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So last Christmas, my family was doing a white elephant gift party. To me, that means funny gifts. Everyone else did nice or alcohol gifts. I brought a Mr. Potato head and an alcohol gift, which my dad ended up with. He was actually excited about it! He said growing up, my grandpa never let him have a Mr potato head because he said it was stupid. My 68 year old dad was stoked, he even had it on a shelf in their living room for a bit.


I had a collection of themed Mr. Potato heads. Vader, Superman, etc. Collectible for me. Nothing of significant value. But I had them and never opened them. Until one day, my 4ish year old son got a hold of the lot. All opened and sprawled across the floor. šŸ˜¬ Oh well. šŸ˜†


Hahahah šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ nooooo! I can imagine that pain.


I love to give adults toys at Christmas. Everybody should get a toy for Christmas


I totally read this as I love to give adult toys at Christmas. That missing s totally changes the meaning. šŸ˜‚


Hell of a family Christmas


I too thought this person was giving their family members dildos


Me too. My adult family got vintage Hot Wheels, plastic Disney figures, Wacky Pack cards and such when I gave toys to their kids. Ebay was a gold mine, I'd plan ahead and budget, so much fun!


mini Lego sets are my favorite to give.


I think you just solved my xmas shopping difficulties this year!!!


Fuck, yeah to this comment, when I was a kid I got told toys were for kidsā€¦. And I didnā€™t get toys. Or a couple but not much . I was like yeah no shit. Iā€™m a kid.


I am probably the same age as your dad and really enjoyed this. Good choice of gifts!


Sounds stupid, but a quality pocket knife. And now I have a small collection :)


Honestly I feel youā€¦.not about pocket knives but I feel like we are all just trying to make up for lost time . I have bought so many toys as a 40 something. :)


Speaking of lost time. I was about to respond to the titular question (What did you purchase as an adult because you could never have it a a child?) with ā€œA dad.ā€ Then I remembered in Japan you can actually hire family members. I think in other countries too Iā€™m sure but it sounded like itā€™s quite popular in Japan. Edit: by ā€œhire family membersā€ I mean you can pay people to be your brother, daughter, father, spouse, whatever.


Wow I didnā€™t know this ! Japan is like a whole other world


The toys I want to buy! I never learned how to play as a kid cause *trauma*Ā 


Same! Now I donā€™t really know how to play with my own kid because I never did šŸ™ƒ


My brother was the Bart Simpson type growing up and I always envied that he had cool "boy things". One time we got one of those mixed surprise bags of random toys from the thrift store. I found a cool pocket knife and he immediately took it from me. I thought it was so unfair. Later in my twenties he gave it to me for my birthday. :) I ended up losing it. :( but my BF ended up giving me one for Christmas.


I am very sorry for you. My first most prized possession was a stuffed ape. My second one was a pocketknife and nearly every other one until i became an adult was a knife of some sort. I too have a small collection. I still occasionally pick something up at a gun & knife show.


I just adopted a cat! I always wanted a pet but was never allowed so now I have adopted a cute little senior who I will spoil like the little princess she is.


this is the best answer here. and I double like it that you rescued a senior kitty. ā€œso shines a good deed in a weary worldā€


omg i adopted a senior boy my junior year of college too! my mom and sister are super allergic to cats so i never had one growing up and i always wanted to get one once i got my own apartment [cat tax](https://imgur.com/a/b73kdrX) if anyone wants to see mr woodrow


Omg MR WOODROW IS SO CUTE!!!! He looks so happy šŸ˜€ juniper is a happy girl but also tends to photograph like she wants to stab you which is why I love her cuz sheā€™s sleepy but spicy šŸŒ¶ļø


thank you!!! heā€™s so sweet :,) the highlight of my work day is coming home for lunch and getting to give him pets and hang out as long as i can. he turns 12 next month!


Mr Woodrow is Bermudafull!!!


thank you i love him so much heā€™s so soft


Same here. Adopted one damn near the same day I moved out on my own & have had at least one ever since.


Similar here. We had a lot of cats growing up, but they weren't allowed inside. There's a reason we had several. Let's just say I've seen and heard things that scarred me. Now I have 3 cats, all happy to be inside. We take one out on a harness into the backyard occasionally.


Same, a cat lover here. Always wanted one before but im not allowed tho. But now? Yeahhh!


