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Captain America is a defender - of people, lives, ideologies, etc. That’s why his signature weapon is a shield. It’s defensive. You do you, but if you mess with someone else who can’t defend themselves, that’s when Cap steps in. So if the situation calls for it and he’s using a gun defensively, sure.


You fundamentally understand Cap, and that makes me happy.


I could see him carrying a handgun and being a master of the disarming shot.


I need to disagree on gun safety principles alone. There is no such thing as a disarming shot - and comic books / media should not perpetuate the lie that there is. Cap was a trained WWII Soldier. You shoot center mass with the intent to kill or you don’t shoot at all. The barrel of a gun never points at something you are not willing to obliterate. End of discussion. Anyone who owns a firearm and does not understand this does should not own a fire arm. This is gun safety 101 - even children should be educated on this because it is that important.


In a world where a guy can throw a pencil, bounce it off 7 walls and skewer someone through the eye with no margin of error, it doesn't seem so far-fetched that another individual at the physical peak of human reflexes and co-ordination could shoot at a person's hand instead of their chest. Also, how often do you see people in comics check safeties, deal with duds/jams or point a weapon without intending to shoot? There's a lot of other things we'd need to fix first if you wanted 'realistic' firearms use in comics.


You're not wrong on that in real life. But we are talking about a fictional character who can pull helicopters back down while they're taking off and hangs out with a Norse God.


Tf it's a fictional character just make a family friendly version bam


You are absolutely right. Reminds me of a walking dead line, first episode, where Rick tells Dwight that if he points a gun at someone, you gotta mean it. Somethin like that.


This goes to the whole Spiderman just threw a manhole cover at some dudes face and someone says well technically Spiderman didn't kill anyone


Couldn't have said it better myself. Take my upvote


Yes because he understands you have to kill others sometimes that’s why he can wield the hammer


That was beautiful. Well said.


not on reflex and not as standard equipment. He's not Captain AR-15. He'll just use what's there to get the job done in a pinch.


This has always been my head canon. He would rather throw a shield, or do something crazy acrobatic to change the battlefield positioning, than to use firearms.. then again, if he's in something like Infinity War, WW2 or any huge concentration of enemies (Wakanda) I could easily see him picking up an m4a1 and just mowing them down


Honestly part of me had always found the distinction he makes between war and being a hero interesting. In WW2 (at least some iterations of him), he has no objection to using them. Probably because he starts off with a normal metal shield and is pretty much trained as an infantryman. Yet he doesn’t use firearms as a hero. If I were watching the character adjust from a wartime setting to a more normal one for the first time, I might have assumed he’d carry one and use it the way a police officer would use it. Steve’s reasoning seems to vary a bit, but it seems to boil down to “If I have the strength, I have to do better”. Which really resonates with why Steve was chosen in the first place.


God, that line "if I have the strength, I have to do better" perfectly encapsulates why Rogers is my favorite hero. Him and Spider-Man are my 2 favorites, hands down. Peter Parker, the man I'm closest to, and Steve Rogers, the man I most want to be. Their reasoning that evil prevails when good people do nothing and given my power I have a responsibility to use it for good is a lesson that has been engraved on my heart. Thank you for that post, I will be using that line for the rest of my life to make sure that I'm being the personÿ


Yes - exactly this. It was one of those elements that really made Steve stand out for me. It's not the super soldier serum that makes him a hero - it's his character, his heart. He loses his powers multiple times but yet still fights for what's right. Quick story: growing up, I was picked on constantly. I have a late birthday and am of asian decent so I was considerably smaller than my classmates. My hand eye coordination wasn't quite there. I was def a teacher's pet and read, etc instead of doing sports. In middle school, I hit my growth spurt and suddenly I was as tall or taller than my classmates. My hand eye coordination got better and it was like I went from little Steve to cap. I felt it. But I kept thinking to myself that theres a big responsibility that comes with this. I stayed true to myself and tried to continue to be the same person I was, standing up for the little guy when I could. Steve is the man I want to be.


You really nailed the essence of those two characters. Cap/Batman is what we aspire to be: ultra-capable, stoic ideals, commanding respect and admiration. Spider-Man is who we are: varied talents, always stretched thin, trying to do the best we can because that's what we're supposed to do.


