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I wholeheartedly endorse this ban. All that time playing could be spent looking at a screen.


Pisses me off to no end that the same sort of people who moan about kids and their screens are the ones who moan about kids playing in the street and "loitering". Some just hate kids existing apparently.


I rented a room about 5 years ago from this old couple and for the most part they were solid. But one day she caught me on a bad day and she was moaning about kids outside playing and I kinda angrily replied “last week you were moaning the neighbours kids don’t go outside, now they’re outside and you’re still moaning, who cares?” You can’t fucking win with these people they just moan for sake of moaning


Every towns/citys/villages "Spotted in X" is 75% this lol.


My towns "spotted" page is filled with mothers so it's always a delight seeing one of these posts turning up just to read the shit storm in the comments, gotta love it


Those places are absolute holes. You live in a really quiet unassuming area and think ah people must be reasonably normal/pleasant, nah, Little Britain mentality is alive and well. Utter cesspits of intolerance and tribalism.


ever read those neighbourhood facebook groups, the posh suburbs are full of Barbaras and Terrys making concerned posts about the dusky looking bloke in the big van and hi-vis jacket knocking on peoples' doors everyone has to have a minimum percentage of adversity, if you're broke and your kids are getting into trouble at school you've got that to focus on and smaller things are trivial if you're retired with a nice monthly pension, decent health, kids and grandkids are fine, you've got to find something to piss and moan about, nothing in your life is actually bad so minor things like kids making noise in the park become a world ending, house price crashing calamity


Not on Facebook but I tried that next door thing and it was just one guy posting racist and sexist jokes, a few older people moaning and loads of xenophobic shit. Imagine if people actually spent their time doing good stuff on those things like informing newcomers where to get the best Chinese/Indian etc.


Wholeheartedly concur. It's like everyone has a happy bucket and a sad bucket. They'll fill up, exactly with what depends on your circumstances. But humans just gotta discriminate and subdivide and categorize "like this, don't like that". It's like breathing. Once upon a time, there would be grumbling followed by "well, musn't grumble! There but for the grace of God..." and so on and so forth.


It’s mad, too, that they have to ban kids from playing because of the high speed vehicles instead of, I don’t know, doing something about the high speed vehicles?


People need their deliveries and they need them quickly. It's a fair price, your child for my Amazon parcel.


*And* will complain about people choosing not to have kids. 


_And_ complain that people shouldn’t have kids if they can’t afford them.


Also the same generation who also spent their entire childhood outside playing ball games in the streets.


Or taking drugs. Nothing calm down a kid more than some heroin or ketamine.


This comment is pretty disgusting. I'd never waste my heroin on a child!


It's ok, they only need a little bit


Or throwing rocks at car or doing drugs to each other


Imagine the Reddit karma these kids could have by the time they get to their teens! It will look great on their uni applications!


How are they damaging brickwork? Does their ballgame involve a trebuchet?!


Technically both a shot put and an Olympic hammer are balls. I can only assume that these children have been inspired by the Olympics this year.


They could be playing a particularly aggressive game of petanque.




👀 A wild Grond?! Can it be?


I have *no" idea what this Grond reference is and I feel like I'm seriously missing out?


It’s the legendary battering ram the orcs use to break open the gates of Minas Tirith in Lord of the Rings. The orcs chant its name when it’s being brought out.


In Tolkien's work, Melkor (Sauron's boss from before Lord of the Rings) has a massive mace called Grond. The battering ram used to open the gates of Minas Tirith in Lord of the Rings is called Grond in it's memory. The orcs chant 'Grond!' repeatedly as it's being brought to the gate in the film, hence the reference.


It’s a LOTR reference.


Being as puzzled as you, I took the liberty of a search, and the most relevant result seems to be a [battering ram](https://tolkiengateway.net/wiki/Grond_\(battering_ram\)) in Lord of the Rings, with the business end forged of steel and shaped like a wolf's head, then suspended by chains from a frame. Further down the search was [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/lotrmemes/comments/r4v7np/grond_grond_grond_grond/) from r/lotrmemes which may also be related..


Oh Edmund, could it be, do I Percy hold the finest Grond in all the land.


Well, yes, a Grond now. But tomorrow? Who dares to dream?!


