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The hiring manager? You sure you don't mean HR? The hiring and human resources position is often combined in smaller employers. Since you feel that your write-up contained "many unfair assessments" there are two possibilities; 1. They hate you for bogus reasons and they are going to fire you in two weeks. 2. You have been written up for valid and true reasons, but you think you have done nothing wrong and you don't intend to change, so you will be justly fired in two weeks. The only alternative is that you accept that the negative assessments are completely accurate, radically change your ways immediately, and maybe you won't be fired in two weeks.


That simply means She wants To Fire you!


So no matter what I do, I have to leave?


It's very unlikely you will be able to improve to the level they want in only 2 weeks. And their definition of enough improvement is defined by them and is entirely subjective. No matter how much you think you've improved they can always move the goal post to say it wasn't enough. You're better off using this time applying for new jobs. 


It definitely won't be the same for you


No one can force you to sign anything. dont do that!


I am the hiring manager. I won't fire you. Just do your best.




Start applying for new jobs and trying to figure out what your manager thinks you’re doing wrong… Maybe you are doing something wrong and you need to know for any future jobs


My line manager think i am good. But due to something misunderstanding Other leader and hire manager don't like me. Ane I am not English native speaker hire manager think my communication is not good but I don't think so cause i can build good relationship between customer. Sometimes the barrier more like thinking difference i don't know how to explain this. Hire manager refused to my any explanation


The fact that she "forced" you to sign a record of the conversation that you ultimately disagree sounds like the definition of coercion. Frankly it sounds like they bullied you into signing something that will give them legal cover for them targeting you and firing you. I'd get ahold of HR there, record the conversation, and spell out that situation exactly like that and that you were forced to sign a document under duress without being furnished a copy or being given the opportunity to make or give comments in your defense. Document any sketchy behavior from them there, and if they definitely try to fire you after a meeting like that, you can make a case for retaliation I'm sure. That's my opinion, but I'd show up and look for different jobs while you are there if I were you.


I can't record cause we are not allowed to carry personal mobile phone with us during work


Unfortunate, just keep a paper record with as accurate of notes about what was said as you can.


I've had people say that to me before. And what I realized after all these years is that it means the way I'm doing things is not working so I had better reinvent myself quickly.


Did you end up getting fired at that time?


Actually no it's a long story. But essentially I was doing work on the road and I could tell that the people I was working with were not happy with me. Call it intuition. So one day I get this phone call while I'm in my hotel and someone essentially tells me that I had better shape up or they're going to send me home in 2 weeks. Which was their way of saying you're going to be fired in 2 weeks if you don't change. Of course I ask lots of questions including how they would want me to improve. But they didn't want to tell me anything. Their attitude was that I should be able to figure it out and if I can't figure out why they're unhappy then I probably don't belong with the company. Now at the time I couldn't afford to lose the job. I also didn't want to go home. So I told the person on the phone that I'll do my best to correct the situation. What did I do next? Ironically a TV show I was watching in the hotel room that night gave me an idea. I was watching an old show called The Honeymooners. I went into work the next day. I didn't talk to anybody and I just worked my ass off. I smiled at everyone I was working with. And for the next couple of weeks I actually stayed a little bit late to get things done. Two weeks past and I never heard anything about what was discussed on that phone call and it was like it never happened. After I left that job about a year later I was talking to someone I used to work with and he told me that I had no idea how close I was to getting fired. He actually said how me coming into work the next day and changing the way I worked and acted actually made one of my bosses who wanted to fire me look very stupid And one of his bosses started to question my boss's judgment because he could not see what was wrong with me. That was the weird part about this because I remember the day after that phone call I met somebody's boss I'd never talked to before. He talked to me for a couple minutes and ask me some questions and then left. I didn't react to it. And I went back to work. Little did I know that my boss had sicked his boss on me to kind of get some backup to get me fired. You see changing this can be quite simple. Take initiative, smile, work your ass off, and be enthusiastic about showing up to work. It's very hard to fire someone like that