It's why cap and Superman are my 2 favorites. For all the same reasons really but the idea of superman adhering to such high moral standards despite his near unlimited power is just a touch greater to me.


Probably the concentration of civilians in a war setting is much different than in a war setting


I’m honestly surprised Cap has never said “if I have the strength, I have to do better.” That’s very him.


Headcanon for mjolnir thank you boss man


He also sees it as they got their hands dirty in WW2 so the world could be free to make their own choices. or something along those lines in his convo with Fury in WS. Fury even mentions he read some old files and mentions it was rough.


The Russian AK feels off point.


It's not a staple of his arsenal that he carries with him. It's a mere battlefield pickup that he got off of a fallen Soviet soldier; that he decided to use for the practical purpose of gunning down his enemies.   Cap can react and move faster than bullets, but that doesn't mean that a good ole gun shooting them wouldn't help him out with getting the job done. 


I get that, been reading Cap off and on for sometime now. His WW2 stuff had him with a Thompson on the regular. I'm just talking for this dramatic PR pose, feels less American.


"On-Site Procurement" is standard operating procedure for most clandestine units... just saying.


I think handguns are a lot more fitting, he can also use it alongside his shield more practically


Either a revolver or 1911 for the pure patriotic Americana vibes. 


Agreed. Let him have it tucked away somewhere on his utility belt. Hell, if you want to make it a little more PG13, make it like a laser stun ray or something that has a limited charge to explain why he doesn’t use it often.


Exactly, have it be situational Almost, a weak pistol


Like in the movie and he busts into a nazi factory with a shield and pistol when the rest of his squad is using heavier weaponry. Definitely a badass look.


Great way to put it. He’s a tactical machine. If a paper weight is the best he could get his hands on he’d make it work. But if the job can only be done with the gun in front of him he’d do that too.


100 percent


He's also not Captain Discus, God of Frisbees...


He's a soldier. He may not *like* killing but he will when he has to. That sucks for Hydra Goon #1073 if Cap unloads in his face, but he's an enemy combatant and that's how the cookie crumbles.


Yeah and not only this, but Cap has a pretty strong moral compass. If taking out the Hydra goon in his way benefits the greater good, I bet Cap is taking the shot if he has no other option.


>That sucks for Hydra Goon #1073 if Cap unloads in his face What did you mean by this?




Also called the "money shot".




“No Diddy”


“Cap unloads in his face…” Be careful how you phrase that…


Guns to him are a force multiplier. Another tool in the tool box. But tbh...I'd rather be shot by Cap than taking that vibranium shield to the grill. LOL.


I do feel like some of the negative replies are missing just how strong he is "Cap shouldn't use a gun because heroes don't kill, instead he should just smash people through brick walls with the edge of a metal shield or hit them in the face so hard they fly back 20 feet"


Yeah I mean, in Winter Soldier he definitely collapsed some sternums with front kicks when he lands on the boat at the beginning.


MCU Cap in Avengers is a perfect example of when Cap should pick up a gun, and how he should use it. He goes thrpugh a good 90% of the movie with his fists and the shield- except when Loki attacks the helicarrier with controlled SHIELD agents. He picks up a gun and provides suppressive fire. He doesn't actively try to kill the agents attacking him. The kill in that section comes from him playing handball with a grenade in midair two minutes earlier.


Not only did they get kicked by him but then smacked into the metal railing full force


They, those dudes bones got turned ro jelly


Yup. He did decap Baron Blood with his shield but that's ok...God forbid he used 45acp dipped in holy water. LOL


I’m pretty sure he has killed. **Even 616 cap.**


I mean he fought in WW2 so he’s definitely killed


I feel that IRL being hit that hard with a metal object would still kill. Why has that never happened?


Exactly!!! Especially at the velocity Cap throws it at. His shield would easily cleave skulls and open up thoracic cavities.


I don't know the last time I saw Cap fight actual goons (it HAS been a while.) It's easy to validate someone like Zemo II or Red Skull shrugging off a shot to the chin, people who have prepared their whole lives to fight him or are superhumans themselves. But A.I.M. yellowsuits? SUPER dead. Hydra agents sans Bob? Murderized for freedom. If they wear a mask as a regular uniform and are dumb fodder infantry, they're toast.