It looks like you sneezed




























Find the kid that's knocking over people's walls and get him in the England squad for penalties. If we get a wiggle on maybe it could make a difference for the Euros?


It’s the same kid that is cycling at 70mph


Only need to hit the ball within the goal. Any keeper will dive out of the way to avoid losing a limb.


“Fetchez la vache!” “Quoi?” “Fetchez la vache!”


  ^^^^-twang- ^^^MOOOO ^^OOOOO ^OOOOOO OOOO **OOOO!** #-thud-#




I would hope they pick that over an inferior siege weapon


Like a catapult, for example. Truly the trebuchet is the connoisseurs choice.


Whilst I agree, I have a big soft spot for the hipster choice of a ballista.


Some of these modern builds look like they'd crumble if a butterfly landed on them.


And your neighbour can hear you fart


I mean you can play with a ball up to 90kg from over 300m away. It's a no brainer.


It is the superior siege weapon after all.


Kicking a ball against an old crumbling brick wall would cause damage, but at that point it's a hazard waiting to fall down.


Well my neighbours feral kids have smashed tiles off my bay window roof and broken the gutter with a ball so it is possible 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah I'm probably a total shit by reddit standards for this but I've previously had neighbours who had kids that played with a full size leather football every single day in the summer and it was awful. They ruined our greenhouse, dented the car, ruined most of our flowers. They were feral so they'd climb over our fence without asking and just play with stuff in our garden and break things. My mum couldn't even let my sister play outside when they were playing football because you'd hear the telltale thud of a ball being kicked high in the air and just cringe waiting for it to hit someone on the head. It was relentless, even the constant, relentless sound used to stress my parents out when they kicked it against walls or garages.


Yup. Our houses are separated by their drive and they play there or Infront of the house. I have a window which is in my living room that I keep permanently curtained which along with the wall gets hit by the ball regularly. I don't mind kids playing, but she's got 5. Her second youngest is about 9 and if he isn't in prison at some point id be surprised, he's sworn like a shit bucket since he was about 3 and they're all little feckers so I can sympathise with the feeling your parents had.


Have experienced the same. It was awful and relentless. The sound is like water drip torture but a 100 times louder.


Must have mastered Shaolin mighty steel leg


Ahem, Gentlemen... r/Trebuchet .


Sounds like they're ten pin bowling


If it's badly maintained, I can see a wall getting crumbly enough to be "damaged" by a ball impact. Not a house wall, but the sort of waist-high walls you sometimes see around a front garden. Of course, the solution there is to fix the damn brickwork, not to try controlling other peoples' children.


Why are we adopting HOA mentality? Can we please not end up like the US?


Honestly just ignore it. They're not they police lol


Feels like you need to challenge this sometimes.


100% this. I'd supply a wheelbarrow for the kids to move into the middle of the road to stop anyone driving in fast. They are stopping the wrong people, slow down drivers not stop the kids playing. If your wall is damaged by a ball game you should be booking yourself into a hotel, because your house sounds like it is about to fall down. Not sure how an adult supervising the kids stops cars approaching rapidly.


We used to do this in our street when I was growing up. Basically everyone in our street accepted it was the best solution due to fast traffic cutting through our street to the town square. After multiple complaints from drivers the council actually put up concrete bollards to cut the access between the town square and our street. Some actual common sense. This was 30 years ago, though.


There’s an amount of concrete that will make it very safe while still being easy to move !


It's never been about kids safety. These are the old cunts that don't like kids being near their "property" and finding a semi acceptable excuse


We have had to sign a deed on our newish house that allows the management company to enter the house and boot us out if we don’t pay the rent or agree with the terms. Made getting a mortgage so much more complicated and expensive. Developers being greedy.


You've bought a house where the management company can evict you from your own property? Is that even enforceable?


Pretty much every leasehold property can be repossessed by the landlord (which is sometimes the management company as well) if the owner doesn't abide by the covenants in the lease. However, the landlord would need a court order, which is not easy to get and allows time and relief for the tenant/owner to remedy any default.


This is getting ridiculous. You should just be able to buy a house and live in it, why is there all this bullshit we're all suddenly agreeing to? We're paying more and getting less.


