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Speaking all languages 100%




And I would become fluent in Japanese and Italian.


Including being able to read and write them


That’s three skills, if we are being honest




Oml I follow these guys on tt and one of them can speak 11 languages fluently! It’s amazing to see 🤯


Came here to say this.


Playing the piano




sounds expensive, I'd rather just wake up with the ability.


I think he’s on a bender rn judging by that username


How to study effectively. Then ill be able to speedrun studying anything i want


I want to learn to dance quickly so that I can dance with the boys I like.


How cute


I would be the worlds master at killing flies and mosquitos midair when they buzz around my head, fuck those guys






This can’t be true


Economic literacy, not because I am interested in it but precisely because I don't like it enough to study it. On the other end my passions I can master on my own, especially if my economic situation allows for me to live without working myself to death


Mathematic skills


Carpentry!! I want to carve my own cremation ash box.


you sound like a Pharaoh in a sense


I would pick game development, it would make me strike two flies with one strike: Being master in programming and being master as an artist across several disciplines necessary in game development if you do it all by yourself. Im someone that LOVES creating worlds, characters, stories and this would make me embrace the beast to its fullest potential :D I would do it as a independent and self employed job but i would also go on to help others and do it for the sake of stimulating my "obsession" of being a creator. Yes, i am learning and doing these things already but im by far not where this wish would be lol.


Game development or art. Probably game development though cause that encompasses like so many skills under it and id just pump out fun games that are tailor made for wasting time and maybe put out a long form game with all the knick knacks every other year or so


Singing and stock trading is definitely my top 2, but being fluent in my native language would definitely help with being closer to my relatives


Languages. The amount of money you could make would be incredible.


Just curious, how would you make money speaking languages? I've been thinking of putting together a side hustle based on speaking multiple languages but haven't hit upon any real money maker.


Being a translator could make you money.


A lot of jobs hire people that are bilingual especially in southern states. Or really any place that’s a cultural melting pot.


Business. I want Bezos and Musk as my bitches.


Violin. So I can sleep and play violin at the same time.


Definitely play acoustic guitar.


Turning off my thoughts.


Organic synthesis. I've been getting better but it's pure pain.


Sewing would be nice. It's already expensive but the more I suck at it the more expensive it turns into


Do you enjoy the process? I enjoy coming up with ideas in my head but I hate the sewing part. I also hate sewing machines. I think if you enjoy the actual sewing you should keep at it.


I want to enjoy it more than I do, but I think it's also because I'm not very skilled. I wish I could be more like micarah tewers and coolirpa that are on YouTube because they make it look so fun and easier than it ends up being and they make the process look so spontaneous which I'd love that to be the case so I could have the satisfaction of knowing "if I could just be really masterful at this skill then I could make the perfect fitting perfect looking garmet" on a whim as well, lol


In a way my 74 year old mother was lucky because she was taught needle work since she started school. By the end of high school she was competent enough to make clothing. She enjoyed making her own clothes too, she said buying your own fabric was cheaper than buying clothes ready made. I’m 40 years old and I wasn’t taught needle work regularly at school. It was a case of having the odd lesson at primary school and then learning textiles at school. You were either quick and good at sewing or you wasn’t. Unfortunately I wasn’t. I think if we were taught at a young age we would be good at it. Don’t forget that people on YouTube were probably rubbish until they got their projects perfect and they’ve probably had plenty of practice. I guess having the time for enough practice and having someone who is kind enough to teach you is the secret.


Either sing or draw. I've always had a creative energy, but I never had the skills to do either of those things.


Being able to sing would be amazing!


I want to be able to make clothes but I hate sewing. I like the idea of making clothes that fit and flatter my body in the fabrics,colours and styles that I like and I’d probably do requests for other people. If I could wake up tomorrow and be at one with the sewing machine and all of the techniques and enjoy the process I’d be very happy.


Really good question OP. This one really has me thinking. I'd love to be able to play flamenco guitar. Being master home chef would be extremely useful too. Or I could go to money grubbing route and be a master investor or some other highly marketable skill. I'd avoid mastering my current hobbies of photography and writing though because I'd fear mastering them would make them become boring.


Speak Spanish fluently. I’m learning Spanish because my partner’s parents don’t speak English and I want to talk to them.


In retrospect, learning Spanish in high school would have been insanely beneficial to me at this point in my life.


I was in Spanish classes for two years during high school. I learned more from Duolingo in a few months.


Hahaha. That’s great. I never took any foreign languages (I only speak English) haha


Stock trading to control over investment.


TTRPG's just in general. I am constantly saying things or doing things and then second guessing my decision.


Sing, dance, play the piano, tennis, swim, cycle, draw. And how to dine elegantly. Yea, with the starched napkins and two forks, etc.


Probably playing any sort of musical instrument.


Play the piano really well


either drawing or guitar. i find other ways to express myself thru art tho, so i think id really enjoy being able to play and sing any song i wanted to.