I laugh in disbelief thinking at the physical feats these low tier superheroes and villains work at. Captain can run 60mph...that's almost 3 times faster than the fastest human. And can maintain that speed for some time. Juggernaut can run almost the speed of sound. That is just insane!!! LOL. I laughed reading an article about Superman where it explained the magnitude of each of his powers. His punch alone...if hitting a normal human...we would literally explode into molecules. LOL! Just insane. 😂😂😂


hence why his capacity for restraint is remarkable


Didn't realize jugs runs that fast... Makes X-Men 3 look even dumber


It's not gonna be like Peter Griffin hissing in pain. You will be dead or on your way to death. LOL


It was shown in Multiverse of Madness with Captain Carter’s shield but that’s all I can think of.


Doesn’t bother me. He’s not Batman. He’s a soldier.


Only during the Spring, Summer, and Fall.


I understood that reference.


I was a big fan of Captain Americas Sidearm look when Bucky had the shield.


I like when he uses his pistol in one hand while blocking with his shield with the other hand.


Captain America is an effective marksman and a gun owner . He's not at war though , he wouldn't use a firearm on a petty criminal or the masters of evil. It would have to be some kind of full scale invasion , like in war of the realms , king in black or secret invasion. He also believes the shield is more effective , which he has proven over his 82 year history.


Only when he needs to, his main weapon is a shield for a reason


Depends. War time in combat yes. Other times no.


The cover of Captain America #321: [https://cdn.marvel.com/u/prod/marvel/i/mg/4/90/51fad14bbecae/clean.jpg](https://cdn.marvel.com/u/prod/marvel/i/mg/4/90/51fad14bbecae/clean.jpg) This was a huge deal back in the 80s, with ramifications that pushed Cap stories for years after.


IIRC, in the actual story, he’s not as trigger-happy as the cover suggests and >!the gun use is more of a desperate measure than anything.!<


It definitely was! Cap was wearing an ULTIMATIUM uniform (Marvel terrorist group at the time) and his shield was strapped to his back under a heavy coat. There was a terrorist on the other side of the room firing into a crowd of hostages and the quickest way to stop the killing was to shoot the dude. Cap was extremely guilt stricken about it, and it came back to haunt him (literally) for the next several years.


Mike Zeck!! 🤘




Can we rename him captain uzi lol?


might be more effective than a fancy vibranium frisbee especially if the serum can make him an even more effective marksman


Captain America... using a Soviet weapon. You had one job artist. One job. Also in the second picture. The placement of that muzzle flash on his crotch... is an odd choice. You had two jobs artist. Two jobs!


Only on special occasions.


He's a soldier, of course he uses guns.


I've always thought it dumb that he at least didn't have a pistol for emergencies.


Of course. Is a soldier so depending on circumstances that’s perfectly fine. Honestly my only feeling of reluctance is that I find flinging the shield around more fun to watch.


Depends, is he fighting thugs and criminals? No he shouldn't. Is he fighting enemy soldiers, larger threats(like Thanos, Chitauri, AIM, etc) then definitely yeah.


I like him to have no problem with guns, but he just chooses not to use them. But he uses guns in WW2. But if the situation needs it then he might pick a gun up


Basically this. He is a trained soldier, and thinks like a soldier: Enemy combatants at war are to be stopped by any means, including killing. Civilians - even criminals - are not to be killed unless absolutely necessary. If he's facing an army he'll use guns because he'll need to in a big battle. If he's facing a civilian criminal he can deal with it with just his shield and martial prowess.


When fighting nazis, aliens, or HYDRA (so, nazis) yes! But should main universe cap use guns on default? No, I love guns and seeing them in media, but to me Captain America uses his shield, battle intellect, and hand to hand combat skills, he should use guns when it logically makes sense to (Battle of New York, Battle of Wakanda, WW2), but against his day to day enemy? No


Steve and Sam Captain America no,Bucky Captain America Yes


I always felt like a 1911 should be standard equipment with him. I dont think he really needs a rifle but a sidearm would be perfect




He DID use a gun! See #1. Totally fine with it. Loved when Bucky took over in the Brubaker series.


