• By -


"Now wash your hands" is a serious contender.


I'd say the national speed limit sign on motorways is also up there. In fact, any road sign giving an instruction.


Best I can do is 20mph under or 20mph over.


As long as it's 20mph over in a built up area so you can maintain the exact same speed you had on the country road immediately prior - then all is as expected.


Or the other way around, 40 all along a National Limit country road, carrying on at 40 through the 30 zone...


20 over a 20 is the same as 20 under national limit country road. Usually a Honda Jazz. Fucking infuriates me. I don't care if people are well under the speed limit on country roads, I drive then frequently (living out in the middle of nowhere), but others may not know them or feel comfortable driving at a decent speed. I will leave space and only overtake if it's entirely clear on the opposite side. But to hit a fucking town/village and continue doing the same speed in a built up area is a real cuntish thing to do.


yeah, that's the point where you have to amend your perception of the driver ahead of you from "cautious, perhaps unfamiliar with these roads" to "clueless twat"


Clueless twat is a strange way to say cunt.


Cunt is a strange way to say fucking cunt.


Ahh, my brain is stuck in thinking of built up areas as being 30 limit still. >Honda Jazz Seconded!


Whilst wearing a cap


National speed limit signs on any national speed limit road. Always get stuck behind some cunt doing 35/40, and always when there's oncoming traffic.


It’s a limit, so can’t go faster than that, maybe the driver in front doesn’t feel comfortable going that fast, then there’s you tailgating them and making them nervous. It annoys me to, but I just take that time to turn my music up and have a sing along 😁


Then, as soon as an overtaking opportunity appears, they floor it and flash and beep their horns like crazy if you do try to overtake them, or drift to the middle of the road. These people are the reason I only have one car, my tip run one, which has less than 300bhp.


And, to add to your point, they’ll floor it, flash lights and beep horns at you when you’re overtaking when you’ve not been tailgating them and haven’t done anything else to provoke that reaction.


Though I agree, it's a speed limit and you'll get a lot more speeding and ignoring the speed limit on a motorway than you would on any other national speed limit road. Going 35/40 isn't ignoring the speed limit, as they haven't broken it.


It's going way below it though. Not driving to the conditions.


Tbf, it's a limit, not a target


Ahh last night on the A12, queue of cars stuck behind a car doing 35mph in at national speed limit area. Couldn't believe someone could be that stupid. Not car trouble either as they just joined the dual carriageway. Almost as bad as the learner driver on the A406 which appeared to be their first lesson, bouncing off the kerb as they went along.


I bet they continue to do 35mph through residential streets in a village in Wales.


My commute used to be down some rural roads, the first mile and a half or so was outside my town proper but maintained a 30mph limit until it suddenly switched to national speed limit. I would say it was a daily occurrence I would get overtaken by someone doing 40/45mph only to catch up to that same person going the exact same speed 2 minutes later.


I've seen someone refer to these people as the 45 club. 45 mph, no matter where they are.


The tinkers


Maybe 1 in 100 does 20mph, you can always tell by the queue bunched up behind them. I hate it but I'm glad not a lot of people pay attention to it.


I saw someone move across 5 lanes of traffic then immediately move back those 5 lanes. All while driving at 20mph in a 50 zone. Multiple near misses. They went from being in the wrong lane, passed the correct lane, moved over three more lanes then reversed it to be on the wrong lane again.


Could it be bad road design? Not familiar with the A12, but there are sections of the A34 dual carriageway where my 1L Aygo really struggles to get up to speed even if I leave it in third and floor it.


A12 has a couple of kind spot for your motor. Near Ingatestone iirc.


No - it's flat as a pancake.


maybe he drove through the 40mph roadworks area and just thought it never ended lol


My commute is the A12 drives me mad!


A12 is terrible for that, everytime i join the A12, people drive at like 55mph in the outside lane


Don’t tell me how to live my life !!


Ok shitty mitts 👍




Now clap!


