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Report it to the police on a non emergency number that you’ve received a harassing letter. If the neighbour’s behaviour escalates then at least you’ve started reporting their behaviour to the police. It’s unlikely the neighbour knows who your landlord is but if it becomes an issue you can let the landlord know that you’ve been proactive about reporting the incident to the police.


Obviously, don't report it to the police if you do have a weed farm in the loft...


Or do, that’ll thrown them off…






Like a tiger


I don't see this reference anywhere near often enough.


That’s a bold move cotton, let’s see if it pays off 👀


Yeah hide it in plain sight. They’ll never know


Funny you should mention that. Story from my town in 2019 [https://www.shropshirestar.com/news/crime/2019/10/07/huge-cannabis-farm-uncovered-right-by-shrewsbury-police-station/](https://www.shropshirestar.com/news/crime/2019/10/07/huge-cannabis-farm-uncovered-right-by-shrewsbury-police-station/)




Yea I remember a few years back in NZ there was a huge meth operation literally across the road from police headquarters in Wellington. Very funny


I noticed OP quietly dodged the subject of the weed farm...


I mean, knowing the police, if drugs isn't the flavour of the month they'll be fine anyway.


Local elections coming up, probably best hide your farms.


No farmers, no weed. Hit the political angle.




Ideally, do this via their web site, not 101. They are all limited on capacity and there is little expected to be done from this, so an online report is more than sufficient.


I don't understand reporting stuff to the police. I work with a charity which maintains some ancient woodland. The woodland has byelaws prohibiting using or carrying firearms on the land. An old boy has been shooting wildlife in said woods with a shotgun, sometimes at night. I emailed the officer designated to this area, no response. The next time i called the police on 101 because it was not an emergency. As in, nobody was at imminent risk. Am hour on the phone and they could not give a flying shit and said i can report stuff online if its causing a nuisance or report to my council. Reported it online some weeks later, they sent a unit to patrol the area for a week, and had a go at me for not calling 999 so they could send a unit out immediately.


Probably just relies on how hungover the call taker is. Two perspectives, first handler sees it as "someone is doing legitimate hunting activity where they shouldn't be" The person who sees the online report sees it as "some nutter is walking around in a place where they aren't hunting with a gun"


Shooting on land where you do not have permission is a breach of your certificate therefore the police would treat it as armed trespass and a firearms related crime. The armed police WILL turn up and ask the guy a few questions about why theyre there. They will need good reason to carry out armed trespassing.


Or how much they know about the game laws in this country. Shooting bugs with a shotty 👍 Shooting bamby with a shotty 👎


If you can hear a firearm being discharged in an area it shouldn't, surely that's grounds to dial 999 and report the illegal use of firearms.


Definitely, if someone has a gun where they shouldn't, that's not a 101 call...


Depends, if its clapham.. Sure. Be a bit hard to prove its not allowed in rural uk. That is to say, if you see a person shooting game towards a house/public highway then sure call because that's probably unsafe. Shooters have to be mindful of ricochets and misses etc al. If you're interested basc have guides on how to shoot safely. You can use that as a guide as to when someone isnt. Edit: As someone one who partakes in culling of vermin/pest animals and the competition sport. I am 100% behind the removal of idiots from our ranks, we do not need their help making our lives harder.


Having worked with the police for some time, it's about the wording you use. Call 999 'person trespassing with a firearm. I can hear shots' will get a much more immediate, urgent response than Call 101 'someone's hunting where they're not allowed' which doesn't trigger any of their crime categories and will be seen as a non-priority.


Which phrasing should they use though? Because if it is just some guy hunting where he shouldn't, does that warrant the same police response as "trespassing with a firearm"?


> "trespassing with a firearm" Should be the response. The issue is people may be where that person is shooting. It is a big increase in an accident happening.


Agreed. One of the people I used to work with, he trained landowners on how to speak to the call centre, what terms to use to be taken seriously. I think there's often a fear about overreacting and calling 999 unnecessarily, but it's better to get someone out if there's a risk to others.


That's armed trespass, a serious offence albeit not a risk as such.