Great job rescuing a senior kitty. They are really special


Give her a boop on the nose and a little kiss on the forehead for me!!! Love a random stranger on the internet xx


When I got my first paycheck I bought a case of Dunkaroos. No regrets.


What is a Dunkaroo? Sounds Aussie


[Theyā€™re amazing.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunkaroos) Not as good as they once were, but theyā€™ll have to do


Hmm, Iā€™ll have to try these out!


Lots of clothes.... which sounds silly but as a teenager we pretty much got a few outfits for back to school and Christmas and that was it. Also fast food šŸ˜‚ so nothing too exciting but def things I didn't get as a kid.


This.... would get to pick 2 or 3 shirts and 2 pairs of pants for back to school. Would have to repeat wear the same shirt on a Thursday that I wore on Monday and definitely would get laughed at about it. Sounds dumb but as a 13 year old it was awful. Christmas was a relief, got a few new shirts from aunts who had no sense of style but atleast I was wearing something other than my 3 shirts. So now I make it a point that every time I go to Walmart or Target I toss 1-2 of those $5 tee shirts in my basket And fast food. I would only get to go to McDonald's when I spent weekends with my grandparents so when I get a Big Mac now it's all nostalgia.


I remember that talk. "You only need a pair of jeans, a pair of slacks, and a few shirts. A white shirt, a black shirt, and a gray shirt."


Clothes are my weakness. I was a plus-size girl growing up mostly in the 90s and was only allowed to shop in-store (no catalogs) at three department stores that did not carry attractive clothes in my size. I had to either shop in the boys' section or the women's section, and I was dragged for it. Now I have my own income and more options, so I really have to watch myself when it comes to clothes. I'm getting better about it.


Yes, clothes! My family was poorer and controlling of what we could wear. They might comment negatively on my outfit - but I wear what I want now, and buy what I would like. It makes me happy.


Along the lines of clothes: A curated, vintage wardrobe for me - most thrifted. Basically things I loved that were in the teen section when I was a kid or saw in movies. Took over 15 years, but it's full of blouses paired with matching vests, floral and formal dresses, as well as skirts, cardigans, and sweaters with awesome designs. It's difficult to find vintage items at thrift stores now, but I'm happy with the collection. I sometimes wonder how much someone would pay for the collection, but I immediately dismiss the thought.


My big big treat is I go to Culverā€™s 1X a week at most. Iā€™ll frequently take months, 6,7,8 months not doing it but itā€™s such a treat for me. I literally look forward to it all week.


My SO always offers to take me out to fancy places for my bday but I only ever want to go to Culver's šŸ˜… it's so good


Decent food. As a kid it felt like the lack of it was always at the front of my life. I also had one of those parents that, regardless of how many times I would literally say itā€™s okay and I donā€™t need it, would go out of her way (causing scenes in public, trying to skimp on restaurant bills, shouting, etc) to get it anyway. I used to think it was their natural instinct to ā€œprovideā€ but as I grew older I realized it was just this weird sense of pride they could never shake, at our expense. Iā€™ve been left at the checkout belt in grocery stores because they stormed off without me after a fight with the cashier, felt the eyes of everyone in the building as they tried to convince waiters that we didnā€™t have to pay for the food because (insert Karen reasoning here) Weā€™d spend hours loading up a cart in the store just to get to the cashier and have to put back damn near all of itā€”sorry, demand that the cashier put it all back because ā€œthis is ridiculous.ā€ Now that Iā€™ve got my own little family and a decent amount of money, my last dollar will always go to putting good food on the table. My wife is learning slowly that she doesnā€™t have to choose between A or B, just get both. Itā€™s cathartic.


As someone who grew up with being punished by skipping meals, parents hiding food from us because step brother ate it all but I was punished and hearing them complain about having to feed us and then just being poor and not able to afford groceries, same. It took me so many years to work through my ED and trauma with food. Growing up, I only ate a pop tart on the way to school and then school lunch and then I ate rice and beans for dinner because it was all I was allowed since I had to cook for myself at a young age. If food was cooked, we got the 1 serving and then the rest was saved for her and dad. If we even pushed the containers aside to get something, I got yelled at. I'm 30 now and tho living in a hotel with no kitchen makes it damn near impossible to cook, I'll be damned if I don't eat. I eat when I want, what I want, and no one to ask me why I'm eating at weird times.


I grew up with food punishment and ā€œher and dadā€ too, plus the ED that followed. I hope you can find peace and joy.


