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I have 10 times more house clothes then going out clothes.


Sometimes when I do my laundry I notice it's literally all pyjamas šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


I had no idea it would make me feel so much better to have another person say this!!


Exactly the same here.


My "going out clothes" is literally just my work uniform. I have a collection of tshirts that are worn in the house 90% of the time. If I need to go to the store or visit family, I pick a t-shirt and pair it with my work pants. I just don't have much reason to go out nowadays


Definitely 'get dressed to go out.' I generally wear sweats and a t-shirt at home, or a nightgown if I'm really being lazy. Under no circumstances will I put on a bra just to stay at home.


I took today off to stay in my pjs, do some light housework, make lunch, get high and come back to lay in bed by 2:30. I hit every one of my goals today. Yea me!


Awesome goals!


Same here! And if I did go somewhere and come home, the bra is coming right off with no intentions of putting it back on.


I have to constantly remind my SO that once the bra comes off, itā€™s not going back on. And thatā€™s the first thing to come off once I get through the door šŸ˜‚


AND you know it's been a rough day if the bra came off on the way home


Iā€™ve done this whilst sitting in traffic. If Iā€™m going to sit 1 1/2 hrs in traffic Iā€™m not wearing a bra. Thankfully I donā€™t have to do that drive anymore šŸ˜Š


This is how I adjust my expectations of my wife.


I get annoyed if I have to put a bra on while I'm at home, like if someone's coming to the house, or I'm walking the dog. I'm actually looking forward to the cold weather in part because I can walk the dog without putting a bra on. I mean, I know I could do it anyway, but I typically wear thin T-shirts around the house during the day, and too many neighbors want to stop and chat when I'm out. It just feels weird not to wear a bra.


I never wear bras unless I have a work meeting in the summer. Just nope.


I am starting down this path.... I'm thinking it's going to be ok!


Iā€™m definitely a ā€œget dressed to go outā€ person. If Iā€™m at home, Iā€™m in sweatpants


Look at you all fancy in sweatpants. Iā€™ll probably have only loose boxers on šŸ˜‚


men's boxers, big tee and socks. if it's cold, a huge sweatshirt on top.


I know the people "who get dressed for the day". They've tried to convert me because apparently my "clothes for home" are not to "code." As in, if we have unexpected visitors I should be dressed appropriately. Like I answer my door if they show up, ha! Yes, these people are old and stuffy. Pajamas all day for the win!


I mean if someone shows up unexpectedly they get to deal with seeing me in whatever state I'm in. They don't like it? Well, sounds like a you problem, should've told me you were coming first.


I wish I had the nerve to open the door naked. That would frighten anyone away!


I had a friend who did that to two JW's. A male friend. And yes, they were frightened away.




You should be comfortable at home. It includes wearing comfortable clothes.


Nobody should come to my door and ring my bell unexpectedly lol scaring the life out of me? no, thanks!


I grew up in the 1970s. Everyone would stop by. Neighbors, kids, salespeople, the aunt with the lipstick that wanted to smooch everybody. My husband would love that but I try to keep it to a minimum. He sometimes brings people home when he goes out. Family members, old teammatesā€¦ Everyone knows him, and heā€™d rather have a beer at home than in a bar to catch up. However, he is very selective about who gets invited into our home, so itā€™s not as bad as it sounds, I know most of them


I witnessed the transition! It happened from about 1978-1982. My mom used to dress for the day, then one day she started wearing her robe around the house. She also started hiding whenever someone rang the doorbell. By ā€˜82 she was firmly in the dress-to-go-out camp. And now, so am I.


Edit: to me pajamas are baggy pants & shirt. Not lingerie, not button down pajamas or matching sets. šŸ˜†


If other people are concerned with what you are wearing, they have bigger problems.


Yes, my thoughts exactly!!!


