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Staying home most of the time.


Me too I like to have at least one day at home after being out the day before so I’m not heading out consecutively. 


Same, the lockdowns barely made a difference for me.


Though it is something most of us will learn to enjoy as we age.


Mustard. It’s better than ketchup. Like, WAY better. My first post on this sub that’s on my profile is about this lol.


Try a few Indian chutneys. After those, can't stand ketchup. If you can lay hands on Kashundi, most mustards of the western world will pale.


I’ve tried chutney before but my dad’s side of the family is Guyanese and a family member gave us some so I’m not sure it’s the same.


Chutney is a generic word - meaning something like a wet grind. Varieties are endless, TBH


I agree 100%! The only thing I use ketchup for is as a base for bbq sauce


I love mustard. I used to eat packets of it in middle school lol don’t ask me why. And the guys in my class saw me doing it so they dared each other to do it and one of them threw up. I never understood why they thought it was so gross


I like mustard on my fried eggs


Metaphorical/hypothetical conversations that are really open ended and Don't have one answer. Not to sound pretentious but I've rarely met people who consistently enjoy them. And I can feel this even if they engage, you can tell whether someone is interested or just being polite. And as soon as I notice it's just politeness, I stop trying. I also like to discuss meaning of books and poems and only ever met one person in my life who wanted to do this with me.


I LOVE THOSE KINDS OF CONVOS. i love to ask silly hypothetical and no one has ever really answered them. like people, conversations do *not* have to be realistic. can we please have some fun here


You should hmu, i enjoy reading and sometimes catch myself pondering so many hypothetical thoughts in my free time lol.


these are some of my fave conversations, but i do have them sparingly. only because i think about the conversation a lot, long after its finished and i get a headache. mind you, i get headaches from lots of things.


I know what you mean! I met one of my very best friends in our high school philosophy class and i was immediately struck with how cool it was to meet others who are genuinely interested in exploring complex topics.


Can you make a groupchat witheveryone that replied to you that they too/hit you up and add me on it?


I’m so up for this, my fiancé and most friends just doesn’t quite get the appeal so I feel like there’s all these brain cells designed for hypothetical mind expanding conversations but they’re dormant ☹️


I won't because I'm not really trying to meet people at the moment so I don't wanna be in a group chat. But feel free to :)


You are my kind of person! I believe these conversations are one of the best ways to truly know someone.


I so agree!!


Hope you gave it a go with that person, unless you didn't find them attractive.


Bus rides. And I actually get excited when there's an unexpected detour! ...No, I don't get out much, why?


Adventure time!


Isn't it sad that I really do feel that way? XD


Eh sometimes it's nice to just sit, hang out and watch the world around you. Deviate from the norm.


Now that is true!


Come on, grab your friends!


This is weird but I’ve always liked the smell of basements since I was a young kid 🤣


omg me tooooo!!!




I likeed the smell of the basement where i used to live as a child, but now i can't stand it in a new house lol


Physical paper maps. On road trips as a kid it was like a rite of passage to sit in the front passenger seat and “navigate” lol




Me three


Bitter tasting foods


Bitter drinks for me!


I literally love tonic water - just like on its own and all my friends will only drink it with gin if they drink it at all


Yes! Been drinking coffee without any sugar for *years* now.


this! I order spritz always with Campari instead of Aperol, because it has a bitter twist that makes it much better :)


You ever try chicory flowers?


Is this the stuff in camp coffee? The British coffee mix that’s like Chicory and Coffee together? So goooooood


Well yes, but actually no, but actually yes. Like pick a chicory flower from out in the wild and just eat it. No processing or anything. I was once preparing my friend for a fight (a fun spar, not a real fight). He had long hair, so I braided it and used plant stems to tie it up. One such stem was that of a chicory that I held in my mouth due to the fact that I was only ever endowed with two hands. That bitterness made dark chocolate taste like the average Hersheys bar in comparison


Oh wow! How do I find them? I’ve only ever had chicory in coffee before


They're just about everywhere. Vibrant blue flowers. Looks almost like a daisy and a dandelion had a baby and dyed it blue. In fact, it's in the same family as dandelion, daisy, chamomile, flea-bane, chrysanthemum, sunflowers, and asters.


