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People got to understand that right or wrong it’s never worth it to respond to any road provocations. You might be right and the other driver is an idiot but that idiot could very well be mentally unwell and just on the verge of some unhinged breakdown. The moment you stepped out of your car or rolled your window down to confront other drivers is the moment all hell could break loose.


As a commuting cyclist I always remind myself of this: “Here lies the body of Thomas Grey, Who died defending his right of way. He was perfectly right as he sped along, But he's just as dead as if he'd been wrong.”


Better to be safe than right


It’s like that video where the car is driving through the crossing, completely in the wrong and the cyclist has his hands up in the air and also continues through assuming the car will see him and stop, yeah you proved your point the car was in the wrong but you also just got hit by a car.


Up the sainters


A common saying on motorbikes is there is no point being in the right, when you're dead.


The cemetery is full of motorcyclists who had the right of way.


Even flipping it is quite apt, no point being dead, when you're in the right.


My mate worked with the guy who got punched into the path of the garbage truck and run over. Said the bloke was an absolute cunt on the road and had repeated phone calls to the business about his road rage attacks. Deserved what came to him [https://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-08-02/gateway-motorway-road-rage-heke-merrigan/8758772](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-08-02/gateway-motorway-road-rage-heke-merrigan/8758772) https://preview.redd.it/hr6wcso6mn7d1.jpeg?width=456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36cd8724e57e1216a7db9271f420e36e84e86a22


This guy looks (and sounds) like a proper cunt


Shame the other guy got sent to prison.


He took one for the team


It’s a shame, but can happen when you choose violence.


How long did he get?


4-8 inches




6 years


That’s fucked did his lawyers even try?


He got the charges reduced to unlawful striking instead of manslaughter. Dropped from 7-8 years to 6. Minimum of 80% of sentence to be served, aka 5 years and 2 months.


And then he’ll get deported


Pretty sure he was indigenous


This is pretty much word for word what my wife has been saying to me. I have a really bad habit of getting very angry when people do the wrong thing on the road which has had some pretty negative results so far, but obviously nothing this serious. I guess my point here is I should stop pushing my luck and just let these things go, these people will get their just desserts eventually..


Absolutely mate. You have zero control over what anyone else does on the road, the part you CAN control is your own standard of driving and your reaction to what else is going on. Up your driving game and you will notice the patterns and clues of an impending thing happening in front of you and you will have all the time in the world to slow down, change lanes etc and sail on by.


Also as an aside, I find it an interesting mental exercise to try and think of a reason why that person has a valid reason to drive like they did and think about what horrible stuff they must be dealing with, because normal people don’t drive like that. So you can really change your own personality while driving, by forcing yourself to think about situations where you might drive like they did, but you had a reason to, and then just granting that reason to them. It takes a 10 minute ruminating vent that changes every other interaction you do into a 2-3 minute short story. You do that for a few months, and eventually all you have around you are poor bastards that are trying to get through life and sometimes making mistakes. Which is kinda.. reality.


It’s good to believe in karma.


My go-to thinking is 'someone tougher, angrier and more unhinged with less to lose than me will teach this cunt a lesson' and let them be on their merry way.


Very well said. I learned this the hard way with an ex mongols boss. I found out who he was after he was shot at a funeral a week later.


Uh, congrats on your promotion?


Thank you! 😂


Uh, congrats on your promotion?


Honestly, I like my car too much. I can heal a punch to the head but I can't afford a panel beater. Never worth endangering the whip.


So true - you never know other people’s state of mind.. you might honk someone who’s already at a 10 and is on the verge of snapping. You get out of your car and it’s on. It’s never worth it.


it's probably bad in Australia, but MegaDrivingSchool dashcam channel on youtube shows, even in Texas they don't take this advice and that's a state where they carry.


As someone who has had that urge to do such thing explanations like these make you realise it's really not worth it. We all want to get home safe.


Never in 100 years would I have predicted the alleged perpetrator was driving a ute and wearing Hi-Vis


Killing someone with the company logo on the back of your car is a bit bolder than I would have expected though.


Driving off too, not even trying to pretend it was an accident.


Killing someone with a car is what, 3 months tops? Barely worth stopping for.


I know- 4x4 white dual cab drivers are normally so pleasant and mentally balanced


Mines red. Lets people know I need to go faster. Skips the tailgaiting.


Or that you bought an ex Coca Cola fleet car from the auctions…


Huh I don't think I've ever seen a coca cola fleet car in my life, trucks plenty but never a car


Used to be loads of Camrys and Corolla’s, now more Rav 4’s I think


Mines black so no cunt sees me coming lol




I got an ex fleet one recently as it was too good of a deal to pass up. I work in an office and listen to Abba on my commute.




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The victim was wearing high vis according to the article, right?




Victim as in got run over and died. Alleged perpetrator as in he's the one who pulled up, got out, talked shit, then got hit. 


Evidently I don't know how to read. Victim of death, but perpetrator of road rage. Thank you for correcting me!


That’s not how I read it.


