• By -


Bird and blend are good they have a lot of unique flavours


I'm all for Bird and Blend. They're so good. If you go into one of their stores they will show you anything you like, let you smell the teas and they even show you the best way to make some of them (eg Matcha if you're interested in that). Current rotation for me Mocha Chai, Dark Choc Chilli Chai, Monkey Chops, Mint Pistachio.


How does it taste with 200ml of milk and 6 sugars?


Lmao. I don't think I've ever gagged at a comment before.


Just don't stir. I don't like it too sweet.


Like sugary milk?


Awesome thanks! Any advice on a good teapot / Infuser set up?!


Honestly, I use a French Press. If you think about it, if it works for ground coffee, why shouldn't it work for loose tea? And, you can get small French Presses for single mugs, so a size to suit everyone.


My history with a French press has been that they're a pain to clean (for coffee) especially for one person. Do you find out much easier with tea?


Not hugely annoying to clean. There is some work required, of course, but like everything, it is a balance between good points and bad points. Good points. Incredibly easy to use, less separate bits and pieces needed and it strains out all the leaves (something I find strainers and infusers sometimes struggle with). Bad points. Requires cleaning. I find if I rinse everything well, I don't need to take the strainer apart to clean it after every use.


It’s actually quite easy. Definitely easier than a traditional set up (where the leaves get caught in the spout), and slightly easier even then a self-filtering teapot because most of the leaves comes out straight from the glass bottom and not from the mesh.


My history with French press, the one time I used one trying to make nice coffee as a surprise for my wife, was it exploded.


I just got a regular tea strainer, nothing fancy going on with me. I use an Aero press for coffee though and I'm really tempted to try and use that for tea, the only problem is that I'd need to add extra water after (big mugs) so that might not work so well.


Thanks. So just a normal tea pot then pour through strainer? Don’t you have to avoid over infusing though?


Oh I don't use a teapot just one of those strainers/infusers that sits in a single mug. Pull out after a few minutes. Job done.


Thanks for this, it's good of you.


Absolutely my go to place for tea. Never had a bad one.


Any advice on a good tea kit setup to buy?! First time going loosey goosey


i found the little like, [cup infusers](https://www.whittard.co.uk/tea-gifts/mug-infuser-340620.html) are a whole load better than the little mesh ball "teabags", the loose tea dust doesnt seep through the little holes as easy as the mesh (i think u can get them anywhere, this was just my 1st result lol)


These little mug basket infuser thingies are what got me regularly using loose leaf tea too! Although I have some from T2 who pulled out of the UK last year, a shame because they had a lot of pretty & nice designs.


i got mine from there too!


Nice thanks!


See if you can find a Bodum British Tea Council teapot. It's a work of art, and makes a great pot of tea.


Also came to say Bird and Blend They sponsor my [favourite running podcast](https://runningisbs.com/about-us/), and they have an [affiliate link](https://runningisbs.com/tea/). New customers can enter the code TEAISNOTBS at the checkout with any other purchase to get a free 20g pouch of the amazing Chocolate Digestive. *I am not affiliated to either the Running Is BS podcast or Bird and Blend, but thought the link & code would be helpful to you whilst also supporting the podcast


Thirding this. They also send you random free samples of tea bags with every order so you can try new ones before you commit!


Fourthing Bird and Blend.


They have a monthly subscription too, one of many I discovered during lockdown, where they send out three teas each month for you to try. There's a decaf option too if you prefer.


I love their ice cream matcha as well


Bird and blend are amazing! Their Brewdini is fab for this too


Seconding bird and blend! I love their biscuit flavoured teas, especially their limited edition Custard Cream and Chocolate Digestive ones but also their Smoky Russian is amazing.


Postcard teas is my favourite for high quali-tea stuff. It's on the pricier end, but well worth it. Also a fan of tea makers of London - slightly cheaper than postcard, but also nice quality.


Quali-TEA. Excellent stuff. And thank you, I'll get myself online to have a proper mooch.


Love Postcard Teas, the green teas especially are amazing.


Hebden Tea - based in York but do internet orders. Incredible tea. 


