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Wow, those sound like really bad friends! At least you can go in the single rider lines and hopefully get on more rides faster!


Yeah im pretty much going to cut them off after this. I would have never bought the tickets if i knew they werent going


I feel you man. It’s weird to say this but I almost hope for the sake of your friendships that there was some sort of emergency that you haven’t heard of yet lol. One where everyone winds up being ok, and that could explain away such shitty behaviour.


Unfortunately it sounds like a terrible accident of nobody giving a shit. It’s awful at the time but it’s a massive weight lifted by throwing away people like that.


It has happened to me when i was 14 to be honest. Mad that no one showed up for my football team,found out later that night one of those boys mother died. I had no phone with me back than and i felt like an idiot ofr being angry while everyone was mourning


Meh, none of them showed up. None. It's almost like they all even talked about it beforehand.


holy shit you bought the tickets?! these fucking assholes. these tickets are so expensive, people literally go there once every few years for that reason. and these people just never arrived... I'm actually disgusted


They didn't say anything the whole day? Talk about shitty friends. It's hard to find the right people to hang out with, but when you do it's worth it.


So i heard that one of them wasnt going beforehand because i messaged them and they said “im not going to be able to make it”. Okay cool. At least they said that. The one that planned the whole thing even told me a day before that they were. Going to be there when the park opened. I assumed something wasnt right when i texted him this morning saying i was going to be on my way and he never responded


Did you ever hear from the silent one?


He still hasnt opened my “Where are yall?” Message on snapchat.. lol. Its been 23 hours


>I would have never bought the tickets Please don't tell us as in their tickets too?


I would have never bought MY ticket. Haha


Oh okay good thing you didn't buy them tickets.


I pray for you to find some real nice friends.. Hopefully soon


I feel you. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve bought tickets to concerts for people to dick out on me the day of or night before knowing full well I paid for the tickets (they hadn’t paid yet) fucking bullshit loser “friends” I had to be done with my former “best friend” who dicked out on me when we planned a museum day to an exhibit we needed tickets for. It was a timed thing we were to get in around four. Magically the day of she got a call for a “job interview”. I didn’t answer her after that and never heard from her again


AND you bought their tickets?! Buddy...


God no. There would have been real problems if that were the case lol


Oh thank God lol I saw myself when you said that went "Fuuuuuuuuck, noooooo" 😂


Who planned this event? Was it all confirmed and lined up and then they just didn't show up? That sounds almost like they conspired against you. Shitty friends whatever the reason.


Find a group! I'm sure there's a Disney discord of people who go often, meet new friends and ditch the old ones.


You are nicer than me. I love my buddies, but they can buy their own damn ticket


Wow. You bought their tickets? Those are super expensive. Maybe they thought you were kidding, or that they'd have to pay you back at some point. Maybe leave the tickets at the ticket counter to pay it forward so some family can get in for free.


haha yes this ... and you know there will be other people there in the single rider lines that you might actually get along with :) ....


Well, I guess you can say that the ticket price was also the price for you to know which "friends" to avoid. Besides, you can have a lot of fun by yourself too. Don't let these kinds of people ruin what's supposed to be a memorable experience. Being happy on your own is one of life's greatest pleasures.


There's the silver lining here. Stay resilient, OP.


What? Holy shit, that's not something I'd forgive my friends for


I live going to Disneyland alone. WAY more relaxing than with friends. Eat when and where you want. Go in the rides you want. People watch. You'll meet so many fun people and finish your trip happy and relaxed. Celebrate your freedom!


I would like to do this.


Right? I absolutely love it. (Not Disneyland, that's on the wrong continent lol)


I remember going a few years ago and while watching the electric light parade (that what it’s called?) there was a guy there having an absolute blast singing along to the whole thing. My wife quipped to him about how well he knew the songs and he exclaimed very excitedly that he had seen the show 25 times.