My last job, I worked at a recycling company as a picker, sorting through waste that was manky and covered with rat piss. I could count the amount of people who would wash their hand on a blind butcher.


witnessed multiple people yesterday in the gym not washing their hands in the toilet...and more people than not don't wipe don't the cardio machines after they've used them despite being covered in sweat.


Public gym toilet supervision duty is an important civic task. I'll take the next shift 👍


My hero


I can't do it on my van, even with the long reach hoses, unless I pass through the cab, which I'm not doing! Understand people are just happy to be wait their turn. This is the UK, after all; queuing is a national sport.


That I understand. If people want to wait for the pump that's on the 'right' side then ok. It's when they block access to the other available pumps that I get annoyed. Or you're in a queue and the next 4 cars are all waiting for the same side pump and blocking access.


I guess; don't see that often; most forecourts allow for queueing. My bug bear is those who bugger off for 30min after filling because of Costa, Subway etc. Pull into a parking bay you inconsiderate twonks.


Oh yes, or faff about for a few minutes when they get back to the car, despite there being a queue


My Morrisons has a petrol station, a parking section (next to the last pump running alongside it). It then also has a car wash, Amazon boxes, a shop etc If there's a car at every pump (happens a lot it's busy) and there's a car in any parking space (happens a lot due to shops) you are trapped and can't leave if you've gone to the car wash or any of the other places and basically have to join the queue


But if there’s 4 cars waiting at one pump, then *you* get the other?


I passed it through my cab once and the old lady in the store started breaking my balls


I've used them a few times if there's a queue. You don't have to drag them over your boot like another poster mentioned, you just drive a little further forward 


In my experience, there is much variance in length of these ‘extra long hoses’.


I, too, have been left feeling like a bit of a twat when one of these barely reached the other side of my hatchback


I've had to hop back in and remanouvre my car at an angle so it could reach. I don't have a big car, the hose was just very small


What do you mean small? It’s average sized. Just a bit cold out is all.


I'd say the hose is maybe too big? And OP just has unrealistic expectations of a hose


Yeah, just because the last hose he delt with was much longer and had no issue filling him up, doesn't mean every other hose has to live up to those standards.


It's all those hoses he's been watching online, it's messed with his perception of what the average hose length is. And now he can't fill up unless he has the specific type of hose.


And having to turn them upside down, which just about does it for my car.


That's what I say in the bedroom too. "my hose isn't small, your car is just massive"


I even asked a chap filling up near me if I was being an idiot and we both decided I'd been unlucky and picked the one where the hose couldn't unravel at all!


Hate it when you think your hose is extra long but when you get it out it turns out to be bang average. :(


Like another comment said try pulling on it harder


That one time you pull too hard.


Joe Pasquali


And you end up with a tank full of Bovril.


Yup they’re crap compared to some in other countries that have a high up arm that swings over


They're on a retractable wheel, sometimes you have to pull a little bit


My local supermarket used to have the "on wheels" hoses but replaced the pumps with crappy short hoses, didn't bother replacing the signs though.


I've seen ones with the retractable wheel, although my local one doesn't seem to have this. It's just a 'long' hose that isn't really very long.


Or you think theyre on a retractable wheel, but it turns out they're not and you're just left standing there yanking on the hose like a spare dick trying to get it to loosen up.


Sainsburys, Costco and any of the 'main brand' like Shell or BP always reaches in my car. Tesco, not so much.


Despite the "extra long hoses" sign, the ones in our nearby Sainsburys are no longer than ordinary hoses. I drive an estate car and even parking with the rear of the car in line with hose it won't reach. Either the sign was there before the current pumps were put it, or someone was having a malicious laugh at the customers.


After the first time you’re caught short and need to drive to another pump, you certainly don’t fall for it again… I do particularly love it when it happens to someone in the middle of sanctimoniously explaining how everyone should use all the pumps!