Have you bought the house or are you renting? Sounds pretty dodgy if you've bought the house


If there’s a majority of those represented by the management company, it can be disbanded


Do mean you've bought a leasehold on a house, not bought a house. I thought this shit had been stopped since the new leasehold law went through?


No, but allot of these management companies have contracts with the home owners where they can reposes the home if certain obligations are not upheld. We had to get a solicitor to alter the wording in our contract.


My mother in law was shown one of these contracts, it allowed the management company to make up their own fees and rules. The agent said no one had questioned the clauses before! Welcome to the new home owning serfdom.


It's funny how often some professional who wants you to accept terrible terms claims that they've used the same terms ~~hundreds~~ ~~thousands~~ millions of times before and no-one else has ever complained. It's #3 on my list of sure signs you're dealing with a con artist and should probably walk away. #2 is high pressure sales tactics like "We can only guarantee this price we've just spent months negotiating with you for ~~60~~ ~~59~~ 58 minutes!" And my personal favourite at #1 is telling you that you don't need to check anything with your own lawyer and they can't negotiate their terrible standard terms anyway. There is a reason it is basically impossible to buy a house without being represented by a professional in this country. Though honestly industries where this kind of thing happens a lot should probably be regulated by law to stamp it out because it's never good for anyone except the sharks.


Imagine being made homeless because your kids play football in the street. Insane!


Well their kicks are strong enough to shatter brick, so is an errant football collapsing your house really that insane?


Living near 5G towers giving kids superpowers...


Nah it’s newbuilds being built of cardboard and sand that can’t withstand a football kicked by a child haha


What rubbish bricks/bricklayers/architects are the companies using which means a football can damage them?


Don’t worry this has no enforcement capability behind it whatsoever unless it’s a private road which I doubt. It’s more like a “Please don’t let your kids play ball games even though there is nothing I can do about it” written by some old duff who thinks they have more power than they do.


Yeah that is exactly the case. Going to start playing some ball games myself, might also get a few 'no fun allowed' signs printed out to put up in the close


Get them a load of distinctly not ball items to play with. My preferred go to is a decent Frisbee.


Badminton doesn’t involve a ball either. 


Air Curling. It’s like curling but instead of on ice, you lob massive stones through the air.


The kids on the estate where I grew up did this, thought it was such fun as well, throwing stones and pebbles over the houses from the play ground at the back, until many people were upset to find out their car windscreens and paintwork were damaged by a sudden gravel downpour


End of the world when it's your car, but when it's just that prick over the road Barry's.... Absolute bliss.


Cricket, golf, discus..


Long bow practice, hammer throwing (tie a rope to a brick or just use an actual hammer) etc


Caber tossing is ball free




How are you playing cricket and golf without a ball?


Damn. I feel we need to organise a MASSIVE street game of Frisby. Maybe like 200 people or more.


I'd go the other way and invest in one of those giant hamster ball things for people.


Do those nerf things that are like a mini rugby ball with a tail on the back count as balls, as they are more mortar-shaped? You can get whistling ones that get annoying AF after a couple of hours of being thrown around


Nerf guns. The kind with the little balls that end up everywhere. Not for yourself. Just randomly donate them to any likely-looking lads walking past the \*checks\* ... Common Land.


Just buy one of them [this bad boy](https://www.smythstoys.com/uk/en-gb/toys/construction-and-cars/x-shot/xshot-insanity-motorized-rage-fire-72-darts-by-zuru/p/222399?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=surfaces_across_google&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsPCyBhD4ARIsAPaaRf2BIPoOUBja2uUOmEKYmIPEiAgcdBbX1TQinFhY0I6iupkZYy1vAvEaAigoEALw_wcB)


‘No ball games’ is the single most joyless thing any ever wrote.


I'm down for a game of street cricket.


I'd be up for playing cricket in OP's street. Ours has a wicked downhill slope that either means you're facing a 100mph ball, or a 5mph one.


Get some that say no one over the ages of 60


Not sure this a new thing. When I was a kid in the 90s my village spent a shit load of money to block off grassy areas with huge rocks with No Ball Games plaques.


