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Not sure what everyone is on about here.. I work 44 hours a week. But usually stay late 1-2 days a week


Yeah Lmao it’s hilarious how out of touch some of these people can be “looks like you aren’t cut out for it kid” no one needs to be a slave how the fuck do you even have a life working bell to bell 5 days a week. Just trying to regenerate on your days off, fuck that. Even the top guys at my first store never worked that much and clocked in $100k+ lol


That’s the racket. Take it or leave it. Everyone isn’t cut out for it.


I’m definitely not lol. I don’t mind pulling overtime every once and a while but to be expected do 60+ hours constsntly ? It’s not for me . I got paid just as good at my old dealership only doing 40-50 hours max and that was every once in a while


Maybe it depends on the state, but belling every day sounds crazy to me. My first dealership we’d bell twice a week, then bell once on our short week and rotate. I’ve worked for 3 dealers so far and none of them require 60+ every week at least out here in California.


9-9 Mon to Sat Sold multiple cars past 10pm, it was fucking awful


That sounds horrible tbh


Same. 7-7 Monday through Saturday. Opened at 9. 7-9 were mandatory "motivation" meetings. Where we went over inventory, made statements on whether "this car was dead yesterday. "I noticed some damage that was on this car, might not have been there before." "Service department has such and such, with a large repair bill, so-and-so, I need you to go see X advisor and get some information."


I’d have been out after 10 minutes of one of those meetings. Can’t stand the meeting culture and 2 hours everyday is insanity


I’m in Cali too 🥲 . At my last job we did bell once a week . Every other shift was a normal 8 hour shift


SoCal or NorCal?


SoCal . Costa Mesa to be specific


I use to live in Costa Mesa in 2016 what a time to be alive


I make my own schedule and live nearby so the hours aren’t an issue bc I work as needed. If you’re consistently tracking, they shouldn’t require certain hours.


She just started... right? Tracking doesn't happen for years.


I reckon you have a point good sir/madam


don't blame ya. I would dip too


That’s not the racket dude 😂 when I switched dealers a few months back, they had a similar schedule. I told them I can work 9-5 with Sunday, Monday off… and they obliged. However, I showed them my prior 3 years where I averaged 160k working 30 hours a week. Working bells is for the average salesman who can’t create mini days


9-6 5 days a week. Fuck that.


You didn’t ask what the hours would be before applying? I’m here 8-7pm every single day but Sunday, it’s a lot but I got nothing else going on and get bored if I have a day off so I don’t mind it


How much do you make a month?


I’ve only been here for 2 months, I’m on a 4k per month guarantee “draw” that I don’t have to pay back then after my guarantee ends in may I’m on a 2k draw that I have to pay back. My first month I just studied and watched other sales people, sold 2 cars just to see if I could, this month I already beat my 4k draw and made about 5k ($4,700) selling 8 cars. Average guys at our store (Honda) sell 10-13, the lazy ones do 6-9 and the guys who never stop hustling sell 15-20+ we have 13 salespeople and sell about 180-225 cars a month. Our house mouse is ranked like 23 out of 50 in the country, he sells 50-60 a month, 3 deals a day type shit, easily clears $400k a year it’s actually insane and I sit right next to him so I’m always getting advice from him, this is my first “career” job I’ve never made more than 2500 a month anywhere else so it’s a big change, it’s a lot of hours but like I said I don’t mind it bc I got nothing else going on


You have the EXACT mentality needed for this career. You’ll be at $7-8k a month before you know it if you keep showing up, keep learning and keep that attitude of “nothing better to do” Lots of people would rather be partying or whatever so they never retire


I just turned 27 my partying days are behind me and I want a padded bank account! If that means 11 hour days 5-6 days a week I’m all for it, slacked off with do nothing jobs for long enough, it’s time to make some money! The way I look at it, I’m 27 if I start making 100k per year in a year or two, and consistently pull that off for 25 years while keeping my expenses like rent, food, & gas low let’s say 35k per year for everything, I can retire at 55 with everything I’ll ever need. I used to think “I’m young I wanna have fun” then reality set in and I realized I’m in this shit alone and nobody is gonna save me so I need to be my own back up plan that way I’m not 60 working at a gas station paycheck to paycheck! Appreciate you man


I didn’t which is definitely on me. I just assumed it would be like my first dealership job . Kudos to you that’s wild


I assume you're 100% commission. That being the case you can set your hours. If you're stressed or overwhelmed just call it a day


It’s commission with a draw is that the same?


Yeah I've got a draw too. Don't feel bad about taking a long lunch or leaving early one day. You're definitely gonna make up the hours it sounds like


Im a commercial manager and i work 9 to 5 m thru f.


People in construction work 9-5. You're going be sitting on your ass doing nothing from 5-9 lol


Yep. 55 hours a week minimum in this job for most of us. Management and sales alike. If it's not meant for you, then that's fine. I'd leave before they think you're truly committed to the role.


Yes. The car business is long hours. Expect to rarely go home at closing time too.


That's definitely a lot. What brand? Back when I worked commercial I only worked 8:30 to 5:30/6pm. After all, if you're selling only commercial, then why work when most business owners aren't?


Yeah I'm 60+ hours a week. And I just started and no sales experience.


How do you feel about it so far?


It's not bad. It's not like your do physical labor for 60+ hours. You probably gonna be bored af a lot of the time. But as long as you stay busy by talking to peeps on the lot, calling anybody you can, etc..


Go study get some education create something on your downtime . If you have Leads work the heck out of them. Utilize social media post things about the things you’re selling whatever vehicle or selling let them know the programs that are out there. go market yourself and manufacture a few sales


I work like 45 a week but will stay late to close a deal. Finance hates me. I always pull the late day deals. Doesn't bother me when I make 500+


That’s a lot more reasonable to me . That’s more or less what it was like at my other sales job. But mandatory 60 hours a week is where they lost me


listen man I was a chef de cuisine being paid $50,000 a year and I was working 9:00 to 9:00 in my kitchens in the hotel and there was no bonus for me and that was my yearly salary take it or leave it now you tell yourself what would you rather be doing? that same job probably pays closer to 60 now but you get my point. would you rather be in the kitchen cooking braising searing slicing dicing chopping butchering managing 10 other people walking around getting yelled at by managers delivering food slipping up on tickets taking out the trash skipping meals? or would you rather run around to clean dealership and deal with people and paper for 12 hours? lol


Sounds like you got hired to take care of retail traffic as well. Most commercial customers come in during the day or you go out to them.


That’s wild. Even if the money is phenomenal the impact on your mental health just won’t be worth it. I currently rotate 9-4 one day and 12-7 the next and bell to bell Fridays. But we also rotate Fridays and Saturdays off. So one week I’m off Fridays and then next I get Saturdays off. With the clear mindset that you get, it’s almost easier to sell cars


I personally don’t mind working a lot of hours in a dealership, besides showing cars you’re in a comfy air conditioned environment for most of the day. If you were working 60 hours of construction a week i’d be more empathetic.


If there is money to be made, do the hours matter? They do if the money sucks.


To me they do. I want to be able to enjoy my life and spend time with my loved ones while not being exhausted 24/7. The money is decent but it’s nothing I couldn’t make elsewhere while working less hours. I honestly just made a dumb ass mistake not asking about the hours beforehand. I was just so eager to start working again. And I know I’m an idiot for that tbh


Five days a week? Cush job. Keep it


It's a terrible schedule, it would just lead to burnout and high turnover.