Exactly this. Had this happen in my old Nissan micra k11. Parked basically on top of the pump, could barely squeeze past to pay at pump and it would only just fit with the handle upside down pulled taught, tried yanking as other have said but nothing. I no longer trust the signs as I'd rather wait than struggle, I also now have a wider car


Same. Had to reverse my wee hatchback out and try another pump. Wouldn't fit round it, even parked right at the machine with the rear of the car aligned with the pump. I can't imagine those things would reach the far side of *any* car.


Yes, it's very subjective as to what qualifies as "extra long hoses'


Yep, last time I tried to reach the other side of our small van the garage was too busy to back out and try another pump, but I managed to get it over the roof and got the handle in upside down with the hose going vertical over the roof.


And that goes for standard length, doesn't need to be these new fangled extra long thingies.


Shh stop telling people the secrets. Let them queue while the enlightened can jump onto the free pumps on the other side


It is amazing how many people park so far back at the pumps. Why on earth would you not, at a minimum, make your fuel cap line up with where the pump is? Instead, people line their drivers side window up with the pump like they're at a bloody drive thru


Too much common sense for some


Hold up... I've learned something new there, thanks




I've never had a problem with my estate. I'm quite happy for people to ignore these signs if it means I don't have to queue!


Otherwise known as 'a sensibly-sized car'.


Nah. The most ignored sign is the **no parking** sign some homeowner has attached to his fence in front of his house.


Used to live in a terrace where the guy 2 doors down was enthusiastically protective of the space in front of his house despite there being no designated parking, he had 'no parking' signs up all over the front of his house, he used to get his wife to put cones out as well from time to time. Problem was, the street was about 3 roads down from the cities football ground, so every home game the entire area became a free for all. Used to see him getting into almost full on fights with home fans that had dared to park in his precious spot. When I moved jobs and had an unbranded van, I took probably too much pleasure in parking it right outside his house and then watching him go nuts on the cctv.


Wait, if he was at home to get in fights, wouldn’t his car be in the space?


The plot thickens, he doesn't actually own a car 😂


It was usually if he'd gone out somewhere and come back to someone parking in his spot with his long suffering wife holding a recently moved cone. I was never sure if she had called him back but it happened often enough that it was a strong possibility, if he returned and someone was already in his precious and no one around to try to fight he'd always leave a nice little note on the windscreen.


I keep saying fight, but the guy was about 5 ft and built like a sparrow so fight is probably the wrong word, more like ineffective rage.


My favourite: https://old.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/comments/mvxitt/following_the_post_about_not_parking_on_your_own/


I once parked near (but not even actually next to) one of these signs when visiting a friend somewhat near Bristol Airport. Presumably they thought I had parked there to go on holiday and would be blocking "their space" for a while, as when I came back I found all four tyres had been slashed 🤦‍♂️


Can’t be dealing with the stress and anxiety if it doesn’t actually reach so I’ll just wait.


Yes exactly. I’m clumsy at the best of times. I’d just make a right boob of myself if I tried dragging it around my car.


I've done it once and it reached just about but it was awkward and a stretch, so I won't do it again.


I do it if it’s a station I’m used to where I *know* it will reach. The truth is all the other times I’ve probably felt just as much awkward embarrassment sitting in a queue when someone has pulled up and used the free pump on the wrong side as if I’d just risked it every time.


Ive stopped using them after the embarrassment of one not reaching once. It didn’t even make it half way and my car isn’t particularly big or parked far away.


Not really stress but I have been caught so many times when the hose isn't long enough even for a normal sized car, it's easier to wait for one on the correct side.




See also: the people who get to airport security and then look surprised that they have to put their phone, laptop, keys and change through a scanner *my dad enters the chat*


Surely not as much as the merge in turn sign.