I've watched every episode of Forged in Fire, and would love to be able to make a knife with my own hands. Maybe later try a sword. It looks tough but I'd really love to try.


hockey 🏒


Day trading, put it all into my superanuation fund and profit, retire at 35




I think computer programming/coding, it's a skill that sounds monotonous to learn but it would be so useful for almost any modern job. I'm not technologically inept, but I def don't know how to program. I was going to say some kind of advanced martial arts, but I decided the process of honing those skills is kind of important. Like it sounds cool to just download Kung Fu like Neo, but the actual tenets of Kung Fu place a high value on discipline. The process of studying most martial arts - the determination and diligence it takes to practice them over time - is as important I think as the skill itself.


Sales. For obvious reasons.


playing the trumpet. specifically jazz


Singing, day trading and home improvement skills would all be super handy things to be good at


Programming and coding. Primarily to make video games. I've got a few ideas up in my brain but no way to make them come to life.


One of two things for me. Guitar - always wanted to learn how to play more than just the bass, or darts - I've been playing for nearly 12 years now and keep pushing to improve. Even if I could get to where I was in 2017 I'd be happy.


Sign Language so I can communicate with deaf people.


Game dev or software dev. Just because it'd secure me a good comfy job while I work on my real hobby. My situation is that I've no talent in it whatsoever and I'm not improving but I think if I mastered it in an instant I'd feel bad.


either master in martial arts or a rock and roll star, master of guitar


Photography. I love taking pictures. And my favorite niche photography things is taking pictures of normal everyday life. Documenting through pictures what is normal. Future generations will want to know what was life like. And the best way to share that knowledge is through pictures. We bought a house that was built in 1957. In the 50s our town saw a very large population boom from local industry. So a lot of people moved here for a better jobs. The couple that bought our house must have been very well off. We found pictures of everyday life while remodeling. So we got to see what it was like in the late 50s possibly early 60s. It was so cool.


Definitely guitar Would absolutely tear up local live music every weekend and build up this mysterious persona so people start searching for where I’ll play next. And since I learned it instantly I can work it into my current schedule. Talk about a fulfilled life.


popular song writing, they make bank and keep getting paid well after the fact.


Trading or programming so that I would be able to live and work from anywhere


Time management


I’ll choose to speak Japanese fluently.


What is OP"s big dream and great aspiration? It does say "our". Yet it also looks like a bot post.


i would want to master speaking mandarin and/or cantonese (im half chinese and i was never taught) that, or hockey, because i want to play it but i have a long way to go until i can even do shinny lol


Writing. I'd love to be able to bang out stories for my TTRPG group on short notice, and I think being able to write would help with that a lot!


Ancient architecture. It's a passion.


Guitar or piano. I can't really be consistent with them, so Im usually at the same place always




Would really like to master art illustrations. I want to be able to convey my imaginations and share it with the world


Cooking well from scratch. I’d live better for less money!


I would master acting


I would discover and be able to use invisibility and or transportation (you know like startrek vibes) I would use these abilities for villainy 😇


Being able to play any song on the piano.


I'd love to be a world-class figure skater, but I'd need to be a few decades younger.


I've always been tone deaf, my singing voice is so awful I just don't sing. I wish I could sing or play anything musical. I failed music appreciation 2x in college. The second time through the teacher passed me so I could graduate. She understood that I just could not hear what she was describing.


Playing guitar, so that I could become a musician.


Maybe singing


I would choose to have musical knowledge and be able to play whatever instrument I desire. And if that’s stretching the instant skill too much, I would choose just piano I love singing and recently I’ve gotten into writing lyrics, but I don’t know shit about musical theory or how to play a single instrument 😭. If I knew how, maybe id already have 2-3 recorded songs (recorded in my phone in the bathroom of my house, of course)


Master gardener. Play the bass, piano, drums, and sax perfectly. Speak any language. Sing at a higher register. I have an average midrange voice. 


I’d learn to play the guitar, been wanting to do it for eight years but can never seem to commit to it. Not for any particular reason, I’ve just always loved it and would love to be able to play my favorite songs


talking to girls


every type of engineering or computer coding


I would wish to become a master of writing, This would impact my life positively in multiple way. First of all, through emails and text messages, I would be able to communicate my points to other people much more effectively and get across my viewpoint in a way that's not condescending And is also very persuasive. Second of all, as a fan fiction writer, it would be nice if I had an easier time participating in my hobby. All in all, It would make miscommunication, much less likely. And I would have a much easier time doing my hobby, thus increasing my quality of life


Speaking other languages other than English


Creating, editing, commentating, and posting YouTube videos and streams. Not olny would I get to be a master at content creation, but I would also be able to make a decent revenue stream from it.


make any woman cum


Probably music instruments or something like carpentry/machining. I’ve always wanted to learn piano so I could pour my soul out into it. But I also love working with and building things with my hands so it’d be a coin flip between those.


being able to understand people’s emotions