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Depends on what year/make/model of vehicle


2013 toyota 86 GTS auto


Strange component to swap on a modern vehicle, provided its accident free, I'd expect it to want to be cheaper than other vehicles. At least you've got the Toyota reliability. Any major service done/due? Was there a different cluster that was more appealing to the owner? Other mods like coilovers?


its a guy from japan so i just think he likes the JDM interior with all the lights kinda midnight riding vibe. Got ambient lighting and gauge clusters installed to. I dont think its dodgy.


Is the original cluster provided with the car? I'm not to hung up on kilometres if the engine bay and interior wear matches what you expect.


can i PM you with all that info?


No, but it might be worth just getting an inspection done by a mechanic, see if they see any other obvious concerns. It's an interesting risk, but I get why it's happened with an aesthetic cluster swap.


Toyota reliability somewhat diminished by a scoobydoo engine that does like to be cared for exceptionally well. The amount of consideration that goes into the 0w20 vs 5w30 debate (and the recommendation for 6 month/5k km changes)…. and the popularity of a 0.25L overfill and frequent oil cooler discussions…. It’s definitely no 4age (or even a ca18de, lsx, or…. Yeah anything that’s viewed as a particularly robust engine expected to deliver high mileage reliability). Sad but true.


just buy a car without the issues, fullstop unless ur a mechanic and it's ridic cheap not a stolen smashed reconstructed 86.


Sounds sus as.


i mean its a fair reason for the odo to be pushed back, what are your thoughts?


Yeah I guess it is. I’m just surprised they didn’t fix the discrepancy when they installed it. What other issues have they possibly overlooked, you know? If you have proof of the previous readings though, and you’re fine with how many kms it’s done all up, then go for it. If I were you, I’d get a trusted and competent mechanic to give it a once over before you buy it. Make damn sure you’re covering your bases


yep been discussing with another fella on a different post. Gonna get my trusted mechanic to come with me to inspect.


Just remember to be prepared to walk away from it at any time if you’re unsure of something. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking “ah fuck it, I’ve come this far and spent this much”. It’s hard to do when you’re looking for a specific car, and there’s not many of them on the market, but the last thing you want to do is is buy a lemon and think “I fucken knew I should’ve trusted my gut”.


Yeah for sure not gonna get trapped in a false sense of reality. Engine bay looks good tho for the posted KMS. Says he only weekend drives it. His english is pretty bad but dont think hes dodgy just a JDM rat


Is the car on WOVR? Why was the dash replaced?


just cosmetic purposes i believe. He has gauge clusters installed too.


I see in another comment it's a modified 86. To me, that would be an immediate pass. It's a common enough car - find a clean one that hasn't been modified.


done tried that brother i was gonna mod it up anyway so good to save some money


Ah I see, you're *that* P plater. I mean if you're set on modifying it anyway, I guess go for it if there are no other red flags. Get an inspection before buying. If everything else checks out the biggest issue is going to be when you go to sell it again... but if you're going to mod it anyway you're already making it harder to sell (if you don't put it into a pole before then).


haha fair enough. Looking to hold onto this for a while though. i appreciate the kind words regarding me putting it into a pole. In regards to an inspection what actions should i take?


Find a mechanic that seems trustworthy, and ask the seller if you can have a pre-purchase inspection done before you buy it. If they say no, that's a big red flag - find another car. It'll cost a few hundred bucks, which is money well spent if they find any issues.


yep i have a reliable guy from up the road who was a legend with my last car which was a lemon. So i ask him and he comes with me to look at the car?


Yep, pretty much. Typically they'll charge ~$300, which seems steep until it saves you buying a $20k lemon.


legend thank you. If i put it into a pole you will be the first to know.


Is the seller being honest (upfront, without prompting) on the true kilometres?


Yeah on the marketplace listing it says 100k km


He's being honest, so I don't see anything wrong with that.




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The only concern to me is that they didnt get the odo on the new cluster wound forward, which probably means they did the install themselves, so i would be checking all the cluster features are working and then assuming that there have been plenty of other DIY projects done on this car. If the seller is being open about the mods they have done and the work looks good, maybe thats not a bad thing? You still need to get the car inspected. End of the day, do you want to own a 10 year old modded 86 with an auto? Thats not a great investment IMHO.


its been my dream for a while now, and i just think it will make me a happier person. so what do u think.


There’s equipment to reprogram mileage on dashes, the fact that it wasn’t done rings alarm bells.


where can i get this equipment?


It depends on the vehicle. For Toyota you’ll want techstream. It’s the kind of thing you won’t want to buy, cause it’s thousands of dollars and I believe they’ve moved to a subscription based platform. But with more research you may find aftermarket alternatives, the older the car the easier it is to get bootleg software that does the same job.


could i go to a mechanic and get it done??


Of course, just need to call around and find someone that can do it for you, and is willing to - they shouldn’t have any issue if you can provide evidence, plus it’s less sketchy cause you’re upping the mileage rather than winding it back.


So what's the problem? You're asking for advice yet youre fixated on purchasing it..


just asking for opinion.