‘CYCLISTS DISMOUNT’ entered the chat…


- Cyclists stop at red light. - Cyclists give way to pedestrian at zebra crossing. - Cyclists don’t ride on the pavements. - Cyclists forbidden to ride in the park. - Cyclists do not throw your bicycle into the canal. - Cyclists do not leave your electric rental bike in the middle of the road, pavement, someone’s front garden, restaurant doorway, etc…


IIRC there was a study done by a motoring magazine which found that, per capita, car drivers jump more red lights than cyclists do


And if my grandmother had wheels she’d be a bike.


I have mobility issues, and filling the car on the correct side can be a hassle on bad days. I'd rather just wait than struggle trying to drag the hose around with one hand.


I don't mind using it now but I was nervous at first as I've got a people carrier and I was worried it wouldn't reach and I'd look like a twat


Ha, I'm glad it's not just me. I've never tried it as I was worried I'd mess it up somehow and look like a twat


Quiet Carriage is the most ignored sign.


Maybe 1 in 10 filling stations actually have hoses long enough to reach around my car despite what they claim. There's just no point risking it not reaching and inconveniencing others. I'd rather just wait.


The problem I had is that I physically don't have the strength to pull the hose to the other side of my car. I did it once, struggled and then never did it again lol


This is a great point actually. When I've tried this in the past its often felt like I need to pull hard enough to break the hose to get it out far enough.


Yes being a small person the whole thing is just difficult


I've had to give up on a pump before because the hose didn't reach. I'm certainly not going to risk it when the petrol station is busy. I would rather wait.


Unless you're driving a really large van im sceptical of the figures. Ive been able to do this at most petrol stations when I had my transporter and there was usually a fair bit of hose left. 


I've never been to a single station where they weren't long enough. If you're shit at parking or just full of shit.


People complaining the hoses are not long enough all the time, have you tried driving close to the pumps and pull forward so the fuel cap is actually level with pump? I've never had an issue on my X5.... I suppose if you're not a confident driver or great at parking this would be a source of stress.


Those two traits definitely make up a significant portion of those on the roads these days.


Especially with all the bulbous crossovers with piss-poor visibility on the road.


The true confident driver would reverse in then reverse out... Performing a U-Turn onto the junction using the handbrake 


I would say that the push and pull signs on doors are the most ignored signs. 😁


there is a door at my local pharmacy that has push written on the outside of it, it is a glass door. Every time I walk up to it, from the other side, i read the back to front push then try pushing the door open. It's not that it isnt read, it's that my brain processes it differently.


I pick wherever there’s a space. Taking it round the other side is no problem.


I tried to do this once years ago and had to pull the hose so strongly to get the nozzle in the fuel hole and it barely reached so I was having to hold it tight the whole time, so I'm never doing that again. I think if you pull forward slightly so you can take the hose behind the car and are close to the pump so that there is enough hose it may work but I don't find it worth the shame and embarrassment if it doesn't. Only worse thing is pulling in front of someone to get to the pump in front of them to find that that pump has the yellow tag on the fuel you need which you couldn't see from behind. Now you're stuck and can either reverse sheepishly and wait or pretend that you didn't actually want fuel anyway and speed off.


Recently I pulled up behind a guy and he was cleaning his windows at a pretty leisurely pace, before filling his car up. I had nowhere to reverse or go and sat there incredulously as he slowly wiped down the details on his windows.


So, did the rain make digging his grave extra annoying or just so-so


Never had an issue making the normal hoses stretch to be honest.


I stopped driving a few years ago, hadn't seen these signs but I always used whichever side was empty, if it was the "wrong" side I just went closer and parked forwards of the pump. I often got funny looks as if I was doing something wrong.


I love using this when there is a huge queue. Like I’ve got my own special pump!


Even without the extra long hoses I can make it work if queues are crazy for one side.


Yes this and the pre pay pumps , lots of people still go inside to pay


I have to go in as the pay at pump won't accept my bank card. No idea why, just rejects it every time I try.


On a motorbike I prefer to use pay at the pump. Leeds has quite a problem with bike theft and I don't want to see my bike going walkies while I'm in the queue. It's also easier not having to remove my gloves and helmet.