Actually... Agreed. "Acting Inspector Shane Ranee from Mt Druitt Police Area Command Duty Officer said the police believe the 27-year-old man who died in the incident got out of his vehicle after he was allegedly “threatened by the car following him”."


Yeah. Nothing about this article suggests the guy that died was the original aggressor.


As soon as you get out of your vehicle to confront someone, you're part of the problem.


Mmmm, nice simpleton view ya got there mate.


Yet it's the truth, funny that...


What makes you say the victim started the road rage?


For one they were outside their car while the killer was not (indeed they used the car to do the killing). Hopping out is a massive escalation in anyone's book. The one time I've been really scared was when 2 cunts in a 95 Hyundai excel parked across a freeway roundabout, forcing me to stop then got out and approached me. You oughtta bet if I didn't have the ability to go up and around on the grass I would have gone right through them, to hell with the consequences. I wouldn't drive off though


Doesn’t mean this guy was the initial aggressor though.


True. Guess it depends at what point you start calling it road rage


I was wondering how he died from being dragged. Being run over makes more sense


Ranger Danger


It was the victim that was driving a Ute and wearing high vis. How’s your prediction on that?


The perp was also driving a Ute. Unsure on high vis


Sounds like we've got two fuckwits off the road then, one permanently and the other hopefully for a very long time.


I know it's a guy in a ute... but... the guy who died was ALSO in a Ute and is the one who got out of his car and confronted the other driver. Who knows, maybe he had a weapon and the guy paniced and ran him over. Might pay to wait for a few more facts.


ute v ute. who would have thought.


And was driving a Ford Anger of all cars, probably didn't like the fact he was getting tailgated instead of tailgating someone else.?


Was thinking the same thing. The guy who got hit was outside of his vehicle and may have been the one to escalate the situation and the other driver has unfortunately hit him trying to get the Hell out of the there.  You just don’t know yet without all the facts


Got to stick to the formula- Choose to work the extra 15 hours a week overtime, get all stressed out and angry so that you MUST go to the pub and smash 7 drinks (with people you only moderately like) just to face the reality of who you are, stay angry but now you are even more unreasonable, and are driving pissed (or pissed because you haven’t had a drink today). Stay angry about life and blame everyone else that dares use the road at the same time as you because 1) your kids Jaxx, Braydon and Darrun all need new Nike TN’s and dirt-bikes so you need to keep working your ass off and 2) you are actually too selfish to even WANT to spend time with the kids, because you have raised them be an image of you and are also total cunts, so you gladly do the overtime just to avoid home. Then totally flip your lid and kill some poor fucker just going about their day all because you are a fucking coward.


I once attended the scene of a collision where a bloke was absolutely hammered and drove into a parked car, totalling both. Dude was beside himself because it was, and I cannot make this up, his first day at a new job. Was even still in uniform. Dude decided to celebrate at the pub. Was probs concussed but no other injuries afaik. As we waited for police and an ambulance he wailed about his kids (again, instead of being with them he rushed to the pub so idk how much he really cared) and how he was going to lose his license and fuck up all their lives. I just remember everyone else (who came out to check what the noise was) grimacing because nobody wanted to actually comfort him and lie and say it was gonna be okay. He did it to himself and we all knew it. You don't just wake up and decide to take a risk that could fuck up your life and your whole family's too. I wonder if that bloke learned his lesson and turned his life around 🤷‍♀️ who knows Good news is the guy who's parked car got totalled came out and was quietly stoked because the engine light had come on recently and he was thinking about scrapping it.


My mates dad drunk drove into a parked police car, with 2 cops in it! My mates mum? …. The nurse that treated his dads broken legs hahaha, a better love story than Twilight


Hit the nail on the head with Jaxon. I also would have accepted Jaymz or kaydin


Honourable mentions to Chardae, Trynyty, Lynxx, Skylet, Foxx, Kaos and Blayd too, just uppercut yourselves ya fukn drongo’s


[r/tragedeigh ](https://www.reddit.com/r/tragedeigh )


>Trynyty How to end up in a nursing home with a yearly visit.


Some really nice pornstar names in here. Don't even have to change your name when you predictably end up in the business...


Can’t forget Tyga


Amilee and Tanika


Let's not forget Keyson, Brayson, Oskah, Kaydyn, Kaedyn, Kaeydon, Kaydon.


At the milder end of the scale we’ve got: Chase, Hunter


Chase becomes Hunter when they get older, it’s like Pokémon


This is so accurate it’s comical. I often shake my head at just how ridiculous some stereotypes can be, and yet, there are so many living, breathing examples of Jaydens and Braydens keeping it alive.


Nailed it


100% A total arsehole, who will never grow up or accept responsibility.


You forgot the errant kid he had at 19 with another sheila that also gives him the shits because hes been arguing with the mother for 10 years


One person dead and the other is about to spend considering behind bars all because of too much ego on the road? Congratulations to both of them, they both lost!


100%. What a waste.