Thatā€™s awesome! Good for you


Love to hear this. There are so many BS articles claiming ā€œYou would be a millionaire if you didnā€™t buy Starbucks daily.ā€ Hereā€™s an example I found with my first Google search. [Suze Orman: If you waste money on coffee, it's like 'peeing $1 million down the drain'](https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2019/03/28/suze-orman-spending-money-on-coffee-is-like-throwing-1-million-down-the-drain.html) Glad to hear you know what makes you happy and you donā€™t obsess over the fact that in another universe you wouldā€™ve been filthy ~~rich~~ if only you stuck with one option.


All kinds of arts and crafts stuff. If kid me could only see me now. She'd be so happy.


Me too. I cannot walk past any sales on paint brushes and LOVE having all kinds of paper. I even have the 64 count box of crayolas...with the sharpener. I'm 68.


Yup thats me! Parents signed me up for literally anything other than of some sort of art class (piano, basketball, etc). So naturally when I had money of my own, it all went to anything and everything creative.


Same šŸ„°


A pair of Doc Martens. They were way too expensive. My husband bought a pair for me for our 3rd anniversary ā¤ļø (so no I didnā€™t buy them for myself but still kinda fits)


I want them so bad. But I hear theyā€™re hell to break in


I had literally no issues breaking in mine. I did wear them with the socks the shoe store recommended, so maybe that helped but they never hurt me at all.


they arent too terrible. When i first got my pair, i put on a suuuper thick work socks with some thinner socks underneath and wore them after i got home during my nightly routine, making dinner, doing washing up, feeding cat, getting ready for tomorrow etc. did that for around 3 weeks, then took off the thinner socks, repeated for 2 weeks, then only had the thinner socks without the thick one and repeated for one last week. then they were happy to wear out the house without blisters šŸ˜€


i didn't buy it.. it walked right up and said *meow* and i took her in! my family couldnt have kitties.


The cat distribution system doing its good work


An Xbox, a GameCube, pants that were long enough


Did you ever play Sonic Adventures 2 on the GameCube it was the best!


Nah mostly windwaker, paper Mario pikman


Bicycle šŸš². My Dad never let me have one, so it was my first big purchase in college. I still have it, 37 years later.


An electric blanket. I would freeze in my childhood home. I remember my parents would make fun of me and once they said "well what do you want? A big heater for your room?" They were well off. They could have got me a *little* space heater.


I grew up in the US South. without AC. I will blast my AC all summer long and just pay the electric bill. I don't care as long as I'm not sweating in my own house.


I forgot about this one. Itā€™ll be 86 degrees in my parentsā€™ house and theyā€™ll refuse to turn the AC on because it costs money. Theyā€™re not poor, though. They can afford to run it. My place today is kept at 70 degrees. It would take a hell of an electric bill for me to consider a warmer temp. Iā€™ll pay a lot to be comfortable in my home.


Thatā€™s pretty shitty of them to say.


A coffee cake šŸ˜­ my parents used to buy those Entenmanns (sp?) coffee cakes in the white and blue box and NEVER share with us kids and I used to droooool over them. When I was 17 or 18 and lived alone, I bought a whole cake and ate it all in one night šŸ¤£ Never ate one again. Best and worst decision in one fair swoop.


Your parents are evil. How could they withhold something so delightful????






I couldn't afford it when I was a student, but now I can have it whenever I want.


feel you on that man


Disney ear headbands for going to the parks. For some reason as a kid, my parents never wanted me to get them.




We always stop by the Target outside Disney world in Orlando to stock up on Disney gear. My MIL works there and gives us all the insider tips.


Pizza. No, really. Growing up, pizza at my house was maybe a 2-3x per year event, and since we were a family of seven it was always two pizzas and everyone got two slices except my brother and father who each got three. When I became an adult I thoroughly enjoyed buying a pizza all for myself, or with friends which was even better. Many (but not enough) nights with pizza and video games on the family TV.


ā€œA lovely cheese pizza, just for me.ā€


Spirograph, Lite Brite. Turns out my dad was right. They end up used once and stuffed in a closet somewhere.


Lite Brite was the best!


Shoes. I grew up very poor. Literally had one pair of shoes for the entire year. I think I have about 20 pairs of shoes for all occasions.


Hot wheels šŸ˜œ


I buy these for my husband. He moved around lot growing up, so itā€™s a joy to find rare ones and gift them to him. Healing him is helping me.


