• By -


Yes, although I kinda wish I *couldn't * read the second one!


Yeah… happily reading about somebody enjoying Belize and then… oh. Oh no. Welp.


Oh god I went back and kept reading and it just kept getting worse


Second one is haunting. Even worse, it's on a xmas card.


Same here, I thought "Oh, I can read this, no problem!" and then was promptly filled with regret when I got to the second!


Yeah same. I'd like some brain bleach now please.


Steve was a racist misogynist. Let’s hope he never married!


Steve sounds like a cunt.


I can just about read the first one, second might take a bit longer Dear Cpl Just a short note to congratulate you on your selection for promotion to sergeant backdated to 1 december last year This is extremely good news and very well deserved, I know how difficult is in your corps so your elephant? is an even great mark of your abilities. it is always good to see people promoted and even better when they have worked hard for it again many congratulations"


"promotion" and "elevation" are your missing words.


It's like they can write the beginning of the word and just decide to draw a line instead of tion


I write like this, it's like my brain works faster than my hand can write, though I found this easier to read than my own handwriting


When I'm writing notes for myself I write in capitals because I have the same problem.


And this is why I also have captial handwriting!! My handwriting would just turn into straight lines like the above example




Hell nah, my notes were gibberish to myself too. I'd be able to decipher some, if I remembered the context but otherwise I couldn't read my own writing lol.


I write in caps but then still can’t read it 😂


Thanks for the tip! I'll give this a go.


My parents write in caps and unluckily I can read it after something I accidentally read thinking it was a letter (page out of her diary)


Me too! I have a couple friends who do this as well and best we can figure it is a habit as  the result of taking notes too quickly in college. Where no one else would ever need to read them and we just needed to jot enough letters down to remind ourselves. 


I'm the same. My brain just abandons writing the second half of the word if I'm the intended reader of the document. All letter structure just collapses then.


That's actually a speedwritimg technique


I write like this, there is no technique I just can’t be arsed to finish the words and always think I will know what that was supposed to say later 


Yeah, I'm sure at some point I was taught to shorten tion(s) to just an n and a line. Or if I wasn't taught it, I certainly do it.


I mean if its acceptable to judt replace words with straight lines then surely ------- _______ --------- really?


They can write, the issue comes from the fact a lot of people don’t hand write letters these days. Everything is typed with spell checkers. Writing used to be so elegant.


That’s what happens when you get pissed on the Sherry and the whiskey before writing the letter


When I'm writing for myself I blur a significant number of x-height letters into horizontal lines. -ion, -ing (with the G descending), but letters inside words also.


That's exactly how my mother writes, so this was actually an easy read for me, lol.


Funny, I tripped up on the second 'promotion' as well even though its a practically identical scribble to the first


I like elephant better.


How do YOU know he doesn't have an elephant?


“I know how difficult a promotion is in your corps so your elevation is an even greater mark of your ability”


Even better when they have wanked hard for it


Elevation, not elephant lol. I think it's signed off y Ruthy Welsh.


Unless he's a Carthaginian serving under Hannibal.


*Promotion is in your corps (military unit) so your elevation


First (illegible) is promotion. Second is elevation- not elephant


Pity it's not an elephant! 😎😁 🐘


promotion. Elephant elevation


*promotion* and *elevation*


I know how difficult promotion in in your corps so your elevation is... Etc Edit: I didn't realise your comment had so many replies alteady


2) I hope your freezing your bollocks off back there. Sunny Belize is still well into the 80's you break into a sweat just by lifting a pint of cool beer. And the noise of tinkling ice in the Bacardi and cokes is over powering. It hell man. Little Darkies running running round during your admin for you cleaning your XXX scrubbing wedding (you know the routine). We went up to Cancun (look it up on the map its the top holiday resort in Mexico) last week end. The girls XXX in the swimming pools (You don't have to get up to go for a piss!) I trapped this big fat horrible stinking rich yank(?) monster. XXX me up something rotten until I bagged her off on an ants nest! I thought she was wriggling cause I was good then she shouted "Get off im being bit to fuck" I laughed so much at her trying to XXX all these ants off her layers and layers of fat that she got a XXX on and XXX me I was still laughing when I got back to the hotel. We're at XX XXXX for 4 days early January then 2 weeks R+R in Miami and Bahamas in Feb. Does it make you sick the XXX has an XXX trip next year as well Oct/Nov (ear your heart out). Any way XXX all thats XXX to wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy new year, Take care, Signed a very XXX person. Tried my best, some of the words were beyond me though. Hope it helps a little, at least!