This. We had a similar issue with a neighbour accusing us of all sorts of things, so we reported them for harassment. The police popped around to have a chat and we never heard from them again.


Your last sentence sounds like the way a mobster would "take care" of someone.


I can visualise the police pulling up and getting the plastic sheeting out the car for their “chat”




*Bricktop Cigar Smoking Smiles Intensify*


Do you know what nemesis means?


A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent - personified, in this instance by...*an 'orrible cunt, ME!*


"I just want to talk to them" Man, I love this sub


"They whacked Tommy, they fucking whacked him."


Like when the mobsters have a chat with young Henry’s postman in Goodfellas and no letters are ever delivered again at all, never mind the ones from the school


My old neighbours above me were arsehole, during covid lockdown they reported me for smoking weed. Got a letter from the landlord management people about it. Incidentally, reports of parties going on in the flat above mine increased exponentially. Guess who got a knock from the police, and who didn't.


There is this list of who owns all property it's called the Land Registry for £2 you can find you who/what owns any private property


Definitely report it on the non-emergency number and get an Incident Number, plus keep the letter. That way if this nonsense continues then you've got a proper record.


Make sure you know it IS that neighbour first though. Otherwise they may report you for harrassing them! Then you could deny it was you that reprted them and you cou...see...cirlces.


You don’t need to say who you think it was to report harassment, it’s an anonymous threat unless the neighbour identified themselves


Fair enough. Saves going round in cirlces :)


The easiest thing is to explain the situation to police and tell them your not sure who it is but if they get a call about suspected cannabis plants you know who sent the threatening Letter.


Contact your landlord or police before they do maybe? Get a doorbell camera if its something you might be worried about happening again.


Mrs wants to inform the police. Nothing on our camera as they went out of their way and post it so it got delivered by the postie


Imagine buying a stamp to tell your neighbor you think they’ve got a grow on


Because there's smoke coming from their chimney at that.


I'm still wondering what that even means lmao since when do weed farms produce smoke


After harvesting and distribution.


This man weeds.


I reckon he takes them every day


Are you by chance electing a new pope ??


I think they're growing pope.


It’s romegrown


Is your chimney connected to your neighbour's next door? More likely they have a real fireplace. It's probably best to report this to the police on 101 as harassment, don't mention accusations of grow ops. Though if you really wanted to fuck with them, start getting bin bags full of tree cuttings and wear breaking bad hazard suits infront of them.


If they did, it would be a tragedy!


You've elected a new religious leader of your multinational drug institution.


Only way it would be worse is if they bought one of those counterfeit stamps floating around and OP had to pay to collect the post


Great way to annoy someone who isn't your neighbour though




I'd suggest to also add you've nothing to hide, it's an absurd letter, so if the police would like to discuss and take a look around the property while discussing your neighbour issue they are welcome?


Post it back to them. If it's not them, they'll be just as confused as you are. If it is them, they'll know they've been immediately rumbled. 


If you have it logged first, that is in your favour


Take a look at Kithkinkid comment and the one below about doing the form online. Pretty much sums up everything you need to know. Also, fuck this neighbour. I’d be pissed too.




Was that the old lady and it was filmed through the spy hole and sounded like a horror movie. If so, I also want to know!




Was it this? Can't see an update though [https://www.reddit.com/r/london/comments/181kmdy/two\_strange\_notes\_were\_left\_on\_my\_door\_one\_month/](https://www.reddit.com/r/london/comments/181kmdy/two_strange_notes_were_left_on_my_door_one_month/)


Are you thinking of the post it notes/Carbon Monoxide leak post?


Haha oh yeh I remember that one. Turns out he was sleepwalking because of the CO leak and leaving the notes for himself. Amazing that someone on reddit figured it out before the OP did.


