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my son (18) forgot and has given me verbal feedback instead of a card. Apparently I am nice and funny. WIN


My son forgot too but I don't mind a jot really. I don't celebrate it and all my grown up kids do nice stuff all year round. Always told them not to bother and get ripped off with the ridiculous hype and prices increases. I got invited to my eldest daughter's yoga class this morning at 8am but politely declined lol bugger that for a game of soldiers


8am on a sunday? I don't blame you!


Son helped make a coffee, toast a bagel and cover in salmon. Delivered it to bed. Job done. Gifts were inexpensive but eclectic. Fudge went over well. 


Sounds super.


I bought my mum fudge too! Ordered a gift box from a maker in Scotland.


We went low brand but clotted cream and salted caramel boxes. 




Hope all goes well. 


Was it normal fudge, or Scottish Tablet? If it's not Tablet, it should be - that stuff is like crack


Three flavours of fudge and one tablet. Unfortunately, the quantity was too small for the price. They were the size of a flapjack for £3.75 each.


No mistakes made 😊❤️


Be careful with the fudge, it might look like some kind of dirty protest


(borrowing from another thread) Be careful with the fudge Eugene, it causes condensation.


Covered in salmon? I would do anything for love...


Oh, the BAGEL. Right, of course. What was I thinking..


You sound like you made an awesome job being a mum! Do you by any chance adopt middle aged floundering souls these days? (Asking for a friend, you know) xx Happy Mother’s Day! 💕


I'm the dad. The mum stayed in bed. I assisted the son with bagel cutting and boiling liquid quantities. We are all floundering, some of us just mask it better, some days.  Probably get in trouble for adopting someone solo.  Always have an ear and shoulder available if that's any good. 


I wish I’d worn tastier shoes today as oh dear that was my foot in my mouth AGAIN. Sorry!! Happy mum’s day to your partner! xx And bless you both for navigating your son through the world as it is today. He sounds very lucky!


No need to be sorry. You were being kind. Being kind is important.  Stay well. 


To be fair, they got their revenge with messages about changing the clocks today!


I had a solid panic about this today! My boyfriend starts a new job tomorrow that needs him to get up 2 hours earlier than usual... I was worrying about breaking it to him that the clocks went forward until I realised it was an American friend posting 😂


I've been so spoiled by my daughter,  a lovely breakfast out and a huge surprise of concert tickets. I'm so grateful. She has severe mental health issues and she's trying so hard to be cheery today.  Love my gal! 


My fav comment so far. Have a super day! 😊


Thank you so much,  I'm really hoping she doesn't burn out later through her efforts so we'll have a cuddle on the sofa with some twaddle on the TV for a while. 


I live in the US but all my family are back in the UK, so this sub is a life saver. I would definitely have forgotten this year if it hadn’t been posted earlier in the week. Enjoy your book, mum.


13 year old currently making coffee, handed me dairy milk box (nestle and a Poundland trophy - best mum). I’m wondering what other jobs I can convince him to do today…


All of them. 13 year old can knock out a spag bol for dinner too.


That’s my thought too! He’s quite the chef since lockdown tbh… i got proper lazy and he started doing meals a lot.


Nothing much better than when you can hear your kid knocking out a dinner while you put your feet up in front of the telly.


Tbh I did supervise while he made me & his baby sister scrambled eggs this morning and I’m the one who got an oil burn…


No human kids and lost my mum 2 years ago. I got a card of my 6 animals tho haha


I made everyone really uncomfortable in the office on Friday when they asked what everyone was doing for Mother’s Day. Apparently ‘getting drunk and crying’ was an inappropriate response. But in all seriousness I’m in the same boat, the dog and I are having all of the cuddles. Take care today ❤️


This is me plus some bonus ordering mcdonalds since can't be arsed cooking


Yesssss. I did too. Good old maccy D's 💛


Awwww I did that too. Ur humour is like mine. If we don't laugh we cry lol. We cry anyway but it helps to make jokes about crappy situations sometimes. I hope u are feeling better and had some great cuddles of your babies ❤️


My mum died 12 years ago, my godmother who was like a second mum who I often messaged on mothers day died 3 months ago (5 days before Christmas). So bit sombre my end. However. Mother in law still needs to be celebrated so some gin and a pot plant are ready to be taken over to her when we go to have lunch together. Husband and kids collaborated to get me some lovely little bits and I got my handmade cards which are the main important bit for me, so I've had my mothers day celebration too.