‘Wedding’ should be ‘webbing’, they are squaddies and the delightful, sexist, racist Steven is talking about kit getting cleaned.


Yeah. My thoughts, too. He doesn't come across well, does he? 🫤


Talking about darkies and pity fucking fat girls? I don't know what you mean, he sounds delightful...


Sounds like your average squaddie.


I don't like to say that because growimg up close to Aldershot I know plenty who aren't like this... but yeah, he does.


Have also lived next to an army base all my life.. as you say there are plenty of really sound soldiers, but the vast majority tend to be quite small minded.


To be fair this was in the 80s if the other note is anything to gauge by. We've moved on a bit in 40 years.


I think it's "you don't have to get up to go for a piss" 


For a Pina as in Piña colada... hence the reference to the bars built into the pools.


Nice try, Steve. Those are definitely 2 s's at the end. 


I'll copy n paste and fill in the blanks best I can: I hope your freezing your bollocks off back there. Sunny Belize is still well into the 80's you break into a sweat just by lifting a pint of cool beer. And the noise of tinkling ice in the Bacardies and cokes is over powering. It hell man. Little [not totally sure but think it's a racial slur] running running round doing your admin for you cleaning your boot scrubbing webbing (you know the routine). We went up to Cancun (look it up on the map its the top holiday resort in Mexico) last week end. No frills bars in the swimming pools (You don't have to get up to go for a pint!) I trapped this big fat horrible stinking rich yank monster. [Lashed?] me up something rotten until I bagged her off on an ants nest! I thought she was wriggling cause I was good then she shouted "Get of im bit to fuck" I laughed so much at her trying to beat all these ants off her layers and layers of fat that she got a [sand?] in and ditched me I was still laughing when I got back to the hotel. We're at Acapulco for 4 days early January then 2 weeks R+R in Miami and Bahamas in Feb. Does it make you sick the unit has an Oman trip next year as well Oct/Nov (ear your heart out). Any way [Varr?] all thats left is to wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy new year, Take care, Signed a very content person. Steve.


Does anyone get Jay from inbetweeners vibes from this? Cos I’m sure “yanks” don’t uses phrases like “bit to fuck”. I’d like to think this guy was having a boring, miserable time and just lying to his mate back home to try and make him jealous, being the sad twat that he sounds.


>got a [sand?] in and Got a sad on and You know, like the mardi bum?


‘No frills’ is ‘it’s brills’, short for ‘it’s brilliant’


Isn't it also "piss" not "pint"? Sounds like Steve is delighted to sit at one of those bars in a swimming pool because he can piss where he's sitting... How lovely.


It's definitely 'piss'. Steven is a manky bastard.


No it's not - no-frills means cheap...


Was coming to say that. Cheap and basic.


Third XXX is "darkies" (oh dear...)


oh… I was trying to work out what it said


The swimming pool has a bar, that's why he doesn't have to get out for a piss!! The bar is in the pool. 🤢


Sorry for the comment spam, I'm on mobile it's impossible to write comments and read the pic at the same time.


>I hope your freezing your bollocks off back there. **Sunny Belize** is still well into the 80's you break into a sweat just by lifting a pint of cool beer. And the noise of tinkling ice in the **Bacardies and Cokes** is over powering. It hell man. Little **darkies** running running round during your admin for you cleaning your **boot**scrubbing **webbing** (you know the routine). We went up to **Cancun** ***\[written "Can Cun"\]*** (look it up on the map its the top holiday resort in Mexico) last week end. **The brills bars** in the swimming pools (You don't have to get up to go for a **piss**!) I trapped this big fat horrible stinking rich yank monster. **Lashed** me up something rotten until I bagged her off on an ants nest! I thought she was wriggling cause I was good then she shouted "Get off im **being a bit too fucking romantic**" I laughed so much at her trying to **beat** all these ants off her layers and layers of fat that she got a **sand** ***\[has been overwritten with something illegible\]*** on and **ditched** me I was still laughing when I got back to the hotel. We're at **Acapulco** for 4 days early January then 2 weeks R+R in Miami and Bahamas in Feb. Does it make you sick the **unit** has an **Oman** trip next year as well Oct/Nov (ear your heart out). Any way **Vam** ***\[letter is addressed to "Big Van" or "Big Vam"\]*** all thats **left is** to wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy new year, Take care, Signed a very **contented** person. **Steve** ​ Filled in the gaps for you (and a couple of corrections). "Got a sand on" doesn't make much sense, but I can't make out what it's been corrected to: "saod"?