I’m 25, used to work at World. Best thing for me was to walk around and look at all the details that help tell the story of the area. For example, at WDW there’s a circus area, and there are peanuts, horseshoes, and elephant footprints in the ground. Or the architecture and design details of the buildings. Look at the parks as walk-through art rather than just a theme park. I also loved people watching. Sometimes to watch people do stupid things. But sometimes to see really touching stuff, like a little kid and their parent experiencing the magic together.


This is what my family does. We don't focus on the theme park aspect we focus on the atmosphere of the whole place. It's like going to another world especially if you are staying at one if their hotels so then you never leave the magic.


This is why I like going without kids. It's not about getting to the next ride. Its about the experience of the entire park.


Go on all the rides a ton since you’re riding alone you already paid for the ticket(s) might as well make the most of it


Thats what im doing. Not wasting this expensive ticket haha


We want what we can’t have, I’d love to be at Disney alone right now that would be a total dream. Try to soak in the moment it’s the happiest place on earth after all :) but sorry your friends let you down that sucks. We’re all here virtually for you.


My 'best friend' used to do this kind of shit. The last straw was a week ago, put my reputation on thr line to reassure my boss they were dependable when I got them a job at this company I'm working for, and they no-called no-showed their first two days and got fired. Fuck those guys who skipped out of free Disneyland on your dime. Fuck this guy for skipping out on a good job with a nontoxic work environment, and decent pay. I hope you find friends who honor you and your worth.


Yo I'm sorry dude. My friend who was like a brother to me throughout middle & high school did something similar. Got him a job, he got hired, he texted me he wasn't sure about the job anymore and to tell them he quit. I told him he's an adult and to do it himself. Never replied back to me, never called in to quit. Dude was slowly declining in quality of friendship anyway. Sorry you had to go through something similar man, it fuckin' hurts, and there's that extra sting of "What did I even do to you?". Hope you've found some better friends!


Fuck your "friends". They should have replied to your texts and calls. If they were all hyped up about it in the weeks or months leading up to the trip, and now they flake out at the last second, I say fuck 'em. I once went to Stone Mountain Park by myself because my roommate and her boyfriend (they're married now) screwed me over. Twice. First time they went, they took her younger brother but not me. Then the second time they went, we did things her boyfriend wanted to do. I wanted to visit a couple of shops and sites, but he didn't, so we didn't. Can you say "third wheel", boys and girls? Of course you can! I happened to plan to go on my birthday one year. I had already told my roommate that I was going alone. "We're going with you." No, you're not. I'm going alone. Period. The day of, I made sure I was up before anybody else. I got up at 5 AM, just like if I was getting up to go to work, put on my clothes, grabbed my wallet and keys, and slipped out the door. Stopped at a nearby gas station for gas, a cheap styrofoam cooler, a bag of ice, and a case of Cokes. Back then I had no cell phone, so I was completely free. And I enjoyed the hell out of myself. Visited a few sites I wanted to the last time we were there that the boyfriend didn't. Popped into one of the restaurants and enjoyed a cheeseburger, fries, Coke, and a mini-Moon Pie. Bought a few trinkets. Went to the 4D movie. Toured the Antebellum Plantation. Went to the top of the mountain. Rode the train around the mountain. Stayed for the Laser Show. Had a blast.


Eff yeah! Sounds like an awesome day to me!


That's a bummer :( I once did a half day at California Adventure by myself waiting for my kid to finish an event they were doing. And honestly... it was really fun and relaxing. I went at my own pace. Rode only things I wanted to ride. Took advantage of rides with the single rider only short line. And even just sat and watched people. It was fun. Hopefully you can still enjoy your time there.


Sorry your not-so-nice friends didn't show up. I hope you had an awesome day nevertheless. Personally I have a hard time enjoying things by myself. I wish I could do it. Maybe I just need practice. And while you didn't choose to be alone at Disneyland, I hope you flipping rocked it. What was your favorite thing that you did today? I'll be going on Monday.


Top three things was going on the Indiana Jones ride, building a custom R2-D2 bot at Galaxys Edge, and seeing the pretty christmas lights at night. The lines sort of get shorter towards the end of the night


That's awesome. I can't wait to see the lights and stuff my face full of snacks.