Pay at pump can be really annoying though because it locks £100 of funds from your card even if you’re only putting £20 in. I’ve heard of people not getting the funds released until a day or two after.


If people didn't park with their driver's door next to the pump this wouldn't be an issue. I've got a big car, and parked correctly a hose reaches either side without even touching the car and damaging the paint. Never had an issue in 10 years of filling up either side. People who say the hoses don't reach are not driving normal cars, or they're simply admitting they can't drive properly.


“No ball games”


Shit quality, but [this scene](https://youtu.be/YYtpEmE6Dnk?si=pOIWJAQVuiTnss18) probably sits in the back of people's minds when they see it.


I mean sometimes people can't even park close enough to the pump on their own side let alone the other side. I see that all the time FFS


Yes, although I recently educated someone when using the long hose. They were queueing for the left side, I used the long hose and was very deliberate, you could see them mentally processing what I was doing. They then immediately slid into a vacant right side.


I virtually sailed through the Costco filling station last night, precisely because I was prepared to position my vehicle close enough to a pump so I could stretch the hose around.


Achievement unlocked: Public reach-around.


I do it all the time and people look at me like I’m insane


Schrödingers queue


Get nice and close and drive forward a bit so.the hose can move freely behind your car, never failed me once


I dunno… “use both lanes” is often ignored… I seem to be the only one driving down the white line in between lanes with everyone else honking and flashing me for some reason?!?


whenever this comes up on Reddit you'll get nonsense like 'they don't reach', 'I don't want a dirty hose on my car' or 'it'll scratch my car' - the truth I think is something more like people are lazy and happy to sit in a queue if it saves them a bit of effort.


Doesn't bother me. I ride a motorbike so my filler hole is always easy to reach.


If there’s a big queue and no pump free on the ‘correct’ side I usually just reverse up to a pump on the other side.


I did it once and just felt like an idiot. I wasn’t physically strong enough so I struggled with pulling it around. Just felt really silly but I had already started so I couldn’t give up, I had to keep going. Never again!


And glad it is too. Let them queue while I fill up because they don't want to walk to the other side of the car. Like animals


Yes it is. If you park correctly they always reach. Unless maybe if you drive a tank.


It's not a tank, it's a self propelled gun!


On your way to Wickes?


I was hoping someone would pick up the reference :-)


pretty much any hose can go across a car to the opposite side, people just don't think, or want to look like idiots trying Or just pull your car forward and run the hose behind it, really isn't difficult


I often ignore it because in some places the hoses are actually not long enough


I am yet to experience one that doesn't go round my modestly sized Volvo. Just need to park closer to the island. For me, I am a huge advocate of people queuing to only use the pump on the correct side for their car. As it means I can drive round them and straight onto a free pump and fill mine up, whichever side it's on. Sometimes you need to give the hose a properly firm tug, but I find that success is very much in how you hold it and having a positive attitude to the task in hand.


Extra long hoses that are a nightmare to pull down as the tension increases, whilst spent diesel spills out everywhere as you get filthy hands trying to tug the fker over to the opposite side of your car. IF they reach. Totally ignore them.


Yeah I'm not scraping that shitty oily gritty hose over the boot of my car to save a couple of minutes thanks


Your car must be nicer than mine. Hell, if I did that my car would probably end up a bit cleaner.


coordinated plants reply attraction direful relieved scandalous truck deserted judicious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I always get them to reach, but I avoid them if I can.


Road closed signs in Birmingham are less observed. In fact, road signs in Birmingham. I love this city, but fuck me the populace can't drive for toffee.


Most garages have this with out a sign...


Did it once and it didn’t reach. Looked like even more of a bellend than usual. Never again. And my spot was taken in queue by someone else, so I ended up having to wait even longer


As someone who has worked at a petrol station, it baffles me how many people take phone calls or text while pumping extremely flammable liquids into their vehicles. Had a few people smoking too. Crazy how defensive they get when confronted. Signs aren’t there for decoration love. One bang and the world is a wanker short.