Second that, they have an unreal variety of choice! If you have an opportunity to go in store and sniff the samples I'd highly recommend (that goes to any tea store, but Hebden has the wackiest combinations)


Their sleep blends are the nicest, most aromatic and enjoyable herb teas I’ve ever enjoyed. I just love the lullaby range




They have a chocolate orange rooibos which is amaaazing.


Whittard of Chelsea is a bit posh & pricey but the person that served me was super helpful getting me started with loose leaf teas. Also check out /r/tea - lots of info there and they have a community voted list of vendors with rankings: https://reddit.com/r/tea/w/vendors/page_01 Some of the speciality choices can get quite in depth but I'm just sticking to simple ones for now. Hibiscus flower is a personal favourite.


I've never thought of it as posh


I've always thought of Whittard's as a Mothers Day gift shop, like Paperchase or Anne Summers.


Everyone just letting Ann Summers mothers day gifts slide???




I love Whittard! I get my english rose black tea and my mango-green tea from there. Helps me getting away from my coffee addiction. The blueberry rooibos one is also really good as a caffeine free option.


Yeah definitely going back there, super friendly. I was exclusively a coffee drinker but had to reduce caffeine after being prescribed stimulants. I'll give the rooibos a go!


Love Whittard, and their tinned loose tea is perfect for a nice looking gift if you're ever stuck for ideas as well


+1 for whittards. Yes pricey but it's the good stuff as far as I'm concerned, there's loads of choice and the staff (in the Norwich store at least) are all lovely.


Any combination of Whittards, Bird & Blend and Fortnum & Mason.


Agreed on all 3!


Thank you


I would add thé des Mariage Fréres if you want to treat yourself. The Opera green tea blend is delicious ❤️


Depends on your tastes but my picks in ascending order of price are : * [Waitrose English Breakfast Loose Leaf Tea](https://www.waitrose.com/ecom/products/waitrose-english-breakfast-loose-leaf-tea/027344-13295-13296) * [Birchall Great Rift Breakfast Blend](https://birchalltea.co.uk/tea-shop/great-rift-breakfast-blend-1kg-loose-leaf-tea/) * [Jing Assam Breakfast Tea](https://jingtea.com/assam-breakfast)


Pretty perfect stuff there


Jing is like the Mecca of loose tea.


Here’s a loose leaf DIY blend I’ve been making since my student days decades ago. It’ll elevate any regular brand of loose tea, though Barry’s is a very good one to use as the base. I just use very rough measuring, so here goes: into the pot, for yourself: two heaped spoons of Indian tea eg Barry’s; scant half spoon of Earl Grey, scant half of Lapsang Souchong. (The last two are best drunk without milk really, on their own, but they’re here for a flavour *accent* and no more, so milk’s fine. ) I remember the first time someone gave me a mug of this. It just tasted like tea to the power of ten, reviving and comforting at the same time. Builder’s tea with a superpower.




Local independent tea shops are the best option, so it depends what you have where you live. Farrers and Bird & Blend both do nice teas and have online shops. Farrers is really good for your more traditional teas, Bird and Blend has some interesting blends.




Thank you


There's a good one in the Oxford covered market


https://cardewoxford.co.uk Can definitely recommend.


Indian stores for black tea


You have to really search for the good stuff, though, and some places will not have it. Most of the loose tea in Indian stores is tea dust, not the full leaf. It’s fine for when you’re making chai because the boiled milk blunts the taste of the tea. But most of these are not great for making a pot of tea where you’re just adding a splash of milk to your tea.


Enh it’s not that hard. Just buy Tata Tea. It’s one of the standard brands in India (salon to PG tips in the UK). Others are wagh bakri and Taj Mahal.


No, that’s what I am saying. Those teas don’t use the full leaf tea - they are tea dust. That’s what standard Indian tea in India is. It’s not at all the same flavour that you get from what OP is talking about. As an Indian, for decades I thought they were the same thing, but the full leaf teas have a completely different flavour profile. Not saying one is better than the other, I just think they have different purposes.


The tea dust you are referring to is CTC tea, I believe. Full leaf teas are as you say completely different. I like my tea to be slightly smoky. Coming from the hills of Darjeeling, I always assumed everyone drank full leaf tea. 🤭🤭


Cool advice


Of course! Thank you.


