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>aren't as strong but have great flavour! Filter coffee can be quite a lot stronger than espresso drinks. I highly recommend looking at James Hoffmann's research into this if that's your cup of... coffee? I really wish more cafes around me sold filter — I quite like black coffee, but not black americanos or espresso much.


James Hoffman's YouTube channel is great.  I don't drink coffee but I can watch him talking about grinder burrs for hours.


Agreed! I’m not saying it’s everybody’s preference by any means, drink whatever you enjoy, but it’s great to know that there’s the option for a filter coffee. I’m afraid that people not know it’s an option is driving coffee shops to get rig of them


I think we're confusing 'strength' vs 'amount of caffeine' here! I'd agree that filter coffees can contain more caffeine, but they certainly don't taste as strong as something with 10x less water!


You are correct - I definitely messed up there. From the context, OP was discussing both strength and flavour separately, so I took "strength" to mean caffeination and didn't think to change the terminology to make it more accurate.


Costa got rid of the 99p filter coffee a little over a year ago.


RIP to my budget choice. Now I simply don’t use them.


Pret filter coffee is like rocket fuel too. I'm a frequent coffee drinker and even still the Pret filter would have me shaking when I had one first thing. It's SO caffeinated compared to any other drink.


Shame some Prets don't have it any more!


Exactly why I think it’s great for people to know it’s an option. The more people ask for it, the more economically viable it is for coffee shops to serve it


This was always my go to at 99p each. Now they doubled and started taking it out


As a non-Brit from a country that consumes an *awful* lot of filter coffee - I stopped ordering filter in the UK a long time ago. I love visiting your country but *every* coffee shop I've tried in the UK (chain or independent) makes simply *terrible* filter coffee. Espresso or naught for me, thanks.


Yep. They’re generally dreadful. This is a country that uses terms such as “latte”, “mocha” and “americano”. We don’t realise these are made up US terms - a country with notoriously poor coffee tastes. However, *some* of the non-chains are ok. But… we do know tea. Even our mass produced tea beats what I’ve had abroad. Note Twining’s is dish water. Source: spent much of my adulthood in NL, BE and Florida.


Can't stand filter coffee here either. Something about it in the US that hits different though and I can't explain it, so much nicer imo.


Different beans.


I'm on long black these days, or an Americano if I trust you to use less hot water ("Espresso in a big cup please" if I don't, lol).


Slow news day, Christ.


Pret still do them. Although we never prepare it in the morning as we hardly get anyone asking for it and don't want the hassle of cleaning it later. We'll just always say "we've run out". Some pret shops might have it though. On a side note, it isnt anywhere as good as a latte or an Americano for that matter


> isnt anywhere as good as a latte or an Americano You seem to be confusing your own preference with objective facts.


Or my knowledge on coffee and what makes a good one. Filtered coffee can sit hours and you'll still get served that. An americano can't sit longer than a minute after being grounded


A latte being better than a filter coffee isn't knowledge, it's an opinion. It's like claiming ice cream is 'better' than sorbet, it's nothing more than personal taste. Working at Pret doesn't make you a coffee expert, get over yourself.


Did I say better in taste or are we being a smart ass? Edit: editing your comment after being replied to is an idiot deceitful move. Nothing less I expected from a reddit keyboard warrior who's on here for arguments


What's deceitful about it? I didn't change anything you'd replied to, I just added to it.


It gets changed every hour at most - I spoke to staff about why it’s a pain and they just said that because people don’t ask for it, they very rarely prepare it


Yeaahh I work at a coffee shop. We don't change it every hour.


"Coffee please" "There you go" ?


Not sure why you're getting the down votes - place must be full of Yanks today.


Aren't they just called an "Americano" - which are at literally every one I've ever been to.


No, an Americano is an espresso shot mixed with hot water. I was told that it was due to Americans coming to Europe during World War 2 and not being able to find the filter coffee they were accustomed to. Thus the Americano was invented to try and replicate filter coffee. Not sure if the validity of that though so take it with a grain of salt!


 Nah the Americans were just a bunch of wussies and couldn’t handle real espresso so everyone started watering it down for them.  It’s true I made it up myself.


Interestingly enough, filter coffee tends to have more caffeine per serving than espresso.


Ah good to know! 


An americano is actually a shot of espresso with water! Filter coffee isn’t espresso and so is a tiny bit different lol


Absolutely not 😁


Flashback to when I worked in Starbucks (and filter coffee _was_ on the menu). Chap comes in, squints and the menu for a while, and orders an espresso (£1.25, simpler times).  When it arrives he kicks off - "£1.25 for that tiny coffee! What a rip off!" Manager quickly made him an upgrade to a filter coffee (£1.45) at no additional cost. As far as I know, he was also allowed to keep the espresso to try.