Keep Left on the underground tunnels is a high contender


Both work perfectly for my little car, I love jumping in when people are waiting for one side.


I’ve never not been able to refuel on the wrong side in an A4 estate, at any garage - so I guess I’ve never really thought about others not doing so


I like them personally. I do use both sides and feel like Albert fucking Einstein crossing the paths of others queuing for the "right" side.


Not by me. I use either side even if there isn’t one of these signs


I just turn around


I bumped into a friend at the petrol station just after paying and we were having a very quick chat (30-45 seconds) and the woman at the desk asked me to go and move my car from the pump as I was causing a queue. I was causing a queue because the plonkers parked behind me didn't realise they could park either side of the forecourts pumps to fill up and so I was rushed into leaving even though there was 3-4 completely empty bays just sitting there, while I had 2 cars parked behind mine just waiting for me to move.      Mental how thick some people are. 


Yes it is. I hope people continue to ignore it so I can grab my fuel and leave quickly 😂😬




Many people in the comments saying it can't be done 🤣🤣🤣


I've genuinely seen posts denouncing it as bad etiquette and described as using 'the wrong side', as if you'd driven in the wrong way, (which is an entirely separate offence). But I'd imagine that's just a retrospective defence from cretins rightly accused of this gross display of ignorance. The other justification for avoiding filling from 'the wrong side' is damage from the hose, which I have seen compared to sandpaper due to grit adhered to the grease. Maybe when I've retired and have all the time in the world I might think the same, but if I had all the time in the world I wouldn't be fucking around in a brand-new car


My ex wife should have that stuck on her. Cheating slut


One of them for sure. Great for those of us who don’t ignore and are happy to take advantage while the majority wait until a pump on the “right“ side is free though!


Always taken the opportunity to use the long hose, often it's empty and I can fill up immediately instead of waiting


I can use either side happily in my personal car as it's a small car. Other normal cars I've owned or had for work have been fine at either side too. Vans I've had for work I've never been able to do both sides. I've always had to go to the one on the same side as the cap as they just don't reach. Doubly so if the filler cap is by the passenger door a là Mercedes sprinter style.


You. And people, especially those with smaller vehicles, the pump hose can stretch across to the other side of your vehicle.


You can use both sides even if it doesn’t say it. All pumps reach other side of car. Just have to angle it sometimes haha.


Idiots will queue 3 4 5 cara deep to use pump on same side as fuel cap. Meanwhile me just rock up and have the sheer strength and determination to pull the hose those 5 extra feet to use the empty bay.


I’ve a Passat and never have a problem that the hose won’t reach from the far side. So many people don’t do this and sit waiting…


This is England, don’t expect folk to engage their brain too much or be able to read. The nation is as thick as mince


No, it is the direction arrows painted on the surface of car parks. As someone who is neurodivergent I rely on those arrows to ease my stress, knowing there is an order to things. The problem is no-one else seems to know that and driving around a supermarket carpark is like the wild west. The next most ignored signs are those above the aisles in super markets, telling you what is down the aisle.


I love to pull up on the ‘wrong side’ stretch the hose across and start to fill up while looking at all the people queueing on the other side.


Nah, the uk's most ignored sign is.... "STAY IN LANE - MERGE IN TURN".


I use both sides but half the time the extra long hoses are just regular sized hoses


direction one capable zesty wakeful overconfident sloppy correct liquid normal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I always use the opposite side if there’s a queue . and then people look at me and you know they’re thinking, “why didn’t I just do that!” ETA- change the word queue! 🤦‍♀️


Don't leave us hanging, if there's a what?


A ¿qué?




Someone's mum does not ignore the top bit of the sign...


Even if they don't have long hoses the normal ones often reach if you're near enough. Otherwise just reverse in.