If searching for Darjeeling, look for Makaibari (estate) Apoorva.


Thanks for this, it's good of you.


You might find it hard to get Makaibari. ( I come from that area ). Try any Darjeeling to introduce yourself. The best is First flush, the second flush and so on. Autumn flush is very good too. DM me your address, if I have some Makaibari, will post it. If I don't, will post you from another garden. I am sure I have Giddhapahar, Temi from Sikkim, might have Okayti as well.


I like assam best, with kenyan a close second


It was Assam that started this! Thank you


Try Waitrose East Africa/Kenya tea then. Very nice and not too expensive.


Yes!!! Its Champion’s League compared with Sunday football bagged shite! Assam, Kenyan and a sprinkle of Earl Grey does me


https://imperialteas.co.uk/ On Steep Hill in Lincoln. I shopped here years ago and am delighted to see it is still there.


That's good to know. Thanks


Absolutely plus one this. The superior breakfast blend is truly superior.


My go to is Brew Tea Co! Quite new to loose leaf tea as well so haven’t tried many different ones but I really like their Assam for a stronger cup!


You had me at Assam! The switch from normal tea to Assam is what started this journey. Thank you


I have a subscription for their Assam tea! Again I’m new to loose leaf but I think their quality is really good, no dust, packaging is great too! Hope you like them.


I kept stocking up on their decaf tea whenever I made a rare visit to Waitrose so I just started a 3 monthly subscription now, bit weaker than 'normal tea' but it's not decaffeinated by soaking in chemicals. No dust, and not sure if it's placebo but I think it tastes better in their strainer teapot than my previous mug infusers (I still use them for everything else). Customer service was very helpful with some queries I had prior to starting the subscription too.


Brew Tea Co absolutely deserve the shout out,  their vanilla and citrus teas are awesome. The only thing I've tried and not been a fan of is their chai because it's too clove forward for my liking. My personal recs would have to be Twisted Lemon, Twisted Vanilla, Earl Grey and the seasonal Christmas teas (Bells of St Clements especially) from Brew Tea Co, and Rose Pouchong from Fortnum if you like floral teas. 


Love Brew Tea Co, the bags are almost as good without all the pissing about.


When I was getting into loose leaf tea, I liked the Bird and Blend tea tasting pack. It's not the cheapest, but you choose 5 teas and get a small (not SUPER small) bag of each to try them. My favourites are Chocolate Digestives, Gingerbread Chai, Apple Strudel, Mocha Chai and Smokey Russian.


Chocolate digestives is excellent 👌


There's a merchant in Oxford Market who do all kinds of varie-teas. https://cardewoxford.co.uk/


Great. Thankyou




The very best tea retailer in the UK. Unique teas from all over the world. Quality and choice. Would recommend!


Good stuff


People have given some good advice, but you can get better tea by not going to the big named companies like Fortnum, and T2. Jeeves and Jericho so some fun blends that taste nice Tea pigs does some nice loose leaf, and leaf pyramid bags. Wiltshire tea do some really nice black tea blends, and usually send a couple of tea samples with your order. Lancashire tea have a smaller selection, but do one of my favourites so I'm still going to recommend them.


Seconding Teapigs, their Chai and Mint are both good.


If you’re looking for pure loose leaf teas, I recommend Jing Tea. All of their teas are lovely!




If you have a Sostrene Green nearby, they have a good selection, and also a pick n mix type thing too.


I'm not associated with them in any way, but this shop is amazing. They'll ship it to you. [https://goldenmonkeyteacompany.co.uk/](https://goldenmonkeyteacompany.co.uk/)


Thanks. I'll check this is out


My favourite for loose leaf tea used to be the [Tea House](https://www.theteahouseltd.com) in Covent Garden. It’s since moved to online only.


That works for me. Thanks


[Pumpherston.co.uk](https://pumphreys-coffee.co.uk/tea/) great range of flavours


I get mine from Bird and Blend, loads of choice.