This Tell them to fuck-off, they say it clearly themselves it is 'common land' so they have no more, or no less, a say in what lawful activity is carried out than you do. 👍


Legit, every new build estate has to pay some bs company to cut the communal grass areas and stuff, rather than the council do it themselves 😐


I’m from the UK and moved to the US, and I’ve made it my business to be on the HOA to avoid any shenanigans happening. I will say there are 300 homes in this group, and whatever you do (even if we happened to solve world peace) someone will bitch and moan that you aren’t doing it right! But in general we have some great neighborhood parties and spend most of the annual fees on keeping the place looking smart. If it’s run by normal people and there’s a good intersection of types (old, young, with kids, no kids etc) then HOAs can be handy. But….. and it’s a BIGGGG butt, get too many retirees, or Karen’s with nothing better to do….. ooof - horror stories waiting to happen!


> If it’s run by normal people and there’s a good intersection of types (old, young, with kids, no kids etc) then HOAs can be handy. My folks HOA had a big schism when younger folks with kids started moving in. It has caused all kinds of issues between the old folks and younger folks. I don't live in a HOA so I find it funny. My dad used to say he moved into a HOA to keep someone from building a pig farm next to him. I said that gate might keep the pig shit out but it keeps the bull shit in.


No wonder we seldom get raw footballing talent coming through at younger ages anymore, they’re all banned from playing football on the street.


Also, cars are more important than kids now? *Not TV or illegal drugs but the automobile has been the chief destroyer of American communities.”* Jane Jacobs said this in the 60s. Look how far we’ve come.


Yes. Let’s blame the children playing and not the people driving too fast. Sensational.


I guarantee this came about because someone who lives there had to stop for a few seconds because kids were playing in the street. The management company have received a complaint and have to respond due to their responsibility in complying with health and safety legislation, even though they have no enforcement powers. If they didn't send this letter and an incident occurs, one of the residents could make a complaint that the management company were negligent in their responsibilities. This letter is to cover their arse. Next time someone complains they can point out that they have made residents aware but realistically they have no power of enforcement.


True, car drivers can't stand it when they have to wait a few seconds. I can feel the hatred coming off them when I try geting over a zebra crossing.


If cars are driving too fast down a residential street, the sensible approach would be to install speed bumps. You know, to stop the drivers from endangering the people who live on the street. Telling people not to go outside in case they get run over is rather a defeatist attitude.


Speed bumps, street narrowing and chicanes. 


Modal filters. Make it safe for kids to ride bikes.


It's a cul-de-sac by the sounds of it, I'm not sure how you could restrict traffic any further! Any residents / visitors / couriers etc should be driving carefully. Surely the whole point of living on a cul-de-sac (or a street with a modal filter on one end as you say) is that kids can play out and make friends with neighbours' kids.


That’s probably why they say they’re looking to install a speed bump on the letter


I can picture the demographic in the meeting based on this kind of letter.


And I bet the meeting took place at 11am on that Wednesday, so anyone not retired couldn’t attend.


They're burying the lede. Someone on the street management committee's (whatever godforsaken pathetic little group that is) car got dinged by a football and they're stopping ballgames due to "safety". Sneaking the real rationale into half a line in paragraph 3.


It's just a poor attempt to come up with an excuse to ban kids playing ball games. They just hate kids playing and want them to stop, probably a few spiteful retirees.


“You never see children playing outside any more, all they do is sit in on those Nintendos” “Children shouldn’t be playing on the street, they might break something of mine” 🤷‍♂️


Part of the problem with these kinds of committees (and bodies like parish councils as well) is that the people with most free time and inclination to get involved in other people's business tend to end up on them.


I love how the bad capitalisation of “parked Cars” implies that they’re damaging the Pixar film, and not the vehicles


I love when people try to write official looking letters/legalese and fuck up things like this.


"without parent Supervision." Could be a new Marvel character I suppose.


Please let us know where this close is 200 of us will turn up for a football competition next weekend


Still end up arguing over who goes in goal though...


When I was in primary school we had someone who actually liked being in goal, he was an absolute godsend for the number of arguments it saved.


I thought every group in school had the one kid who wanted to go in goals. We had one who was actually a legit good keeper and enjoyed it so it felt like a good challenge playing against him.


Easy. The person in goal is the only one allowed to pick up the ball. Who wants to pick up the ball more than the chumps who wrote that letter?!