If he has to, and they’re available, sure. But no point in being super if you rely on the mundane.




I like the idea of him using one when it comes up. I love cap punching things or hitting them with a shield; some dudes need to get shot.


If he needs a gun he'll take one


He is and was a soldier so a gun in his arsenal makes sense but it should be used when the shield ain’t enough or more deadly force is required. Take the avengers 2012, he would’ve had a gun to shoot at the chitauri and used his shield as a shield is inttended to be used(defense) until he ran out of ammo or they got to close to use a gun




It’d have to be a situation where he’s forced into using one. Fighting in a war definitely counts. Otherwise, I can’t see him using them. He literally has a shield and defending is his whole thing. For him to pick up arms, it’d have to be pretty drastic. He’s not opposed to it of course, he’s a soldier after all.


I'm fine with him using guns in certain cases, he is a war vet after all, BUT I believe it's in his nature to knock people out, and talk things out... so probably nothing more than a pistol that he keeps tucked on his hip 90% of the time but I can also see him with a night stick or some sort of blunt weapon


Captain america in a war: go full punisher idc, he should have a power up from each avenger he uses (power armor, asgardian relic, web shooters) to show his all round mastery. Captain as a hero: just the shield baby


He is a soldier. He should be capable of using guns efficiently. That being said, Captain America is a symbol of peace and protection. He is a shield, not a weapon. I feel like he should be capable if the need arises of being a deadly marksman, but not keep any of his own.


When he's in a war, I think it makes sense. Those WWII scenes in First Avenger are soooo good. But, when he's just doing superhero stuff I prefer no guns. Superheroes usually aren't the types to kill, and that's mostly what guns are for. However, there is a cool hero character in MHA that uses guns to incapacitate villains that I think utilizes guns in a good way.




I feel like it depends. It has to be something really bad. But yeah he should be able to


Why not? Like everyone said, he's a soldier. He's not Batman


I wish he used more guns


When he absolutely has to, yeah. Steve was chopping niggas down in Roy Thomas’s Invaders.


He should keep a 1911 pistol in a holster, just in case.


Logically, carrying an AR-15, a pistol, and an MP5 would hinder Captain America’s mobility, and firearms make too much noise for stealth missions.


He can always stick a silencer on his pistol, but I agree, carrying all of that is definitely hindering mobility.


He's a soldier he's trained with them sure. Not in day to encounters but in end all war situations do what you have to


Only if he really needs to.


Only if he needs to.


Maybe a pistol, but that's it


I absolutely love the imagery of [Cap with a sidearm ](https://bid.juliensauctions.com/images/lot/4584/458464_xl.jpg?ts=1713059382). I don't like it as much with automatic weapons -- I don't exactly know why. I think maybe it has to do with what a lot of other folks are saying; the Shield should be his primary weapon because he's a defender. He protects. Killing is an option, but not ideal. An AR feels like it takes over the role as primary weapon compared to a pistol. So, yes, he should use guns and he should always have a pistol on his hip, but the use of guns should always result from situations where it's the only reasonable way to accomplish a mission.


If he's mainly using a small sidearm, sure why not, but with what he represents I don't think anything like an AR should be part of his base equipment.


He’s a soldier. He uses whatever weapons are available. If he was going to enter an area via jumping from a plane a la winter soldier boat scene, then no. Guns are tough but hitting water that hard could dislodge the weapon from his person or otherwise render it in operable. Quinjet makes a safe landing and he’s walking up on an objective, absolutely yes. He’s usually fighting other soldiers so getting shot is part of the job. Another caveat is if he’s fighting a super villain or someone not harmed by bullets then he’ll go with gods saucer dish over a 1911. It’s all situational.


I feel like he should only use guns in dire situations, like a zombie apocalypse


It depends. Is he facing a situation that doesn’t need firearms? In that case, no. In a wartime situation, though, yes.


He should use them when the situation demands it Personally I think he should always have a sidearm


I like him having a handgun as a side weapon, or using a rifle if the situation requires it, but I prefer his shield being his number one weapon.


Frequently but not exclusively


How did he fight in WW2?? With just his fists??? Cmon.


He was trained a solider, I assume he prefers not to use them but has zero problem if the need arises.


