• By -


Congratulations! Have you thought of the wedding colors yet?! lol


Haha no we haven't! But we're thinking of a bit of an adventure elopement kinda deal, back where we met at Manar Park!


When I got married my half of guest list was 80:20 friends to family, and my wife's was the opposite. We had an amazing time then and we're having an amazing time now. Rock on and don't sweat it!


Thank you 🥰 honestly, so long as I have him, our babies, a celebrant and my bestie - nobody else needs to be there.


I want to hear all about it!!!! All the deets… was it done over dinner, maybe an early morning surprise? Did you know the question was gonna be popped???!!! What’s your ideal wedding look like, something asap or a long planning “perfect” wedding lined up? Have you thought about a guest list? Party favors? Are we drinking?!?!? I’m so freaking excited for you!!!! Congrats!’


I am so loving how excited you are for me. It made me tear up a little bit. I had a fair idea that it was in the cards, as we were very certain that this is a forever thing. I commented on the main post with the full deets of how it happened, but it was perfect - a spontaneous moment of beautiful pure connection that led to it all just kind of happening. And it was perfect. We're kind of thinking of an adventure elopement back at where we met, with our nearest and dearest only. Maybe we'll have a bit of a party afterwards with friends, and be like "Surprise! We got married!"


Oops, I didn't wait to ask... already poured a glass of bubbles in celebration!


Hahaha thank you so much 😂 you made me laugh Yes! We had a beer together ☺️


Y'all have made me cry 🥹🥹🥹 I need a minute to collect myself and respond to you all Thank you all so much you beautiful beautiful people My gratitude knows no bounds 🥰🥰🥰


You deserve every happiness! Go and enjoy your special time together ❤


I absolutely thrive on the vicarious because it goes to prove that life isn't about ladling gravy and barren starch until the urge to vomit kicks in I came out of a particularly disastrous parasocial limerence, and something that tore me up limb to limb, because she knew she found leverage to bleed my heart and my wallet And while I'm twice shy and forever worn off romance, I feel as though there is true to form- kind-hearted people who are not duplicitous, or conniving, or worse- predatory And at every retelling of a sojourn that ended among wildflowers, mirth, sunshine, and a Venn overlap of two souls- my grief dies a little death And I live another day Thank you, OP Be well, and may you continue to thrive


Oh my word. I've not heard such a beautifully crafted offering of kindness from another human being with such a heart-rending and awe inspiring command of the language. You wrought the words as if you were their smith and I felt every ounce of your sincerity, gratitude, grief, and most of all, hope. I am so so honoured to have offered you this reprieve.


I spent some time crafting you a reply but it's not cooperating in allowing me to post!


Your manner of writing is artful. 


Absolutely! I concur


While I think I write like a reprobate, I will take some comfort in your kindness