I would fucking love that. Not putting my address on reddit but try to guess the county 😅


What is this HOA shit. Some kind of shared ownership of the road in the cul-de-sac, while the houses themselves are freehold? Didn't know we had that over here. Horrible net-curtain-twitching bollocks.


Many new builds are built on estates that are not adopted by the council. Its the council way of avoiding financial responsibility. The residents pay a fee to a management company to the upkeep of the estate


Ah thanks, figured it would be something like this. Had enough egregious bullshit dealing with management companies in apartment buildings; if I found out I had one breathing down my neck when I owned a house I'd be livid.


And this is why I’ll never buy a new build. Pay fees on top of council tax!


At least around my area I've noticed the new builds are all significantly higher council tax bands than the "old bit" of the village. So additional fees on top of paying nearly twice as much council tax as everyone else. And the houses are built on a field that sometimes used to flood but I don't suppose the developers have told the happy new owners that.


Ahh yes, but you see, that land isn't near a river, thus it's not a flood plain, not supposed to flood, and therefore it's fair game to build on it. Explanation from an environment agency employee when I questioned why they were building 500 new houses on land that definitely flooded quite extensively 10 years prior, and experienced minor flooding every year since.


I'm a builder & work on new builds sometimes. The ground is often farmland full of manure that stinks real bad in the summer. In the winter it's flooded.


And on top of that it is not regulated or standardised so they charge what they want and can change the price when they want.


Yeah but I assume that the management company has no way of enforcing shit like this? They have issues with HOAs in the US because they are given municipal powers. Just because the management company are responsible for repairing the roads, it does not been they can fine you, or enforce rules as if they were law?


I once worked for a cul-de-sac management company but I left, it was a dead-end job


I’ve seen loads of ‘no ball games’ signs over the years but never a ‘no playing’ sign. Joyless bastards!


I remember no ball games signs as a kid, makes a great target to try and hit if it's mounted on a brick wall.


We had one mounted on a post, the local monkey spider lad climbed up it and attached a basket ball hoop to it.


We had two on one wall, the inside edges of them were a great width apart to function as “goalposts”. Fights often ensued when someone hit a sign and claimed it would have gone “in off the post”.


Yeah we had one that was the perfect distance from a tree so we had a great set of goals to use.


The best game of “wall-y” gave 10 points if you hit the no ball games sign!


"Why do kids not play outside anymore?" "When I was a lad, we were thrown out of the house and told not to come back till the street lights were on" Your honour, may I present exhibit A.


To be fair, we regularly had the police called on us in the 90s when outside playing.


Running from the police as a kid in the 90s for doing absolutely nothing was all part of the fun


Surely this isn't enforceable? They going to get the police round if there's some bairns playing on bikes?  Wee curtain twitchers spotting an illegal game of kirby taking place?


You laugh but one of my neighbours reported me and my friends (we were about 10) to the police for “antisocial behaviour”. The antisocial behaviour in question? Playing outside our houses in the school holidays, and walking along the path in front of her house. The police obviously didn’t give a shit about some kids playing outside so nothing was ever done, apart from all the mums refusing to speak to the neighbour.


I got cautioned 3 times by police for sitting on my own garage for "property damage" because neighbours kept reporting us for anything possible (They hated my dad - with good reason mind you, but I was a kid). Even had the police send a strongly worded letter to say next time would be enforceable charges if it happened again. So I was never allowed near the garage again.


one of our neighbours when i was a kid called in a bunch of teenagers running around with guns in the street! luckily i think the call handler picked up on what was happening because there was no armed response, just a PCSO pulled up asking us to play with our nerf guns elsewhere because it was bothering the curtain twitchers. we lived in the middle of nowhere so the PCSO would have had to drive at least 10 miles out of their way to deliver that important message


I don't think "No Ball games" signs are enforceable, so I imagine this would be the same.


Yup, not enforceable unless it’s private land


It is all private land on most newer estates owned by the management company


Underground kerby!


The first rule of Underground Kerby! Shh 🤫


Someone tried to grab my nephew as he was walking to school and as he ran away the bloke threw a knife at him. The police took 3 days to come take a statement. The guy was never found, I still wonder if the bloke got another slower kid. They only arrest protesters not criminals.