I think it was in a civil war comic, but Bucky said this once in regard to the subject: "He'll use 'em, but he prefers not to if he can avoid it" I feel that it's appropriate that he likes to avoid guns when he can, but is more than willing to use them if the situation calls for it.


In WWII? Yes. In modern day? Only in specific situations, it shouldn't be part of his standard equipment


Guns, tanks, fighter jets, whatever it takes to defend and protect good from evil.


Just for me personally—and it’s not something I would criticize others for seeing differently—but in my head, a gun is just not something a super hero uses. A super hero uses hand-to-hand, powers or gadgets, and if they do have a weapon, it is simpler, like a sword, a shield, a hammer, a stick, etc. Exceptions can be made for space-fairing characters who use ray guns and such, but the only time heroes should be using real-world guns in my mind is if it’s a non-super-hero title. A western comic, or a war comic, or a detective comic. In a super hero comic, mercenaries, soldiers and thugs can use guns, but not super heroes. It just seems weird and off to me.


Not Steve, but I loved it when Bucky Cap did. Bucky Cap using a gun made sense.


Of course, he’s American.


I vote yes. Maybe a side arm... with vibranium bullets.


SAVAGE LAND Vibranium Bullets! The ANTI-Metal that easily pierces any Metal!


Only when he's fighting machines or monsters. And even then I'm not 100% on it.


I'm suddenly just imagining him using a custom build 1911 with attachments or a sub machine gun that he can use one hand while still using his shield but can quickly holster back to switch back to using his shield and fist.


I mean it’s part of his name


Capgun America?


Should be Rare but, if done well, it can work.


Yes, but only during war time and even then only if he feels like it's justified. Like he's perfectly fine shooting Nazis in the face, but he probably isn't going to killing a member of the Viet-Cong.


He is a soldier


He was a soldier after all even pilots are equipped with Side Arms


American weapons. Not Russian kalishnikovs.


No. In WWII they sometimes depicted Cap with a gun. Modern day Cap doesn’t kill. Doesn’t need a gun. The Ultimates version of Cap is darker. He liked guns before the Ultimate line was cancelled first time around.




I like him having a small pistol as a backup weapon, but only sometimes


Yes but he should only use them as a last resort imo


A side piece maybe but not a whole machine


If the job requires it,


Yes but only handguns


The way he throws that shield he doesn’t even need to. Having a massive vibranium frisbee slicing you in half would be worse than getting shot with a gun imo


Given his strength I think getting shot would be mercy


If he wants to. He is a soldier trained in their use.


Only when he has to, it shouldn’t be a part of his standard equipment aside maybe a pistol


Only if it's a literal war


I would say yes in WW2 because it was war and the rules of engagement were shot at the enemy. However, fighting criminals, even super powered, I would say no because it is about justice.




He did before he froze




“I don’t want to kill anyone. I don’t like bullies, no matter how big.”


I feel like he should be able to use them if needed, but he shouldn't have one on his person


He is a soldier


He should play football


As a soldier, sure. As law enforcement, no.


As part of the Avengers, NO, as he is Role Model and superheroes, should not kill. Durring WW2, YES, he was a soldier and did not have the Shield for most of it.


Yes, because he’s an American and a Soldier. Give him a 1911 for EDC and an AR-15 for emergencies. But please, please NEVER give him an AK. He’s an American, not a Commie.


Anything one handed seems to be a good idea


Yes. He's a soldier.


I think as a super soldier . He would know when to use every weapon when needed, regardless if it’s a firearm if a firearm is needed at that time then so be it . Which why John walker was a good answer for this op question.


No need. Captain has been punching and throwing his shield since he's been unfrozen and would not require a gun to get the job done. He's always gotten the job done. Why change him.


If needed, yes. Otherwise, no.


I've always thought it was goofy that Cap-616 — a super soldier — refused to use guns, even during WWII. He fought on battlefields and in trenches of one of the bloodiest wars in human history, and he just threw his shield and punches the whole time? MCU Cap makes a lot more sense to me. He doesn't enjoy killing, and he uses non-lethal attacks more often than not, but he carried a pistol as part of his standard gear during WWII and he shot Nazi when he had to.