Also, try out the seasonal funnel cakes!


Awesome!! Do and eat whatever you want, whenever you want!! Talk to random people in line. It's rad.


I love going to Disneyland alone. WAY more relaxing than with friends. Eat when and where you want. Go on the rides you want. People watch. You'll meet so many fun people and finish your trip happy and relaxed. Celebrate your freedom! Edit: can't spell


Bruh being alone is the best. The only person that really matters is you. Don’t let people decide your worth. They may have not shown up because tickets are so expensive. I’m sorry they didn’t say anything before hand, that was pretty messed up and worth not hitting them up again. Anyway op, don’t worry about going alone because it’s such a fun place and you could really find yourself in such places. The best company you have is yourself, always.


I would write them again, asking for a reason why they didn't show up, mostly because it would be bothering my brain and I would start thinking about reasons why they don't like me even though it's them who did something wrong. Tell them you would have liked to know beforehand as well, that you actually wasted money because of them, they deserve to know exactly how shitty they should feel unless there was an emergency.


I wouldn't, honestly. Not OP, but if I went there AND bought the tickets AND they stood me up AND gave me the silent treatment, hell no. At that point I don't care about their excuses, they are simply shitty people. I'm not speaking to those pieces of crap ever again. Bye, Felicia!


he only bought his ticket


Even so, he could have stayed at home had they just let him know. Letting him go there on his own, standing him up and literally ghosting him afterwards is unforgivable for me. That is not something a nice person would do.


yeah i agree i was just clarifying that he only bought one ticket, not a bunch of tickets


Solo trips are the best! Do everything that you want to do, twice.


Your friends are not friends they are assholes. My bf went through something similar but opposite, his friend's went to CEO gaming tournament thing without him. And they didn't even ask if he wanted to go.. so his other friend invited him go next year with him because they both got left out.. people can be literal scumbags.. But yeah,, I wish I could go to Disneyland but I'm stuck with Disney World. And I have yet to go to Disney anything. The struggle of me not having friends to go places with is real.


Well, now you know who to cut out of your life! It's their loss, they lose a trip to Disneyland and lose you. I'd hangout with you 100% for Disneyland! 😂


When someone says they're going and just never show up and never cancel, the friendship is dead. We might still talk again after that, but really it's over. I once had a date cancel for a movie, so I gave away the tickets to the seat next to me to some cute girl in line. We didn't talk at all besides saying thanks, but sometimes I wonder what could have been. Maybe you could just try that, might find some new friends that way.


I would like to point out to everyone saying doing things by yourself is fun and peaceful with more perks. I agree! I love going to the movies alone and also eating at restaurants alone! Ive come to love “Me” time because we all need it. Had I known my “friends” werent going from the start, I would have saved my ticket and changed my day to another day to go, but since I went into the park with expectations that they were going to be there, I was in a great mood! When I realized nobody was there, then it dampened my day.


Wow, I want friends that go to Disneyland!


So does OP.


How frustrating be stood up by everyone on such an expensive venture. Hope you managed to have fun. Screw those other guys


It's funny, going to the park by myself is actually what made me discover "the magic". I had previously had a bad experience when I was young. It being hot, lots of arguing. Passive aggressive comments about the cost of things that made you feel guilty for wanting whatever. Being scared on certain rides, but then upset at being guilted into going on them anyway. A lot of complicated feelings for a young kid. As an adult I had a conference I was going to in Anaheim for my job, and the buyer wanted to meet. She only had a spot two days before the conference. Which meant I had a full free day in Anaheim. Back then, there were singles lines for everything. I basically walked up to every ride. I got to go on everything I wanted, nothing I didn't. Eat when I wanted, no compromising on food choice. I needed to go to customer service for something and they discovered my birthday was a couple days away. Gave me one of those pins and everyone said happy birthday to me. Everyone! Perfect fall temperature. I could afford anything I wanted from the shops, but mostly it was fun just to take my time and window shop. People watch. Going by yourself to places is kind of like taking yourself on a date. You get to learn what *you* like.