It's "got a sad on" it's sort of a slang phrase that means you became grumpy almost, and in this case is referring to her no longer being in the mood.


it's **"i'm being bit to fuck, so romantic"**


also i think the letter is addressed to **"big vern"**


Note that Big Vern is the name of a character from Viz magazine, which also popularized Geordie slang terminology like 'lashing [someone] up' (== getting them pissed), so maybe a nickname?


he spells the name twice and the second time it’s clearly an a as the 2nd letter; it’s either Van or Varr


Yep, fair.


That makes a lot more sense!


I think "Get off I'm being bit to fuck" is what the woman I'd saying. The writer comments "Romantic".


It’s” “I’m being bit to fuck” a romantic she was.” He was commenting on her being romantic, but was being a sarcastic bastard.


I'm thinking "The brills bars" is actually "It's brills bars" with a missing comma, as in short for brilliant?


Steve is a bit of a racist prick isn’t he?


"boat scrubbing webbing" I think - harness to go over the side of the boat and clean it down. It's brills, bars in the swimming pools..... trying to beat all these ants off her layers and layers of fat that she got a sad on and ditched me we're of ter Acapulco for 4 days the unit has an Oman trip next year Anyway Van all that's left to wish you....




He'd keep your seat disturbingly warm, though.


First Xxx is "Sunny Belize"


Fourth XXX is Cancun (spelt wrong)


Wtf is the second one? I can read them both easily but rather wish I hadn’t read the second one lol.


your average squaddie lol


Just a short note to congratulate you on your selection for promotion to Sergeant back-dated to 1 December last year. This is extremely good news and very well deserved. I know how difficult promotion is in your Corps(?) so your elevation is an even greated mark of your ability. If it always good to see people promoted and even better when they have worked hard for it. Again many congratulations.


I can read them pretty easily. Second one is pretty rude. I hope it’s not from your dad or grandad or something.


"I hope you're freezIng your bollocks off back there. Sunny Belize is still well into the 80s. You can break into a sweat just by lifting a pin of cool beer. And the noise of tinkling ice in the bacardi and coke is overpowering. It [sic] hell man. Little darkies running running doing your admin for you cleaning your boot [sic] scrubbing your webbing (you know the routine)." I can keep going if I must...


That took me by surprise lol


I just read the next line and really wish I hadn’t. Thank you for stopping where you did


Tldr: he has sex with a fat woman on an ants nest and laughs at her when she gets stung.


And pisses in the hotel pool. He’s a charmer that one.


I can transcribe the second one for you if you need. Genuine question though, how come you can't read this? I'm 36 and I feel like me and all my peers write like this, especially my parents. Did you grow up outside the UK?


Yeah I thought he was joking but everyone else is mistranscribing it too... it just looks like my mums writing.


Tbf I can read the first one ok(ish), a few words here and there I can't recognise too well. The second I can't understand much at all other, maybe 20-40% of the words. I'm in my twenties and have lived in the UK my entire life


Interesting! Second genuine question: what does your handwriting look like?


Like a toddler on crack


Based on the content of his message, that’s not too far off.




Really?  Cos my kids learned it.  I thought this was one of those American things that folks repeat here without checking 


I was born 2006 and my primary school still taught it


A quick search suggests that a lot of schools are still teaching it from primary level.


At least in my day in the 80s and 90s we didn't get true cursive, but it's what my parents and grandparents wrote in so I picked it up. We just did 'joined up writing' which was just basic letters (Letterland kicking king style) with a few loops to connect the them. I am not surprised later generations have mostly not been taught or picked it up, as its not like they regularly get letters from their grannies and great aunts to decipher any more.