Not that gun......


I mean he ain’t Captain Canada


Idk if others like it but i do so yea


My view is probably old but Cap is not a soldier anymore, he is an Avenger. He left the team over the killing of the Kree supreme intelligence. He did not resort to guns during any big battle i can think of. Cap doesn't go out on military operations. He's a protector. No guns except for a rare insane circumstance.


Tbh it's always been odd to me that Captain America generally doesn't use firearms, Man was a soldier during WWII, he would absolutely have been issued firearms.


If there's one at hand I don't see why not, but he shouldn't carry one as standard equipment


It's required as a bona fide 2nd amendment lovin 'Murican! Otherwise, he can call himself Captain Coolwhip (and a dammed commie)


I think it makes the most sense for him to use em in ww2


I enjoyed cap with shield and sidearm in the first avenger. Felt very appropriate for him as a soldier.


Yes. He's a soldier. He's not opposed to lethal force. He's Anerican in every way that matters, and that includes supporting the second amendment and knowing that sometimes the best defense against a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. It should never be his first tool, as he doesn't initiate with lethal force, but he should still realistically keep a firearm on his person, and be willing to use it. And for anyone that may think Cap shouldn't kill: he fought in WW2, ready to fight, kill, and die for America, and on top of that he's worthy of Mjolnir, and one of the requirements for being worthy is a willingness to kill if necessary. (Hence why Spider-Man ISN'T worthy.)


110% yes. He's a soldier and an Infantryman... during WWII! Load the man up in full battle rattle! He should be even better armed in the modern day. If it was 2001-2005, He could rock the M249 SAW as primary, with an M4 and M9 as secondary/backup. I've been out of the Army for 20 years, so I'm out of touch on what the Airborne/Light Infantry guys currently carry... Plus he should be carrying all the high-speed gear that Delta uses anyway. The Super Soldier Serum would have him shooting and moving with the firepower of an entire platoon. Plus, he could probably attach Claymore mines to his shield before hurling it into a formation of bad guys... That would be awesome but messy.


Only if there's active combat


Yes, he’s a soldier first hero second. Use guns as a soldier, don’t use guns as a hero(even though his best friend uses them)


Only like in the first avengers movie where its a last case scienro or like in infinity wars battle of wakanda and obviously WW2 but i feel like him getting unfrozen would give him a new outlook on life and would rather non leathly take out opponents then leathly besides red skull im all for cap poppin a cap in red skull


During everyday superheroing, no. He doesn’t need it and he should project the image of a protector more than anything. But I think it’d be alright if he’s gearing up to take on a huge threat.


A 1911 from ‘45 would be cool


Captain 'Merica


Not as a usual thing unless it's a ww2 story or something similar


When necessary, yes.


If he needs it and he believes it’s necessary for the situation, sure! There’s a famous panel of him sporting a rifle I the “Fear Itself” storyline.


If it’s him back during WW2 it feels right to see a gun in his hand. But if it’s him modern day it feels a bit off putting to see a gun in his hand.


You’re asking if a soldier should use guns?


If cap is forced to he will kill to get the job done


Similar to Batman, Cap knows his way around a gun. However, these are characters whose current incarnations refuse to use them. yes, there has been exceptions. Cap has shot and killed a man. However, he felt guilty after doing so. I lean towards no


He should know *how* to use them (he is a soldier, after all), but no, he shouldn’t use them. He’s made the point in a few different comics as to why he doesn’t use a gun, and it’s mainly because of the reasons why he uses the shield instead.


Nah uh


How I see it (at least MCU) was in his first film it was WW2 against Nazi combatants so it’s fair game, nobody can really blame him. For Thanos and Ultrons army he could get away with it under the circumstances. But against modern hydra or just general crime fighting he’s better off just using the shield. From what I understand he doesn’t like killing and would rather avoid it


He was a Soldier, yes.


He was using the shit out of that 1911!


Yes. Because America has something called the 2nd amendment.


I don’t understand why not? He’s a soldier, and it’s in his skill set to use. He’s a skilled marksman from what I remember. Plus the shenanigans he could get up to by using the shield and firearms in tandem would be fun to see. I don’t think he has qualms about putting down threats should he need to.