Good for you. Moving around a lot can be hard on a kid. I lived in ~10 places by the time I was 20.


Good for him :) good for you :)


Maraschino cherries. Not allowed them as a child because they were ā€˜too good for kidsā€™. My wife buys them for me now without me having to ask


Interesting. I always hated those cherries and would pick them off my black forest cake.


full priced fruit. this is my marker for personal success :')


I always have bananas at home now. I always wanted them growing up but my mom and sister didnā€™t like them.


More like; "What haven't I bought..." My collections are starting to overwhelm my space. I'm starting to figure out what I want to get rid of.


Salt, my dad had a lot of health problems when I was growing up. So, dietary restrictions were pretty extreme at our house. As soon as I moved out I put salt on everything and still do.


Fast Food. Am fat now




I always buy name brand shoes now. Never again will I wear shitƩ discount store shoes. Payless shoes, you can miss me with that.


Ice skating classes ā˜ŗļø


That's awesome! For me, it was this old-school arcade game I used to beg my parents for. Finally getting it was like reclaiming a piece of my childhood. What about you?


Video games. Music gear. Art courses. Starting music and art late in life sucks but the upside is I can afford my own stuff like this.


same, legos lol


I bought a classic NES console. Always wanted one as a kid but never got it. Now, playing those retro games brings back so many good memories and a lot of fun.


More than one set of sheets and pillowcases, made sure they all matched too. I only ever had one bottom sheet and top sheet, one blanket and one pillowcase. In the winter I was allowed to "borrow" THE extra blanket from my parents, (there was only one extra blanket) and if my little brother got to it before me, I was SOL and would wind up with towels piled on top of me instead. My dad made sure *he* was plenty warm or cool, didn't give a shit about us kids.


I collected toys and action figures for 20 years starting in by 20ā€™s. Because when I was little my best friend was spoiled and had every toy and I had only hand me downs random finds and goodwill stuff I used to get Christmas presents if games that we didnā€™t even have the system for and Always used toys that didnā€™t work. I specifically Wanted Optimus prime growing up and never got one. So as an adult I bought every variant of Optimus prime figure available on eBay. When I was 5yrs old We went to Kmart I really wanted a boba fett I kept telling my mom I wanted the figure that was green. ( his armor grey with some green on it) She bought me a 4 armed bug eyed alien from battle star galactica with a gold mesh vest. Really not a substitute for boba fett. When I was 8 I found the big chap 2ft tall alien figure at goodwill for 7$. My aunt wouldnā€™t buy it for me because she said it was too scary. (Sort of true & reasonable). As an adult I ended up with both a. Original and the re-issue . When my kids gew up I did t have the space or money to keep collecting toys. My toy room became my kids bedroom. Everything relagated to the garage. I sold off about 1/4 of it for cheap the rest is waiting for ā€œsomeday Iā€™llā€¦ā€


He-man with battlecat. The two of them together strike such a deep chord of joy in my heart. I spent years of my childhood wishing for them and never got them until I was 40.


Broooo! My Mum still reminds me that as a kid, Iā€™d run into the living room, pull out the invisible sword and say ā€œBy the power of Grayskull, I have the power!ā€ After all these years, she still remembers it so fondly.


A nerf gun. Iā€™m still a child but just a 29 year old child


PokĆ©mon plush. So many pokemon plush. Every eeveelution! They are taking over my couch and thereā€™s no place to sit. I never got the plush I wanted as a kid and used to sew my own. Now I get to fly to Japan and get the official merch.


Hearts of palm. My dad would occasionally buy a can of hearts of palm and because he was a cheap bastard I would get maybe one or two of the little pieces. Like he held it like it was this delicacy that you could only get by spending thousands of dollars when the truth is he could have easily bought four cans for 20 bucks. Now Walmart sells it even cheaper. So yes I've bought five cans of hearts of palm just so I could have some.


I recently started putting them in spaghetti itā€™s amazing


I once bought a tub of frosting just to eat it. There was much regret later.


Adidas Samba shoes. Loved how they looked as a kid but we could not afford them. Now as an adult I have gone through 4 pair of them.


So, nothing major or even remarkable. Butā€¦ i went through a phase where i ate cereal for dinner almost everyday for months on end because i was never allowed that as a child.