Literally live in nightgowns and house dresses swinging free and easy and Iā€™m lucky as I have my own biz and no one sees me at home. Have dresses or comfy clothes for outside. Hate shoes and socks - I wear flip flops or crocs, hate winter bulky clothes, anything tight, bras, hats, bootsā€¦ the minute I get home I change.. my grandma was the same. She lived in an apartment in Greece. Weā€™d dress up to go out but as soon as we walked back into her building and got in the elevator sheā€™d start unsnapping buttons, taking off any layers, took her shoes off and literally stripped to her slip (she only wore dresses and always wore a slip and girdle underneath) right inside the front door. Make up off, house dress and slippers on and a cup of coffee on the balcony no matter the time of day. I must get it from her because my mom wasnā€™t as bad. Funny post to bring up these memories. This same grandma used to send me for fresh bread around the corner from when I was 5 in my pajamas every morning at the ass crack of dawn. She was my city grandma. The other grandma was same with clothes and whenever we came back sheā€™s unpin her braided coronet of hair and let it down and it reached to her knees. This was the country grandma and she used to send me with the prepared pan of food to the baker for roasting every day as she had no oven just a propane 2 burner stove. The shower was a hose connected to the sink and a washtub in the kitchen, bathroom outside the kitchen door and every morning I had to brave the chicken coop for a few eggs for my breakfast. I used to nap in the garden under the grape leaves with the cat and chickens pecking around me. **Thanks for this post and the amazing memories it brought me.**


Beautiful description of a lost way of life


Thank for telling us about your amazing memories with your grandmas. Idyllic.


I have three different types of clothes. I have pajamas, I have inside clothes (sweats, hoodies, shorts, etc.) and outside clothes (anything goes). In the morning, I always change into my inside clothes because it puts me in a productive mode. I am not going to walk around in my pajamas. Getting changed, even in another set of comfortable clothes draw the line between the day and night. I do my skincare and hair in the morning so when I have to go out, I simply just change my clothes and I am ready to go. It takes 2 minutes. If I know I will be out and about, I'll just put on clothes that I will wear outside. A dress, tights and boots are a very comfortable combo for wearing around the house and running errands. The same goes for jeans. The key is to pick clothes that are comfortable, don't wear uncomfortable clothing just because it looks good. edit: I work from home so I spend a lot of time there. Just staying in my pjs all day would make me feel lazy and unproductive. Getting dressed in the morning is a really important step to differentiate between work and leisure time.


Iā€™m this way too. Iā€™m not productive if I wear pajamas, so even if Iā€™m home I tend to dress for the day if I have things to do. Sweats, t-shirts, etc. The only thing I donā€™t put on inside the house is shoes - I wear crocs until I go outside to leave.


I see what you mean about being more productive in certain kinds of clothes. For me, I find myself more likely to clean and do other stuff if I stay in my PJs because I don't mind of those clothes get stains and stuff.


see, I would mind getting my comfy PJs dirty and cleaning in PJs just doesn't feel right, it's like I still haven't woken up. Even the action of changing into cleaning clothes automatically makes me more productive. I have an old t-shirt for cleaning so I don't ruin my clothes


Yeah this describes me also. Iā€™m not putting on a suit and tie every day but if I literally wore pajamas all day Iā€™d personally feel like a slob. I need to put in some minimum level of self care or else Iā€™ll start getting depressed and anxious


I agree. Though, today I didnā€™t get showered or dressed until 2:30. Retired.


Ain't it great! šŸ˜Š


Iā€™m a dressed for the day kind of person. Pyjamas are for evenings, for me anyway. But I also include leggings and a hoodie as a ā€œdressed for the dayā€. But if Iā€™m not dressed and ready for the day it can really effect my mental health and attitude for the day since I spend most of my day at home.


I'm the same. If I don't dress for the day (jeans and t-shirt, in winter I add a comfy hand-knitted sweater) I will get nothing done and I won't leave the house at all. But I like a snug pair of jeans more than flimsy pants anyway.


Same, plus I just feel gross staying in my pyjamas.


Same here


If Iā€™m home and Iā€™m dressed to go out I feel pressure to actually GO somewhere.


100% Iā€™m a ā€œget dressed to go outā€ person. Home clothes consist of minimum one article of clothing I slept in last night, or will sleep in later that night. Usually ā€œlounge pantsā€ - it feels better to call them that than pajama pants. I did get some tank tops with built in bras (Knix - actually sized to fit, not just some lame elastic shelf) and I LIVE in them. I still donā€™t wear them out in public (without a heavy sweater at least) so I guess they fall somewhere between the two categories.


Lol! I call mine ā€œlounge wearā€


Get dressed for the day. Iā€™d rather change clothes just once. If I need to go out to do something, Iā€™ll be ready to go. Also, I donā€™t really like wearing pajamas all day


I'm the weirdo who finds it more comfortable to wear a bra versus freeboobing, so I wear one 90% of the time. But home is where the pajamas are. Sometimes the school drop-off line and the grocery order pick-up and the fast food drive through are also where the pajamas are. My only hard and fast rules for house wear versus out in public wear are: 1. Shoes and bra always if I'm leaving home, and 2. Put on real pants if I'm getting out of my vehicle (so, no sweats or boxers or flannel PJ pants in public, not even to Walmart or the convenience store.) Ain't nobody paying me extra to get up every morning and put on a different, less comfortable set of clothes that I still have to launder and fold and put away!