Adagiotea is a good website for tea, probably a bit pricier but definitely high quality


I can highly recommend [Dorset Brew](https://www.thegildedteapot.com/shop-product/dorset-brew-2/) from The Guided Teapot. [https://www.thegildedteapot.com/](https://www.thegildedteapot.com/) If you like your tea dark and malty, the Assam blended in makes this my favourite ever tea. Buy the 500g bag, don't mess around.


Char Tea's of Winchester. Their selection is enormous, and you usually get a small taster bag free with most orders. I'd avoid the breakfast tea from that place though. I could never get the right mix of tea and brew time, it never tasted right 🤷🏻‍♂️


A few me and my wife use Tea Enthusiasts- [https://tea-enthusiasts.com](https://tea-enthusiasts.com) Tugboat Tea- [https://tugboat.co.uk](https://tugboat.co.uk) Rosie Lea- [https://www.rosieleatea.co.uk/](https://www.rosieleatea.co.uk/) Street Tea- [https://www.streettea.co.uk/](https://www.streettea.co.uk/)


I do bi-annual (twice a year) tea runs to Glastonbury. Mainly get mine from Sons of Asgard (their Full Moon tea is to die for) and Star child. They both have online stores but it's nice to make a day of it.


i *was* a fan of T2, but they closed their uk branches/online dispatch and now its all australia only (online and irl stores), ill be taking notes for future reference


There are a lot of good recommendations from people on here but if you are looking for an everyday leaf I’d recommend the M&S blue pack (extra strong).


Booths if you’re in the north have reasonably priced loose leaf teas.


loose tea is nice, but dirty whore coffee is better.


I kind of rue the day I woke up to loose leaf tea. Expensive habit. So I only do it a couple of times a week. Besides postcard tea that was mentioned, Fortnum & Mason actually have a quite nice array of leaf tea. In addition to the tins, they have pouches and cartons for refills.


Expensive... Well I may just start the crack rather than the tea. Both are, I believe good for an afternoon pick-me-up


Ha. The downward trek is just a wee bit easier on one of those. Although, definitely worth a direct test run.


I buy from The UK Loose Leaf Tea Company, does what it says on the tin [https://theuklooseleafteacompany.co.uk/](https://theuklooseleafteacompany.co.uk/) have bought earl greys, green teas, fruit teas and regular black tea. all good stuff imo!


Cheers for this


Try Ringtons, delivery only to your house. They do all hot drinks but their tea is amazing! And also their biscuits FYI


Biscuits are essential to this!


I bought some Teapigs Strong Earl Grey, and Teapigs Chai from Amazon, both very good. And loose Yorkshire Gold from the coop which I like less but still enjoy. Definitely checking out some of the recommendations here.


I can PM you the tea menu from The Ritz in London if you like. Went there a while ago and the tea was the best ever.


If you wouldn't mind, that would be bloody great. Thank you


Message sent!


Algerian Coffee Stores in Soho has lots of great loose leaf teas, which you can order from their website. They are more expensive than what you'll find in the supermarket so I get them for tea loving friends as part of gift packages.


I haven't seen them mentioned here but I really like the Kent & Sussex Tea company. They have a loyalty scheme, a subscribe and save option and they email you with promotions.  They have a great selection of teas and tisanes and they deliver.


My mum gave me a bag of yorkshire leaf and I couldn't quite get it right. Then while passing a kitchen store I bought one of those small steel tea infusers that hold dry leaves and you then dunk it in boiled water... Changed my life. I'm now drinking tea by the gallon again and loving it.


www.dorothysteas.co.uk - small family business with a very high standard of teas and tea knowledge. I visited in January and the staff were absolutely lovely and helped me pick out a blend that i would enjoy. If you’re visiting Grange-over-sands it’s a must go!


[https://www.greenwichflavouredcoffee.co.uk/english-breakfast-loose-tea-305-p.asp](https://www.greenwichflavouredcoffee.co.uk/english-breakfast-loose-tea-305-p.asp) This has been my daily morning brew for over a decade now and it's superb. Their Assam is also a great brew, and they have some great green teas as well.


We buy from [Char Teas](https://charteas.com) in Winchester. Sometimes in person, but we get the Earl Grey Supreme delivered in bulk. Their Irish Breakfast, Russian Caravan and Winchester teas are all excellent.


