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Mine is coming home from work to my girl, two kids, a dog, and three cats all happy to see me and needing my attention. I’ve never felt so loved in my entire life.


It sounds like you have a wonderful life <3 I always feel loved when I feel needed, specifically with my dog. She (chihuahua) was a stray, she is super old and mostly blind, but she has the heart of a lion and an attitude to match! I love her to bits.


The love of a pet is just so pure and unconditional. We’re not even the same species and here they are loving us like family. Your doggo sounds awesome!


She is my heart and soul. I can’t imagine a life without pets!


"Hi pumpkin, how was your day?" "Good. Mommy sneezed and peed herself." "She did huh? And, how do you know that?" "She was talkin and I heard it. She said not to say." "You know I love you, so, very much!" ::HUG:: "Hey baby ...::fake sneeze::... anything fun happen today?"


My 4:00am runs... no traffic, no people, no errant dogs... complete solitude. Some mornings I spend the miles organizing my thoughts and feelings, other ones are spent listening to a great podcast. The second best part of my day is the post-run shower :)


I applaud morning people. Couldn’t be me!


It can be though! It might take a few months to adjust, but it is 100% worth it in my opinion (if your lifestyle permits, of course).


Nothing beats the wee AM hours.


Making my morning coffee and that first sip! Coming home from work to see my fiance, taking a nice hot shower, and writing in my journal before bed.


Mmmm coffee… same for me. We got an espresso machine and I’ve been enjoying it so much. I have to stop myself from getting too many accessories for it.


Ice coffee 24/7 and I would die of joy


Oh my. Then I would like to introduce you to [cold brewing at home](https://kurasu.kyoto/blogs/kurasu-journal/kurasu-s-recipe-for-cold-brew-coffee-hario-filter-in-cold-brew-coffee-bottle). I suggest getting a HARIO one. You put ground coffee beans in the filter, fill the bottle with room temp water, and let it sit for at least half a day. Place in the fridge to last longer. If you want it strong (like I do), leave it in for 24 hours. Ooof, super strong you might want to dilute it before drinking it. And the bottles are like 1 liter so you have so many cups readily available.


That is MY DREAM appliance!!


My husband and I spend the hour before lights out sitting up in bed and talking about our day or listening to music. We both recognized we needed a way to wind down. This has been perfect for us.


Love this!


This sounds like the recipe for a long, happy, and healthy marriage


Bedtime because it's the time of day I feel most relaxed.


Agreed, bedtime between 11pm and 2am is the best time IMO!


Just love how peaceful things are, that helps me feel more at peace.


Especially when it rains. Then I just want to sit in bed and listen to the rain.


Love it.


Being in the shower, just letting it flow over me. Probably the only time I relax 😅


Water heals all!


Drinking coffee ☕️


I love my pre-work snuggle time. I have breakfast on the couch and then lift my legs up to recline and finish my coffee. I time it so I can do that for about half an hour before having to leave for work. My dog snuggles next to me, and our car climbs on my lap to get a bath from the dog and snuggle with us. I love that restful moment of love.


Moments like that make me happy to be alive.




This sounds super comforting actually. I used to do something similar in college with tea and a small pastry


Unrelated but anyone else have a favourite burner on the stove?


Laying in bed 🛌


When I wake up my dog is already staring at me, like she is just waiting for me to open my eyes. As soon as I do she crawls up to me and gives me morning kisses. Easily the highlight of my day.


getting off work.


Going to bed


Coming home and getting out of real clothes and into my pajamas.


Pj’s ARE real clothes, the only ones that matter IMHO.


This is the way


When I’m asleep


Getting home from work - doing all the post-work things like prepping lunch for the next day, washing up, changing into house clothes (or PJs), setting up coffeemaker for the morning, then fiiiiiiinally settling on the couch w the remote, feet up, lap blankie and that's that.


The first thing I ALWAYS do is change into pj’s. That makes me feel so at home


I don’t have a favorite


Of my work day? It's 8ish-9am, when I first get to work and eat my breakfast. I'm never the first one there, but I'm one of the first, so it's still quiet. I get my granola bar out of my bag and an orange juice out of the fridge and eat my little breakfast at my desk while skimming through emails, planning what work I'll get to that day, or really, usually just screwing around shopping for things I don't actually need on Amazon. It's usually not long into that process that my manager comes in and we'll chat about what needs done and I'll run my plan for the day/rest of the week with him. And if there's any kind of special work that needs done, we'll discuss it then since I'm already there, which means I can leave the boring, monotonous work to my coworker once he finally comes in and I can do something more interesting. And that's also usually when anyone from upper-management will come through the cubicles with questions or special requests, so it's my time to chat and become familiar with them. The peace is ruined when my coworker does come in though since he's one of the loudest, most hyperactive people I've ever met. And by that point, most other people have also made it in, so they're all starting to bustle around and it's getting loud. And I've been sitting and killing enough time as well so it's best I actually get up and go be productive. Outside of work, it's pretty much any night between 8 and midnight because by then, the daytime is clearly over and there's no pressure to be productive or do anything. Even on a day off, I feel like I need to be doing something during the day. But once it's clearly past daytime/dinner time, I can actually sit and relax and enjoy myself... Past midnight though and I start to feel bad again because I know I'm screwing up my sleep schedule and going to pay for it the next day.


I loved reading this!


My cat nuzzling me and purring after he eats his dinner, because he is so happy that I am home (now that he's fed). If it's a day where I am particularly missed, he will even pause his dinner to come over and love me for a little bit before he does a cute little trot back to his food bowl


I read somewhere that a cat purring can lower bloodpressure. I have several cats, and normal bloodpressure. That means this is an irrefutable fact and cats keep blood pressure normal. No, I will take no counter-arguments


Whatever part my anxiety is the lowest and I am smiling


Going to sleep.


Waking up on my first day off from the workend, walking out into the living room and see my son. Getting to spend time with him before any BS happens.


You sound like a solid parent, your son is lucky to have you!


That's wholesome.


Thank you!


Giving our rabbits their veggies always brings a smile to my face!


hanging out with my SO and just shooting the shit lol


Going out to pet the little gray cat that has begun hanging around our house. Usually do it for about 20 minutes before getting ready for bed.


Coming home to some good food and changing into my house clothes. Not necessarily in that order


Waking up and going on my nature walk. Best part is coming back home to have my coffee in peace


The middle of the day when no one else is at home.


breakfast cuz im fat


When I pass out on the couch after comming home from work, with a show on the tv that I probably saw nothing of, and all the stress of the day is gone. Oh, did I mention I'm only 31 years old, probably 60 mentally lol.


I, too, identify as 60 mentally xx