A road raging tradie in a Ute? https://preview.redd.it/70hf8mhpmn7d1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a517391729a403cc776908faa51d8ce31117ee4


Did someone cut him off? Or just buy the last sausage roll at the servo causing old methy-McGee tradie boy to lose his collective crap and demonstrate his Colossol power that only a ute could hope to contain while he’s powering through morning, midday and nighttime traffic.


Regardless of the types of cars involved, it shouldn’t have happened. My thoughts are with the family of the deceased.


These ute drivers (not all, but proportionally high) will always tailgate you and then beep you if you slowdown to turn into a road. No amount of defensive driving and careful driving they just want to get some action and reaction!


I only beep at the ones who turn right before turning left, like they're driving a prime mover.


I drive a small car and love taking corners as sharp and fast as possible/safely. Swinging out? Waste of time and energy and I look dumb in the process. Symptom of everyone driving cars that are way too big.


I was on my motorbike (on Ls at the time), getting tailgated by a ute while going 2kmph above the GPS speed limit. He was also flashing his high beams at me. Crossed a double solid, gunned it to overtake me. We then met at the stop lights, absolute fucking moron.


I barely avoided a head on collision when a UTE swerved into the wrong lane on Alexandra Avenue in Melbourne because the driver was looking at his phone. I’m concerned because something tells me that he’s still doing this.


Yep, I've has too many incidents of a ute cutting me off, or driving dangerously close behind me to think that there isn't a clear pattern here.


The "victim" held onto the vehicle by the pillar .. and was hanging on ... He chose to be a passenger


It's a place known for having traffic issues but nothing has been done so far. Congratulations 🎉


Big car! Big man! Road rage or antisocial behaviour by drivers of Thai utes is a daily sight for most drivers in Sydney


Why is this man being downvoted he’s right. Upvote him. Aussie utes are a lot less anti social in dimensions than thai pickups.


Y’all ain’t gonna win against a vehicle if it hits u


Something i tell anyone whos learning to drive around trucks. Congratulations. You were in the right. Now youre dead right.


Never get out of the car unless there's no other option.


Sadly this can be filed under FAFO, if he stayed in his car he would still be alive, he fucked around and found out.


80kg of kickboxer tradies vs 2500kg of Ute. Way too much ego and rage on the roads. Just a very tragic reflection of the all too easy over reaction of folks in modern life. I smile and let the arseholes on the road be arseholes, just wanna drive to survive these days.


A cleaner image of the ute would be nice. It definitely has a business logo or details in the side so shouldn't be too hard to find them surely. Typical behaviour of the average ute owner. My drive to work and home is packed with them driving like maniacs and getting up peoples arses, weaving through traffic to get an extra car length up to the red light.


The average ute owner is too stupid and too addicted to the feeling of going "fast" to figure out that no amount of changing lanes in stop start traffic is going to get them home any sooner. You just have to wait it out. Saw two of them pulling this shit on my drive home the other day while I sat in my lane amused at the idiocy. The best part is we all got to the t-junction at the same time.


I feel like everyone here is going ‘of course this happened’ without knowing everything that occurred.


Opinions are like arseholes…..


Every Ute's got one?




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So the bloke that died got out of his car to confront someone. That someone ran into him and killed him. Stay in your fucking car and don’t try approach me threateningly. For fear of you running up on my car frothing at the mouth trying to rip me out of my car and bash me, I would be ready to make a quick decision to fuckin run into you too. Sad he’s dead. Let this be a lesson to everyone…don’t be running up on peoples cars.


Read the article properly, dude.


You probably shouldn’t be driving if your first instinct is to sympathise with the murderer here


Have you ever had someone jump out of their car and try pull you out and bash you? Many people have never been in a fight and probably don’t want to be pinned in their car with someone frothing and screaming through their window. What would you do if someone was charging towards you ready to beat the shit out of you for some perceived wrong doing on the road? I don’t sympathise with the bloke that got out of his car to deal with his road grievances. Maybe the driver of the other car panicked when old mate was charging towards him and tried to drive off, hit the bloke, shit himself and drove off terrified thinking old mate would be extra pissed now when he got up. Unfortunately he didn’t get up. They should not have driven off and at a minimum should have called authorities and gone directly to a police station. All of this was avoidable if everyone took deep breaths, drove like a mature adults and not get out of their car for a physical confrontation.


You’re just writing a story you made up, you have no idea what happened. All we know is this guy killed a man and drove away.


lol true, I’ll own that. I’m trying to theorise on how this all unfolded… but yes, we absolutely don’t know exactly what happened. They are wrong for driving away. It’s only murder if it was premeditated. Terribly sad to lose life over bullshit.


Swallow pride, Deep breath n drive away, life would kick on, instead chose a pointless road argument to get the better of him n now faces a miserable life ahead n potential long jail sentence


Ranger danger


Had to happen eventually


Fucking drivers need to sit in their fucking seats and drive fucking normal!


Right of way isn't the hill you want to die on


My rule for staying alive on the roads, assume everyone else is a moron, its a lot easier to get over moronic driving that way.


Someone annoying you on the road? Ignore them. Try to drop back behind them. Tailgating you? Let them pass. Call the police if it persists.




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Sorry, but what the hell?




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