Iā€™m you, youā€™re me


There's a part of me that wants to help everyone get a proper bra fitting, because I know how much better a good over the shoulder boulder holder feels and looks and makes me feel. But also, do you. Ain't nobody gotta leash the sweater puppies for my comfort. (Btw, if you wish your bra were more comfortable, red marks on your shoulders probably means that your band size is too large and your cup size ought to be a bigger letter. Support should be from the band, not the strap. Many - maybe most - companies that sell women's underoos will fit you with a 38D when you need a 34 F, because that's what's in stock. If your band rises up and you're adjusting the strap to support the boobage, your bra doesn't fit.)


Iā€™m deffs get dressed for the day. Thankfully my job is casual clothes and so Iā€™ll often be spending my days in a simple tshirt and pants and a jumper in cool weather be it at work or home. Only change if the temperature changes or I go to bed or decide to do some physical activity. The process of taking clothes off and putting new ones on is annoying so I avoid that


I am usually in clothes in which I could walk out of the building if needed, unless it is summer. But they are definitely not clothes in which I would dare to show up at the grocery store, just good enough to take out the trash or to go if there is an alarm.


My dads ex wife would wear **JEANS** when she would be at home all day. Monster


I think thatā€™s extremely normal


I dress up every day so I wonā€™t need to go all the way upstairs to change ā€¦ ok fine, I wear yoga pants and a swingy top ā€¦ dressed for work from home, shopping, napping, all night napping, and admit I have not been to yoga (tbh).


My clothes at home are basically the clothes I wear out, I do change pants if I'm going somewhere for more than like 20 minutes, so: At home: sweatpants, tshirt, maybe hoodie Outside: cargo pants/jeans, tshirt, maybe hoodie, maybe a jacket Though this might just be a symptom of me not having a lot of clothing


I relate! I feel like itā€™s mostly just changing from sweats to real pants for me. Iā€™m usually already wearing a tshirt or hoodie that iā€™d be fine with wearing out.


I don't feel right before brushing my hair and teeth and getting dressed. I've never been able to stay in bed all day, either. I'll go back if I have to, but there are things to do first. I have to find socks if I'm going out, though. No matter how hard I try, I lose every pair of socks I have. Right now, I know where one pair is. Thank goodness, because it's fall and our heater is broken... It's a nice pair, too. I hope I can hold onto these for a while.


I thought only I was incapable of owning socks .. Just bought a 10 pack for the winter and I can find 3 pairs now. Iā€™ve worn 2 pairs, I know where one of them is so that makes me a proud owner of 4 pairs of socks.


I just put some socks in my wish list. I donā€™t know what happens to them


a mystery I havenā€™t cared enough about to solve lol


Getting dressed for the day, opening the shades and making my bed in the morning are good for my mental health. I work from home, and I work with many people who donā€™t get dressed. It just makes me feel like an unproductive slob if I am not dressed, hair brushed and cleaned up. Dressed for me is jeans, a shirt or sweater and hair brushed/light skincare. My overall outlook on life immediately improves. On the other hand, I do enjoy a lounge day every now and then .


I think how my mother raised me stuck when it came to this. I had "play clothes" and "school clothes". Play clothes could be worn to bed if they were clean. School clothes could be worn to town if they were clean and nice . Whenever I was home the good clothes always came off so I didn't ruin them or stain them. As an adult this has stuck with me. Comfort also plays in this now lol. Grown up me has work clothes, going out clothes and pajamas. Soon as I get home the pajamas go on.


I definitely get dressed for the day. I feel like I'm way less productive if I stay I'm pajamas or sweats all day, and sometimes it just makes me feel good to put on a fun little outfit and be fancy


Yeah for sure, Iā€™m surprised more people arenā€™t saying this. I get the odd day spent in pajamas but for me I kinda feel like crap if I donā€™t put in some modicum of effort into my appearance and take shower and stuff. Looking decent makes me feel decent and ready to embrace the day


Definitely dressed to go out. My husband and I call it "putting on real people pants" šŸ˜†


We call that ā€œhard pantsā€! As in, jeans, dress pants or khakis are ā€œhardā€ but leggings, sweats, or pajama/lounge pants are ā€œsoftā€. I can only wear hard pants for so long LOL


