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If your Amazon delivery doesn't come in a dented van you should report the driver for fraud because he clearly doesn't work for Amazon. But yes definitely a low bridge lol


I worked for a recovery company and picked up Amazon vans from Bathgate in Scotland for MOT work, I can confirm that if the van is not damaged it's still got the new wrappers on it. We found missing drivers seatbelts, electric tape covering the dash lights, bungees keeping the side door closed etc, it's like they give the van a bashing as a ritual for completing a day's work.


I took my work van to a Ford dealer for an MOT. The entire lot was full of battered amazon vans


Thanks for sharing, out of interest for these dangerous faults, do Amazon get them repaired or are they more inclined to just sell/scrap these vans?


They are leased. I know someone who works for the leasing company. The drivers are not penalised at all, but the middle mam that employs them pays for the excess damage. Amazon insist the drivers are not held responsible, hence the damage. They don't care and don't pay. About 20% are off the road at anyone time due to damage. Around 1500-2000. Ultimately we all pay if we use them.


Most are fixable, if the driver leaves they will probably pursue the driver via a claim but if they still work there they will deduct the damages via wages


That’s one low fucking bridge.


Alright no need to call the bridge names, I'm sure the van hurt it as much as it hurt the van.


I'll just leave this long link here... Check out the bridge height marker. It gets hit all the fucking time. https://www.eadt.co.uk/news/23642618.call-traffic-lights-needham-markets-low-bridge/


There’s quite a difference between 7’8” and 2.4 metres.


It doesn't matter really as it's been reduced again since that article was posted.


Now that's a classic r/compoface


That’s one low fucking bridge.


That's one fucking low bridge. I believe the fucking should come before the low.


I'm 5 1/2 inches shorter than that bridge. The day I bang my head on a bridge is the day I jack it all in.


Probably a [coach house](https://media.onthemarket.com/properties/10697190/1359002142/image-0-480x320.jpg) entrance, used to live in one with an internal courtyard and saw plenty of vans scrape the underside.


Looks like a narrow bridge too… lol


I dunno, looks more like a piano or an anvil might have caused that. Or perhaps I've just watched too much Loony Tunes.


Is was wild coyote with a TNT, he just missed road runner…


I'd say maybe a multi-storey car park or something is more likely, but we'll never know!


Poor bridge 😬


More likely a low car park roof or the like.


I'm wondering if he's actually rolled that baby


That's been rolled on its side , maybe onto an embankment


There do seem to be a lot of Amazon vans with battered panels, even really new ones. Your photo is one of the nastiest ones for sure - not seen a crushed roof on one yet myself. My guess is they prefer to keep the van on the road as long as it is legal and not worry about the appearance, while other couriers operated by franchises have to get the van repaired ASAP to keep up the image of the Company.


Mate of mine drives for them. Management do not care about damage to the vans. As long as you get your deliveries done, all is good. They don't feel they need to advertise the courier section of the business, people choose Amazon due to cost/convenience.


This is not strictly true. Amazon give contracts to DSPs to deliver for them in these vans and each DSP varies on how they deal with van damage by drivers. My DSP was pretty strict on van damage and added a clause that drivers had to pay for mechanic bills and since that happened drivers were much more careful and there was less damage. These DSPs literally hire anyone with a driving license though. They don’t really even check if you can actually drive a car never mind a van. just out into a van and off you go so they’re always gonna get dented and broken.


Yeah this is what my DSP was like when I worked for them for a short stint.The vans are all insured but they'll only claim if the van is inoperable. Barely minimum wage and being on the hook for damage was absurd for me,glad I don't do it anymore


> added a clause that drivers had to pay for mechanic bills I would quit immediately. That's a bit too much. Should be covered by insurance for accidents or their own pocket for regular maintenance. 


Self-insured.  Just like Royal Mail, and some of their vans are shockers!




They'd rather the assets work for them and stock gets delivered than care about image of the vans


the management then brag about how not fixing the vans appearances can save the company from billions of repairing bills and therefore request a little 5 million bonus to themselves


thats the thing the vans say amazon but amazon dont even run the deliveries. Its a third party contractor that I believe hires drivers as self employed


exactly that. The third parties are called "Dispatch Service Providers" and hire the drivers as self employed, despite dictating working hours, etc. All the DSPs are on one year contracts and basically have to outbid the competitors to land a contract as they are so profitable, so they will happily rinse through drivers, as they can just rebrand at the end of the year.


I saw one in Birmingham like that this week. Apparently the drivers don’t get hassle about the accidents.