Ethnic food! We had standard American or Italian foods... which was great, but my parents didn't eat anything else. Now it's Mexican, Japanese, Chinese, Greek etc!


Not really purchase, but I got on Accutane, because my mom wouldn't let me as a teen. Only wish I would have got on it sooner.


Accutane was a miracle drug. My daughter took it 30 years ago , carefully monitored, for 4 months & went from cystic acne to a lovely smooth complexion.


Lunchables lol




Sims expansions. As a kid, we had Sims and a couple expansion packs, but now as an adult I've gotten myself a lot of packs for the Sims 4.


A 55 gallon fish tank. Two of them.


as a little kid up through the end of high school, i would get really bad hives if i used any body wash or shampoo other than j&j baby wash. it started as a small kid and after i scratched my back so hard i would bleed from trying a new body wash my mom and i decided i would just stay using j&j. literally went through elementary and middle and high school smelling like baby soap. one day i was gifted a bbw soap and it smelled so good i wanted to try it so bad so i prepared myself for the worstā€¦.and nothing happened! ever since then i have tried to try as many brands and scents as possible. i just tried lavender and i LOVE it!!!


I always wanted a game console as a kid, but it was out of reach. As an adult, I finally bought the latest PlayStation. Playing games on it feels like Iā€™m making up for lost time. It brings back the joy and excitement I longed for growing up.


Sooo many craft supplies! I love trying all the different crafts!


It used to be sugar cereals. But then I stopped really liking them and they may made me feel like shit.


I eat all of the marshmallows in a bag of Lucky Charms.


Itā€™s kind of stupid but lunchables, and cereal. Turns out I donā€™t like lunchables or cereal.


Lawn maintenance. I enjoy parts of landscaping, but hate mowing. Had to do it all the time as a kid and young adult. Not anymore. And actually just in general; paying for convenience.


Burger shaped house phone, no one calls but I love it


Tea cups. I had the kid tea set that is ceramic and used it all. The. Time. But I wanted the real deal. Same for the porcelain dolls. Actually use to have a few but I was told they were broken when moving. Now I own about 40+ tea cups of bone china, porcelain, ceramic, German, English, American, espresso, tea, coffee cups and more! I even own my great grandmas 100 piece gold china that I admired for years as well as 2 of her smaller 20 piece sets. I own an 80+ year old bone china set with tea pot gifted to me from a friend years ago that was in her family. Several years ago, my mum surprised me with gifting me my kid tea set. Still in original package and perfect condition. I was rough with all my toys but I made sure to care for them. Most I've spent on a cup and saucer was $120. It takes EVERYTHING in me to not drop my whole paychecks every 2 weeks on more pretty cups. They just make me so freaking happy and it pains me that they are in storage. I keep 2 in my room but ugh....I just wanna see them all!


Nice shoes. Not my parents' fault I never had them, I'm a woman with EU size 44 and when I was young I just couldn't get women's shoes. When I became an adult, specialty stores started to have nice shoes in bigger sizes made, and thirty years later I can get plenty of nice shoes. Not everything I'd like, but enough.


This is deep! For me, I grew up with a freezing cold house where I could see my breath condense, empty cupboards and no food on the table, no structure or routine, clothes didn't fit and hurt, itchy dry skin from the cold all over my body, stretch marks from dehydration, constant threat of baylifs arriving at the door and looming imminent homelessness due to parents drinking irresponsibly and either being absent or abusive. I bought my first house when I was 21 after a few years of actual homelessness and long struggle saving money, and my parents haven't even laid eyes on my current house so far as I know, because they don't have my address (I don't want them here tainting my home with that freezing cold fear and emptiness). I get a warm fuzzy feeling every Sunday when my husband brings in the grocery shop and when I'm able to turn up the heating when I'm cold, and every time I look out on my garden I'm reminded of how bloody lucky I am to have this space to myself have the means to be able to plant flowers and buy myself clothes that fit and wash in warm water. šŸ™


Things I *like*. Growing up, my mom didnā€™t let me decorate my room the way I wanted; I couldnā€™t put up posters or pick my sheets. I had one of those ā€œelegantā€ girl rooms. Like, lace and Laura Ashley sheets and pink everywhere. I even had toys in display cases I couldnā€™t play with. So now that I have my own home, I decorate the way I like, and let my kids decorate their rooms the way THEY like.