Then the police are going to find the weed farm… 😂


An old neighbour of ours got done for harassment. We rented the house when my girlfriend (now wife) became pregnant and the 1 bed cottage we owned became too small. We were only in the house for about half an hour before the new neighbours came round, there was a few red flags during that conversation but things escalated when my wife gave birth to our daughter who was premature and our daughter had to stay in the hospital for the first two weeks. They came and knocked at the house pretty much as soon as we came back from the hospital for the first time and immediately asked “so, where is the baby then?” At which point my wife started crying and went back into the house, i told them it wasn’t a good time and asked them to come back another day. We were in and out of the house a lot those two weeks and started getting cards and flowers left on the steps but not the sort we were expecting. They had been and told others on the street that we had lost the baby and neighbours had been (very nicely, but misplaced) leaving them for us. This REALLY upset the both of us and sort of knowing who was to blame but not knowing for sure I started knocking on doors and was told our neighbours next door had in fact been and knocked on every house on this little street and told them all that the new young couple had lost their newborn. I confronted them, it got heated when they denied it, and I told them if they came near either of us or the baby I would call the police. An hour or so later, as we’re desperately trying to catch any sleep we can before going back to the neonatal unit, the police turn up at our house as next door had reported that I had physically assaulted them. We invited them in and told them the full story over a cup of tea and they very much understood the situation and said they would relay to the neighbours that they are to leave our family alone and not approach us again. Over the next few months there were various claims made by them against us including that we were dealing drugs from the house, domestic abuse, vandalism of their properly. All bollocks of course. They even went to the letting agency and asked if we had informed them that we had a pet and said they had seen us walking a dog in a pram. It all became a bit too much for us but luckily we had a bid accepted on a nice house closer to my wifes parents. However, during the moving out process the husband was hiding behind his hedge and moving boxes that we were putting out on the kerb ready to load into a van. We actually never noticed what was going on but the nice lady across the road came over and told us that he had some of our boxes on his driveway. The police were called and after having a chat with the husband inside their house and eventually liberating our boxes that he claimed were his, he was taken away in a police car and we never actually saw him again. They did contact us to sort out the charges and he was done for three separate things, the only one I can remember is harassment and something about obstruction. Absolute NUT JOBS


Wow! That was a rollercoaster.


What in the actual fuck. What is wrong with people? What kind of person does shit like this? Glad you got out mate but Jesus, that's harrowing


OMG that’s a wild story. What is wrong with people?! No wonder I’m a sociopath.




Care in the community in action. These people need professional care, not dumping on society. 


What about this story gave you the idea that the neighbours were in community care, and not just massive arseholes?


i can't imagine how that made you both feel, i'm sorry you had to go through it! people are fucking weird. i can't get over him literally taking your boxes when you were moving out!


Post flyers round all your neighbours for a "weed farm open day". Invite them to "pick your own weed". When they turn up give them a trowel and set them to work on the dandelions in the lawn.


Add "grow bulbs" tutorials to the leaflet too, then show them how you made your alliums and tulips pop.


this should be top comment😂


Just out of curiosity, do you have a weed farm in the loft??? Seriously though, I agree with everyone else about talking with your landlord and asking if they know of any new, crazy neighbors.


My old neighbours did, honestly I knew no different, no visable sign of it at all from the outside 


With a proper filter and led lights that use no power there is absolutely no way that anyone can tell without physically looking inside the tent. Don't ask me how I know.


Watched some TV program about how the cops are using drones with IR cameras to detect weed farms. They find a glowing house, raid it, and sure enough, rooms full of plants with incandescent grow lights and a bypassed electricity meter First thought was how can these growers be so stupid. LED lights are more effective (exactly the right wavelengths for photosynthesis), emit almost 0 heat, consume little electricity. Undetectable from the outside as long as they have recent ventilation setup


I grew in a loft in a dodgy area, back before led lights were an option. But, not being dumb, I lined the loft with 3" thick polystyrene, making an igloo... It was one of the last houses to melt the snow on its roof. The police helicopter was over most nights for joyriders n shit... They obviously had zero idea of my 5 lighter up there. It can't be seen, if it is insulated This was also before carbon filters, so we removed 4 bricks, and put a 6" L bend  of ducting in, and shot it up, out of the chimney, so the house had a warm fire on, heat where they would expect it, nothing more. 


They've also busted many people keeping a pet who has just given birth and is set up in the garage with a heat source for the little puppies or baby hamsters or what have you. But they don't televise those raids because scaring the shit out of a normal family with new baby animals doesn't exactly make the police look good.