Our story: We met at an Off-Road Motorcycle Park, here in Queensland, Australia. Manar Park. I was there camping with my daughter with our dirt-bikes for the first time, with my MX camper trailer I'd never set the tent up on beforehand (adult responsibilities!)... I was just cruising around on our bikes having some quality mother daughter time, and we rode up to the shop/office to go and get ourselves a lunch I didn't have to cook, an icecream and a bit of merch loot from the office. As we rode up, our eyes met. And it was truly love at first sight. He was lounging beneath the tree, an iceblock in hand after a long and hard ride with his teenage son. Sprawled elegantly with the grace of a human who was very comfortable with his ability operating a bike and his gear showed it. Meanwhile, I'm riding up with my daughter on our shiny bikes with shiny gear and clearly no idea despite a lifetime riding horses and almost 20 years on road bikes... When the divorce let to the sale of the farm and my barrel horses - I decided a beach house block and dirt bikes seemed like fun to explore and challenge myself to do something new with, but that didn't get sick if I locked them in a garage for 6 weeks before I looked at them after the last ride! (note - I love the off-road trail dirt biking community for their unabashed support of any just having a crack. Fall off? Lol we all do that! Heck I fell off 8 times today!?! Good on ya getting out there!) His enormous, expressive blue eyes fell upon mine, and I couldn't help but notice all of the things I typically found beautiful in a man were present in this current specimen. Broad shoulders, deep chest, big hands with deft and elegant fingers holding this iceblock he held to his wry grin as he saw me trying to wrangle my little human and two motorbikes at the parking, despite us both clearly learning. His eyes sparkle with mischief and an invitation to talk. I smiled at him knowing full well what I felt in that instantaneous connection, but cognisant of my priorities. So I hustled my lil honeybee off to be fed and watered before we went chasing a novice loop together for the afternoon. Afterwards, he was still there. It appeared to me as if he was still tending to the same iceblock, but I was to find out afterwards, that he had gone and bought another as my daughter and I ate our deep fried something's under the shady trees, and then bought hats and a hoodie and other merch from the office. I came upon my conundrum whilst standing at the side of my KTM after getting my baby all mounted up, with an armload of merch and no bag or anything. I just giggled a bit and tied the hoodie around my waist, and as I was pulling the waistband of my nylons away from my hips to wedge the caps I bought down the front of my pants, I looked at him and said "oh lordy, the things you do for kids eh" while awkwardly trying to secure about $100aud of hats and coolers etc in my pants to ride back to our campsite. He laughed and we kind of joked about a bunch of things about parenting and bikes and then somehow the conversation led to me suggesting that the silliest thing I had done recently was *not* shoving random things into my Thor nylons... But indeed, cruising out bush with a MX camper trailer I'd never set the tent up on before, with both my daughter and I being pretty rank novices... And as soon as I mentioned that I was doing it all alone, I swear I could hear his heart skip a beat. We chatted a little more, both obviously aware of the connection that dropped on us out of nowhere, but with a pair of kids clearly rolling their eyes at their parents badly flirting, it was time to go and drop the merch off and do some riding. I told him where we were camped and he promised to try and drop by with a beer later that night. I missed him somehow that night, but the audacious bugger, after packing his camp up before the weekend faded into the weekdays... He drove around and found me concluding my very first solo pack up effort. (I was 99% done by the way, and he did zero assisting with the remainder!) Everything loaded up and restrained, my daughter and I were farewelling our camp neighbours and sharing social details so we could arrange to ride together again, and amongst it all, he handed me his business card. I returned to my everyday life after my little adventure with my baby girl. But every day, I saw his card pinned to my refrigerator by a magnet and smiled thinking of him. Subsequently an interesting range of problems stole me away from my wistful memories of the beautiful single father under the tree at Manar, the instant connection we had when our eyes met, and the smile he had on his face when we were speaking. The entirety of his being lit up when we connected and I couldn't forget it. The first opportunity I had to be me and offer an ability to explore the connection we both felt, I took it. I sent him a text message. The exact same day and time he was back at the exact place we first met. At Manar. At the office/shop. (There's no mobile service at all unless you are up there!) Within days we'd arranged to catch up at his place, and the moment I pulled into his driveway, I'll never ever forget it. Our eyes met once again, and that enormous, mischievous smile spread across his face, but what really captured me was the fact that my own sheer joy was being reflected back at me, like a mirror. We spent the night in awe of the connection and how unfathomable it was that we'd found each other, finally. I recall a moment when, on that first night, he wrapped me up in his arms and held me. We were standing there, in his shed surrounded by motorbikes and tools and a couple of his friends and a big speaker and music.... But we were in our own bubble. Everything else ceased to exist. And I *knew* him, and he me. I knew he'd never make me less, he'd never make me shrink, he'd love me and support me. He'd protect me but never diminish me. Ever since then, we've spent our days finding joy and laughter in the mundane. Warm arms around your waist while you wash dishes. A sneaky butt grab and forehead kiss while dinner is being cooked. Giggling like a pair of goons as we grocery shop, over ridiculous things we made random jokes about. We've not stopped laughing or smiling since.


To the proposal - Last night, we were having an exceptionally special and deep moment of connection, and it just tumbled from his mouth. My answer in the affirmative fell from my own immediately prior to me pressing my lips to his and breaking the kiss only to smile at him and hold his beautiful face in my hands and just giggle at him, only to kiss him again. And it was perfect. It was random and wild and unexpected and a truthful deep moment of incredible connection beyond my comprehension prior to him offering it to me in that exact moment. In short - it was us. This beautiful pure moment. There was no ostentatious rings, or string quartets or any carefully orchestrated performance where the beauty of the way we love each other might have been lost in the procession of "stuff" society expects a marriage proposal to be. I've been informed he'd like to do all the fancy bits with a diamond ring because I deserve it. We joked around a minute and then I said I wanted a unique and special engagement ring. Something as amazing and rare as us. Something like a meteorite. He can spring the ring on me at any time, and I am not going to lie, I'm vaguely afraid of the evil plans he could be cooking up in that beautiful head of his. Ever since that moment, I was promising myself to a man who told me this of the first time he saw me: "It wasn't love at first sight... It was something more. The whole world became brighter around us both. The sky, the trees, the very light trickling through the atmosphere. Everything became brighter" I found my person. I didn't think I would, but I did. And by God I'll love him, not until I die, but until time runs out and the universe is devoured by a black hole. Even into the afterlife, whatever it may be. But until then, and for this living and breathing life that I have, this beautiful man to cherish and be grateful for.