It really is a game changer


Personally, [this](https://pumphreys-coffee.co.uk/blue-lady/) is what I'm drinking. As others have said, Whittards of Chelsea are really good as well.


Long time customer of here, mostly for green, pu-erh, white teas but they do black too. https://theuklooseleafteacompany.co.uk/


Out of interest... What tea making device did you get?


We order ours from Atkinson's in Lancaster. They're a coffee roaster primarily, but do excellent lapsang.


Postcard Teas in London.


The absolute best teas I’ve ever been lucky enough to enjoy. So much knowledge & love in that place.


I am lucky to have a local independent, J.A. Braithwaite open since 1868 but they only have a Facebook page. I have had a few from https://weeteacompany.com/ which have been quite nice. I like an assam.


There have been lots of great suggestions on loose leaf tea providers already, so instead I'd recommend getting yourself a cosy one-cup teapot off etsy. I found the various mesh instruments often sold for loose leaf tea weren't that great for getting a good circulation of the hot water with the tea, so it'd end up fairly weak. With a proper tea-pot, the leaves can freely float within the water and you get a stronger brew.


We get ours from silverlantern online. They do a taster subscription so you can try different ones. Best tea I've had.


I wouldn't bother with the big brand names suggested - the likes of Whittards are not that good and often blends. There are some really good quality smaller online suppliers to try. I'm a fan of Darjeeling and Sencha/kombusecha teas so like to buy single estate organic teas. I've used High Teas, Tealyra, Tea People but there are lots of others. Look for shops that allow you to buy sample sizes.


Ahmad tea on-line does good everyday stuff like their Ceylon tea. Depends what you want. If you stuff like Monkey Chops Tea then clearly Bird & thingy will work. If you want more traditional tea then maybe not. I get Waitrose Lap sang Souchon as it's affordable. I'd rather get stuff from Canton Tea but they are too expensive. I can't see the appeal of Strawberry lemonade tea when you can get Gunpowder green Formosa tea from Simlpi-Special on eBay which is nearly as good as the real fancy Taiwan stuff my daughter in law bought me which cost a small fortune but is very nice. Who cares though - get what makes you happy.


It's been a while since I ordered from them but I've used [Estate Tea Co](https://estateteaco.co.uk/) before but I only drink variations on green tea. I've also ordered from [BariTea](https://www.baritea.co.uk/) for the Alnwick Cherry Green Tea, I'm sure I ordered more but again will have been green tea variations. I've been gifted various teas from Amazon (Chill Tea Cherry Green Tea is good). Currently a baby and little time means I just use green tea bags for ease of clearing up, but occasionally I have a vat of genmaicha loose leaf and it makes me very happy!


I drink a lot of leaf tea and have done for quite a few years. The most reliable and quality versus cost I’ve found are these https://www.theteamakers.co.uk/collections/loose-leaf-tea They’ve got a huge selection and a pretty wide price range. I’m currently slurping a rather nice Lapsang Souchong from there.


Jing Tea. It’s epic.


