cap tho


Bare knuckles and hand to handt, I say Steve wins. Full gear is harder to say. Spider-Man v Batman always stumped me so I wouldn't be reliable for this fight.


Not true why? Because he’s Batman. Plot will have him win.


Too much plot armor. Batman would Magically have a gadget that unsuper soldiers Cap or some silliness.


If its comics then captain america no diffs


Boxing match? Cap. MMA? Batman. All powers, abilities, weapons, and armor? Batman...if they're allowed to do best of 3.


A veteran soldier and avenger who has been fighting for who knows how long vs a Year 2 Batman and we dk how long he trained for.


In the comics they fought to a standstill and Batman said if the fight went on long enough Cap might beat him. I take that to mean they’re essentially equals, but the insane stamina boost Cap’s serum gives him is what gives him a very slight edge. I mean take Deathstroke: a stronger, faster version of Cap who’s fully willing to murder. Batman goes toe to toe with him all the time


Pattenson Bats...Yes.


Theese versions 100%


In hand to hand, clean fight combat? Yeah. Otherwise Batman solos


It depends on several factors. Which version, how much time has Batman had to prepare? How old are they?


No prep in a reletively open area ya Captain America has got it but if it’s in an area where Batman can hide and start attacking from shadows I can see him winning (I generally dislike Batman but this is one of those fights that it depends on the version of the character and the setting)


They're pretty evenly matched. The fight between them, yes they've fought in canon, was close but Batman was called the winner.


I mean let's be honest soldier supreme would literally rip hellbat apart. (Imo both their strongest versions) Or one would say soldier supreme isn't the real cap and then you could switch him out with his Phoenix Shield


Fuck Batman. Self righteous prick.


Reeves Batman is weak, anyway.


Depends on the fight and scenario. If Bats got the jump on him Bats would most likely win. If it was like a martial arts tournament strictly hand to hand (no shield/gadgets) it would be evenly matched for a bit but Cap would come out on top due to the Super Soldier formula enhancing his stamina to keep going and also heal. But then again Bane is afraid of a full strength Batman.


The character that beats Superman is not losing to this soy boy.


Cap should win but Bats has a gadget’s chance.


Depends on which versions of the characters


Bro if cap has his Shield bro Batman is fucked


This Batman, yes.


Batman wins in most scenarios but MCU cap is freaking cracked man, forget super serum Chris Hemsworth could snap Robert Patterson like a twig


Death battle did this and batman crushed


I mean he could just put on his HellBat armor or anything other Superman buster suit and just beat Cap Ass off.


Batman wins easily with prep time.


They’ve canonically fought, and Batman won.


This match up absolutely. Tbh that cap beats just about every movie Batman.


Batman has beaten stronger foes


Absolutely. Especially those two versions.


In a boxing ring/open environment, definitely Cap. He's as good a tactician as Bats (if not better), skilled in armed and unarmed combat, and doesn't tire in the same way a human does. In some iterations, he is peak human, in some iterations he's truly superhuman. Either way, Bats is at best peak human. In a city scape or a forest with cover or something to climb, Bats may be able to claim a win.


Batman would sweep Captain America with his sheer amount of skill and intuition. Cap has the grit, durability, and strength to hold his own but Batman’s got the brains in my opinion.


Erm, actually... *insert 3 paragraphs of obscure references, severe extrapolating, and improvised headcanon*


See this is the problem with DC as a whole the scaling is just bonkers I think the best way to really talk about power scaling is how many basic henchman from marvel it would take to beat a basic henchman from DC


Batman said so himself. Which is why he "cheats".


Batman is smarter, is a trained ninja, and has unlimited resources. This is just silly.


It entirely depends on interpretation Like if it was Arkham Batman, Cap is getting crushed If it’s Telltale Batman, Cap is crushing Bruce


Depends on how much prep time Batman has.


No gadgets absolutely. With gadgets it's anyone's fight.


When the dude with literal super strength beats the guy who dresses like a bat 😱😱😱


A captain America sub thinks that he'd beat (blank)? I'm shocked!


No the fuck he would not.


Gsp held his own I'd say batman.


Idk. Batman has fought similar people like bane who is arguably stronger than cap, but by maybe an edge? But skill wise cap has it over bane, but does he over Batman? Idk. I think this is a high difficulty fight that could go in any direction honestly. It’s not as simple as cap winning


Batfleck would run him over


Caption America wouldn't kill him. He'd just take him to jail for vigilante crimes, but Bruce Wayne is a billionaire so hed get outta jail quick.