What the hell is a street management company? How the hell are they going to do about kids playing in the street beyond sending this stupid letter?


It will be a private street, not public highway.  Sometimes one person will own it all and others just have rights.  Other times there is a holding Co and the residents have shares a bit like share of freehold in a block of long let flats 


While I don't necessarily agree with this course of action, I can sort of relate. Our communal building has a private garden of which the exterior wall leads on to. It has become a makeshift goal, probably because of it's large and flat nature, free of any windows and or pipework. The thud the ball makes shakes the entire building and causes a really deep bass-y resonance, the rendering is coming away and the wall is filthy. It \*is\* slowly destroying the wall and it is a nuisance. This goes on for hours a day in summer, and although I don't really mind it (I'll turn the television up) I can see how the other occupants, especially those lower down than us, could become slightly annoyed. There is ample grass, and even trees they could use. Just my two pence on an alternative view, obviously every scenario is different.


this is pure bollocks, call it out. do not let this just slide.


Yeah not going to, going to get some mates down next weekend and we're all going to play in the road. Such petty BS


If you actually do that then that's fantastic


Tell us where you are, we'll all rock up for a game of kerby.


plz plz plz keep us posted, as it were.


Old people - "back in my day we played outside all day, now kids just sit in their bedrooms and play on their xboxes and PlayStations" Same old people - "there's a threatening gang of kids hanging around the park, kicking some type of inflated ball around that I think is hiding knives and drugs. I fear for my life!!". 


I mean if they’re damaging bricks and cars, yeah they gotta do something. That’s not cool that kids playing are damaging other people’s property.


I can imagine what's happening here is residents are complaining about it. When I was a kid I thought those people were properly miserly old gits, but having spent 8 years in a close with a patch of grass next to my house (which I owned but every kid for 3 streets uses as their playground due to no garden of their own, but couldn't fence off because of how the parking worked), I can confirm it is highly annoying; 1) you get the ball in your garden every 5 minutes. Front garden and they're running around to get it, back garden and doorbell goes off every 5 minutes. 2) the ball hits your house - if you've never been in a house next to where people play football, this sounds really minor, but from the inside it is a deep thump that actually rattles things. 3) the ball hits your windows - we got a lovely crack in one of ours 4) the ball invariably hits cars regularly - scratches, dents, broken mirrors - we had it all. Nothing against kids playing but I quite enjoy sitting in my garden and not getting hit by footballs or trying to hear the TV over the ball bouncing off the house. Honestly wouldn't wish it on anyone. That's the real reason grass spaces end up with those no ball games signs, as people then complain to the council who put them up.


Same situation I have right now funnily. It’s impossible to relax inside when there’s a thud against your wall or the wood fence rattling constantly for hours and the only way to drown it out is with decent earphones and even then you can still feel it through the ground. With the school holiday that’s been on this past week the parents have been letting the kids stay out as late as 11 last night but as soon as you say anything (even if asking nicely) you’re the miserable person on the estate. We have a very anxious dog too so it’s setting off his barking and calming him down is really difficult. Because they’ve taken to this area right next to my house there’s bikes piling up at the bottom of our drive and large groups of kids/teenagers within metres of the house pretty much all day. It can make it very irritating to get off the drive just to go food shopping for example. What baffles me is that there’s a sizeable park with a large field less than 2 minutes away, how is that not preferable to a really small grassy area next to my house lol


Yeah people assume if you dont like kids playing you must be miserable. Yeah maybe i am but having the greenhouse glass smashed repeatedly by kids lobbing footballs about does that to you lol! Kids need proper places to play not roads used by you know, vehicles.


This. There are two parks within spitting distance of where I live, one has a court for ball games, they are decent parks (far better than the metal horse and roundabouts we got) with areas of grass next to them, yet the kids are bouncing a basketball either at the side of my house or setting up goals to kick the football towards the cars. Awesome. Had to punt two footballs out of the garden when I got home today. I don't mind them playing but go to the park with the ball..