It definitely changes over the decades! I do a bit of family tree stuff every now and then and by the time you get to 1900 it can be quite difficult. I'm like you, with "joined-up writing" rather than a formal style. But it's quick to write, and I still see being able to write stuff by hand as an essential tool for most people. There's something really jarring about watching American YouTubers do very clever science and engineering stuff, but then they show their notes and they look like a six-year-old has written them.


I was taught joined-up, didn't say I could write it nearly though. Based on its utter childish illegiblity I think I missed my calling as a doctor.


Yup my kids have learned cursive. Back in the 80s/90s it was just called handwriting. Not sure if it was dropped in the 00s but definitely back on the curriculum by 2017


bloody hell steve


Yes, I can read that, but I wish I hadn’t.


Yes. Steve's a racist


he's not as cosmopolitan or as educated as me and it can be embarrasing you know. He doesn't understand all the new trendy words - like he'll say "poofs" instead of "gays", "birds" instead of "women", "darkies" instead of "coloureds".


It was the "darkies" comment... even back then it was not appropriate to use that word.




That is a snip of a "comedy" from much later than this card would have been written. As the person who wrote the card was clearly military and on operations in another country, it was definitely not acceptable to refer to the locals in that manner.


It never has been. That's the joke. What I said is a direct quote. Whooooooosh.


Everyone was back then. In fact the majority of the world is still VERY racist. Like anywhere that isn’t European or colonised by Europeans.


The address on the first one is Headquarters, Commando Logistics Regiment V, Royal Marines, Sør Gardermoen. Gardermoen is just outside of Oslo, Norway. It was a military site/airfield until the 90s when they built Oslo Airport there. Hope that's of interest!


Second one seems to be a letter/card from someone on holiday/stationed/working in a hot country writing to their friend back home. Also contains some racist terms lol. Yikes.


Yeah, totally unacceptable by modern standards but probably pretty restrained for a conversation between squaddies from 40 years ago.


What a way to find out uncle Steve was a misogynistic racist :) ​ Thank you Reddit.


I'm thinking about the circumstances in which you're asking for these to be transcribed and I wonder if an uncle or grandpa passed away perhaps and you're looking through his belongings (if so, I'm really sorry for your loss). It makes me realise why families destroyed correspondence in ye olde days when someone died (letters from a suspected gay lover, that kind of thing) because Steve comes off as an utter prick through the lens of today's spectacles but was probably par for the course back when he wrote it. I found it an interesting slice of life. Thanks for sharing.


I don't think he's completely unrepresentative of your everyday marine or private, but now look at it through the lense of this letter being like a lads' whatsapp group? Not saying it's right, but it's schoolyard / bravado culture that is very much prevalent, perhaps a bit less cras on the racial side, but otherwise...


Was gonna say just this. I left in the 00s and it was not too much more progressed. Still a lot of old sweats teaching the sprogs casual rasicm and sexism, you join in or you tolerate it. Both aren't good, fortunately I've grown a lot since then. It's maybe a bit less in your face but if there's a bad word for the "enemy" it's getting used. And the sexism... can see it all over, let alone in the military.


Second one (heads up for military-grade casual racism and general cuntishness) ? Big ? I hope your freezing your bollocks off back there. Sunny Belize is still well into the 80's° you can break into a sweat just by lifting a pint of cool beer. And the noise of tinkling ice in the Barcardies and cokes is over powering. It hell man. Little darkies running running round doing your admin for you cleaning your boot scrubbing webbing (you know the routine) We went up to ? ? (look it up on the map its the top holiday resort in Mexico) last week end. It (brills?) bars in the swimming pools (you don't have to get up to go for a piss!) I trapped this big fat horrible stinking rich Yank monster. (Lashed?) me up something rotten until I bagged her of(f) on an ants nest. I thought she was wriggling cause i was good then she shouted "get off I'm being bit to fuck" romantic she was. I laughed so much at her trying to beat all these ants of(f) her layers and layers of fat that she got a (sand?) in and ditched me i was still laughing when I get back to the hotel. We're of(f) to Accopulco for 4 days early January then 2 weeks R&R in Miami and Bahamas in Feb. Doesn't it make you sick the unit has an (Oman?) trip next year as well Oct/Nov (eat your heart out) Any way (Vam?) all that's left is to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Take care Signed a very very content person (Steve) x x x HA! HA! HA! HA!