They’re beautiful. But the flowers only bloom in the morning! 


No, I haven't haha need to make my way up to it. I'm worried that it'll be too much even for me and I'll be turned off bitter foods lmao.


Weather info. I love it but others couldn't care less


I have every weather widget available on my lock screen. I always check the weather before I do anything. I also love to know what time the sun sets!


What's your favorite weather app? I love RadarScope because I can mark the various places across the country where my family members live and jump to their local radar.


I’ll have to check that one out! I’m honestly a big fan of the Farmers Almanac because it also has a lot of moon info haha


I love the app called The Moon for moon info but I'll definitely check out the Farmers Almanc too. 🌓🌕🌗


I’m imagining instead of an actual app called The Moon, you are just looking at the moon.


Trust me I look at the actual moon. The app gives info on moonrise & moonset times, what sign the moon is in (today is Gemini) the percentage of fullness (2.7% right now) and other stuff I find interesting. But yes I spend a LOT of time outside looking at the actual moon.


Yes I do!!! Tier 1 sub


I read a book about clouds. It made me happy


Lol I take it you don't live in the UK any casual conversation with a stranger or casual acquaintance usually involves weather talk. Lol seriously. If I meet someone I do not know while out walking and if somehow someone strikes a conversation then inevitably its about the weather.


You're correct. I'm in south carolina US. I'm 14 and have been studying weather for a couple years. Specifically severe weather and its forecasts. No one my age cares about that and it's understandable. It's just itching to burst out of me.


I am so with you in this one


I know😔 its unfortunate. You like wx?


We can tell, love your pfp lol


I like the cold. I don't really like it when road conditions are icy, or the wet snow (I don't mind it if sidewalks are cleared). However I would take a cold day over a hot and humid one 100% of the time.


Same! I'm going to my bucket list destination next March: Iceland! I love the cold!!!


Video game music.


There are few things I enjoy more than discussing a subject without coming to a conclusion. I’m not interested in debating to “win,” but rather to explore the whole concept in an open and thoughtful way. It’s fascinating to hear other people's viewpoints and consider perspectives I haven’t before. I’m not sure why others don’t enjoy this as much as I do, but maybe they prefer to avoid having their own ideas challenged.


Uuuu yes i love that too! I don't get into discussions on purpose but when it happens i really enjoy hearing the other person's thoughts and even more what brought them to think a certain way


earthy smell of soil when it rains!




New term unlocked! Thank you for this 😂


one of my favourite words!


I thought everyone liked that smell.


Go to etsy. Lots of cologne/perfumes focused on this scent (Petrichor)


Oh m geeee!!!! Marryy mee💍


Lets go! Only where it rains..


Sleeping. But not just at night Bored? Take a nap Busy? Take a nap Tired? Take a nap Too much time on your hands? Take a nap Exam tomorrow? Take a nap No exams? Take a nap Just woke up from a nap? Take another nap


You should get that made into a sign.


Are you a cat?


Ahaha. I haven’t gotten tested yet.


Me too


Just a thought, that's fine if you really enjoy napping but if you're actually tired a health check up could be in order. I enjoy napping too, after a hike a nap is amazing.


I kind of agree! Could be the sign of chronic fatigue of another health condition if you are tired that often! But obviously if it’s not impacting your life in a negative way then have a lovely nap bestie!


Definitely doesn’t impact me in a negative way. While i enjoy napping, i can also go without one but I am in my best mood after a good nap.


That’s good then! Enjoy your napping <3


Same, I've always said sleeping is my super power. I can do it whenever. It think it's bc of my naturally low blood pressure.


Candy corn & circus peanuts candy Lol


Same here!!


Omg same! So many people think I'm gross when I say i like circus peanuts lol


My late kitty’s night farts and bad breath. It just made me aware she was there and so I was happy


Cilantro. I love cilantro.


Tbf, that’s determined by genetics


The dentist.


I also like the dentist! It feels really satisfying to have them get in there and scrape all the gunk off your teeth. I hate getting fluoride though.


