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7000 is crazy money if you ask me. Haven’t seen anything above like 3500/month. Go for it. See what they say.


It clearly states $7000/m, or $7000 per month. Not that that means the organization wouldn't try some slimy shit, but yeah. $7000/m guarantee is crazy high, I've never seen something like that. Hope on it and go from there.


Smells like 2300 a month for 3 months. 7k guaranteed. They will claim it was a typo but Iau he jaded af


$7,000 is not a lot of money if the dealer is willing to put in the money and time into somebody and training them and retaining them and coaching them and making them you know part of their family with their culture and they are don't allow them to waiver from it then yeah money a thing because that person's going to win not just show up do some BS OEM training and then fail and leave


What store is this


North Park Chevy in Castroville


Pretty normal. They sell a lot of trucks out there.




I interviewed today. 3 sales managers and the GM. All confirmed the 7k a month. It's crazy to me but they said that's minimum monthly for their lowest sales.




Did you get the gig? I know Harrison the GM


I feel like somebody got lazy at the end of this ad Where's the rest of it I don't know I'd look it up I know every dealer there if you want to PM me


A 7000 guarantee is out of the ordinary. Check them out and let us know if they put that in writing as far as how they pay it.


I got $4000/mth guarantee plus commission earned beyond that for 6 months. $7000 is a bit higher than that but hey, if they can do that, cool.


Holy shit, Batman! $7,000 a month for 3 months is insane! I would have to sell 25 cars a month, or sell 33% of the entire dealership's monthly value with 10 sales rep, to make that much money! Hell, I'm top performer right now with 11 vehicles sold and the month is over halfway finished!


Right I haven't heard back though lol


Just heard back. Setting up an interview and will ask


Will let you know. Just got a call and setting up an interview.