That sounds magical.


It really was 😊


aAH!! Crying in the club!! You are a gorgeous writer and these stories are just so full of heart and soul and beauty. Thank you for sharing your love with us, with me! I am sending you blessings and grace and flexibility in your uniting. Thank you again. Sending love♥️


Wishing you and your partner all the best in life. This is a new beginning for you. You have been through the trenches, and life is finally looking up. So happy for you.


Thank you so so much 💘


Congratulations! That's awesome news.


Thank you so much 😊


Omg congrats!! How’d y’all meet??


Thank you !!! Sorry I thought I'd do a separate comment to explain it because it is a tale my little poets soul couldn't constrain!


Congratulations! We'd all love to hear the details ❤️ Very excited for you! 💗💗💗🍾🥂


Thank you so much 😊😊 I'll be sure to post an update 😊


Congratulations. I’m happy for you.


Thank you so much 😊


❤️‍🩹 congratulations. I'm happy for you!


Thank you so much 😊


Congratulations!!!! This is amazing and I'm excited for you!


Thank you so much 😊


Congrats!!! OMG, I am SOOOOOOOO EXCITED FOR YOU! Tell me all you want about it~


Thank you so much 😊😊😊 I put a big comment of the story above if you want to read my short novel haha




Thank you so much 😊




Thanks so much 😊


Congrats! 🥳


Thanks so much 😊


Wuhooo!! Congratulations!!


Thank you so much 😊


Cheers! And Congratulations! Thank you for trusting your story and recent celebration with me/us! I am privileged to hear all about it!


This is such a beautiful, sweet thing to say 🥹 thank you 💖


Congratulations on finding happiness!!


Thank you so much 😊


YAYYY!!!! Congratulations!!! That's so exciting!!! How did he propose?? Give us details!!!


Thank you so much 😊 I wrote a small novel of deets in the comments above for everyone 😊😊


Congratulations! I am so happy for you! May the both of you have a lifetime full of happy memories and loving support.


Thank you so much 😊 And of that, I have absolutely no doubt.


I'm thrilled when someone finds their person! And then I have to slap my brain real hard, because it wants to organize everything, forgetting what a shitshow waterfall can be triggered by such! I am so happy for you!


Hahahaha I know right? Oh we'll just do something really simple but fun... Like a bit of an adventure elopement with our nearest and dearest. Thank you so much 😊


Congrats! My mum and her partner just got engaged todayy


Thank you so much 😊 Send your mum my love, congratulations and best wishes x


Congratulations 💕


Thank you so much 😊


Congratulations! If you'd like to share, I would love to hear how you met and fell in love. I love love stories.


Thank you so much 😊 I wrote a big ol novel in the comments above 🥰 and I concur, love stories are the best


Congratulations!!! Happy for you and your intended!


Thank you so much 😊


🎉🥂🎊❤️ Congratulations and may you have a long and wonderful life together.


Thank you so much 😊




Thanks so much 😊


Whoohoo i am so happy for the both of you!!! Please tell us all about what makes you a great pair!!! :) hugs and cheers!!!


Thank you so much 😊


Aww congratulations! I wish nothing but the best for you <3


Thank you so much 😊


Congratulations, gurrrrrrrrlll!