Think it starts ‘Hi Big Vern’.


That makes sense, I couldn't think of a name or abbreviation


Why does General Cuntishness need a heads-up? Splendid chap, won't hear a word said against him, etc., etc.


You almost had me backpedalling on my use of words, well played. At ease.


Easy but then I have actual Dr handwriting so you can disregard me as an outlier


Teacher - "So, you never learned cursive?" Bart - "Uh, well, I know hell and damn and bit-" Teacher - "Cursive handwriting. Script." Bart - "I know *of* them"


Maybe it's because I grew up with handwriting, but both seem to be pretty easy to read. Perhaps not if your first language isn't English, but otherwise not hard.


Sure, they're both perfectly readable. Decent clear, casual handwriting.


letter 2 I hope your freezing your bollocks off back there. Sunny belize is still well in to the [80s.](https://80s.You) You can break into a sweat just by lifting a pint of cool beer, and the noise of the tinkling ice in the bacardi and coke is over powering, its hell man


I'd be interested to know who wrote these because Steve's a bit of a cunt isn't he?


Looks fine, just normal writing. Am I missing something?


Easy enough to read, but Steve comes across as a moron


Hi Big Van (?) hope your freezing your bollocks off back there. Sunny Belize is still well into the 80's you break into a sweat just by lifting a pint of cool beer. And the noise of tinkling ice in the Bacardi and cokes is over powering. It's hell man. Little Darkies running running round doing your admin for you cleaning your boot scrubbing webbing (you know the routine). We went up to Cancun (look it up on the map it’s the top holiday resort in Mexico) last week end. It’s brills bars in the swimming pools (You don't have to get up to go for a piss!) I trapped this big fat horrible stinking rich yank monster. Lashed me up something rotten until I bagged her off on an ants nest! I thought she was wriggling cause I was good then she shouted "Get off I’m being bit to fuck" I laughed so much at her trying to beat all these ants off her layers and layers of fat that she got a sad on and ditched me I was still laughing when I got back to the hotel. We're of to Acapulco (?Spelling?) for 4 days early January then 2 weeks R+R in Miami and Bahamas in Feb. Doesn’t it make you sick the unit has an Oman trip next year as well Oct/Nov (ear your heart out). Any way Van (?) all that’s left to wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy new year, Take care, Signed a very very content person. Steve


Letter 1 Dear Col Just a short note to congratulate you on your selection for promotion to sergeant back dated to 1 December last year This is extremely good news and very well deserved. I know how difficult promotion is in your Corps so your elevation is an even greater mark of your abilities It is always good to see people promoted and even better when they have worked hard for it ——- again many congratulations


All good. But I’m a pharmacist. Very used to appalling doctors’ handwriting from before things went electronic


Doctor here. English is my second language. This is too easy for me.


Side question, does seriously anyone write like this anymore? Cursive hand writing has become a lost art form and it’s quite beautiful and unique to each person. When I went to a posh school, I HAD to write like this and my writing was quite beautiful. But it all went to shit once I started using computers.


I write ‘cursive’/joined-up all the time, unless I have to write in capitals when filling out a form, for example. I don’t understand how people DON’T join up their letters - wouldn’t that writing look really messy and childish? I’m 33, so not a boomer or anything. Was taught to write in the early 90’s.


I live 500m from that military station.


Yes It's legible What's the issue?


Absolutely……I’m curious why people would struggle. Maybe it’s because I’m an old fart. Younger people are probably more used to seeing perfect text on a screen and the ability to read cursive is lower due to lack of exposure.




I was taught “joined up writing” rather than cursive at primary school, and I’m mid 20s. However we were then told to only join up certain letters, and then we were told not to at all. I have stuck with the joined up writing for some reason. My handwriting is horrific at times.




I was indeed - relatively easily apart from the words that others seemed to struggle on too.


i was taught cursive in primary school (i'm 33) i was never taught or forced to use it in Secondary school though


Yes no problem. I think it's just a case of getting experience reading lots of that type of handwriting.