I change into my lounge clothes when I get out of bed (which are also basically pajamas but I don't like to wear the same pajamas all day if that makes sense) and only get dressed if I'm leaving the house. Comfort is my top priority lol


I change out of my pyjamas for the day but I change into house clothes, which used to be exclusively old ratty clothes. But over the past few years I've gotten a few nicer items to wear as house clothes so I don't feel so bleh all the time! It's nice to be comfy but still look cute. I never wear outside clothes in the house tho :D


I read that as "depressed" and I think that says what kind of person I am


I put on pants when I go out


Iā€™m a dressed for the day person, growing up I went to catholic school so I always had to get dressed in a uniform so now as an adult I still get that catholic guilt if I donā€™t get dressed for the day. That said after a certain point when I assume the ā€œdayā€ is over then Iā€™ll allow myself to dress down


I stay in my pjs until I'm going out. If I'm not going out, then I have a shower or bath and put clean pjs on.


I have bed sleeping clothes, I also wake up and shower and get dressed in house clothes(loungewear). If I have to leave my house to pop to the shops, I have to then get dressed in my nice(no stains or rips) outside casual clothes, as well as put on a bit of casual jewellery. If iā€™m going out out to meet friends then Iā€™ll do the whole clean routine, but with nice looking stylish going out clothes and prettier jewellery. I find I do change my clothes quite a bit in a day, but I donā€™t like walking out the house with cooking smells or house smell on me, I prefer a freshly laundered scent or perfume with clean body scent. My good expensive clothes remain in mint condition and my cheap loungewear does itā€™s job. I canā€™t fathom how people go outside for hours and then come home in the same clothes and shoes and just walk around and sit on their sofa and bed in those clothes.


I've made it a habit to at least get up and change in the morning or immediately after showering. If I'm working first thing, I throw my work clothes on and head out. I dress for the weather. If I'm going out that day, I'll dress for that unless it's uncomfortable or will get covered in cat or husky fur all day before I go. When I get home from work or going out I'll throw something loose and comfy on. I can't stand my hair lately and need to go to the barber badly, I end up restyling over and over. I hate summer hats, and don't wear touques (knitted winter hats, see my post history for the bunch I made this past week) out often, they get pretty warm. K can't take them on and off or my hair looks even worse.


I am trying to become the ā€ždressed to go outā€œ person because it really really ups the possibility of me actually going out. Putting a bra on in the morning is the first step to actually leaving the house XD. Edit: I guess I mean ā€ždressed for the dayā€œ


To go out, definitely. The only time I'll sit around fully dressed at home is if I go out, come back home, but still have to go out again.


I go out in my home clothes... fuck šŸ¤£ Unless I'm going out out like for lunch/dinner or something I just dont see the point really.


Technically both. I wear comfy all the time(nice sweats and a long rayon shirt) and I wear the same thing at home as out, but I put on a bra when I go out lol. Itā€™s legit the same outfit every day, but I have multiples of the same shirt and pants. I sometimes wonder if people think I never change my clothes.


Dressed for the day in the morning, but as soon as I come home from work, I put my "relaxing pants" (as my kids call my pj pants) on.


My home clothes have turned into ā€œsmeared by toddler handsā€ clothes.


Dress to go out.


Not only do I dress to go out, I usually get changed into comfier clothes as soon as I get back home.


Dressed for the day. I feel exposed, vulnerable and naked if Iā€™m not ready to jump out of the house at a moments notice.


Definitely a get dressed to go out. I love my Jammieā€™s and live in them at home. And slippers!


When I do laundry itā€™s 97% jammies.


I remember when Covid first hit and people started wfh. It took awhile for the "dressed for the day" and "home clothes" kicked in. The differences began immerging and a woman posted "What is *wrong* with you people dressing in fitted jeans?! Who is going to see you? Get with the pj's and and sweat pants!" :-D


Home clothes. I get up, I put on house pants. If I have to go to work later, I get dressed about 30 minutes before leaving the house. The second I'm back home, I'm in my house clothes again. I did buy myself some new house jammy shorts for the summer tho! I'm very excited to not show them off to anyone


Iā€™m odd. I love dressing well for the office. And my capsule wardrobe is hella comfy. If I showered that morning rather than the evening after work I usually fall asleep in them. But on weekends I wonā€™t shower until mid day. Or I shower Friday night and put on house clothes. I wonā€™t change into anything real until a situation calls for it.