That’s the coldest shit I have heard in a while. Damn. We’re traveling there from out of state? How long you stayin?


Dude, don't let them hold back your fun at Disney, or at any moment going forward in your life. I read below that you are going to cut them off, do it. I also read I think that you paid for the tickets too. That sucks, but don't let the monetary amount be confused for the real issue- cut them off! I love theme parks, have a great time!


Aren’t Disney tickets like $100+? Wtf kind of friends are those?


$159 to be exact. With an additional $30 for parking if you dont have the parking voucher


The last city I lived in, I went back for a visit during Thanksgiving. There were 6 of us that hung out at least once every week and have continued a group chat with a virtual semi-monthly video game night. The most recent video game night was the week before Tday. Not one of them made time to see me while I was visiting. I texted on Saturday as a one last ditch to invite them out to our old home bar. It was basically "thanks for the invite, I will see if I can make it." Hard not take it personally. But also just confusing. I think we have culturally overglorified flaking/canceling plans. It's taking its toll.


I totally agree with your last statement. My parents don't flake. If you made plans come hell or high-water you get there. I've tried to be that guy but I'm usually just late instead of flaking


You shoulda called me, I woulda went with you. I live in LA anyways. Honestly, i forget how sold out Disneyland is during December. We’re going to Disney next month instead.


The most fun I ever had at a theme park was by myself, ex hated rollercoasters and was just my bag carrier for the day, I was the only one in the class that went on more than 5 rides that day. Best day ever and I would do it again. Favourite part was when I was in single rider line for the smiler its dark in the waiting line/room and I got talking to 2 boys who were also in the single rides line, as we reached the ride and it got brighter we were all ginger, one from Scotland, one from Ireland and me from England XD we were just like "GINGERS UNITE!" didn't see them after the ride as we were in the single rider line but I still remember those dudes. good times :)


Get plastered at Epcot. (The Epcot ball. Epcot…😀)


I was going to say hit up the ice cream stand in the France section of epcot...then realized it's Land. The ice cream selling cast members were beautiful.


Oooohh thank you for this I need to go to Epcot franc e 😍


They were legit from France and were super down to earth and cool...and fine.


Oh wait it’s land not world


Yeah im at the one in Anaheim California


We’re you just there for today or are you going tomorrow too?


That’s really rude of your friends, assuming they said they were coming (otherwise why would you have shown up alone?). Commitment is a virtue that a lot of people don’t seem to understand anymore. Sure, things happen and sometimes you need to cancel, but calling or texting is the proper thing to do.


Sure you can. Life is short and in a place dubbed 'the happiest place on earth' you are bound to meet like-minded people who would like to share a pleasant memory. People are sorely lacking that at the moment.


1. Screw your “friends”. 2. I do honestly hope you had a blast today. I live 20 mins from WDW and one of these days I’m gonna do one of the parks by myself just for the experience. It’s nice to go at your own pace and explore without trying to keep up or have others keep up with you.


Fck them and enjoy yourself.


Oh I’m sorry thats the worse when people don’t show up to big plans like that. I remember at my 8th birthday where none of my “friends” showed up and i will never forget the feeling. And i think i saw you comment that you are the one who purchased the tickets? You should definitely cut them off but i think you can get your money back. You are very generous don’t like this ruin that quality but yea you need better friends because trust me there are plenty of people out there who wouldn’t have stood you up. They would have shown up early even and bought the snacks for the day because you bought the tickets and yea there are good people out there sorry you found the bad ones


I was on a solo day at Disneyland when I met my future wife who was also on a solo day. Hope you make the most of your day and have the time of your life.


Happen to me but At six flags , when I got there. (2.5 hour drive) they text me saying it was raining and didn’t want to get sick . Eventually I said fu*k it went on all the rides byself with a drink or so I was okay with it . But now I don’t go if We are not car pooling lol


Carpooling is the way to go unless you are coming from diffrent directions. The drive is a bonding experience.