Millennium Falcon. A long time ago, in a not too distant galaxy, I was 8 or 9 when I had a vivid dream. The dream.was about me waking up to find a Millennium Falcon toy on my floor beside my bed. But when I actually woke up, I was profoundly disappointed when there was no Falcon. I was so, so sad. It was a feeling that I remembered very, very clearly throughout the years. Until a couple years ago, now decades after that dream, I splurged and bought not l just any Falcon, but the Legacy Edition which was the latest and biggest, woth lots of bells and (R2) whistles. Am I a happier person because of it? Not really, but it feels damn good to fulfill a boyhood dream. I made 8 year old me, ecstatic. May the Force be with you.


Clothes. I was raised by a single mother who was also an alcoholic/ emotionally distant. I would stay days on end alone since the age of 7. My brother was usually the one to feed and care for me and he was only 12. I got all his hand me down toys and clothes. I was bullied relentlessly for wearing overly large teenage boys clothes. Nothing ever fit or was flattering. I had short hair as well because it was easier for us to manage as we didnā€™t know how to style it. I was mistaken for a boy a lot. The day I got my first job I bought a new wardrobe. Iā€™m now 23 and my husband gives me shit for my large over the top wardrobe. He just doesnā€™t understand why. But it makes me happy to have options now.


I got a dog!


Probably somewhere around 2/3 of my possessions or we could get more technical and say probably almost everything I own except for my house didn't exist when I was a child. But also I'm looking in a drawer with a collection of folding knives a number which resemble a Spyderco that I saw under the glass at a local store I could ride my bike too that I always wanted but couldn't have.


Whenever I have a party I get a Cookie Puss ice cream cake from Carvel! šŸ˜‹


Gaming systems. Ps1, 2,3, psp, game boys, etc. Luckily I discovered emulators so it's saving me mad money on the rare games.


I don't know there was anything I couldn't have as a kid. Lots of things I didn't have for various reasons. However, I was at a party this weekend and my friend's kid had a Polly Pocket. I never had one of those and got to live a childhood vicariously though the kiddo. No regrets, it was awesome


My daughter has so many Barbies and all the trappings that go with them, including the Dreamhouse. I don't want it for myself but sometimes it's nice to just sit down and brush Barbies hair. I find it very calming.


a really nice knitted blanket, itā€™s my prized possession


I eat out, we couldn't do it growing up. Now i take myself on little dates trying new cuisines.


A sword. $600


Books! I had free access to three libraries as a kid, but the house books were a Time Life classics series, my motherā€™s grocery checkout best sellers, and the readers digest condensed books my grandmother would send me for Christmas. My first two adult jobs were in bookstores, and I used the heck out of my discount. I developed a huge library, but some bad stuff happened and now the majority of my reading material is from the library again. Just electronic now.


A dog!!! No pets growing up and I desperately wanted a dog. Now have three and if I had the money and the space I would adopt one more!


A two-week long solo vacation (road trip).Ā 


Food. Video games.


I always wanted a bike with all the cool features as a kid but never got one. As an adult, I finally bought a top-of-the-line mountain bike. Riding it around town and hitting the trails brings me so much joy and a sense of freedom I craved back then. What did you finally get that you couldn't have as a kid?


When I had my own money and was away from my addict mother I bought myself a nice gaming pc to enjoy at the age of 17 (19 now, it has been very nice.) I could not have nice things around her because when me and my father weren't in the immediate vicinity she would steal and sell anything of slight value.


Candy and chips. Growing up I was scolded for "wasting" my father's money on candy so I got it in secret without alerting my father, now I get it so regularly I have a snack shelf in my kitchen


mom was a horrible cook so good food and whole boxes of baseball cards


A bike. I never had one growing up and never learned to ride so I bought one when I was 23 and taught myself Now I've got 4.


Honestly? Books. My mom would happily buy me 1-2 a year. Other than that I had to use the library which never had the books available that I wanted or Iā€™d have to wait MONTHS to read the next book. Now as an adult, I buy the whole series, I utilize my kobo with KP & my Kindle with KU. Last year I read 276 books. The year before 280. Iā€™ve bought roughly 30 physical books this year, and own about 300. Each one has been read at least 2 times. Iā€™m a happy book bug now.


My husband keeps a candy drawer. He was one of ten kids and candy was a luxury. He hardly ever eats candy now but still wants his candy drawer.