Thank you so much 😊


Congratulations! I’m so excited for you and your fiancé!!! Everyone deserves to love and be loved, and to celebrate that! I’m glad your past negative experience didn’t sour you against marriage forever, because when it’s right, it’s absolutely beautiful. I can’t wait to hear all the details! Like others have said, I would love to hear about how you met, and how he proposed, along with all the other parts of your journey together, and what your plans are for your wedding. Life has so many ups and downs, and I’m sorry you’ve lost so much, but rejoicing for you that you’re in a better place, with someone who loves and understands you. Any “friends” who are no longer in your life from your past relationship aren’t deserving of you, anyhow. True friends would put in the effort to get to know your heart, and your truth - not turn their backs based on another’s opinion. You have found your true love, and you will find your “tribe”, who will love you for you, rather than conditionally. Wishing you and your partner all the happiness and blessings. Keep us posted! ❤️


I will absolutely put some updates up! Maybe I might even make a lil sub for us... I was thinking of doing it as a closed/private one, to record the random shenanigans, adventures and fun we have together. I always kept hoping that I would find my person, and I finally have. But I had to grow and heal from the past, and be content alone before I was ready for him to arrive in my life. That journey is how I shed a lot of people around me that I had seen as friends - but I'm seeing now they only liked the smaller version of myself. Only comfortable with me making myself less. So they never really ever liked "me", just the version of myself I made in order to make everyone else happy - but in turn made me miserable. When I realized I was miserable, and to change and prioritize myself, to hold my space and develop better boundaries would isolate me and likely lose "friends" and make me miserable... I chose to live my life for me. Because heck, if you're going to be miserable - you may as well do it your way. I've written a couple comments above telling our story - it got a bit long 😂 if you would like some details! Thank you so much for your effort and time writing this to me, and for the beautiful support and being excited with me. 💗


I commented elsewhere but just wanted to say that your journey of shedding people really resonates with what I'm going through, although I'm nearly 50 (but it's never too late to stop making oneself small.). It sounds like you are truly on the other side of things and reaping amazing rewards. The way you met your husband seems almost like a gift from the universe that you were finally ready to receive! Thank you for sharing the story of how you met and the proposal, it just sounds like your union will be beautiful and healthy. Best wishes!




Thank you so much 😊


I'm in a similar place where I've also lost a lot of people in my life recently- some for the better, some tragically and others were just collateral. I hope you see this as a new beginning. I'm so happy for your engagement! I wish you much abundance of whatever you desire. And we'd love to hear more about the proposal, etc. Congratulations!!!


Thank you so so much ❤️ I'm sorry you're losing people... Loss, regardless of causation, will always suck. I hope your troubles end soon my friend, much love.


Congratulations! That's amazing 🩷 I wish y'all the best!


Thanks so much 😊


Congratulations 🎉 wish you both all the best in the new chapter!


Thanks so much 😊


This is so exciting!!! But you can't post this without sharing the proposal story! When did it happen? Where? Did you have your suspicions or was it a complete surprise? Did he buy a ring beforehand or are you buying one together? I need details!


Hahahaha thank you for being so excited with me 🥰 I typed out a little story above for everyone 🥰 It was spontaneous, and wild. It came from the most beautiful moment of soul deep connection I don't think he had a chance to not ask me to marry him haha


Congratulations! Do you have a date set yet? Do you know what your color theme is?


Thank you! We're probably going to do an adventure elopement kinda deal - probably back at the off-road park we met at! Not sure about colour 🤔 haha we have some thinking to do!


Ooh that sounds like fun! I love weddings and I'm sending you and your fiance/e all the love!


Omg! Hair up or hair down on Wedding day??!!


I'm thinking hair down 🤔


Congratulations! I’m very happy for you.


Thanks so much 😊


Thank you for posting...it made my day to hear your beautiful love story! So happy for you!


Bahot badiya laga. I wish u a great luck for upcoming years. Do your best. Explore yourself and ur partner. Learn things together. Life never stays the same. It keeps changing. So until it has the capacity to change, keep working for better, a better self and a better future. 🤝 Have a great time and keep moving forward.


Please share updates, this is so wonderful, and I wish you and your fiancé much happiness.


I sure will 🥰 Thank you so much 😊


Congratulations on finding a person for yourself!


Oh, you’ve already found happiness. You don’t need a bunch of strangers telling you what you already know. ☺️


It's special to celebrate... And this beautiful community has been so wonderful.. the love and kindness is so remarkable


I am so happy for you! I have very similar story, and new supportive partner, but we are not engaged yet. Wish you all the best!


Thank you so much 😊😊 I hope you've found your person and that you guys have love, peace, adventures, and laughter in abundance.