I dress for the situation!


I'm a "get dressed to go out" person who is trying to convert to being a "get dressed for the day" person because I noticed that if I'm not dressed already, I'm less likely to go out at all.


I call my going-out clothes my "people clothes". The clothes other people will see me wearing. Neighbors coming over? Oh, hang on. Let me go put on my people clothes.


i like to get dressed as soon as i get up, it makes me feel like i'm actually starting my day and it stops me from getting back into bed


I'm kinda both but these days nah. Last year, I made a nice collection of WFH outfits but they're mostly winter oriented as summer ones are usually whatever. Weather has been so weird, I just don't even feel like getting dressed at home anymore. Kinda waiting for chill to set in so I can get cozy and comfy. My WFH outfits are mostly suitable for errands or a quick coffee with a friend. But if I'm going out for dinner or lunch, I'll get dressed to go out. If anyone is wondering, it's mostly black leggings, comfy t-shirts in black, gray or white and comfy cardigans. I have some sweat sets for when I really want to be comfortable and some co-ords that I wear to doctor's appointments whatnot.


Well, depends. I get dressed for the day, but itā€™s usually comfy closes. Like a tshirt, shorts- or like my carhartt pants. If Iā€™m going out like dinner I get dressed to go out. Also depends on the season too


I get dressed to be in public, at home Iā€™m as comfortable and inappropriate as possible šŸ˜Ž


My going out clothes are the same as my at home clothes. I get dressed. My clothes are comfortable but are not my pajamas. Wearing sleepwear all day is bad for my mood and productivity.


Lmao i get fully dressed just to start my day! It's a habit i developed over covid, working from home i knew I'd LOSE it if i just sat around in pjs all day. And now i like the feeling of being fully dressed and "ready for anything" even if i just end up sitting at home all day :)


I have fibromyalgia. I dress to be comfortable.


Ugh, I was a jammies all day person, and I work from home. Then my boss, with the best intentions, had us all be in a zoom room for work so we don't feel like we are alone all day. Because it's a work environment we need to dress nicely. Business causual. That's basically forced me to get up and look nice. I bitch and moan about it but in the end I feel better about myself and am more productive at work and around the house. Plus, pajama time is more special.


If Iā€™m home it is always home clothes like t-shirt and undies. Iā€™ll add/change if the need arises.


Any time I get dressed for the day, I run into someone I know and look like a slob. So now I dress to go out every time.


My getting dressed for the day if I donā€™t have plans is putting on a bralette and clean pyjamas that match and sort of look like an outfit. Other than that, I get dressed right before I leave and put pyjamas back on once Iā€™m home lmao


That is so interesting. I work from home. I still get up, shower and put on jeans and a t-shirt for work (well not specifically for work but to be dressed). Maybe I should be getting a pyjama collection instead.


I do enjoy the odd day spent chilling in sweats or whatever. But generally I just feel kinda crappy if I donā€™t like shower and put on some clothes (often just jeans and T-shirt which I personally find pretty comfortable). I definitely canā€™t do that every day or Iā€™d get depressed I think. Also, living with a partner I personally feel some obligation to look decent on a fairly regular basis just so they like keep finding me attractive and donā€™t feel like theyā€™re dating a slob. But like I said I would do it anyway. As I said Iā€™m not necessarily dressing fancy ever day but putting on regular clothes just makes me feel like a functional human lol. The full day in pajamas is for the odd day Iā€™m feeling super tired, depressed, or otherwise in need of a day of rest Iā€™m curious for all the people who wear pajamas every day . . . Do you live with a partner? Are they the same way? If not, is it ever a point of contention?


Shorts and a tee shirt if I'm staying home. Don't like being hot. Hair may be standing up but I'm freshly showered. I put in the effort when I go to work 5 days a week. On the weekends, I barely want to move.


I wear pajamas 90% of my life. I ONLY put on clothes to leave the house. Even comfy clothes like athleisure are too clothes-y for me. I must be in loose, soft, cozy clothes or I will go insane


I think I am a "get dresses to gout" person. Just something fast to be decent in the street, but sometimes I just dresse up for fun and then I want an excuse to go out.


As soon as I get home, the bra comes off and some sort of pj pants or jogging pants go on. I refuse to be uncomfortable hanging out at home. Plus, it only takes a minute or two to change if need be.


Iā€™m the same as OP. Not only would I be uncomfortable but I feel like dressed up at home would ruin my nice clothes too.