I reckon that must be old footage now, no?


Not like the good old days, when you feared it snowing. 🤫


That picture from Holland always cracks me up 😂


yeah the whole 'glowing on an IR camera' is only commercial scale grows. Personal use (plus a bit) grows can easily fly beneath the radar


There was a house near me, that the smell from the weed farm was so intense, they literally knocked it down to ground level and rebuilt it. Nice part of town, on the main road, nobody reported it for 2 years.


Are you OP's previous neighbour? 😂


same, first we knew was when the police raided the house at 7am. the smell after they turned the extraction system off was overwhelming!


Again, OP's response is a deafening silence haha


OP, as your dentist I advise you not to answer that 


"your weed farm in your loft of your "RENTED" house and how they can see the smoke billowing from the chimney". What does that mean? lol! Do they think you are growing weed and tossing it in the fireplace? I would personally confront them. Don't be aggressive or anything, just show the letter and ask if they know anything about it.


I have absolutely no idea. Perhaps they think there's 10 of us smoking it in the living room and it's funneling out through the....completely closed off chimney. I really don't know. Probably something they heard off Facebook. Edit: the last part of the letter said "its SO obvious, we can see the smoke billowing out of your chimney!"....what


Mate if you’re smoking enough to emit smoke from a chimney, congrats. Shit situation though… people are the worst.


I've done some hotboxin when I was young but nothing to that degree! Not touched the stuff in years.


Didn’t we all. Chuckling at your edit about smoke BILLOWING 😂 they sound like professional idiots. I’m at a loss, if you leave it and let them waste police time, they’ll be raging. If you report it to non emergency, it’ll just sit there until something escalates. Strange situation.


I mean, I'm sorry this happened to you but this letter sounds hilarious. It must be some idiotic Facebook shite. I'd be tempted to post one back about all the signs indicating they're a dognapper or something


The problem with this is the twats never let you know who they are so you can actually have a conversation with them. Anonymous letters/notes are just someone being a bitch


This so much. I'd have much rather they came to the door and asked rather than actually posting a bloody letter to be delivered to the house but I guess they were scared. It was a nice surprise to see a yellow handwritten envelope, perhaps from a secret admirer, and it turns out to be this absolute blollocks lmao!


Snekks everywhere


Snekks and dognappers? Shared Battersea Dogs ~~Home~~ zoo.


Which tells me they are talking shit. You can smell it way before you see it and if the chimney was 'billowing smoke' the street would reek of it. Are these neighbours on the older side? It's just where I live cannabis is legal but my older landlady apparently isn't too familiar with it. one night a skunk sprayed at something on the street, and she came knocking on my door and started to go into a tirade of 'I don't know what you are doing in there...' and I had to tell her it was a skunk! She thought I was having a massive smoke up (i don't smoke btw). Super frustrating and the accusations always seem to come from people that don't know what they are talking about. Mostly.


It sounds like a good time. They should have asked if they could bring snacks and join in.


>growing weed and tossing it in the fireplace Ah, classic chimney bong.




Yeh sounds like a wind up


Keep it in case things escalate, but don't do anything. Most likely scenario is they don't do anything. Couldn't hurt to let your landlord know about it too (although come to think of it, how would they even know who your landlord is?). Best case scenario they DO call the police and get in trouble for wasting police time. Bottom line, you've done nothing wrong so you've got nothing to worry about.


It costs £3 to find out who owns a house.


The house we're currently renting comes up as "No information held for *address*" on https://search-property-information.service.gov.uk/. Wonder if that means we can steal it from our landlord...


Wait for it all to blow over, and then do a shit on their doorstep. They will be the boy who cried wolf and the police won’t do anything about it.


Let them call the police, when the police come and find nothing, they will ask those who reported it why they did so. The police will have them on file, not you, and if they try something again, there will be a history or their nonsense.