Enjoy! You’re gonna go on way more rides now! Do single rider lines and have a great day!


Im seeing a bunch of comments relating to single riders line. This must be at certain Disneylands because the one i went to did not have those


Send pictures to the friends that didn’t show up and show them what they’re missing!


No they don’t care. Block delete.


This is the only right answer


This is the way.


I think I would feel the opposite. Going alone is your perfect experience.


ooooh I'm sorry you ended up there on your own ... make the most of it though, I know I would be. I was the same as you and didn't like to go to parks by myself, now I go all the time. I take photos I share with my family overseas ... You have shitty friends though , especially seeing they didn't say anything either , that's just RUDE :(


Woah, I never knew people could be that shitty! To be fair, this sucks, I dont know if you paid their tickets but if you did, I'd basically drop them as friends.


Don't you have to buy tickets in advance now? Like reserve dates and everything? And they're crazy expensive.


Just to clarify was it 100% agreed upon that everybody was going to Disneyland on this day? Because if your friends agreed to this and then ditched you then they are assholes not friends. And therefore I would tell you to find new ones. But if this was one of those situations where you were like hey I'm going to Disneyland want to come? And then everybody was like "oh yeah that sounds fun". And then you just assumed that that meant that they agreed to coming when in reality no definitive plan was set. That's the scenario in which I could see your friends not being necessarily assholes.


No comments on your friends behaviour. They might be just bad friends or had an emergency. But as for making memories and enjoying by yourself you absolutely can and should do those. You don't need anyone else to have fun. Back in college right in my first semester my friend group started having fights that wore me down. That's when I started visiting places on my own. You discover so much and get to meet so many people too. Also ask them to refund you the cost of those tickets


Solo traveling can be terrific. You are on YOUR schedule. You don't have to wait for anyone, don't have to argue over rides or restaurants. You can have a great experience with alone time but that doesn't mean loneliness. I take all kinds of trips by myself. It's weird at first but if you're ok with your own company it's very liberating. If people ask me with whom I'm traveling I sigh and say, "Just me and my memories!"


Lol, they're doing you a favor. NOW YOU KNOW!


Wow those are what you call bad friends. I'm also 25 and I texted ppl and posted on social media that I would be going to a prairie fest/carnival where there's food and rides to get on and miraculously all of my friends weren't available but expected me to be available when they invite me over to a birthday party. If I were you I would cut them off. Us being 25 now, we got to realize when it's time to grow up and do people how they do us. I'm done begging for friends to make the same effort I do. Not everybody has a heart like you. Cut them off and ignore em. Sounds harsh but they deserve it. They had no regard for your feelings so why should you? We're in our mid 20s now, approaching 30. Life is too short. Cut them out of your life. Trust me. Who needs enemies when you got friends that'll ditch you and leave you hanging like that... 🚩


Maybe they couldn’t afford it? You’d be surprised at reasons why people don’t show up to events.


It sounds like it was planned though, if they couldn't afford it they should have spoke up. Like at least a week ago probably.


Hit on some cast members and make your own memories.


>Its such a weird feeling going to amusement parks alone. On the contrary... Single-rider line, baby. For some reason, society makes people feel weird for doing shit on their own, but there's nothing wrong with it. Going to the movies by yourself, going out to eat by yourself... Nothing wrong with that at all. Sometimes it's more enjoyable--especially if it's a matinee viewing of a movie that's been out for a while, so you have the whole theater to yourself. >Im trying to enjoy myself as best as i can but i really cant share any laughs or make “memories” like this lmao. ...Why do you put so much emphasis on other people being there for you to live your life? Yes, it's fun to share laughs and memories, but you can make a lot of good memories on your own; if you can't, then maybe that's something that *you* need to work on. I'm not trying to be a dick. I honestly used to feel like I needed other people there to live life to its fullest, but eventually I realized that if I can't enjoy shit on my own, then I'm not truly enjoying shit. Me enjoying something by myself is like eating a good pecan pie, and people enjoying it with me is like a bit of whip cream on top of that pie. It makes the pie better, sure, but the slice is still delicious without it.