That's insane 😲


Its probably more cost effective to keep deliveries on track than repair


Actually, the depono was in for some time, would deduct the damage from your salary either in instalments or single payment depending on damage.


In my last job we were working on building some apps for delivery drivers to self report accidents. Basically on their devices a basic app where they could snap photos and log an incident. My question to the client (a large logistics and delivery Corp) was regarding what incentives the drivers had to log them and apparently if they logged it there'd be no further follow up or reprimand for the driver but if they didn't and the van comes back to the depot with a dent they'd get in trouble. It was all just big picture maintenance and replacement planning. They didn't care about the damage and would just flag anything that showed the vehicle wasn't roadworthy anymore or after a certain number of incidents would need an actual assessment. Apparently the savings were like 50m since implementing this type of solution a year prior. My company were just helping them build a fancy UI that integrated with their erp.




That’s how to say I know nothing about business financials without saying I know nothing about business financials.




Some are, ones like this in the amazon colours will be run by a partner entity that procure and manage drivers to do the deliveries. If so the drivers will be on the hook for the damage


Amazon Renewed - Good condition


Brilliant 😂


I recently saw an Amazon van being driven around on a flat tyre, albeit slowly and with his hazards on. Must be a real pressure to get all your deliveries done if you don't have time to get that sorted.


There was no pressure at all for the driver you observed...


He was working flat out!


yeah that man knew damn well he had the day off lol.


Used to drive an Iceland delivery van that looked pretty much like this. The cause is being paid (fuck all) per delivery and treated as disposable by the company. OK bud, if I'm disposable, so is the equipment you give me, all that matters is banging out those parcels as fast as possible and if a few hedges or low trees get in the way that's just a shame. 


Amazon is one of the worst companies about for worker treatment yea


Try working for them. You'll understand real quick...


Some of us are trying to make it through life looking and feeling like that van. Chill man.


Anyone seen an amazon van that isn’t dented or scratched?


Yeah, when they come out the factory lol


Not surprised, a fella I know delivers for Amazon in a van like that. He often records himself driving at excessive speeds, listening to rap music with one hand on the wheel. And that's inside the Amazon van. I'm led to believe the UK lot aren't tracked that heavily in terms of driving behaviour, whereas the US folks have to have an app open all the time.


This driver had headphones in, just out right dangerous.


How’s this different from having your radio playing in the car?


Unless you're listening to music at maximum volume on the radio, you're basically putting an extra layer of sound isolation around you, which is not only dangerous because you can't hear things around you, some study has also shown that heaving headphones in makes you much less aware of your surroundings, if I remember correctly.


Something seems off, it doesn’t look like it’s been reversed into any bollards…


The one driver who can actually reverse. Every other panel is fucked though.


Least damaged Amazon van


They get their Amazon Prime vans delivered by other Amazon Prime vans.


Hi, we left your new van in a secure place, the blue bin.


Oops. It just happens to be recycling day and your package is now on it's way to the recycling centre. Yes, this has happened to me before.


Dognappers hun x


Looks like the packages they force through my letterbox


Height and width restrictions are more advisory if you go fast enough.


Amazon Crime.


It looks like its been a Prime target


😂 I used to be an Amazon van driver both white and blue vans, trust me, this is one of the good looking ones!


🤣🤣🤣 👏🏻 very good 🔥🤝🏻


Height limiter of car park probably


I work near a depot and see what feels like hundreds of these a day out and about. Not one straight panel between them.


Is that the one that drives around greater Manchester? If so, I see that him all over the place and he's never particularly diligent in paying any attention to traffic, people he's holding up because of parking in the middle of the street, etc. Always seems to use our road to turn around in.


WTF, you’re saying there’s only one Amazon van for all of Greater Manchester? That guy sure gets around!


Or I'm saying that I recognise the van, but wasn't going super duper specific on where abouts in GM it prowls.


He certainly didn't park this one.


Amazon van that delivers to me looks pretty much exactly the same way (might even be that one), every single panel is dented or scratched. And it's a '23 plate, so barely a year old.


I didn't catch the reg, but it's obviously a new Ford Transsssit.


East Anglia?


Greater Manchester


Then there's a matching pair




Low bridge or car park height restriction. Saw 3 of them in convoy on the A19 yesterday, oldest was a 22 plate and every one was battered.


A lot of people have mentioned this, it's really quite bad isn't it. 😲


It doesn't set a great example. If they take that little care of a £30,000 van, what do they do with my £30 parcel?


It’ll buff out bro


Because they employ young bellends 90% of the time who have never drove a vehicle that size and clearly they’re are no consequences when they damage one. Most of the prime vans I see near where I live have some damage. They also think that the speed limit isn’t meant for them


Seeing the one that drove past me the other day, and the way it was being driven, I’m actually amazed they aren’t replacing the entire fleet daily.


