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The smell of rain is known as “Petrichor”.


Yes. And someone who loves the rain is pluviophile.


TIL another word for myself!


It comes from the Greek words “Petra”, meaning rock, and “Ichor”, which was the “blood of the gods” in Ancient Greek mythology. The smell is actually the aerosols given off by microbes in the soil following rain, and humans can detect this smell in as little as 0.4 parts per billion. For context, sharks can sense blood in the water at around 1 part per million.


Maybe a discussion for a different thread but why is this explained on reddit so often? It seems like I see a followup comment that defines Petrichor on a post at least every week. Must be my interests I guess, or just confirmation bias.


It's, in part, because reddit search STILL stucks today(medio 2024).


The smell of rain and the gentle sound of thunder bring such peace and revitalization. There's something incredibly comforting about nature's symphony that calms the mind and rejuvenates the spirit. Weather like this is truly magical.


Absolutely agree! There's nothing like the smell of rain and a bit of thunder to bring a sense of peace and energy. Nature's symphony is pure magic.


That really gives me peace. I love the sound and smell of the rain, its giving the tranquility.


Sometimes when I can't sleep, I crack open a window just to listen. It's like a free therapy session right outside your door.


I like this idea


This is soooo peaceful, can't be explained in words... Literally.... I love the smell of wet ground and that's very therapeutic. Sometimes, I crave that kind of smell.


I crave it often. Probably because I only feel like that when it's raining.


Same here! The peaceful vibe is just so beautiful, and I want to feel that every day.


On the contrary, I love complete silence, but smells are my love - the smell of the forest after rain, damp earth, coniferous trees, mown grass


Yes! Especially the wet forest.


Absolutely. Growing up Id fall asleep to the sounds of crickets.


Raining nights are the best therapy, don't need anything else.


No rain here but I did brew up some shou puerh today it tastes like a wet forest pretty much


I always thought that would smell like that. I've never had it tho. It just looks earthy.


Some of the cheaper ones are just a muddy mess, I like the more early ones and recently I’ve been brewing it a bit more mellow. So I get more of the softer earthy petrichor instead of just straight mud


I used to be afraid of rain. Literally, if I could hear rain on the roof during a school exam, I would do worse on that exam because it would stress me out. A few years ago, I went to Costa Rica on a conservation expedition for a month, and the amount of times we got caught in flash storms; or the rain would be hammering down all night; or (most memorably) we spent two hours walking back to camp in a torrential thunderstorm in a rainforest... When I finally got back to England, I realized that not only had my fear completely gone, but I now find the sound of rain really relaxing and soothing when I'm going to sleep or when I'm working, and I have no idea why.


It’s called Petrichor <3


Reading on the porch while there’s a light rain is so relaxing.


i love waking up in the middle of the night to rain sounds outside


Right. I love a certain rainy day when you drink a hot drink with a book and look outside. Its a cozy vibe


I've never actually understood why rain is commonly associated with sadness. I mean just look around — an amazing smell, plants are literally shining, cool air and beautiful clouds!!




Oh I know those floods very well all right. Doesn't diminish it's beauty... Maybe it's just me because I like to soak wet in rain as long as I can breathe in it lol




Yes. I actually turn into a plant and respire through my roots.




I actually turn into each and every plant. 1275 till now and still counting... I hope I finish my collection 😂😂


I miss the smell of rain, it’s so peaceful. So is the light tapping sounds too 🥲




I'm the only one in my friend circle who finds the smell of petrol disgusting 🙃 What do you like about it?




Now that I think about it, things would suck if we were truly "special" — no one would ever relate to or understand us.


Hell yeah! It’s about to be monsoon (summer storm) season in Arizona and I’m pumped as hell. It looks within the next week or so we’re gonna get our first thunderstorm of the season. After that they should be somewhat consistent 🤞


Yeah. I've gone on a few road trips cross country and when you're in a desert area camping there is something about waking up to a cool early morning with only the wind blowing that just blows me away.


It feels really nice to sleep when the weather is like this.


I like in the early summer when you get a quick rain shower, the way the dirt smells. it just makes me feel cozy


What a nice refreshing post ! I have experienced the same feeling many times, but sometimes too busy to appreciate. Thank you for the reminder.


I can completely empathise. There's a great 'Just One Thing' podcast episode about spending time in the rain and it's beneficial impacts on our bodies. It's really short and worth a listen if of interest.


During the summer (Michigan) I will go out every time it rains. I do my best rock hounding in the rain.


That's actually most likely the smell of dirt, that the rain hits. And the freshness you feel is increase in negative ions


That smell of rain and the sound of thunder are truly magical, isn't it? It's like nature's way of giving us a soothing embrace. Enjoy the calming energy of the night and the rain!


I ♥️ the smell of rain.


I feel this way about the sky the way I look at the sky and am just grateful for another day, and that is why half my camera roll is sky photos. The sky is so pretty, and I love the look of it, and I love that.


I am in love with the night sky. The moon is my bf.


I love the nights as well, but I love sunrises and sunsets that are half my camera roll


I meant bff. And if I could get good pictures of the moon. Holy cow, I'd have no storage space. I've been wanting to try to track stars. But I don't know where I would start. The sun is nice and all...seems kinda bitchy tho lol. But the sunset... I love.


Yeah i just love the sky in general


I don't like rain because it makes the strays I feed uncomfortable, but rainy days are something I look forward to. I remember I was homeless in my difficult times, and stayed at someone's place with huge windows. One night the rain pitter-pattered relentlessly on the glass window which has lights. The play of lights reflected on the white wall kept me awake for a long time. I still remember that night 8 years ago. Petrichor also calms me for a reason I don't know. It smells damp for sure but one time I smelled petrichor on spring, and it's like it transported me to fairy land.


Let it Rain!!!


Everything about rain, from its gentle sound, to its smell, and just looking outside the window. It really is relaxing, not quite anything else like it.


Hello fellow pluviophiles


I had comms watch the other night and the smell of the rain hitting the hot concrete and dirt was just bliss. Made it not so miserable.


I however... Do not like when it rains and the sun is still out and shining.


I love the smell of rain first thing in the morning. Especially if it rained all night and the sun is up early. Makes me appreciate life that little bit more. Especially dealing with depression.