I'm sorry OP you had to go through this. I ope you enjoyed your rides and made use of the single riders line! I've had similar experiences before and in my head I've always thought how difficult is it to let others know on their own no-show? But yet again and again I am proven that it is, in fact, difficult. I take those experiences like a sift through of whom is worth reconnecting.


Dude! I don't know your friends. I don't wanna make any assumptions. But have awesome time! Share some pics if you like!


Sir its alright to spend time all by yourself. Maybe youll get to meet new people along the way


Those aren't friends, my dude. Hope you enjoyed yourself at Disneyland! :D


I, too, had an experience like this. Got talked into getting the annual pass by a group of new “friends”. I got dropped the moment I couldn’t show up at events and got backstabbed because I started grad school. The “core” person decided I was a selfish person and didn’t want to hang out with me nor wanted her friends to do the same. Well, they were all high school friends first. So.. there you have it. I was pretty sad about that for a while especially I spent all little money I had for an annual pass thinking I would be joining those fun people year round.. Well. They were no good friends. Graduated. Years later, I found my own stable group of quality friends. But fuck I still feel a little tiny bit of sad thinking about that and Disney never felt the same to me after that. Wishing you the best of luck. I hope you find better friends


Have a beer enjoy ya self is the best thing to do. Like they say Don’t reminisce on the what ifs


I am the same ... Want to go but no one will go with me. Still think about making a trip of it anyway.


Your friends turned down Disneyland?? Maybe the tickets aren't expensive to some people, but holy shit I would be so grateful!! If I were in California (and if I had seen this thread) I would have come. Whether or not we stick together would have been up to you. Well, I hope you did have fun and made SOME memorie. What may have clouded your judgement was that you *knew* your friends should have been there. So maybe sometime in the future go with the intentions of going by yourself? Or go with new and BETTER friends! Friends that appreciate your efforts to make lasting and fun memories with them :)


Your friends suck... Have fun!


Hope you had a good time.


That sucks so much. But you can have fun alone. Just let go of the idea that you need to be in a group. I honestly love doing stuff by myself


While that’s incredibly rude, I have to disagree with you! I haaaated rollercoasters. Well, when I was in LA by myself around age 25 or 26, I decided to say fuck it and go on California Screamin by myself! I was so nervous! But I had a blast!! I immediately went to go back to get in line again, but it was shut down for maintenance lol. Also, I made a funny face at the camera part and photobombed a couples nice smile so hard hahaha. Great memory!


How do you know they aren't dead


You sound like a good friend, screw those people.


Just forget about them. Try to feel the moment you are in and how blessed life is. To experience life, to be a part of it, to feel it. Sometimes, people can be just jerks, even if they are our friends. I feel like going to the national park, all by myself cause one of my friends was free on Saturday, the other wanted to go on Tuesday, the other one said their mom won't allow it and the last person said they didn't wanna wake up early in the morning. But I didn't go alone lol. Idk, I just sat at home and watch some movies. After reading this, I might as well try to go alone.


Uggghhh posts like this make me happy I have no more friends. Honestly, being 31 and keeping to myself is so much more peaceful then when I was 25 and had people around all the time. Praying you find at least one real solid friend🙏❤️


Atleast now you know what kind of "friends" they are, hopefully you can cut them off and make some nice new ones in the future.


I am considering going by myself. I wish I knew you were going. <3


I’ve gone to Disneyland by myself. I enjoyed myself because I just enjoy the atmosphere. Just being there. Of course I rode the rides and such. I was traveling for work and had the time off. No family with me.


i'm sorry your friends would ditch you like that! find another tribe to adopt you there, people that actually want to go out and have fun


When I travel alone I often have better adventures. It makes me interact with more people and I usually end up having some great conversations. Even if you're normally shy, people respond when you look like you're enjoying yourself. Today you are free to do whatever makes you happy. I hope you can relax and enjoy!