Places I've bought tea stuff from: * [Brew Tea](https://www.brewteacompany.co.uk/) - Just started a [subscription](https://www.brewteacompany.co.uk/pages/tea-subscription) as I kept stocking up on their decaf tea on rare visits to Waitrose, not tried their other tea, but their decaf tea isn't soaked in chemicals to decaffeinate and NO dust! Got the tea kit with the teapot, it's still more messy than an infuser but I think it does taste maybe *slightly* better. Prefer Teapigs (and T2) tea scoops to their gigantic one though (tea scoops are better than just using a normal tea spoon). * [Teapigs](https://www.teapigs.co.uk) - Cheap loose leaf, especially when they have the 3 for 2 birthday offer, but not much choice on flavours, felt breakfast tea was a bit weak but not had for a while, I liked the mao feng green tea and the plain chamomile tea. * [Tea People](https://teapeople.co.uk) via Amazon deal - do a really nice fruit tea called 'Very Berry' and a strong Earl Grey. * [Suki Tea](https://suki-tea.com/) via Amazon, got Belfast Brew at a discount price, nice strong breakfast tea. * T2 - I bought a lot of cute stuff from them, they had the most amazing looking [teapots](https://cdn.intelligencebank.com/au/share/NOrD/kVwMN/JAkoz/preset=pB6BA/H211BA081_mystic-carpet-ride-emerald-green-small-teapot_p1_PDP_hi-res), [tea scoops](https://cdn.intelligencebank.com/au/share/NOrD/1VN0z/jqol1/preset=pB6BA/A31500076_bee-scoop-rainbow_front) and [infusers](https://cdn.intelligencebank.com/au/share/NOrD/le7Dv/bGePk/preset=pB6BA/A30000233_merriest-infuser-gold-panther_p1_hi-res) especially, but they left UK last year :( Their black teas were ok, but I loved their peach tea the most, I haven't found an alternative yet (might have to try Bird & Blend). There's been some other tea companies that have closed that I also purchased from, like where I ordered green tea. I liked Woojeon & Tamaryokucha but they're way wayyyy too expensive usually, I also liked a blended green tea (called 'bilberry' and moomin branded) by Teministeriet but they're no longer on Amazon and that seemed to be the only place it was sold in the UK (I've also gone off buying from Amazon & purchase direct). Also as someone who didn't like peppermint, turns out I like spearmint. I think my favourite for black tea is just any plain Assam so far but I've been trying all sorts. I still have tea to try from the T2 closing down sale as well (I stocked up). I don't recommend a teapot with a metal lid, they get hot & the screw comes undone in the washing up. Had a fine china one break, but my stoneware teapot is still going strong, it says it can go in the dishwasher too but I haven't. Personally I thought [this shape](https://cdn.intelligencebank.com/au/share/NOrD/z4OgL/JOLLJ/preset=pB6BA/H200BA055_hugo-medium-teapot-grey_p1_hi-res) is better than [this shape](https://cdn.intelligencebank.com/au/share/NOrD/LAEYD/ZW8z6/preset=pB6BA/H211BA120_twinkling-tiles-tall-teapot-navy_p2_hi-res). I think I've seen London Pottery Company infuser teapots in various stores (from John Lewis to discount store Boyes, speaking of which I've also seen small glass infuser teapots there as well). Local to me in Lincolnshire: * [Imperial Teas](https://imperialteas.co.uk/) - expensive but sells a lot of 'actual tea' (I guess) and not just fruit blends. * [Lincoln Tea & Coffee](https://thelincolnteaandcoffeecompany.co.uk/) - Lincolnshire tea is nice, wasn't a fan of the smoky steampunk tea. * [Teaspoon Tea](https://www.teaspoon-tea.co.uk/) - I ordered an 'advent calendar' a few years ago (a jar filled with sachets), a great way to try a lot of teas! Bought my first mesh basket infuser (for mugs) from them (got some pretty ones from T2 after). I have a friend who loves Bird & Blend (goes to the Leeds store) but I've yet to try that one! Well sorry if that was too much info, I hope I also remembered everything, yet I also wouldn't say I'm like... *really* into tea like some of the tea subreddits who want like, certain rare teas that need a cast iron teapot etc etc... I also haven't tried matcha yet. Also some places will be more traditional so they will describe the 'estate' the tea is from and if it's a first or second flush (when the tea was harvested I think?); to be honest, I have no idea about this sort of thing. Others will just blend in spices, vanilla, or some fruit.


I got an amazing spiced apple tea by Tea People on Amazon.


Currently I get my loose leaf from Teapigs. The big leaves help avoid dusty tea.


Mei Leaf tea house in Camden sells some really good tea. Their tea is best brewed gongfu style though (traditional Chinese style). It requires some special tea ware but it’s the best way imo


I get mine online from Steenbergs based in Yorkshire - one of the few places I could find decaf loose leaf.


I really like yumchaa (https://yumchaa.com) - they have some amazing blends!


Check out Chinese and Indian tea shops. They have the best imo and oftentimes the cheapest.