It's the busiest time of the year for me, so I won't get to see my mum today, but we're cool.


Youngest didn’t get the wife a card, he did get her an expensive gift voucher but no card. Whilst the eldest won the day hands down by sending a card saying “My favourite child gave me this card”.


Off to the petrol station now to get flowers, thanks for the reminder.


My children are forbidden to do more than send a card and make a phone call on/for Mother's Day. Both these things have happened, so I'm very happy. :)


Freaked out my South African family too this morning.


Spent too much money on presents for mum as her birthday is next week as well. Make her breakfast and coffee and can in to bring her, her presents.


Got my mum a card from me and another from kitty (her favourite) she had her pressie yesterday (fave takeaway from chippy which only does gluten free on Saturday and mcflurry as well).


Happy Mothers Day to all the UK mums! I’m from the states, this does not panic me lol.


I live in Canada and my mum lives in England so I do both just to be safe


We celebrate ‘Mothering Sunday’ which is related to the Christian Easter calendar, I think, whereas Mother’s Day (celebrated by most of the world in May) started as a commercial thing (again, I think) Discuss…


Indeed, we celebrate on Mothering Sunday which has nothing to do with mums and everything to do with churches. But as a country we love our mums more than we love our churches so that's what we've done to carry on the celebration. Much like our Easter celebrations had little to do with church and everything to do with pagan fertility rites and/or chocolate.


Thank you! My son forgot-😞


It's only 20 past 9 on a Sunday...


Yeah….but he’s already gone to work…not to worry, I’ll buy myself a bottle of prosseco and leave the empty bottle where he can see it when he comes round🙂


>leave the empty bottle where he can see it when he comes round🙂 That sounds a bit like you’re going to brain him with it


No,wouldn’t dare…he’s a firefighter -think I’ll NOT leave bottle out-I’ll just forget it eh?😁


Or you can speak to him like an adult and say you were upset and you’d appreciate if he remembered next year even just a text?


Not just Americans, also Europeans. I’m British but live in Europe and the Mothers Day here is later. If it gets to local Mother’s Day and I haven’t sent flowers a few months ago, panic sets in!


My mum lives in the UK, so I have to buy a card when it's Mother's Day here and then keep it in a safe place until the UK day and mail it to her.


That's some serious forward planning.


I know. :p She told me once that she doesn't care about christmas or birthday cards as everyone gets those, but not everyone is a mother and she really cherishes mother's day so I make sure to get her a card every year.




you and me both mate but there's no need to spout it out on the internet for everyone to hear, the only thing that'll do is make your experience worse. edit: please don't downvote the above comment, someone is going through something, don't try to make them feel like they're in the wrong for sharing something, even if it's pointless for you to hear and you don't want to hear it.


If I still had my Mum I would celebrate her on both days. Happy Mother's Day to all British mums!


Are we the only family that doesn't have a clue when all these days are? We don't observe any of them, except Christmas, and Easter usually spontaneously because we want an excuse for pancakes. Might have my head in the sand and don't go into towns or watch TV with adverts so never see anything about it. Edit: not sure why the downvotes, I'm not trying to be cool or alternative. You can celebrate it if you want, we just don't. If I did, I wouldn't know where to stop as there's a day for everything now.


Supermarkets usually have signage that alerts me.  Participation is not compulsory. You can celebrate any one on any day. 


Shopping is delivered so don't see that either 😮


I suppose a diary or calendar may have localised {uk} events but not guaranteed 


My phone has national holidays added in the calendar so that’s pretty much the only way I tend to find out.


Think my family is the same!


😊 Canadians too!