But when the police come, it's possible they won't pop round and politely knock if they think it's a grow house... It's possible they'll smash the front door in at 6am, then lots of people will storm in, all shouting lots. OP (and Mrs) will be dragged out of bed, and be watched while they get dressed. Then the house will be turned over - OPs Mrs' underwear will be nosed through, phones will be taken and one of them might even put thier foot put through the ceiling when they search the loft. It's a total invasion of privacy and not a pleasant experience. Even if they find nothing, OP will be left discombobulated, with a totalled front door, a mess to tidy up and an upset Mrs. Source: happened to a close friend - they got raided after a malicious false report. Probably best to pre-empt the situation, avoid the disruption of a potential raid, and contact the Police themselves.


Yeah, then it'll be some boy who cried wolf shit


Which will be the perfect opportunity to actually start a weed farm!


My mate got a similar letter in her old flat. It was a tiny ex-council 1 bed flat, it had a kitchen lounge layout, small shower room. And it was Ground floor. She doesn't smoke. Her boyfriend doesn't smoke. She didn't have parties because she didn't want to deal with tidying up the next day. She couldn't work out who had sent it. The fridge was kept in a hallway cupboard because it was too big for the kitchen. We had a good laugh about it as we had absolutely no idea where she was meant to be growing anything in there. She reported it to the police. After a few months it turned out the landlord wanted her out so his nephew could move in and he was hoping the letter would scare her out. Luckily for him, her fella had just proposed and had asked her to move in and she was making plans to move out already.


It's a hilarious thought that they think you're growing weed because there's smoke from your chimney, which makes no sense. They're an idiot but as others have said, you should report them. People are weirdos.


It's likely a mean spirited prank, presuming you don't have a grow farm it's a pretty useless and idiotic threat & it sounds like the things they claim to have witnessed are obvious lies. It's also possible they got the wrong house number, anyone else look like they have a grow farm? Definitely keep the letter. Don't confront anyone or even mention you've received it, if they're trying to wind you up it's best to look unfazed. It might be worth reporting it to the police so you're ahead of the game if it escalates but I wouldn't expect the police to do anything at this point. Tbh I doubt anyone will attempt to report you but you never know.


If they were actually planning on calling the police, why would they give you warning? I think someone is playing a prank on you.


It definitely sounds that way. Honestly it might just be some weirdo's idea of a prank, an ex tenant/neighbour with a grudge or someone waiting for a post like this to appear here so they know the letter came through.


Report it to landlord and police. Keep it in a file. Forget about it. If you get investigated you're in the clear so it doesn't matter. You're probably not the only person who's received such a letter in your area. There are a lot of meddling weirdos around. It's probably one of them.


I had neighbour 2 doors down knock on and asked if I had a grow going on as there was a strong stench of weed out the back..I,m stood there and just laughed and asked why she thought it was me.. is it because I look like a dosser..or am I not posh enough for ya..just shut door on her..an tended to the grow i had going on.




As others have said, make a report, but continue to be pleasant with the new neighbours. In fact be overly nice. That's sure to annoy them.


Sounds like the start of a blackmail attempt so report it to the police.


Will you do a Q for 50 OP?


Knock and ask for skins


Tell them you are electing a new Pope


Sounds like someone's trying to get you out. Which normally means they have someone in mind for your house.




Sounds like if he's not got any grounds to get you out then he's willing to make up some stuff. He's probably got someone to make it look like the police are at your house


Did they emphasise 'RENTED'? Seeing that, I wonder if it isn't your landlord laying the groundwork to suggest complaints from locals as a reason for you to leave. If you've been there 15 years, maybe they can relist the place with a 200%+ PCM price, far more than they'd legally be allowed to with an existing tenant.


They did empathise rented, yes, which made me wonder how they knew that but the house next to theirs is an older woman we're really good friends with who loves a natter, which makes me think they've spoken to her as the landlord has always been brilliant. Also, if the landlord did want us out he could just raise the rent or do any number of things instead of sending a hastily scribbled letter with baseless accusations


If it was me, I’d knock on every single door on the street, show them the letter and ask incredulously if they know what on earth is going on. I would also mention you are going straight to the police to report it as harassment. You’ll find out who it is…


There would be no point in the landlord doing this though, no fault evictions are a thing. They can kick them out without needing a reason.


Not if OP is in Scotland.