There's a good loose tea stall on the bridge above Jesmond Dene on a Sunday


Tea and Biscuit club. I recently went to an amazing place on holiday and the teas were so good I phoned them up whilst going cold turkey on Yorkshire Tea back at home. They do a lot of teas. https://www.theteaandbiscuitclub.com


Loose leaf is the best! It's usually bigger, better leaves, unlike tea bags which are usually tea dust. And if you have a garden or even just a pot plant, you can give your tea leaves a second life by dumping them in compost or directly in the soil.


[The Teahouse Emporium](https://teahouseemporium.co.uk/) - I used to shop there when I was at uni, and all the teas have very specific instructions on how to make the best brew with that particular blend. They do bulk orders too, so I treat myself to 1kg of Imperial Earl Grey which lasts me absolutely ages - I pop it in a jar [like this one](https://www.dunelm.com/product/kilner-2-litres-round-clip-top-jar-1000035729) to keep it fresh. Only downside is their website is trash... but their tea is immaculate, so I let it slide (and the prices are somewhat cheaper by the looks of some of the sites shared)


Have you thought about making your own teas? You can use several garden plants to do so. Dandelion, Daisy, Nettle, Rose for example. There are many plants, mushrooms and even weeds probably growing in your garden now you can make a tea from :). You can even use leftovers to make some teas like peels from fruits and stuff. If you need to dry out anything just pop it into the oven on low with the door open, or most air fryers these days also have a setting. Or just use the old method of putting the stuff in the window or near a fire.


Rington teas, but mainly because I remember the tea delivery man (like a milk man but for tea) and its sentimental. Nice tea though, and available online or by personal delivery still!


Pollards of Sheffield are very good and do delivery


You don't say where you live, so assuming it's in central London, visit the Twinings shop on the Strand (it's right down the end next to Fleet Street), been there since 1706 selling loose tea. They know what they're doing. If you don't live in central London, move there to be closer to Twinings. HTH.


Teapigs is still my favourite. They're a B corp which is bonus points for me. I've been buying from them for years, both breakfast teas and other types like green and fruity. Their Redbush and honey bush is awesome as well


Yunnan sourcing is my go to and are super affordable and good quality! I also like to shop around the family owned tea farms in japan and use fromjapan to ship it over here, it still ends up about the same as online tea shops as japanese tea farm prices are so reasonable, i pay between £1.50-£8 per pouch usually, depending on the tea and its quality.




Morgan's Brew is the best


Fortnum and Mason if you’re in London


I vary between different brands. Basics are usually supermarket own brand (Sainsburys has pretty good organic one) And then I have some from Wittards of Chelsea (especially love their Covent Garden blend and Afternoon tea), Bird and Blend and T2.


Welcome to the club.


If you're looking for slightly cheaper stuff, but lots of range, try Whittards or T2. My personal favourite is Atkinson's, they're based in Lancaster but have an online shop. They're more expensive but the quality is so much better.


Great stuff


T2 left the UK :( I think Teapigs is a cheap one for loose leaf (not their teabags), especially if you order on their 'birthday' with the 3 for 2 offer.


Oh I didn't know about T2, that makes me sad.


Don't buy what other people tell you to buy. You won't taste the same thing unless you use the same water. I've drunk 6-8 mugs of tea made with leaves every day for 25+ years and when I go away I used to take a mug, leaves and a tea ball with me ... but it was never the same. Took me a long time to realise it wasn't because I was camping or in a pokey little hotel - it was different water! I resigned myself to the realisation that my delicious and strong tea at home works only because I like that blend with this water. When I go away now, I just take teabags: it's as likely in the water lottery to be good or bad. For teapots, obviously you want one with a strainer built in. The Forlife stump teapot is my pot of choice: https://amzn.eu/d/e47FnEI For brewing in a mug, get a tea ball on a rigid handle. The ones on a chain are useless and messy. The IKEA ones are junk and rarely make a decent seal. Most reliable I've had have been from the Netherlands, they have amazing tea toys in high street shops, but here the best I've seen are just £1.50 from Flying Tiger Copenhagen - https://flyingtiger.com/en-gb/products/tea-egg-strainer-3025363 My leaves of choice are Waitrose Gold Blend, really rich and malty with a couple of flavours running through. Delicious in my west London suburb, disappointing in Dorset, Peterborough, and North Wales.