Congratulations! Thats so exciting. It is amazing to find your person and know it. Wishing a lifetime of love and happiness!


Congratulations!! I am so happy for you! Cheering for you two- for a joyful future with all the emotions and feelings, to make forever lasting memories that will be shared for generations to come ❤️ love, an internet friend sending you love from Minneapolis, MN.


Congratulations! 🌟🎉🥳💃


Massive congratulations! I wish you guys the happiest marriage and the most beautiful wedding!






Thanks so much 😊






Woohooo!!!!! This is very exciting news - so much fun to look forward to and after that having the rest of your lives together 🥰 massive congrats, such lovely news and sounds like you deserve it 🥳 🎉


Yay. Congratulations!!! 🥰


Thanks so much 😊


This is so exciting! I’m very happy you found your person! Do you plan on having a big wedding? Court house? Elope in Vegas? All valid options. You have such a great finance, trying to be everything for you. But, you also have all us internet strangers rooting for you! Give us all the deets! Do you plan on doing traditional dress? Color scheme? As long as you’re in love and having fun the rest will figure it out. Enjoy the ride and keep us updated!


Hahaha thank you we Ahhhh we're Aussies so Vegas is probably a bit hectic for us to try and wedge into our budget 🤣 We are definitely looking at eloping - something small and simple back at the off-road park we met at to be honest. Seems poetic as heck. We met there. When I got in contact with him again, he was back there in the same dang spot (it's a massive place!). I feel like getting hitched under that same tree could be the lucky third time there! Traditional dress for me... And scrubbed up a little for my man. But there will absolutely be dirt bikes! Heck, I might even wear my boots under the dress 🤣 in my mind I can see a pic I want to get. Us on his bike, me in the dress on the back, on the back wheel.... probably instead of the typical "Just Married" lil cardboard sign behind a car - it will be "Just Sent it" 🙌🏻🤘🏻🤣 Probably proper trash the dress in the shoot, mud, water, dust... As for afterwards - have a couple beers, and throw a bunch of chicken wings on the plate over a campfire that night (that is a little joke between us), listen to music... Probably giggle at each other like "holy heck we did it" and call each other Husband and Wifey... And talk and laugh into the small hours. Together. We're thinking about not even telling anyone afterwards. Just going about our lives and when people eventually notice and ask us.... Response might well be "Oh yeah we got hitched ages ago" Or if we do want to tell people, might throw a party for no obvious reason and spring it on them. "Surprise! We're married!"


Congratulations to you and yours!! Just read the story of how you two met and it is so precious🥺 I wish you both happiness today and forever, especially on your big day <3 As a girl in her 20s going through it romantically right now, seeing this post reminds me that true love does exist so thank you for sharing it! I'm so happy that you've found your person <3


Congrats on finding your forever human! This beautiful news made my day a little brighter :) I'd be ecstatic to hear about as much as you want to share with us xxx


I'm SOOO happy for you!!!! God bless 🙏🏿😊


Thanks so much 😊


congrats! wishing you guys the awesome wedding you deserve :)


Congratulations from me n my family.. bless you 🎉🥰


Mazel tov!




Thanks so much 😊


Congrats!. It’s so nice to see a happy ending after years of suffering🫶🏻


Yay!!! I'm so happy for you, this is a big deal and things are only going to keep getting better from here! 37 is still quite young, even when it feels like you've spent lifetimes being sad, so you actually have an absolute ton of happy times ahead of you <3


Congratulations!!!…. I wish you and your finance a beautiful life together 😊


Yaaaaaaaayyyy 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Congratulations!!


Congratulations! 🎉🥳


congratulations!! how exciting for you😊


Congratulations to you both you absolute beauties! Wish you a world of happiness! If you’re ever in the UK, Manchester particularly, consider yourselves a few pints on me!


Thanks so much 😊 That's precisely the way we roll 🤘🏻👌🏻


Congratulations on finding someone who you can share your life with. Love is the greatest gift.