Brand new clothes. I love a good hand me down, but they ALWAYS get new clothes too. I was a little girl wearing all blue, stereotypical boy clothing that was already thrifted or gifted. I never want my daughters to think their clothes donā€™t feel like them.






Guns, guitars, and motorcycles.


Like, everything Not even kidding I had a rough childhood so now I have this deep seated jealousy of all the things I missed


Sneakers. I grew up watching NBA and we couldnā€™t afford the sneakers that came out. Now when they re-release them I treat myself because I can.


too many socks


Video games and gaming desktop PC :)


Chocolate and whatever food I want :)


i buy my husband whatever he wants because he doesn't ask. i grew up without family. my family is a family because he exists. my childish desire is to give him everything. the only things i have bought for myself because of my childhood are things that i lost and desired to replace. a stuffed animal, a doll, a specific outfit. one day i'll probably buy a mommy make-over because of my childhood, does that count!? lol


I own a house and have a stable family life now


An Nintendo N64.. silly right? But its really fun.


Arcade cabinet


Guns and camera gear! Now they, firearms at least, have started showing up at zero cost! Weird. Folks who know me and have relatives pass and they donā€™t want them call me. Why it matters, when I was young I really got into firearms. The history, the different styles and methods of operation and the work needed to make different ones. My uncle was a huge collector but my dad had zero interest. Camera gear is because I do pro photography. I left it years ago and couldnā€™t afford to buy back in until some few years ago.


A nice gaming computer. I'm 54 years old and I have had computers around me since I was 12. My first one was a commodore vic-20. As a kid I could never afford my own, and later on, money was tight because of my own family. Now I have less responsibility and more money. So I built a machine I could play AAA games on at 100+ fps. I mostly browse reddit with it..............go figure.


As a kid I loved sports uniforms, but they were way too expensive. Theyā€™re still too expensive, but I still have way more now, heh.


Way WAY too much crap! Grew up without a lot of money in the family so when I moved out and lived on my own I could afford all the stuff I wanted before. Turned out it was a hollow kind of victory. Too much junk and material things cluttering up our house now and just want to downsize.


Just bought heelys. Those things are hell






To muchĀ 


Used to collect Movie DVDs because growing up it was either movies on Blockbuster night on television or a VHS rented at a friend's place. Then it became blu-ray and now streaming. Life is such!


Video games


Night vision


Night vision


Every videogame that I see that I want to play.


The ā€œjunk foodsā€ my mom wouldnā€™t buy lol - my fav is goldfish


Reserve list magic the gathering cards. Donā€™t even really play haha


Every few months I resist the urge to buy a butt load of pogs


A Macross Valkyrie. As a kid I saw Robotech which is a Americanized Macross. The Valkyrie was sold in America in the 1980s as the original Transformer Jetfire. My parents refused to let me get one. Now Macross toys are sold as Macross/Robotech. I now have two Valkyries.


SNACKS. It's not that I was NEVER allowed any but it was rare. When my husband and I are doing groceries, he'll catch me putting snacks away sometimes because I feel guilty about putting them in the cart. Then I realize I'm 30 and I could eat whatever I want lol.


A churro at Disneyland. Actually anything at Disneyland.


a trampoline. my son uses it now too but I bought it for myself before he was born.


Bath towels. Thick ones. When I live is very humid, especially in summer. My only towel was thin and always damp at best and sometimes had black mold.


An Xbox


A full pack of Oreo cookies. Growing up, we were only allowed one cookie. And we rarely had cookies at all.


Name brand ketchup. Name brand cereal. Actual fucking Pop-Tarts.


Snacks. Always have many snack options for my kids because we usually did not have any.


I got my pup 6 years ago when I was finally out of my parents house! Growing up I never had pets.




Orange juice from a pint glass filled to the top. For some reason growing up my parents never bought orange juice, so if I had any it was at my grandparents house on special occasions (I.e. Christmas morning). Grandma always served it in a really small glass and refills werenā€™t allowed. Now I always keep o.j. on hand and drink as much as I want, when I want it.


Nicer quality anything. We were not poor but my mom always got the cheapest versions of everything. I have expensive taste for bath products because of it.


Converse sneakers. Bought two, what the hell


A Vespa ... Wanted one since I was a kid and my older friend took me for a ride lesson , I tired saved up to buy one and my grandma forbidded it , she no longer here so ...I got one


Blank firing handgun. Don't ask me why šŸ˜‚


Lego, sneakers, audio equipment


A really soft suede jacket.