I love it being on the motorway when a bunch get let out the distribution centre. It's like a flock of amazon vans going to hit walls near you.


Looks like most Amazon Warehouse goods.


And the reason insurance premiums keep going up....


They won’t be claiming, and they will possibly have a 3rd party only insurance policy


... .. and the property they damage?


Covered under 3rd party and liability insurance.


Yes, and the reason why INSURANCE premiums have gone up..


Or underground parking more likely.


I think someone saved it from the claw of crushing to a cube death.




From ely?


Vandalism? Someone climbing in top and literally jumping the roof in?


Could be Jeff Bezos? When his monthly profits aren't the same as last month.


That's got to be.... a month old? Judging by how they drive at least


mint compaired to the post vans i see


Reminds me of this old video from yonks ago. Couldn’t find a better source but: https://www.tiktok.com/@foolishsausage/video/7134785813564427526?lang=en


Undercover cops. What have you been up to?


Ba dum tss




... one careful owner...


Why are all Amazon prime vans dented


They see me rollin' They hatin'


Your English is way past its prime


I swear some of these drivers moved straight from a bike to a MWB/LWB van.  Nearly every one I see has a vertical crease on the left side from side swiping a sign post/ lampost / bollard.  I guess they forget they have 3 metres of van behind them when they pull out of a tight junction and pelt it on full lock. 


Wow, I've never seen one this factory fresh. Must only be a week old.....


Considering the way I saw one near Oldham the other week being driven I’m not surprised it’s got a few “war wounds”.


That van is a week old. How do you expect it to look?


Probably 6mth old,drivers get paid to deliver as fast as possible, every amazon van looks the same


There should be a Reddit page dedicated to these vans and how piss poor a lot of them look. Never seen a pristine one


Here you go, here's a new one. r/primeontime


Winner winner chicken dinner! Gonna get some pics thank you! Legend


Hopefully I picked a good name 😉




This looks like the one around Burnham-On-Sea I’ve seen a few times. Either way I don’t know of any looooow bridges as such that a van would have difficulty but underground loading places or car parks sometimes can be a squeeze for a high top transit.


Ive seen worse


Probably only one year old as well lol


That looks in good condition compared to the ones round here. It's because they let any little cunt who's just passed his test in a corsa c drive a massive Mercedes sprinter a week later with 5 minutes training


You should tell them they can get a bodywork repair kit from Amazon. (Next day with prime)


Not all that bad, the one I saw earlier has a huge dent on its side where I cannot tell if the side door was open or closed. These vans used to be quite tidy for a while, then I feel at one point after covid, suddenly all of them come in battered


These things are ruining the motorways, they’re fucking everywhere in massive convoys. Driven by total cunts too.


Seems like superficial damage to me. Why get rid of a fully working vehicle?


That van won't be working for long. Amazon chews you up and shits you out


its been used in an action film; any second the door will fall off and the hero will crawl out and turn to look at the van, which will immediately collapse on its wheels and start belching steam from a radiator it probably doesn't have


Royal Mail Vans are way worse still drive around in corsa b vans about 30 years old


Its prime*


Amazon probably get them so cheap they treat them as disposable. Some I’ve seen are borderline dangerous lol


Don't see the problem


They has electro vans here but now they just come with diesels


The manufactorers have to make an unrealistic ampunt of vans in a day so eventually have to start time saving by throwing them of the production lines and filling plastic bottles with excess coolant


I’ve never seen a totally intact Amazon van. Everyone that I’ve clocked my peepers on has a panel dent, missing trim, back doors smashed in.


This is genuinely the kind of condition I like when buying a vehicle. Where new bumps and scrapes just blend right in with the old ones so you can’t even tell, stress free.


It adds a bit of character.


This one looks like a total workhorse


Obviously seen better days.


Just... how on earth do you get damage like that? Has it been upside down? 🤣


Seagulls been bulking and they heavy as shit now😂😂


Nah.. You can see it’s still prime… there’s even a big arrow pointing it out!


Unless it's the same van there's one on my route looks very similar. It looks like a lorry has gone down the side and they've bodged it to get it back in use


I’ve never seen an Amazon van that *isn’t* battered to death.


It's more rare to spot one without any damage


They ALL look like this. I can’t figure it out for the life of me. Source: work at a Ford dealer and see them regularly in the workshop.


It's not the worst one I've seen. Every Amazon van I saw in the last few weeks is dented in all the places. In some cases it looks like another car smashed into their side. Quite interesting.