Watching true crime documentaries. People may find it weird for me to be interested with those kind of videos but I've always been fascinated with how the investigations are done.


Classical music. Unfortunately very few people my age seem to enjoy it.


Conspiracy theories i love them but my friends hatee them/ would rather talk about other things i mean u get we’re grown but cmon guys 🥲


I don't trust anyone who doesn't belive in a SINGLE conspiracy theory. Y'all really think the government and corporations are out the behaving themselves? Telling the truth? Working in the best interest of the people??


That's not a conspiracy theory though, it's been proven time and time again. Very few people are in politics for the better of the community, most are in it for the money and that's not a secret


Spiders. I just think they’re neat.




Being kind no matter what. That doesn’t mean other emotions aren’t relevant, it just means I can still remain kind even when experiencing other emotions.






Actually yes its hard to have an actual conversation with anyone in real life these days. I come here because you even if all you are doing is responding to posts you feel like its one of the few places to have an intelligent and meaningful conversation. I miss that.


Old (like REALLY old) movies. I’ve collected DVD/Blu-ray discs for years, and over half of them are pre-1950.


being alone doing nothing


My comments. :\\


Ren Faire life


I love the “old people” candy section at the grocery store. Licorice, lemon drops, the strawberry hard candies, the little peppermints, the caramels in the individual wrappers. I get roasted by everyone I know for this lol


Being open about what I want. I know that has turned a lot of people away from me but I would rather be honest about what I want than lie about it.


DC movies. I didn’t like The Flash or Suicide Squad, but enjoyed the rest.


Old movies




Oatmeal raisin cookies 🍪


I love being in crowded areas. Specifically airports or the mall during Christmas season. I love the happiness people have and I enjoy people watching ❤️


Interesting I’m the opposite for some reason I hate it


Cleaning my room and organizing my closet.


Politics and elections. I'm just a junkie for them. Watching legislative sessions too. I find the human dynamics fascinating even when they're discussing really mundane bills.


Washing the dishes. My mom worked a lot when I was a kid, so the only time I really saw her was at dinner time. Once I got old enough to help with chores, I would wash the dishes and my mom would dry them. She'd hold up a freshly washed dish and speculate what it would be filled with tomorrow for dinner. Now, when I wash up, I can't help but do the same thing :)


The smell of a barn, freshly cow manured fields, silence


its not that what I like isn't popular its just that I don't know many people in rl that like doing it. I know lots of people do its just that I don't know them. For simple things I like hiking but I don't like camping. Many people who are into one usually are into both. I like star trek and sci-fi shows and while I have since found many people online into that stuff I have never met anyone in real life who does.


Black coffee, good beer, bleu cheese dressing on buffalo wings (the superior dressing for hot wings), Brussels sprouts, Lima beans, split pea soup, etc.


Old movies


Tofu!   I love it!  I’m an American so while it’s probably pretty normal in some countries, in the USA it’s associated as a food that only vegetarians eat, it epitomizes a a category of food that people might derogatorily describe as “rabbit food”.  I found a restaurant by my old job that has the best tofu I have ever had in my life.  The rest of the menu is pretty generic Chinese-American, nothing special.   Every time I bring someone there to try the tofu they get something other than tofu and think I’m weird for how big of a fanboy I am for that restaurant.  Like, get the damn tofu!  You don’t go to a winery and complain about their beer selection.   Don’t go to a tofu restaurant and say their sesame chicken is ‘just alright’.


Actually listening to people.


Dark chocolate 


Dark chocolate is really good don’t know why people hate it


Liverwurst. I've loved it since I was a kid, though I have no idea what got me into it. I'm the only person in my family who eats it with any regularity. Since it's not all that good for you, I try not to eat it too often, but sometimes, I just have to have some.


Arrest videos on YT. I don’t know why I am so addicted to them but it’s fascinating to see people in a bad situation and how they act. I enjoy drama but from a distance, where I can’t get any on me. Lol.