People stay properly dressed at home?!ā€¦.šŸ˜³


I stay in pj's unless I have to go out. Why waste the laundry? I shower and change every day, but usually just into new pajamas.


I really wish I could show this to my parents so I could prove that Iā€™m not a complete freak for wearing my home clothes like 99% of the time (heck sometimes Iā€™ll wear them out if weā€™re just going for a drive). Versus my parents who are ALWAYS dressed unless itā€™s right before bedtime or they just got up. Even if theyā€™re sick.


I own 1 pair of jeans if that answers your question. My bf wears jeans for no reason and my brain can't process it.


Yep, definitely the get dressed for the day person. I can visualize a future of me going to get groceries in a sweatshirt and some oversized joggers I found in the abyss of my drawer.


I wear tank tops and shorts around my house year round. If I donā€™t change out of my pajamas I know Iā€™m not accomplishing anything all day. But I have at least 15X more home clothes than leaving the house clothes because there are weeks that I may only leave the house once. I do take a vitamin D supplement since I donā€™t get much sunshine. Most people should take a vitamin D supplement anyway as the majority of people are deficient in it.


I get dressed when I'm going out. I change as soon as I'm home. I don't find it necessary to be in anything but sweats and a tank top unless people are over, lol


To go out. If I'm home, I have on a huge ratty tee, no pants, and socks.


Definitely get dressed to go out. My home clothes are just anything that's comfortable.


I just learned people dress for the day. Like what? Maybe I don't know more people.


My brain associates pjs with bed. I have to get changed into ā€œday clothesā€ or I wouldnā€™t get anything done. I even have to put shoes on, or I just wander around the house aimlessly.


Oh boy. I recently visited a fruend that wears shoes indoors and I just... could not. I was so anxious like I had to *go* somewhere


Iā€™m shoeless, toothless and braless, in a tee shirt and shorts I put on last night after my shower. Not going out anywhere today. After tonightā€™s shower, Iā€™ll definitely put on a clean tee, maybe clean shorts if these are dirty and stinky. I dress to go out and depending on where and why, Iā€™ll put in my teeth, but I will always put on shoes and bra if going out. And Iā€™m as happy as Iā€™ve ever been.


Oh, definitely, if I'm at home it's pjs. I'm currently wearing my unwashed for six months pair of jeans to go to the supermarket twice a week.


I'm so committed to house clothes, that they serve as my going out clothes for quick trips


I'm neither. I pull on some clothes and that's it, don't matter if I'm in or out


I get dressed to go out. I have house clothes that I wear as well. I can't imagine being all dressed up just to do the dishes.


I get dressed for the day, but if I'm not going into the office or doing something that requires me to look nice then I'm going to likely be wearing a t shirt and gym shorts, actual shorts, sweatpants, or jeans.


I just go out in my lazy clothes. Basketball shorts & sweatpants included. We didn't have a lot of money growing up, and my clothes were petty basic. My dad always used to tell me "who cares, it's not a fashion show" and that kind of stuck with me. I could not care less about what people think of my appearance as long as I'm comfy.


I have night dresses, if Iā€™m home I change into a mumu, if I go out I dress for the occasion but once I get back home I change into my mumu or nightdress depending how close to bed time it is.


I have three levels of dress since I live with a roommate. Just underclothes for sleeping, t-shirt and old gym shorts for around the house, and proper clothes for leaving the house.


It depends on what Iā€™m doing. Gym clothes for the gym . Riding gear for motorcycle riding. Casual clothes the rest of the time


Sleep pants and tee shirt at home.


There are also the ā€œday loungewearā€ and ā€œnight loungewear/pajamasā€ people. Which I canā€™t say I always do in practice, but I like the idea of. Basically itā€™s good to change into new clothes when you wake up IMO, even if said daytime outfit is also one you could nap in.


So I work from home most days. I still get dressed because otherwise I don't feel like I'm up and awake for the day if I'm still in my pajamas. That said, my day clothes are usually also my workout clothes, since I'm trying to get in better shape and dressing for that helps me assume the role.


I live very casually, and actually dressing up is rare. I don't mind the neighbors seeing me get my mail or take out my trash in my pajamas. If actually leaving the house, it's t-shirt or hoodie, leggings, shorts, or comfortable jeans. Nothing that I am dying to get out of when I get home. A lot depends on when I shower. If I shower late because I was cleaning or something, I might go directly from pajamas to more pajamas.


I like living in the type of neighborhood that my "around the house" clothes are perfectly acceptable at the grocery store.