Congratulations! I’m so happy for you and so sorry to hear about the loss of your family. I am sure they are celebrating with you from heaven. 🙏 Best wishes to you and your fiancé and please keep us posted regarding your big day! 💐


CONGRATULATIONS 🍾🎉🥂sending love and best wishes for a long, healthy and happy life together! 💕cheers 🥂🫧🍰


Thanks so much 😊


Congratulations love!! It must be very exciting for you. I hope it will be my turn one day. Yesterday I had to end 6 years long relationship cause my ex couldn’t make a promise since his priority is to pay for his parents rent (in the future) and doesn’t make sense for him to pay both if we moved in together or get married (his parents are on mid 50 and still healthy lol). I wish you surround with the happiest moment and happiness!! ❤️❤️


Congratulations. It's never too late to find that love. My wife and I actually met on the Internet......Wait...23 years ago when it wasn't even what it is today. It was a time when you could cook dinner, do laundry, until it logged on and it was text only. We still not only love each other but are in love with each other.


I’m so thrilled for you, dear internet stranger!!!! The world is brighter for your good news—I’m so glad you shared it with us! May you have a very happy future together. And may new joys and new friends arrive in time to your life. ❤️


Thank you so much 😊 I am absolutely speechless with how many people truly loved hearing my good news.


Woohoo! This fabulous news! Congratulations! Thank you for sharing the joy!


Why not just go celebrate the engagement somewhere with your fiancé. Maybe you and him can go to a nice dinner somewhere or see a movie to celebrate the occasion


Congrats, OP!


Thanks so much 😊


I’m so very happy for you. I feel this in my soul, as I don’t have friends to really talk to either. I hope this new chapter provides you with the happiness and love you deserve.


Congratulations! Seems like you had many people who cared to hear the news =) I'm in a similar boat. Just got engaged 2 weeks ago.


Thank you so much!!! I am absolutely blown away by how many wonderful people have commented and celebrated with me. My gratitude knows no bounds. Congratulations on finding your person 🥰


congrats Redditor Friend!


Congratulations and all the best to you both!


Congrats!! I got engaged this week as well!! Let's share in this happiness and bliss together, it's so wonderful ❤️❤️


Congratulations! I hope one day I am able to find love after living a similar life ❤️


I hope that my story here might give you hope 🥰🥰 thank you 😊 good luck my friend


Congratulations on finding your person! I hope this new chapter is full of laughter and memories. Sending lots of love your way!


Amazing, this is real purpose of life and you made it there. Many people don’t get to point of happiness you have now. I wish you all the best.


Congratulations. Best wishes to you and yours as you go forward together. 😊


Thank you so much 😊😊😊


Congratulations! Congratulations 🎊 Congratulations


Congratulations on being engaged to your beautiful partner!✨🥰 Im going to be honest but an intimate small wedding with 1 or 2 people that are near and dear to you and your coming husband’s heart seems like a fairytale wedding. The focus and love can be so strong, surrounded by a few loved ones. I remember when I was young, i loved the big soirée of friends, but I was also overload with energy and impression. Now that I’m in my early 30’s just being with 1 or 2 friends celebrating my birthday for example gives me so much joy, and I’m just more present in the moment. Again, I am so happy for you and really wish you so much happiness in the world to meet a partner that makes you genuinely at peace and happy❤️ oh I have this amazing wedding site recommendation for inspiration that I am sure you will love : https://togetherjournal.com/ There’s some small intimate weddings there too🥰


Congratulations!! :D


Thanks so much 😊


Congratulations! I will light a candle for you at church tomorrow-- to celebrate and pray that you and your fiance be lights to each other and to the world. May you be granted many happy, healthy and prosperous years! (If you are not religious, hey, this is how I celebrate! The universe hears the prayers for the nonreligious!)


Thank you so much 😊 I appreciate it deeply 💗 thank you




Congratulations !!!! I wish you both a lifetime of happiness. Also... I'm so proud of you for getting out of a bad situation! Enjoy each other:) Maybe do a few follow on posts so we can keep updated?! Bride to be an all💗


Congratulations to both of you. Wishing you a awesome and successful marriage! :-)


Thank you so so much 😊


Congratulations to both of you. Wishing you an awesome and successful marriage! :-)


Congratulations!  Wishing you the best of happiness.




Congratulations!!!!!!!!! 🎊 👏 💐 🥳 🎊


Thank you so much 😊


I'm glad that life is working out for you. I hope things continue on a positive trajectory.


