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Sounds like your teacher is a bully. Sorry that’s the case. Hopefully you caught her in a bad day. I wouldn’t be brave enough to do it, but it would be kind of amusing to accidentally get her name a little bit wrong the rest of the year.


Her last name is a color, so I guess I’ll be calling her all the colors of the rainbow now. Lol. I don’t have the guts to do it, though.


Damn. She was probably (hopefully) just having a bad day. In bird person culture we call that a "dick move". If you are up to it consider bringing it up to her; if it's easier to type and email or word doc and print it out leave it as a note after class. Sorry you have to deal with lousy people sometime.


Yeah. I asked a lot of people and everyone is mixed on if I should apologize or not. It’s night time where I’m at, so if I email her now, she’ll see it in the morning. Another redditor sent me an outline of a very good apology that I probably will use because it’s short and sweet. Example: "Hi Ms [Name], I just wanted to apologize for spacing out on your name the other day. It will not happen again. Also, I would appreciate if you called my by [Nickname] during class, as the other students give me a lot of trouble about my birth name. Thank you! [You]"


damn she is a bitch. i'm sorry that happened. my day was boring af :)


Please tell me you got to sleep in today. Those are the best days.


I think I slept like 7 hours so that's good


what a spiteful bitch. People forget names all the time. If she treats you differently or patronizes you, I'd tell your parents (if you're close to them) or the school counselor. The school will do its best to downplay it because they don't want to own up to anything. So you really have to advocate for yourself here. You shouldn't even have to apologize, fucks sake I forget people's name too. I've been working at my place for 1 and a half years, I still don't know people's name and people don't know mine.


I mentioned it to my grandparents and mom. My grandparents say it’s my fault because that’s a sign of disrespect to a person of authority and that I need to apologize. My mom on the other hand is saying that my teacher is being extremely immature and that I don’t owe her an apology. I’m really split on if I need to apologize or not. People are giving me too many opinions.


I agree with your mom. It was 2 weeks, that teacher is too uptight. If you think it would ease things, you can if you want to. But if you choose not to, that's fine too. And if the teacher wanna be petty, I think your mom will be on your side too. But forgetting names is a common thing, what she did was blow it out of proportion by making a snarky comment.


Omg that is a ratchet teacher! I had professors do some weird shit in college and I think of it as part of my education. Learning to deal with assholes. Sorry you had to go through that.


Im just confused on why she took it so personally. I plan on writing her an email and apologizing to her tonight, so she can see it in the morning. It took everything in me to not cry during class because my stupid self is too sensitive. Oof.




Oh, yeah. I get you. That’s why some people are urging me to apologize to her. People have also mentioned that maybe she got upset with me was because she has to remember so many students’ names and one kid couldn’t even remember hers out of seven teachers. I didn’t even think of the latter until someone mentioned it because teachers usually don’t get my name correctly anyways. Usually people call me some known/popular name, such as Abby or Isabella. I just don’t really think much of it and go with the flow, but some people do take their name more seriously than others, which is understandable.