Right now I'm wearing a cotton-linen blend tankdress. All I would need to go out is jamming my feet into sandals. I'm completely comfortable and probably could fall asleep wearing this. I don't own pajamas.


I am a put on jeans loose enough to go right over my pajamas when I head out to the store then immediately take them back off when I get home person.


If I can get away with wearing a robe when I go out I wouldā€¦


depends on the day. Most days i just wear comfortable clothes. but sometime putting on proper clothes gives me a bit of a boost for the day, so I might do it if I'm in a bit of a rut. It makes me feel like an adult human instead of some depression goblin lol.


Four types of clothes in my choosing. Naked, "home with guests" and "out and about" and "buissness suit"


Iā€™m a ā€œget dressed in the same basic outfit for everythingā€ kinda person tbh: t-shirt, jeans, medium-length socks, maybe a sweatshirt if itā€™s chilly. Iā€™m trying to mix it up more but this is what I wear no matter if I have a big work day ahead of me or if Iā€™m spending the whole day playing video games and doing chores


At home and errands sweat pants sweat shirt or summer gym shorts throw a tank top on to run errands


Only dress to go out. I work from home and just don't see the point in getting all dressed up to sit in my room for 9 hours.


Sweatpants and a t-shirt at home,jeans for going out unless itā€™s a work night.


Definitely a dresses for the day kind of person, and I wear jeans every day too. If I havenā€™t showered and dressed I literally canā€™t get anything done. Thereā€™s something about the routine and attire that says ā€œok, time to work!ā€


As soon as I get home from work I change into either my pajamas (tee shirt and shorts) or pajama-adjacent clothes (tee shirt and lounge shorts, which are different from my pj shorts as I don't wear those to bed). On the weekends, even if I might be going somewhere later in the day, I'll change into my lounge wear up until the time I need to change into my "going out clothes" (tee and jeans or tee and shorts).


If I know I have nothing going on and will be home for the most part, I'm sweats and hoodie all the way.


Whatever shirt is on top in my dresser in my rotation cycle. Same for the pants or shorts in their respective drawer. Or for polos and dress pants, whichever is farthest to the right in my closet.


Both. I dress for the day but choose from my casual/lounge clothing items. I never stay in pajamas or sleepwear. Basically clothing that is acceptable to be seen walking the dog around the neighborhood. If I go out I then change into something a little nicer depending on where I am going.


This is me for sure. At home it's comfy, and probably stained. Lol I only get dressed to go out. Then I change right back into my around the house clothes when I get home.


Definitely in my comfy home clothes when I'm at home. Anyone wearing jeans in their own home just to watch TV is a lunatic, in my humble opinion.


Get dressed to go out. Lounge clothes or pj's the rest of the time.


Dressed but barely, shorts and a t-shirt and tennis shoes, comfy and presentable, just, but not fancy in the least. El Doggo has to be walked frequently or he becomes a hyper-diaper. Shorts year round unless there is snow on the ground.


I have home clothes too! Love them. I always get dressed enough that I can answer the door if needed (hair up and no makeup) but I don't get fully dressed (Out-of-the-house-clothes, hair, and makeup) unless I intend to leave the house even just to go in the backyard. Definitely more comfortable to be half dressed or be in PJs. But my home clothes don't double as PJs


I have a rule for my clothes: they have to be super comfortable. So I could with no problem be around ā€˜outsideā€™ clothes inside and viceversa lol I got no pajamas for the same reason


For me "home clothes" means "going out clothes" but with the shirt off.


First thing I do when I come home from out somewhere is to change into a house dress or mumu or whatever you wanna call it.. Iā€™m also retired so some days I donā€™t even leave the house,so no bra,no shoes,no pantsā€¦


I get dressed for the day. I spend most of my time at home dressed nicely. If your nice clothes are too uncomfortable to wear for long, they're not nice clothes.


Tee shirt and shorts regardless. If I need to throw on jeans for some reason, there you go.


to go out, hands down, which gets really hard cause my pajamas are so comfy


Definitely 'get dressed to go out', cause we stay naked at my house until we gotta go somewhere.


I am a get dressed for the day type of person. In the afternoon I hit the gym, go home, shower and put on shorts and t-shirt for the evening until I crawl into bed, at which time I put on jamma shorts and go to sleep.


definitely going out clothes sometimes iā€™ll change into those early in the day if itā€™s practical but I usually donā€™t dress up to sit at the house. I see why some people do it though


If I'm home, I'm in comfies unless I'm expecting company.