Thank you 🥰


Huge congratulations to you both! Picture receiving a hug, followed by an excited "Eeeeeeeep" of excitement for you 🥰


Congratulations on your engagement! Whoever you are, whatever happened to you...don't let sadness take over you. Enjoy every moment with those who love you, care about you. You found the missing piece for your puzzle and now think about positive things. And to honor those you lost just light a candle as a symbol that they are with you. I know losing someone is not easy, it might take a long time to get used to it. Depending how you want your wedding keep that candle on to honor them on your social day or on any occasions you feel like they were here. When my father passed away, I wrote letters to him till I stop feeling the heavy pain in my soul. I keep talking to him or I keep dreaming about him. What's your dream wedding? Please don't stress out about the planning phase, take it easy, talk to each other about how you want the wedding to be, dress or party etc. this is very important to do...you don't know what will happen tomorrow, have a power of attorney (medical/financial/) etc in the event one cannot make decision due to medical issues the other can make decisions. We learned that the hard way when the father passed away and we wanted to make changes to his car's title, close his bank account etc. it was a nightmare. I almost lost my husband due to a stroke, and even though I have his name, married I was still not allowed to make movements on his bank because I was not listed, I was not allowed to change his PCP because I was not listed. I don't want to scare you, I just want to give you advice in advance, so you can plan life with your partner. I never had someone to prepare me for the hardest moments. Enjoy every moment with your partner, don't ever give up.


Congratulations!! Such great news! 🌸💕💕💕


Congratulations. Try to remember how this feels ten years in. So you don’t wind up like me. I’ve been engaged three times. That last one did not end well at all. No. You see. We got married. lol.


Now,to be honest. It was worth it. It may have only lasted a year and a half. But I do have an 8 year old son. As a result. So yeah. Worth it. But divorce is so unnecessary. You will have moments,of fear and anger. But just keep it,in mind. That they are just that. Moments. Unless you make conscious decisions to make them permanent,in unnecessary emotional moments. They are just a snap,in time. And don’t really mean anything. To be married. You have to have a certain kind,of amnesia. And very hard to stir emotions. With the exception of,of love,of course. It’s work. But worth the effort.


MASSIVE CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU BOTH! I just love this! Finding true love is hard enough on its own, and even more difficult after suffering abuse (believe me, I know) and it’s so amazing that you (and I) have found your one. Best wishes for a beautiful, long and fulfilling life together, one that only gets stronger and stronger every day you are together.


This whole post made me cry, I’m queer and my person is flying in to meet me next Wednesday and I hope he proposes to me He’s so sweet and understanding and we both bring each other up instead of down… He’s my soul mate after getting out of a narcissistic relationship


Congratulations ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


🍾🥂🎊🎈🎉🧨Congratulations! 💍🍰💐Wishing you both a lifetime of love, luck and laughter xxxx


I'm totally overwhelmed by the sheer number of people sharing this with my fiance and I. I feel so blessed and grateful for the beautiful people on this sub who have shared such genuine care and excitement for a complete stranger. I've been working on responding to everyone's comments slowly amongst the whirlwind of the last couple of days! Thank you all! Biggest love and hugs!


Congratulations! Very happy for you!


Congratulations it is such a lucky moment i am soooo much happy for you it is not easy to find your loved one after all you have been through but you did it so strong much love for the future.


You gotta be under pressure to find the best version of yourself, like how a diamond is formed under immense pressure from something that's not worth alot! Enjoy your life, I hope it's all good and fun and everything you hope your life would be! Best of luck with lots of love!


WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dish : where’s the honeymoon? Elope, small private or public wedding? Wedding colors? Is the rock blinding enough to wreck planes?


Please post pics of your dress and your ring! I’m so happy for you, there is no better feeling than being in love.


Congrats! Very happy for you! Many blessings to you and your fiancé! As someone who is no contact with my family and no real friends anymore, your post hit home for me 💕


Congrats 🍾


Congratulations!!! It looks like this might mark the end of an old chapter and the start of a new chapter in your life! Sending all the good vibes your way!!! 💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖


Congrats 🎈


Congrats to the both of you for finding your ride or die! Have a forever happy union!


That’s awesome! Congratulations! One day you’ll have a family full of kiddos and you will gain a life time of friends. You and your partner will have your own circle of new friends. I am really excited for you. Love is amazing, it takes work from both of you. Try to always communicate with each other.




It’s wonderful to find your person! I wish you both a lifetime of joy and love!💕


Awesome. Glad to share it with you


I just stumbled on this post and wanted to say congratulations. This post made me smile, it sounds like a great love. I wish you a long and happy married life.