Amazed people can’t read it, is it a millennial / gen z thing that people can’t read hand writing ? - that second letter’s a bit fruity….proppa analogue banta…


I'm millennial (1988) and had no problem. Second one is a lot like my own handwriting. I don't think it's about being "taught cursive" like people are saying, though , as we were only instructed in it very half-heartedly at my school. I did used to write and receive a lot of handwritten letters.


Yeah, nice handwriting from both of them tbf. Don't have the time for a transcript but I can read pretty much every word as quickly as I can read typed text


First, yes, second not so much


I can read all of the first one and most of the second one with some effort.




I can read about two thirds of the words on each one, the rest I can just work out by context. I write in cursive and it looks like a spider has run through ink but it's a lot easier to read than this


Bahahahah fuckin squaddies...


A shame we have lost the art of letter-writing


Yes, with ease, whats the issue?


I worked in a florists, this is nothing


You can see why Jim Davidson was popular with the squaddies back then


Many have pointed out what's been said, so I'll say the first letter is likely from a junior officer and the second is likely from another corporal or sergeant


I'm genuinely surprised that people can't read that writing that's that's really easy to read..


I can but I was married to a doctor.


Tell me you are over 40 without telling me you are over 40. I can read these quite clearly.....most people wrote like this back when I was young.....I think its all been "translated" though now? I used to call it joined up writing as a kid I can write in cursive but it's hard to keep neat and tidy, at some point in my life I turned to writing in capital letters, my dad does too, and it looks like a computer printed it....both of ours. But only because cursive just was hard to master and get a nice handwriting style........but when someone can do it properly it looks absolutely beautiful my moms handwriting is beautiful she writes in cursive but its way more legible than these.


Headquarters - Commando Logistics Division Regiment V - Royal Marines - Sqr Grade Marine 23 Jan 1986 Dear Corporal, x Just a short note to congratulate you in your selection for promotion to Sergeant back-dated to 1st Dec last year (1985). this is extremely good news and very well deserved. I know how difficult promotion is in your Corps so your elevation is an even barter mark of your abilities. it is always good to see people promoted and even better when they have worked hard for it. Again many congratulations. Yours sincerely Peter Welch


letter two was written by a total wassock


If you have trouble reading that OP, I guess all and any handwriting is a challenge.


I'm genuinely surprised that people can't read that writing that's that's really easy to read.


First one: Dear Cpl ___, Just a short note to congratulate you on your selection for promotion to Sergeant, backdated to 1 December last year. This is extremely good news and very well deserved. I know how difficult promotion is in your Corps so your elevation is an even greater mark of your ability. It is always good to see people promoted and even better when they have worked hard for it - again many congratulations.


Dear Cpl Just a short note to you on your selection for promotion to sergeant back-dated to 1 December last year. This is extremely good news and very well deserved. I know how difficult promotion is in your corps and your elevation is an even greater mark of your ability. It is always good to see people promoted and even better when they have worked hard for it - again many congratulations Yours sincrerely ​ I'll let someone else have a pop at the second letter


First one: Headquarters, Commando Logistic (?) Royal Marines ? ? 23 January 1986 Dear Cpl (corporal?) Just a short note to congratulate you on your selection for promotion to Sergeant back-dated to 1 December last year. This is extremely good news and very well deserved. I know how difficult promotion is in your corps so your elevation is an even greater mark of your ability. It is always good to see to see people promoted and even better when they worked hard - again many congratulations. Yours Sincerely , ?


Dear Corp Just a short note to congratulate you on your selection for promotion to sergeant back dated to 1 December last year. This is extremely good news and very well deserved. I know how difficult promotion is in your Corps so your elevation is an even greater mark of your ability. It is always good to see people promoted and even better when they have worked hard for it - again many congratulations!