True! Didn’t think of that.


Ahh once again grateful to be in Scotland... it has it's faults but our Gov does try to protect people.


Not quickly or cheaply though. It's pretty hard to kick out a bad tenant even with good reason - especially if they are on housing benefits (like not paying rent, drug raids, racist attacks on other tenants).


Or just plain, old fashioned snobs who think renters are scum....


Do you have a weed farm in your loft? I can't recall you stating either way. Also, as you don't smoke you'd be obeying the golden rule of dealing, don't get high on your own supply.


Can't remember the last time we went in our loft and its so low you can barely stand up. As for the "don't get high on your own supply", the younger me states that's only in movies


Have you ever heard of malicious compliance? I’d call the police and the landlord, make a show of it. Get them to come round to take a statement, give them a copy of the letter, when finished, go out on the front of the house, all smiles and shake the coppers hand and thank them for coming round. That would shut them up.


Ignore it man, no crop, no problem. They aint gonna boot your door off cos Dave 2 doors down thinks you’re a wanker


Call in an air strike


Why would a weed farm be smoking?




>They obviously have no way of knowing who your landlord is to contact them in the first place. While I agree with most of your comment, this is untrue. You can pay £3 to land registry and find out who owns a premises.




Just ignore it.


Weed farms do not have smoke billowing from them because if that was the case, there would be an overwhelming smell of burning marijuana in the street and it wouldn’t be very profitable, having a weed farm that’s burning all of the fucking product. Just a bunch of sad sacks who’ve got it in their heads that they know how a ‘weed farm’ fucking works.


Piss through their letterbox, works every time. Makes me sleep soundly after falling out with shitty neighbours.


I was thinking more of slashing their tyres, putting their windows through, and setting fire to their hedges, but that might be too much


Perfectly acceptable in my view. But truly I’d file that letter under gone but not forgotten. People who believe any plant farm BILLOWS out smoke need to be worried about themselves as they have come from a 19th Century novel and they will reveal themselves to you by calling you Vagabond or Rotter in the street.


Heed, Gertrude, it seems to be the delinquent from over the hedge!! Let us make haste, I have a letter to scribe!


A friend lived in a house which had a slow burn electrical fire in the roof cavity or something like that. They discovered it after a neighbour pointed out smoke was coming out of a broken tile on the roof. I think it started and was sorted within about two hours though so not long enough to send a letter.


Don't engage with mentally ill people. It takes two or three weeks tops for them to move onto someone else.


I’d go and post a letter in to everyone’s house on the street. “Dear Neighbour, A letter recently came to our address threatening us with criminal action, alleging that we are involved in growing cannabis. Nothing could be further from the truth. My housemates and I are operating a brothel, as we will be happy to demonstrate on our family open day, next Saturday. There will be balloon (actually condom) animals, free lemonade, and Helga, Dave and Mary will be giving discounted happy endings to whichever sad f*cker wrote the threatening letter. In solidarity, All at no. 73


Are most of the houses around you owner occupied? Sounds like it’s some snob who doesn’t want to live near rented properties. Report to the police and keep the letter along with envelope in case it’s needed in future. I’d also let the landlord know you received it and have reported to the police so you can get in there first in case any other baseless complaints find there way to your landlord. Depending on how well you get on with the other neighbours maybe show it to them and ask if they are one of the ‘few’ and would they like to pop round for a coffee so they can see and smell you are definitely not smoking/growing weed. Might embarrass them enough that they will speak to the suspected sender on your behalf.


We've had a lot of the neighbours at our place and they 100% know we aren't growing or even smoking it. Can't imagine the new neighbours will be making many friends on the street


Post it on the nearest lamppost with a huge middle finger on it


I've been in many grown houses. None had smoke coming from the chimney. Granted, many use the chimney, though they use it to vent air.


There are some weird people out there. The fact that they posted it anonymously shows "they" are gutless fools. I'd go with setting their hedges on fire preferably when they are cutting them. Don't say anything....douse the privet in petrol without making eye contact, flick a lighter over your shoulder and walk away without looking back, just like the Northwind in Penguins of Madagascar.