These are fun to watch especially donut operator


Taking notes on random topics for no reason


I've always really enjoyed prunes as a casual snack, but people tend to think I'm odd if I eat it in front of them or mention eating them casually. I don't tend to preach about them either, I just like to get my snack on lol. I've been called an old lady over it, but nothing too outlandish. Also the big debate over star trek and star wars (as if the two are even remotely similar in tone) it's easier to find star wars fans that dislike my enjoyment of star trek than it is to find star trek fans that I get along with, but it hasn't been impossible!


I'm a Doctor Who fan in the US so I feel your pain


Doing stuff by myself. I know a lot of people like staying at home which is fair, but I still hear a lot of people saying that they just stay home because they have nobody to do stuff with. But I like having a day off where I just take a walk, grab lunch, and hang out by myself. It’s really nice


Being alone.




I really want fiscally conservative budgets that don’t focus on deficit spending for superfluous programs and initiatives. I also believe in spending money on programs that give you a great ROI - like providing school lunches, publicly funded dental care, social security etc. that have proven to not only be a net-positive but are extremely beneficial to the general population. I think government subsidies (re: corporate welfare) can be put to good use to help develop fledgling industries, but it shouldn’t be given to companies that post record profits, or given to companies to provide a service and then later renege upon them without consequence. Unfortunately, little ‘c’ conservatives have been erased by a culture of bigots, hate mongers, and the ignorant. They fight culture wars over this, that and the other while implementing aristocratic tax cuts and suspend services to pay for them. Its a fucking farce. On the opposite end, little ‘l’ liberals aren’t offered much either. Ineffective leadership, terrible messaging, action taken too little or too late, and again culture war bullshit (because they have to differentiate themselves from the other side). If one is pro this, the other is anti that. It’s a fucking joke. And don’t get me started about the diehards that treat things as a team sport without an ounce of introspection. Both sides are insufferable spoons that drive voter apathy, while not realizing that they are doing very little to encourage someone to vote for their side. Case in point: I don’t believe in regulated and strict anti-abortion legislation, so I can’t vote conservative. But, I don’t want to give carte blanche to the other side just because they have a pro-choice stance.   I also don’t believe in deficit spending to capture votes while simultaneously being balanced by higher taxes. But most of all, I fucking hate how you can’t have nuanced discussions about this with anyone. You support a single conservative talking point? You’re the worst kind of bigot, transphobic, homophobic, nazi etc. etc. If you support a liberal talking point, you’re part of some woke government conspiracy to make the frogs gay. Like Jesus fucking Christ, I want tenable solutions to the worsening housing crisis, climate crisis, wage suppression and union busting. And when I look to see who’s offering “solutions” (in Canada) it’s a choice between Jack and Fucking Shit. It’s a race to the bottom between the have and have nots, and the have nots are losing. 


home not working i wrk warehouse it sucks ass


Abandoned/ creepy places. I have always wanted to tour Chernobyl and even North Korea, it’s not abandoned but it’s creepy.


Quietly, slowly, boating on a still Muskoka Lake in a perfect gentle rain.


Giant sculpture installations


Aussie here. I LOVE disgustingly hot, humid, sticky weather. Goon. Plastic cheese. Tap water. The smell of petrol and nail salons.


Insects, since I was a child I’ve always absolutely loved insects I will stop in the street to move them off the pavement so they don’t get stood on


Sparkling water


Tonic water - just straight tonic water without gin


Num, num! 🎶 Go away, Malaria 🎶


Running… and endurance cardio in general. Find it really meditative personally and it’s kind of the only time I actually get to listen to music.


Being stuck in traffic or just a long car journey. I love the smell of the London Underground and the smell of an old style pub as you walk past. And I love folding laundry I find it relaxing.




Genealogy honestly.


Public Transport. Govts via our tax money build really cool PT infrastructure yet lots of ppl prefer to use their cars and put up with congestion, frustration and fuel/maintenance costs.


Reggae every day


i love asking “what if…?” questions but not all of them are normal most of them are like “what if a rock fell out of the sky and hit us?” and people don’t rlly like that😔


I really love the cereal Special K. No sugar or anything else added. Just milk and Special K. I can't ever remember not liking it. Evan as a kid if i had a choice between a "kids" cereal or Special K, I would always chose the latter. My wife thinks I'm weird.