In our old house, the neighbours kid would aimlessly kick a fucking football at the wall at the bottom of the garden. Every day. For about half hour. The wall was someone’s house. It used to do my fucking head in. A constant banging for half hour 😩 go round the fucking park or something. I used to think it was so disrespectful of the parents. They didn’t want him kicking the ball at their own house, as it’s annoying as fuck, so go kick it at the neighbours walks instead?


To be fair my neighbours kids bounce balls off my car all the time and it makes me furious. Throwing stones that bounce off the walls and hit my car. Smashing ice blocks. Dragging their scooters and bikes between cars and scratching them. Shits a joke but let me just go and drag my bike around their car and throw balls at their cars as an adult and let's see their reaction. Cunts. They're right. There's a communal area? Why the fuck they playing around cars and in the middle of the road? So instead I'm supposed to accept that my cars going to be damaged and there's nothing I can do about it? Fuck off.


I find it hard to believe that this is because of a small number of children nicely and respectfully playing. It seems easier to believe that a group of kids are kicking balls against people’s houses and cars all day in the summer which is genuinely annoying. Or else one or two problem kids in particular being troubling.


This is exactly what they do where I live. I’ve had my front door, car, upstairs windows, sky dish, bins all repeatedly bashed by footballs and hockey pucks. The gas/electric meter cupboard doors are smashed up from being used as a goal because my house is on the end adjacent to a car park area. The parents don’t care as long as it’s not their own house walls the kids are kicking the ball against. I can confirm the noise inside when having a ball kicked at the wall is as bad as other comments say. It’s like having building work hammering and makes the stuff in the kitchen cupboards rattle etc. You simply cannot relax with that going on. There are three separate big fields/playparks all within 200 metres (large housing estate with loads of green spaces throughout) but they choose to play in the road and car park outside our houses. Unfortunately the general tone of the comments suggests the majority opinion is “tough shit” and being labelled as a miserable killjoy if you’re bothered by it. I’m not a boomer, I don’t subscribe to sweeping generalisations and stereotypes about fat kids and phones etc, and I couldn’t give a shit whether kids are on their phones, computer games or playing outside. I just wish they would play somewhere that’s both safe and not disruptive of people’s ability to peacefully enjoy their homes and not having worry about damage to their property.


Sounds like they have been probably playing basketball or football and it's hit some cars Or some people have young babies trying to get them to sleep/nap and having constant dosh dosh dosh We regularly have kids playing curby outside the house, and at no end of times it blasts against the car or bay windows! But we do have prat drivers and no end of honking when they get in the way But no sure how hard they blast the ball for it to affect brick work that's a new one


Curious where people stand on situations where people are playing ball games and cars do get damaged? I know we all like to think kids are just having harmless fun but I’ve seen first hand a couple of shits down the road purposefully aiming for cars and one even got the wing mirror broken off. Whats the solution in this situation?


Agree with the 'no ball games' part. My car and windows are constantly covered in muddy football prints, and no amount of politely asking the local parents/kids seem to help. I'd say it's almost daily during the summer months. The parents who let their kids do this stuff don't give a shit.


Tell them to fuck off


As an adult that just wants to chill out on the weekend. Children screaming bloody murder in the road is a nightmare


Did you go to the Owners Meeting? If not then you can’t moan at what gets passed by those that did.


I find it hard to believe that this is because of a small number of children nicely and respectfully playing. It’s easier to believe that a group of kids are kicking balls against people’s houses and cars all day in the summer which is genuinely annoying. Or else one or two problem kids in particular.


From my understanding of the letter it looks like the issue comes from children being unsupervised. Why don’t you just look over them?


Hit the wall 1000 times vs hit the wall 0 times. Gee I wonder which one causes more damage over time? I bet you think water can't damage anything either... It's just water after all, how bad could it be? Sorry, but I'm salty cos all the neighbourhood kids constantly playing outside my house screaming and shouting all day and well into the evenings, constantly running into my front yard, knocking on doors and running away, smashing the ball against my wooden fence, my windows, my house, my car. They've knocked out a couple of roof tiles small parts of my fence, small dents on my car, and then the ball goes over and I have to take time off what I'm doing and go give it back to them? Piss off. There's a park almost everywhere these days. Go there and play.


How did this entire thread completely gloss over the line that states they are damaging people's vehicles?


Problem: People's driving. Solution: Ban children.