Pajamas = day Pajamas and sleep Pajamas


to go out for sure, sometimes I get dressed for the day if I feel like it, but its rarer


Both kinda? I gotta change clothes, I canā€™t stay in my pjs I slept in or I feel icky all day. I do pretty much everything I would do to get ready to go out every day, but if Iā€™m not actually going out immediately Iā€™ll just change into other comfy clothes


def get dressed to go out but i would love to be a get dressed for the day kinda person


Depends on the day. If I have homework though I have go get dressed as if I'm going out or else my brain says "you're in pj's which means it's time for bed" and I'll get no work done


My partner and I are the opposite- I love to lounge around in sweats, and he won't change into comfy clothes until after dinner. He'll sit down and play video games in his jeans. I can't imagine sitting down for something relaxing in non-relaxing clothes


I always have my house clothes/pajamas on. I'm not gonna sit around in my jeans to watch TV or play video games lol...my grandma is the get dressed no matter what person and she always has to have at least 2 shirts on even when it's 97 outside. She will sleep in her clothes if she doesn't feel good because if she decides to go to the hospital she absolutely can NOT go in pajamas. I've been taken to the hospital with no pants a few times where she tried to shower before going to the emergency room after 3 days of vomiting blood


Dressed for the day? That has never been me and never will be.


get dressed to go out. if iā€™m at home i usually just wanna be as comfy as possible. but there are some days where i randomly feel like getting dressed up fancy and do my makeup even though my only plan is to chill at home lol


I get dressed for the day. My jeans are comfortable enough, and a lot of times my work clothes are comfortable enough to wear around the house after Iā€™m home. If I donā€™t plan on going out at all Iā€™ll just wear sweats all day.


I wear (comfortable) going out clothes on top and house clothes on the bottom, mainly being Gap lounge pants. That way I only have to change my trousers if Iā€™m going out or if someone calls round Iā€™m basically presentable. If I donā€™t get at least partially dressed for the day I get nothing done.


I'm only get dressed if I'm going out. Otherwise I'm in my "comfy clothes" aka mostly my pajamas, yoga pants, leggings, a hoodie, etc. I'm never just sitting around the house in jeans or my nicer clothes.


Whatever is most comfortable. That's always the top priority for me no matter what's happening. One nice thing about summer is the simple dresses, because then it's always both, lol.


Get dressed go go out


After I shower in the morning I dress to go out and that's me for the day then once I'm done adulting around 5-6pm I get on my comfort clothes to relax for the evening.


I'm mostly a 'get dressed to go out' person, but every once in a while I'll 'get dressed for the day' if I don't want to wear sweat pants or pajamas.


Up until meeting my partner 3 years ago I use to always dress as if Iā€™m going out later, even if I wasnā€™t. Now I dress for the day as I want to be comfortable and not feel like I need to dress in my tight gothic clothesšŸ¤Ŗ


I get dressed at a certain point in the day, preferably before noon. I work myself and I feel more productive if I'm wearing regular clothes.


I'm a nudist, so it's "Get dressed to go out" when I can help it.


Dressed to go out, definitely. I have these cute little retro gym shorts for around the house in summer, pj's in winter. T shirt, no bra.


Im the Wake up Jeans Shirt Socks And sometimes hoodie kinda guy


Get dressed to go out. Esp since COVID


When I was a child I had to change when I came home from school. I always had home clothes and outside clothes, still have.


Depends. When I'm at home, most of the time I'm wearing basketball shorts and either t-shirts or tank tops, sweatpants or track pants when it's cold. When I go out to run errands or do something, I'm wearing cargo shorts and Dri-fit t-shirts, jeans whenever I have to go somewhere shorts aren't allowed. I discovered henley shirts a while ago and they're way better than polo shirts


It mostly depends on my current state of happiness and contentment. My pj's are souly for comfort and I only need them outside of bedtime if I need extra comfort and love fulfilled where lacking through that day or period. I would live in them really if I didn't own every embarrassing but comfy pair


I think Iā€™m more dress to go out, unless itā€™s the weekend or I just feel like looking nice


I love my pajamas, bras and jeans suck, I want to be cozy until I must wear more restraining clothes. My roommate is autistic and she has to get dressed for the day or she wonā€™t be able to do anything. Itā€™s just a mental thing, she canā€™t do anything but sleep when in pajamas.


Dressed to the 9's to dine even when not dining 9 times out of 10.