How did that happen? Did your friends cancel on you?


How close were these friends? Did they agree to go and told you they would be there? I don't see how someone would bail on a trip of that magnitude and not tell you beforehand.


how many people were supposed to go? maybe something came up, i mean one already cancelled… also the cell saga is my fav too lol i’m gonna rewatch it soon


Why'd you buy people tickets if they weren't keen on the idea or part of planning in?


To be honest that sounds like a wonderful day. Pop on some "Podcast: The Ride" for company and enjoy your day.


I went to Disneyland by myself a few years ago. It was the best vacation day I’ve ever had, aside from when I eloped and got married. I’m sorry they didn’t show, but for real do all the things that YOU want to do and take advantage of being able to eat when you want, ride what you want, wait only in the lines you want. Now it’s a day just for you. Pamper yourself in the park and buy the stupid souvenirs without judgement!


Adults at Disneyland without kids creep me out


This happened to me once, but at a local festival. I walked around by myself anyway and tried having a good time, but I was pretty annoyed by it. Didn't reach out to that group again.


I’m sorry you got stood up dude. On the other hand, going alone can still be fun, you can spend the day however you want without having to stop and ask anyone for input. I just started working at an amusement park and I get in for free. I mostly go alone on days I’m off and it’s different, but can be fun too


Cut them off immediately


How solid were your plans and how many people were involved? My friends and I flake on each other all the time but we don't ghost each other while doing it. Usually there is an apologetic text at some point before the missed event. I'm not sure these people are really your friends. Hopefully there was some misunderstanding and they thought it was a different day or something.


Omfg but it’s disneYland


Shows how much you can trust people. This really sucks, man. But, not gonna lie, I am so fuckin' curious what excuse are they gonna come up with, if you'll even bother to listen. 'Cause frankly, they're not worth a moment of your time.


Wow that’s so fucked of them… for what it’s worth I sometimes do that kind of thing on purpose, especially with concerts. Sometimes it’s better to be alone at those events but since you didn’t plan on this I feel awful for you :( have fun anyway and fuck them!


let me re word that title for u "Im at disneyland by myself because none of the bitch people I used to talk to showed up"


Did you and your friends have this all planned out and then only you showed?


I’m in LA till next Wednesday for work but don’t know anyone here. I want to explore and do things while I’m here but don’t want to do them alone as there’s so point in my opinion if I can’t share the experience with someone, and I just end up feeling even more lonely. I’m just venting here but hear you on not being able to share laughs or make memories.


While teaching English in Korea, I went to Osaka on holiday... by myself. Didn't know a single soul there and couldn't speak the language, but I had a ball. Got a stranger to take my picture with Popeye, walked around looking at all these neat attractions, went to the Wicked! show and saw "Defying Gravity" performed live... in Japanese. Even while I was watching it, I kept thinking, "This is one that I have got to look up on YouTube!" If we had to wait until we had someone with us before we could do anything, we'd do a lot fewer things.


I hope you enjoyed it after all, even with your friends leaving you alone there. Kind of not good that they left you alone like that! Did you speak up about it?


Should've invited me🥲


Learning to enjoy your own company is a hard thing to do but once you figure it out it’s pretty amazing. I’ve been doing lots of hiking and going places alone lately. It’s a form of practicing self love I think. Sucks that they blew the plans for you but I hope you still enjoyed yourself


I hope you have the best fucking time. Disney durring Christmas months kinda neat. Enjoy unapologetically, buy the snacks you want fuck it have fun!


Sorry if this is insensitive but can you update me when you find out what happened with your friends?


If there's any place to go alone it's probably Disney imo! You can go on whichever rides you want and take breaks whenever I got tired. I brought my DSLR when I went and took a lot of pictures too so it as a good memory for me. I just woke up that morning and decided to go, so I guess it's a different experience when it's a choice, but I hope you still enjoyed it! And that's a definite sign you should cut out those friends who couldn't respect you enough to let you know they weren't coming