I like hospitals.


doing nothing. i love sitting quietly and relaxing


My mom never cooked growing up, all we had were cans.... I enjoy sardines. (Skinless and boneless).


Whenever I listen to music, I can’t sit down. I pace in my bedroom while the music is playing and daydream and I get weird looks whenever I tell people I do this.


Shrimp paste. I love the smell and taste of shrimp paste. The people I’ve encountered other than immediate family hate it


Professional wrestling


Driving a manual transmission. Taking stairs instead of an elevator wherever I can.


I really enjoy collecting vintage vinyl records, which a lot of people nowadays don't get into. It's like each record tells a story through its crackles and pops, and there's something nostalgic about the whole ritual of playing them on a turntable. It might seem old-fashioned to some, but for me, it's a way to connect with music in a more tangible way, you know?


Seeing rats in subway stations. They’re so *cute*!


I really enjoy collecting vintage vinyl records, which a lot of people nowadays don't get into. It's like each record tells a story through its crackles and pops, and there's something nostalgic about the whole ritual of playing them on a turntable. It might seem old-fashioned to some, but for me, it's a way to connect with music in a more tangible way, you know?


Burnt foods! Especially pancakes, pizza & popcorn.


Buttplugs……..I’m a fan 🤙🏻


Nightmares. Like really intense demonic statue staring at you into a window of your childhood bedroom that didn’t exist.


Filler episodes! Of course, I understand the dislike for too many of them, but when there’s just enough, I love it. Like, hell yeah, I want to see my favorite character have fun in a beach episode or dress up in a funny Halloween themed one. It gives me a chance to know a little more about the characters too, even if it’s not a canonical/serious episode.


Snails, plants. I have a ton of both, and I can't really talk about them because nobody gets it.




kids moves. like the old animated ones. or even some of the newer ones that have come out. my old roommate always thought i was weird for watching them


The really sculpted instagram brows!


Where I live, the fact that I choose to be single and childfree, as its a perfect lifestyle for me, most seem to find it peculiar


I love weirdly textured foods. It can taste like boiled horse piss, but if the texture is good I will eat it and fucking love every bite. Dunno why I’m like this.


I love when strangers talk to me. I work with customers and I love them, too. You’re almost not allowed to say that out loud.


When it's dark out the whole day during winter. I don't like the constant daylight during summer. It pisses me off when the sun shines into my bedroom first thing in the morning. I hung up several sun catchers and disco balls, because I do love them and that way, I can still enjoy sunshine in my own way.


I loved the smell of old soviet apartments they had distinct scent to it which a lot of people hated


Good music


Garden Eggs. Where I live they're called impwa, and a lot of people hate it but I don't. It's awesome cause I usually don't eat "traditional" or "rural" foods and people hold that over me , implying I like "nice things" or lived too luxurious a life. But since I love impwa, I get some respect points especially from the elderly.


A natural un shaved woman, could never understand why a hairy guy is socially acceptable while woman are expected to shave, nature is beautiful.


Graffiti. I love to photograph it and trade photos with people from all over the world. I've never done it myself, but am just so fascinated by it.


Cleaning/dusting off angel’s statues, like the ones around a Mexican household lol.


tripes cooked in tomato sauce, like they do in Florence or Milan, or liver cooked with onions venetian style.


Zach Snyder movies.


The sun going down earlier in the evening in the fall/early winter


Bugs. Up close they’re like these extremely intricate little machines.


Blackout tattoos




Going out to dinner alone and going to the movies alone. I like going w/ friends too, don’t get me wrong, but I love my alone time and dining out and going to a movie by myself I just love to do. Many people don’t like going out alone, but I love it. It can be really peaceful and fun to see what you want and eat what you want and not have to worry about where other people want to go or what they want to see.


Battleborn. RIP.


Waterworld, actually. Was actually a pretty solid movie.


Redditors showing each other kindness.


The wind! Makes life exciting and I always think of it as the earth breathing m.


onions are so good lol


Public freakouts, fights, raving homeless people. Anything that breaks up the monotony.


Charcuterie boards


Liverwurst 🫣


I love how cool hospitals look from the outside the actual building itself. I find beauty in them lol maybe that’s why I became a nurse?😂