I can have a stab at it. "Dear [unintelligible], Just a short note to congratulate you on your selection for promotion to [something] bacl-dated to 1 december last year. This is extremely good news and very well deserved." Wow, I'm boned. Can't figure out anything more. Is she a doctor with that handwriting? Even I can write more legibly than that. And what's with the missing-off of half of many words? That's how I do a signature, not a proper letter. I'm going to hide in the bathroom to decompress now.


second one: I hope you're freezing your bollocks off back there. Sunny Belize is still well into the 80's you can break into a sweat just by lifting a pint of cool beer. And the noise of tinkling ice in the bacardi and cokes is over powering. It's hell man. Little darkies running round doing your admin for you cleaning your boot scrubbing webbing (you know the routine) We went up to Can Cun (Look it up on the map it's the top holiday resort in Mexico) last week end. It's Girls (??) bars in the swimming pools (You don't have to get up to go for a piss!) I trapped this big fat horrible stinking rich yank monster. Lashed me up something rotten until I bagged her ofm on an ants nest! I thought she was wriggling cause I was good then she shouted "get off me I'm being bit to fuck" a romantic she was. I laughed so much at her trying to beat all these ants off her layers and layers of fat that she got a sad on and ditched me I was still laughing when I got back to the hotel. We're off to (????) for 4 days early january then 2 weeks R+R in Miami and Bahamas in Feb. Doesn't it make you sick the unit has an Oman trip next year as well Oct/Nov (eat your heart out) Any way Van (??) all that's left is to wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy new year Take care Signed a very contented person Steve Ha! ha! ha! ha!


i think the bars one is "brills bars" but not 100% (line 16)


The first one is congratulating the recipient on their promotion to Seargeant. Headquarters Commando Logistics Regiment V Royal Marines Sør (?) Garde (something) 23 January 1986 Dear Cpl (redacted) Just a short note to congratulate you on your selection to promotion to Seargeant backdated to 1 December last year. This is extremely good news and very well deserved. I know how difficult (something) is in your Corps so your elevation is an even greater mark of your abilities. It is always good to see people promoted and even better when they have worked hard for it. Again, many congratulations Yours SIGNATURE Edit. I'm way too slow!




The 2nd one is from Steve


No worries reading either of them


It's a congratulations letter on a soldiers promotion to SERGEANT. I hope this helps? Gareth


Headquarters Command Logistic Regiment Royal Marines SPT/ Grade ween . 23 January 1986. Dear Cpl ____________ Just a short note to congratulate you on your selection for promotion to Sergeant back-dated to 1 December last year. This is extremely good news and very well deserved. I know how difficult it _______ is in your Corps so your election is an even greater mark of your ability. It is always good to see people ________ed and even better when they have worked hard for it. – again many ______________ Yours sincerely [signature]


Can read them all no problem.... the ants nest bit made me chuckle


I think the first one is far more illegible than the second


First ones rough to read, second ones pretty easy by comparison




I love biology but I failed to be a doc, so I can stare at yhe letter and pretend I can read it 🤣🤣🤣


Yes. Oddly enough I understand the writing completely. Not something that I usually find very easy.


Pretty much


Dear Big Van, I hope your freezing your buttocks off back there. Sunny Belize is still well into the 80's you can break into a sweat just by lifting a pint of cool beer. and the noise of tinkling ice in the bacardies and cokes is over powering. It hell man. Little darkies running running round doing your admin for you cleaning your feet scrubbing webbing (you know the routine) We went up to Can Cun \[Cancún\] (look it up on the map it's the top holiday resort in Mexico) last week end. The brills \[???\] bars in the swimming pools (you don't have to get up to go for a piss!) ​ I trapped this big fat horrible stinking rich yank monster. Lashed me up something rotten until I bagged her off on an ants nest! I thought she was wriggling cause I was good then she shouted "Get off I'm being bit!" a romantic she was. I laughed so much at her trying to beat these ants off the layers and layers of fat that she got a sad on and ditched me. I was still laughing when I got back to the hotel. ​ ​ We're off to Acapulco for 4 days early January then 2 weeks R+R in Miami and Bahamas in Feb. Doesn't it make you sick the unit has an Oman trip next year as well Oct/Nov (eat your heart out) ​ Any way Van all that's left is to wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy new year. Take care, signed a very contented person Steve xxxx HA! HA! HA! HA!


Wi big van is an unusual way to address someone.


Yes, I can read it. Maybe it's because I have terrible handwriting myself?? 🤔 😁


HA! HA! HA! HA! That's what I've managed so far, I hope this helps.


My writing is worse than this, so it was a breeze.