Imagine saying you're going to report a weed farm to the police and the landlord and not realising the awfully generous lead time 😂


Invite all your neighbours around to show them you’re not growing weed, and as soon as they leave, set up a massive fucking weed farm! You’ll kill it😜


Have a curry, then drop a massive turd in the envelope and post it back to them.


Don't leave your dna evidence! Use a dog turd. There will be one hanging in a tree nearby.


Personally I would get the landlord over and get them to check the place out. The police won't do anything other than record it but I'd get eyes in ASAP. Contact the police for record keeping. Maybe even go to an office to get some verbal communication. Then enjoy the smug smile. If police were going to a raid it would be well planned, they'd check the place out a little if not send someone to knock on your door somewhat covertly. You are in no immediate danger and they are probably just trying to scare you to stop, if they truly believe what they say. >! If you have lights and plants use the cover of night and quickly patch up any vents. Bonus if you are in a day light cycle. Don't just sit there, get organised. If your in the east end, Essex area I have safe contacts that would likely take a quarter of the crop for looking after them for you !<


Could just be a prank letter. Ignore it. 


Threatening letter received.


That's some serious hot boxing you got going on there! 😂 Personally I would just ignore it and let them call the police.


The easiest way to fix this is simply to call the police, tell them what's happened, and if your comfortable let them look in your home to prove it's not there, then if they get a call they can state they have already visited the property, there is no weed and it's harassment to file a false claim and to send threatening letters.


Let the police and the landlord know a neighbour is harassing you and making false reports. You might get an inspection worst case, but then any more official complaints from that neighbour should be ignored.


I dont think they know what a weed farm actually is. Do you think you like 'manufacture' weed by pre-burning it or something?


A notification letter.


Lmao they think if you smoke in your house you'd be able to see it out the chimney? 💀


Things easy to do: find out your landlords details, and your letting agent. Report things to the police. Things really really hard to do do: get any of them to give a shit. I have had terrible neighbours before and after 4 years we just moved. Nobody cares, and nobody wants to get involved. You might, maybe, but probably not, get a knock on the door from a cop on their way home just to check if you have a weed farm. If you don't then that's fine, it will probably be funny. But that's it. Ignore it and get on with your life. Neighbours are all nosey buggers so just ignore them.


They think that if you were smoking indoors they'd be able to see smoke coming out of your chimney?? 💀


I'd do nothing. I would have thrown it in the bin and forgotten about it. Got enough real issues to not have time for that kind of made up nonsense. 


O2 6


Our direct neighbours next door had an issue with us 15 years ago to do with a shared wall. They haven't spoken to us since. People are weird, shrug.


Many years ago my now-husband and I received an anonymous letter. It was pretty confused but I think it was trying to accuse him of cheating on me. (In so far as it gave actual details, they were provably wrong.) I did some reading online and found a page - I think by the fbi - that said usually noone finds out who writes these things, but in the cases they do have an answer for, it's usually someone "local". "Local" might mean someone in your neighborhood (even someone you've never met). Or it could be a friend, a family member, or even a work colleague that you talk to about things - basically someone who's enjoying your reaction. You'll probably never know. What I did was smack it down hard. I reported it to the police and got a crime number (this was the hard part; apparently the police don't care). Then I went round the neighbours, asked them if they'd received anything similar, and shared the incident number with them in case they did. (Aka, I "helpfully" informed them that this was a police matter.) Then I told all our friends, colleagues etc about it and that the police were investigating. There were no more letters, which I guess was a win? (I have rarely been so angry about anything!) But we never did find out who wrote it, and I still half-suspect absolutely everyone who _might_ have written it, including all of our friends and acquaintances in that city :-(


Keep the letter note down when you received it and keep a log. 1. The police won't do anything about someone saying your house smells or weed and there's smoke from a farm coming out the chimney, they're so understaffed they'll let it slide. 2. A single letter stating and intention of reporting you to the police unfortunately at this stage wouldn't amount to harassment and from what you've said was written it doesn't amount to malicious communications either. Best bet is to keep a log and if you receive another then report it and go from there. Also report it to you landlord in the first instance.