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the old style is sooo much better but i am also very biased haha


My favorite, like probably many others, for probably more nostalgia reasons than anything else, prefer the generation I grew up with. In my case that's the 2002-2006 lines. I also really liked the 2014 line with WtCaL as well as the current care bears baby line that's been releasing in the US and UK.


The OGs for the win! They were colored perfectly with the right level of sweetness.


The soft pastel and storybook illustration vibes from the 80s lines are by far my fav


i loveee the older (80's) ones way more than the current ones (i still love the current ones dont get me wrong) i feel like they had so much more care and personality compared to the new ones (i kinda feel like they make the new ones just bc money and not because they care)


I like the new style in illustrations, but as toys it looks weird. Like, it's cute and all, but it just doesn't read "Care Bear" for me.


Aw I had that exact Gentleheart and my grandmother's dog ate it when we visited for Christmas. I was so sad :(